I could show you just the most relevant excerpts but I've ended up analyzing the whole transcript, bc it was such a good meeting.


This part argues that this time it's DIFFERENT and he will ensure it gets done. His reasoned optimism is maintained for the whole meeting, which is superbly facilitated.

He is good at this.
He invites discussion - no one took him up on this point, despite ample opportunity.

One of Trump's core policy/political values, which is shared by the "ordinary voters" he sought to represent. It's wisdom, common sense & a mainstream policy analysis approach - just in plain language.

IMO he says "I feel that" as a rhetorical device. He "thinks it." I also believe he is genuinely open to suggestions. It's just that it's extremely difficult to win this argument against him - or me.

Her arguments are flawed, obviously. All bullets tear flesh with velocity.

He lets her say her thing. Which is an excellent tactic.

He talks about options for removing guns from the genuinely severely mentally ill whose risk level is most obvious.
Options. Not commitments/promises.

The Act may have been an option re Cruz. It's contestable.
He's expressing an opinion, not advocating a law change. Yes, yes, it was unwise to say it. Big deal.
If you are seriously using this against him, it makes you look somewhat silly.
Take him seriously, not literally.
Gender & race aren't the issue. Personal choices are.

It's one of several groups with a wealth of legal & practical analysis to offer. But that challenges the narrative.

It's also where the comments about concealed carry reciprocity were made, that have been misrepresented.

Crucially, POTUS said several times he supports CCR, but in a separate bill.
And, you know, I’m with you, but let it be a separate bill."
And again:
"I don’t think — again, you’ll never get it passed. So we want to get something done [right now]. But what’s your second point?"
And again:
THE PRESIDENT: Okay, I think that’s fine."
a. Agencies' information sharing
b. Video game content ratings
c. Retired LEOs providing armed protection in schools
Showing the value of a meeting like this, and that a range of options are needed.

"THE PRESIDENT: No, I tell you what... [the NRA] do have great power, I agree with that. They have great power over you people. They have less power over me. I don’t need it. What do I need?"

"I just don’t think you’re going to get it approved... they’re never going to consider it. But people may consider it, but they’re not going to consider it IN THIS BILL."
Remember: We don't have the votes PRE midterms. We may have them after.

Gee, it's starting to look like all the common sense options are coming from Republicans, isn't it?

"[T]ake the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures."
Again, already exists:

Can design a days-not-months process. He's really asking for that.
He essentially points out that Congress has never succeeded in this area bc they'd rather let the urgency subside than properly negotiate.

Making the case for citizen politicians like himself.
