In the America 1930s, a new kind of Christianity was emerging. It was aimed at the wealthy, and was supported by massive companies. The aim was to change Christian meaning.
But it didn't really start to pick up until 'The New Deal ' which was to help to poor.

Now this was only aimed at the rich and middle classes.
The preacher would clearly state, that you having money was a gift from God, and the poor were being punished by God.

Being rich and Christian meant you were truly blessed by God. But in reality, it really did create #FakeChristians
Decades of this, now so integrated into the
Churches, preachers supported by the mega rich.
Soon this integrated into politics, the conservative far right.
This was based in greed and pushed for family values and morals.
However, these morals were also cherry picked.

The rise of this #FakeChristianity resulted
The Christian left was virtually silent. Until in 2016, things got completely out of control. You had a man who was soooo immoral that real Christians began to challenge them. Then trump himself turned 'Christian'

Fifield dismissed the many passages in the New Testament about wealth and poverty, and instead assured the elite that their worldly success was a sign of God’s blessings.
Within a few years, the minister had the support of not just Hoover but an impressive array of conservative figures in politics, business and religion
Pleased with his progress, Fifield’s backers doubled the annual budget. Pew once again set the pace, soliciting donations from officials at 158 corporations,
The success of Spiritual Mobilization brought increased funding, but also scorn from progressives.
Faith and Freedom thus presented itself as a forum in which ministers could disagree freely.
This thread was taken from the @politico piece, within the thread. 🖖