#PrimaryElection JUNE 12, 2018
You don’t need to Register
For Primaries, find Candidates for all Offices here
THREAD below of Voting Info & Democratic Candidates Congress, Sec of State & AG. (1 each, so not in Primaries)

Voter Registration is not required in #NorthDakota but you are required to be:
Citizen, 18+, resident for at least 30 days, able to provide Valid ID
Find your Polling Place here: vip.sos.nd.gov/Precincts.aspx…

Request #Absentee Ballot by June 11, 2018
To Vote in June 12 #PrimaryElection
Apply for Absentee Ballot Online here: vip.sos.nd.gov/absentee
Track Ballot vip.sos.nd.gov/AbsenteeTracke…
Contact County Election Officials vip.sos.nd.gov/CountyAuditors…

#VoterID #NorthDakota #ND
ID is required to vote in North Dakota
Driver License Locations dot.nd.gov/divisions/driv…

Be a Poll Worker in North Dakota
#PollWorker #NorthDakota #ND
To sign up, contact your county election officials. Find them here: vip.sos.nd.gov/CountyAuditors…

#Midterms2018 #ND
Mac Schneider
Former State Senate Minority Leader & Attorney

David Clark Thompson
vs GOP Incumbent Wayne Stenehjem (R)*

Josh Boschee (D) - State Rep. & Realtor
vs Will Gardner (R) & Roland Riemers (Lib)
[Al Jaeger (R)* - Defeated for Renomination at GOP Convention in 2018. ]