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Jun 4th 2023
@joncoopertweets @TheOnlyEsta Hi everyone,
Here's some information every US and Canadian should know. Our politics are forever interwoven because the Republicans/Conservatives/Fascists work together globally.…
@joncoopertweets @TheOnlyEsta The global fascist organization, which includes the Republicans , AFD, Marine Le Pen, who have direct links to oligarchs, the Kremlin and Putin, and the 💰.
Read 15 tweets
May 24th 2023
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban #EUArchives.
“The #Nazi Roots of the ‘#Brussels EU’” proves that the key architects of the #EuropeanUnion were recruited from among the same technocrats who had previously designed the plans for a post-#WW2 #Europe under the #control of the Nazis.…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban The Hidden #Nazi Background Of #WalterHallstein, #Founding #President Of The Brussels #EUCommission | June 3, 2016
- #Hallstein’s role representing the Nazi government in official state negotiations…
@guyverhofstadt @PM_ViktorOrban Angela #Hitler '#Merkel'
cc: @ TaranQ
Another addition is the fact that #Merkel (#Hitler's daughter) now admits that the #Minsk peace agreements were never meant to establish peace, but just to give #Ukraine TIME to PREPARE for the #war against #Russia.
Read 9 tweets
Apr 23rd 2023
1/6 - Its Important For Everyone To Understand That The #lgbTQia #TransQueer #Gender #Rainbow #Cult Does NOT Represent #Gay Men or Women At All!
2/6 -Gays & #Lesbians Are Coming Away From The Rainbow Cult Quickly, Publicly & Sincerely. Many Are Ashamed That They Once Fell Victim To, and Were Deceived By, This Cult and It's Diabolical Agenda To Target, Desensitize, Groom, Sexualize & Victimize Others, Especially Children!
3/6 - Please Do Not Write Off All Gays & Lesbians As #Groomers, #Pedos, #Deviants or #Recruiters As We Do NOT Agree With The lgbTQia TransQueer Gender Rainbow Cult or It's #Political #Agenda At All!
Read 6 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
With so much noise and new projects in #crypto, it's hard to find the high quality projects..

Luckily for you, I've spent the last few days researching for high potential upcoming launches 🕵️

IMO these projects have a potential for 10x-50x 💸 and more 📈

👇🧵 Image

$PLAY - @XcademyOfficial

A new upcoming #Watch2Earn project, enabling fans to earn creator token rewards for watching their videos, directly on YouTube 📺

With big youtube influencers and CEXs they already booked - it has a potential!

Launch on gate today, 10am UTC! Image

Tenet - @tenet_org

Backed up by big #crypto players, they are building a #web3 language models starting with #DeFiGPT
First app will a #DeFi wallet with AI capabilities.

What's impressive here is the team!
CEO was a CMO at @ankr, and the rest worked for big companies too! Image
Read 11 tweets
Jan 17th 2023
⚠️Oh my god, this is.. not at all surprising. Some of my fave highlights in this Thread 🧵 $TSLAQ $TWTR…
Exactly the kind of painting I'd expect from an Elon Musk stan though.

Maximum Cringe. #grift #cult Image
"Midas Touch is a cautionary tale."

I want to make this very clear: If I ever find out who that Product Manager was, or their venmo/kofi/whatever, I will personally buy them a drink. Or cheese.

You are my kind of person, and I appreciate you. #Twitter #LoveWhereYouWorked Image
Read 40 tweets
Jan 7th 2023
#Surrealism against the current – A film review on #IvanZulueta´s "Rapture" (#Arrebato)
Available @IMDb…

1.- If you want to explore the prehistory of modern Spanish art-house and counterculture landscape, you must follow the antecedents,...
2.- and will find many connections and influences behind names like Almodovar, Banderas, and other popular names of the Spanish "Movida" and associated film scene. You might start taking a quick look at Jaime Chavarri's "Mi querida señorita" and "El desencanto" to understand...
3.- some of the latent energies that exploded fast forward in a counterculture piece like "Rapture".

Zulueta studied graphic design in New York, at the prestigious Arts Students League in Manhattan Midtown, where in 1964 he discovered Warhol's Superstars at The Factory,...
Read 37 tweets
Jan 2nd 2023
Cultic Behavior Checklist☑️

#culture #CULT #DANGER #Wisdom
1. They draw you in. They tell you what they claim is inside info to make you feel trusted. You’ll get loads of compliments and immediate attention. You will feel deeply appreciated and/or honored.
2. Your boundaries will be tested. Small comments made. Micro aggressions. Contacting you at random times. Taking liberties when speaking about you, as if they know you personally, creating their own image of their relationship to you.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 1st 2022
Why do people not realise that they have joined a cult?

The sect does not reveal itself for what it is, at least in the beginning, it enters the social context disguised as something else. (Therapeutic or self-help group, educational, ecological, etc.)
To function, the group needs a strongly believing and motivated base, one that does not suspect it is in a cult.
Absolute trust and adherence to the group's values makes the follower a perfect promoter, the follower promotes the sect, does marketing..
is an effective communication strategy and is completely free.
The sect member reviews his or her life on the basis of the new values proposed by the group, consequently he or she will not have the feeling of having been indoctrinated..
Read 6 tweets
Aug 14th 2022
1-ignored Wing #Animez_UK ‘s #techabuse to me.
2- claimed speak up aggravated male anger #coercivecontrol- implied>stay silent & endure 14yrs of techabuse as long as I am physically safe.
3-my fault to be abused & for Wing to harm me physically?

#victimblaming Image
Wing from #Animez_UK calls himself ‘eternal’ who never goes away & stops techabuses me.
-A serial #stalker will find his way to stalk & monitor me.
-I never send tweets, he stalks my tweets.
-I never contacted him, he forces himself in to techabuse me.
#DAVRO #coercivecontrol Image
How can I stop speaking up when he never stops the #techabuse to me which is equally serious to physical abuse? A complex case doesn't degrade its seriousness when the scars and injuries are less evident to physcial and sexual abuse. #Animez_UK #coercivecontrol #domesticabuse
Read 6 tweets
Aug 12th 2022
Since your malicious cyberattack timelines matched cybersecurity’s research to strengthen security for years and now, you hack alone but with a cooperative goal to damage national security. Which Advanced Persistent Threats group/s #APTs are you in, #Animez_UK? Image
Converting traditional crime to cyber-enabled crime and becomes a malicious attacker against the UK, for

1- financial income,
2- #sexual desire and #harassment with #pornography sent to #women,
3- attacks for #politics against the UKGOV.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
1st stage- early life:
-Experienced #exclusion/#discrimination.
-Didn’t learn to communicate with #women.
-favours #authoritarianism.
-enjoys #control targeted women & whom against his will.
- Expresses hidden #hatred & #violence on through cyberattacks.

#Animez_UK ImageImage
Read 214 tweets
Jun 18th 2022
🔥 I predicted this 🔥 Guess WHO is waking up?! @jordanbpeterson Several 'Clients' of other therapists are now messaging me personally saying they "used to believe in gender stuff", telling me they are very unhappy with their therapists because they are finding out the truth
they have been lied to! Clients MUST speak up Can you believe that 'clients' are now telling their therapists off, firing them, confronting them, asking them questions This is beyond disturbing & beyond ethical. Clients MUST speak up because woke therapists NEED to be called out
Clients are now contacting me telling me that they are discovering they have been lied all this time, they are distressed to find out they have been lied to by their therapists @AbigailShrier to find out that what they have been taught is an ideology & NOT factual @LisaLittman1
Read 31 tweets
Jun 14th 2022
" On September 13, 2014, President Barack Obama appointed Allen as special presidential envoy for the Global Coalition to Counter ISIL (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant)"… Image
2012: "Obama stands by Gen. Allen in widening scandal.. the FBI linked the top U.S. commander in Afghanistan to a widening scandal that resulted in CIA director David Petraeus' resignation "… Image
"Allen's confirmation hearing before the Senate Armed Services Committee was postponed pending the outcome of a Defense Department's review of Allen's questionable e-mail communications with 37-year-old Tampa socialite Jill Kelley, who triggered the broader FBI inquiry ..." Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 1st 2022
June 1, 2022. Happy Pride Y'all. You are loved by so many - please never forget it. A special WHAT THE FLORIDA 🧵to kick the month off. Are you angry yet? 1/11 Image
Florida #Democrats seem to be apathetic to the idea of running candidates against the #cult right sycophants that stand behind Governor DeFascist. 2/11
#FionaMcFarland, a cult-right state house rep, is running relatively unopposed in a seat that was previously held by a dem. 3/11
Read 11 tweets
Mar 29th 2022
""Dame" Bingham INEXPLICABLY silent at Feb21 U-turn." 😂

Aww, come on now .. do we need to keep spelling it out?

Let's start with the Dame's wiki entry..…
The Honourable Dame Catherine Elizabeth Bingham DBE .., known as Kate Bingham, is a British venture capitalist.

She is a managing partner at a venture capital firm, SV Health Investors

Profits there increased by 80% 😏 Image
The Boston-based SV Health Investors acquired the Wisconsin-based Health Payment Systems, Inc. for an undisclosed amount , announced In Feb 2021…
Read 11 tweets
Mar 18th 2022
THREAD: "Polarity Coach" @ZakRoedde is running a cult based on Dr. Robert J. Lifton's "Eight Criteria for Thought Reform" (Taken from the book 'Thought Reform and the Psychology of Totalism') /1
1. Milieu Control - Roedde manages a private Facebook group that is pretty strictly moderated for dissenting voices. I lurked in there for a week or so and was summarily banned for criticizing continual use of terms like "beta male".… /2
2. Mystical manipulation - "men should be masculine and women should be feminine (read: cishet). Any disruption is "depolarizing" and somehow disruptive, i.e., if the man doesn't lead or the woman doesn't "submit". Roedde will coach you for $150 or you could buy his books. /3
Read 16 tweets
Dec 16th 2021
Rishi Sunak is busy with Infosys and Salesforce's vaccine ID digital platforms. When are you people going to wake up?
"Hugh Osmond and Sacha Lord" > Luke Johnson PizzaExpress

Sacha Lord - co-creator of the Parklife festival and The Warehouse Project ……

> Ln-Gaiety Holdings Ltd

>Live Nation (Music) Uk Limited > Midland Concert Promotions Group Ltd

>Live Nation…

> Michael Rapino
Read 10 tweets
Dec 1st 2021
Today I'm going to be breaking down this page, because, quite frankly, it needs doing. This is from 2016; a pivotal year in the messianic EDUCO #Cult's history here in the UK…
It's not often one webpage has an introductory YouTube video urging people to visit it; actually, the exception is for those #MLM or Scam sales-funnel pages.
Geoffrey Semaganda of urges us to visit his friend's webpage!
Semaganda describes Weerasekera, whilst mispronouncing his "friend"'s name, as "One of the top performers in the country, at the highest level". He says you will learn how to find "High net-worth clients"! You are asked to donate £97 to @macmillancancer to attend the free seminar
Read 50 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
Excerpt #13 from the live interview with #ShirleySatterfield for #authorlivechatwithfans interview, and we spoke about how #depression affected jobs. Have you faced similar situations?In this series of interview with Shirley,we spoke about various aspects of mental health issues
If you find it useful, save it or send it to those who would benefit from it.

Get the book here…

Watch the full interview on #YouTube at
#domesticviolence #mentalillness #healing #childabuse #memoir #cult #ptsd #author
#sexualharassment #cultmembership #hopelessness.
We believe there’s a story, a purpose and a reason behind why every author chose to write and we aspire to present them to readers, while helping authors brand themselves and find their unique tribe of readers!
Read 6 tweets
Dec 26th 2020
1/ Excerpt #13 from the live interview with #ShirleySatterfield for #authorlivechatwithfans interview, and we spoke about how #depression affected jobs. Have you faced similar situations?
2/ In this series of interview with Shirley, we spoke about various aspects of mental health issues. If you find it useful, save it or send it to those who would benefit from it.

Get the book here…
Read 7 tweets
Nov 9th 2020
🚨🚩🔞🛑I am going to expose the whole #atheistRepublic #sexykali #hinduHating #Hinduphobic #pervert #rapist #hooligans #SickCult. Dear #atheist if you have an ounce of #conscience, i bet youll unfollow #arminNavabi #atheistRepublic. See👇 all:🕉️
(1/30) #lovejihad #HindusGirls Image
(2/30) Morality of #atheistHub: Normalizing #hindus to #pedofilo #Pedohunter : #atheistRepublic.
But #arminNavabi (Incessant Blocker)Refuses To Hear Our Pleas.
#underaged #hindus Matter #hinduDignity matters Image
(3/30)@AGAtheist_ (Employee of atheist Republic)
#sexykali , @ArminNavabi @AtheistRepublic Groomeers of #pedofilia #Pedohunter #pedofiliaecrime #pedo ImageImageImage
Read 34 tweets
Oct 14th 2020
This video needs to go viral.
If you increase police salary (Credit), there has to be a corresponding Debit somewhere.

Therefore, we demand 4 cut down of government allowances & salaries too #CUTDOWNGOVTSALARY

#100m Phyno Dangote Sega #YouthDemocraticParty #cult
Read 8 tweets
Oct 12th 2020
1) This pic is the #peopleofpraise prophet named #kevinranaghan and his prophecy is the only one that people in "the community" listen to and act on. That is how the group refers to themselves internally. They used to be really open. This pic is from "New Covenant" magazine
2) I have to describe #peopleofpraise because I can't be quiet while our country gives a lifetime seat on the #supremecourt to a member of a #cult. I know it's a cult because I was raised in it. I didn't have a choice. But #AmyConeyBarrett did.
3) The #peopleofpraise attracted new members from the grad school programs at #notredame and by absorbing other groups of people who believe that they had been "baptised in the spirit" and can now #prayintongues. But that's not real.
Read 35 tweets
Oct 1st 2020
#4796 Follow the Family

James Corney>Daughter Maureen
Samuel Issacharoff>Son Lucas

Maureen and Lucas are married

Samuel Issacharoff is a YALE graduate. Skull & Bones man?

Grandpa Issacharoff, Amnon was a psychoanalist. ImageImage
Corney & wife Patrice: "One of their sons died in infancy."

How many of these folks lost a child?


#ChildSacrifice? #Cult? #Religion?… Image
Back to grandpa, Amnon Issacharoff.
He's a prize winning [psychoanalytical] scientist.

Have a look at what he is into:…

Coincidence? ImageImage
Read 6 tweets

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