Here is my reasoning.

A: Getting away with calls for genocide
B: Calls for violence
C: Calls for terrorist acts
D: Etc.
And it is only escalating at an exponential rate, with more left getting more and more bold and brash with such messages.
And we all know that Tumblr's founder is ashamed of what Tumblr became.
That is what Jack has to look forward to when he goes through with this.
What @Jack is doing is HELPING secure Trump 2020.
Jack's Twitter purge will assist in that.
But, again, long haul. The damage they'll do to themselves will be worth it.
It will speed up the redpills from when they start cannibalizing themselves when we're gone.
It will create more people disillusioned with the left.
It will create even more #MakeAmericaGreatAgain .
Without any conservatives/right to bully, they'll turn on their own.
We know that for a fact.
So let it happen.
The best part is that they are going to willingly do everything I just described to themselves, and we will get to watch it all,.