. @neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50 you knew that the
Govt ref. leaflet sent to every household did not mention the
Good Friday Agreement & how leaving the EU will impact it.
Why did you vote to trigger A50?
Ken Clarke MP didn't.

@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50
you knew that regulatory alignment would be required for
Northern Ireland, as highlighted by the phase 1 report from 2017,
requiring both the SM & CU.
Does it not make sense to stay in the CU & SM?

@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50
you knew that it would have customs implications for everything from cars to fresh food.
If there is no deal how long will supermarkets have fresh produce on their shelves?
When you voted to trigger A50
you knew that it would have implications for Freedom of movement,
probably affecting NHS doctors and nurses.
Why did you vote to trigger A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50...
you knew that it would probably cause restrictions for UK haulage
companies & drivers in the EU.
Do you think 1,200 permits for 75,000 UK hauliers will be a problem?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
Do you agree with the Brexit voting, chair of Joint Customs Committee, Peter MacSwiney who thinks the Govt's plans for a "customs partnership"
is a "ridiculous suggestion" and is warning of chaos.
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50
did you know that you would be giving the EU the €29 trillion Euroclear fund for free and paying the cost of the move to Brussels?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50 you knew that #Brexit dangers the #GoodFridayAgreement
Why then did you & govt not stick strictly to the ref & stay within the CU & SM for the economy & #NorthernIreland ?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50
did you know how much stress & worry you would give the @The3Million citizens living & working in the UK @InLimboBrexit?
Did you know that you would be splitting up families?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to trigger A50
did you know how much stress & worry you would give the
1.2m @BritishInEurope & @BrExpatsEU Brits working in the EU27?
Did you know that you would be splitting up families?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
Did you know that UK citizen rights for EU membership would be removed?
There was nothing in the EU referendum about that was there.
You Neil Parish MP voted to remove my EU citizenship.
Why did you do that?

@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke did not.
When you did that, did you think that UK & EU27 citizen rights would be reduced, instead of raising them all to the same level as EU FoM rights?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50.
Do you think that it matters that the ECJ has better environmental
legislation for clean air than the UK current legislation?
Who benefits from removing the ECJ from the UK?
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When you voted to initiate A50 did you think that you would be responsible for abandoning 1.2m Brits with substantially reduced citizen rights?
These are some of the @BritishInEurope & @BrExpatsEU members.
@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
When the cabinet have completed trade negotiations with themselves & accepted whatever deal is available from the EU, the majority of the public
& Tories would like a referendum on the deal.
Business wants zero changes.

@neil_parish MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50.
Keneth Clarke did not.
Would you like to sign the petition to protect those affected by your vote?
"Windrush generation" face deportation threat:
Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50.
Kenneth Clarke MP did not.
What are the implications for the #Brexit referendum when Vote Leave broke election law?
Do you uphold illegal practices?
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50. Kenneth Clarke MP did not.
The result of your #Tory #Brexit, using your vote for A50, in the UK 2018.
Ex NHS nurse & soon to be ex UK citizen, Glenda Caesar:
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
Carole recently had her German citizenship restored after being removed by the the Nazi's in 1934. Will you be removing her EU citizenship?
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
Post Brexit, I understand an #apartheid system will be introduced for the use of
national #education & #health services.
Is this correct?

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
The UK is a founding member of the EASA which Rolls-Royce uses on a daily basis.
Will Rolls Royce be moving to Spain due to your vote?
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to remove the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights & it's
enshrined constitutional protection for:
Citizens rights
Ken Clarke didn't.
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
Now that the @Conservatives have
stopped being the: "party of business" and are now the "erstwhile party of business” what should SME's do?
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
In your pursuit of "global Britain", why are you leaving 750 trade agreements with 168 countries, covering 62% of exports & 50% of services?

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
Does replacing 3962 nurses with 805 due to your #Brexit open up a new front on #Conservative #NHS cuts?
@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
This is the BMA's one year to #Brexit ⏰warning ⏰ to you.
You are failing on every item listed regarding the health of the nation.

@neil_parish Neil Parish, MP for Tiverton & Honiton
You voted to initiate A50, Ken Clarke didn't.
⏰Warning⏰another #WindrushScandal is brewing...
The HO application for EU Settled status is not fit for purpose.