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I’ve just arrived in Cincinnati to check in with the great faculty scoring the AP French and AP Spanish exams, but some other AP subjects have completed the majority of scoring work, so I’ll be able to start posting results tomorrow. But first, a few quick reminders:
Reminder #1: These scores represent a critical mass of scored exams, but faculty will continue to score late arriving exams throughout June. So we don’t upload scores for educators and students to view until all subjects are complete. Scores will be posted on July 5.
Reminder #1a: If you’re an AP student, here’s information about how to view your AP scores on July 5:
Read 17 tweets
Fr: maria embry <>
Sent: Jan 30 at 3:42 PM
OPEN LETTER to Phil Pres Ferdinand Marcos, Jr
Re: Human Trafficking Activities of
Ambassador “Joey” "JEBA" Eduardo Barata Antonio
Dear President Marcos: Sir, I urge you 2 investigate the worldwide human trafficking of Filipino Migrant Workers (real estate agents) by your appointed Ambassador-at-Large Jose “Joey” Eduardo Barata Antonio (Ambassador JEBA) DBA Century Properties & owner of the Trump Tower Phil
Sir, when you appointed him Ambassador-at-Large you gave him more opportunities to conduct his human trafficking activities much more than when former President Duterte appointed him Ambassador for Trade Investment and Economic Affairs to the United States
Read 97 tweets
Help our debaters prep with your responses
Poll #1a: Does PDD/NBI etc help alter natural history of NMIBC?

@joanfundi @MarekBabjuk
Poll #1b: Do we still need random biopsies in era of PDD/NBI?

@MarekBabjuk @joanfundi
Read 11 tweets

Trump's Big Lie perpetrated on the American people was aided substantially by a coalition of TX operatives including ASOG & UiP, whose Ziklag group appears to have funded Every Legal Vote's site.

@RepRiggleman's "The Breach" offers clues of Rick Perry's involvement. /1
@RepRiggleman Per "The Breach," on 11/7/20 (less than an hour after election was called), Rick Perry sent a text to a group chat including Mark Meadows:

"POTUS Line should be: Biden says hes president. America will see what big data says. This sets the stage for what we're about to prove." /2 Image
@RepRiggleman 🤔 What did former TX governor Rick Perry mean by "big data"?

Certainly, this could imply Perry was aware of the efforts already underway by ASOG & UiP-partnered Every Legal Vote to undermine 2020 election results.

But is there evidence that may support that?

Well, yes... /3
Read 40 tweets
@cocaworm1017 @BCross052422 @KimsMom3 Thanks. The scammer is part of this group, but unfortunately the concrete scam is not documented. In any case, PayPal knows this scam address.

In the following thread you'll find scam profiles that have used this PayPal for fraud.


@cocaworm1017 @BCross052422 @KimsMom3 #1: User ID 790992990122545156

profile history (part):…

Impersonating @deshka_original with
fake handle deshka_originaI (deshka_originai i/L)

Scam PayPal: pptgcshsrvc
@cocaworm1017 @BCross052422 @KimsMom3 @deshka_original @gmail #2a User ID 780548277297045505

profile history (part):…

Impersonating @callmetinashe with
fake handle calImetinashe (calimetinashe i/L).

Scam PayPal: pptgcshsrvc
Read 9 tweets
With the Merge going through successfully, Ethereum has changed permanently. To keep track of all the different data, we @inflectionxyz have collated our favorite resources for dashboards, tools and twitter accounts at
Here's the summary thread with links and some data insights:
#1: Shows how eth is becoming ultrasound and not inflationary:
Supply and burn rates are fundamental economic metrics:
- 0.62 ETH are being burnt every minute (7d avg.) and the issuance offset is only at 0.54x
Read 28 tweets
On Popular demand!

Putting my hard-won Life Lessons into a thread

#LifeLesson #1
When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.
- Maya Angelou

Often we're judgemental about people we don't know well & too willing to make excuses for those who are close to us
#LifeLesson #2
Count your blessings. Always.

No matter what the situation, you are definitely much better off than many others in the world.

The fact that you're reading this on Twitter itself is evidence of this.

Never forget that!
#LifeLesson #3
Being trusting, kind, non judgemental may be touted as superpowers but they're exactly what may lead you to be in the cross-hairs of a conman

Not realizing that people totally without conscience exist can be a big trap

Q: Do you try to change yourself? Or not?
Read 71 tweets
🥂 “#Conservation research & discursive violence: a response to two rejoinders”, co-authored with Stasja Koot & Paul Hebinck, is back online 🥂

It was removed by @tandfonline a day after publication in Dec2021, for reasons unclear to us 😶…
@tandfonline @PolEcoNet @PCLG_IIED @cep_of @BathSpaResearch @SDC_WUR 3/ Our re-published Response follows 2 Rejoinders to a peer reviewed Review Article published online in Society & Natural Resources @info_iasnr, in May 2020 👇

I am 3rd author on this paper: the 2 lead authors – S. Koot, P. Hebinck – are not on twitter…
Read 25 tweets


I teach you how deep we are into the [ END TIMES ] of the #bible and the #BookOfRevelation

Six videos up already. Many more on the way.


#Pray #Repent #GodWins



Read 8 tweets
1/ Saw a promo for "Kobe NFTs" in an ESPN article and felt compelled to expose these NFTs for the fraud they really are.…

This thread will prove that there is *nothing* unique about NFTs (at all).
2/ To start with, the claim that "100% of the proceeds" are going to charity is patently false.

Only the "royalties" from secondary sales (i.e., when the auction winner later sells the NFT), will be donated to charity (Mamba & Mambacita Foundation)
2a/ Also, in case you missed it in the previous tweet, "Alastra said Cryptograph has been in touch with Bryant's camp, but the effort is not an official partnership with Bryant's trust."
Read 16 tweets
Nov 13 update

#COVID19 cases, deaths

#Canada, provinces
•Comparison to country peers (high income, pop >20M)
•Longterm care, retirement homes
•Weekly, daily % changes (7-day avg)

See thread

Data: @covid_canada @NoLore @RyersonNIA @CIHI_ICIS @OurWorldInData
#COVID19 DEATHS/100K (+% daily growth rate)

QC 10+4%
MB 9+7%
AB 4+5%
ON 4+3%
BC 2+3%
SK 1+19%

#COVID19 CASES/100K (+% daily growth rate)

QC 711+3%
MB 697+6%
AB 575+4%
ON 359+3%
BC 327+4%
SK 251+6%

Read 34 tweets
1.) #4A was intended to protect against arbitrary arrests as well as against unreasonable searches per ex parte Burford and is now established law. It also applies to seizures and it is not necessary that a detention be a formal arrest
2.) in order to bring to bear the requirements of warrants, or probable cause in instances in which warrants are not required per U.S. v. Mendenhall. Also to add, there’s no general requirement under federal law that federal law enforcement officers disclose either their identity
3.) or the identity of their employer. So with that being said, Obama has nothing to do with this, this is all Constitution, federal law, and SCOTUS precedents being settled law. /FIN
Read 3 tweets
The ABC Disney Writing Program's application wants a 250 word self-pitch. I did the ABC Disney Writing Program in 2014 and the self-pitch is the single most useful thing I learned. I use it all the time. I've taught classes with Disney on self-pitching. Here are some tips:
A Self-Pitch is the STORY OF YOU

#1 What is your unique voice?
Know what's not unique? A good work ethic, a degree, passion for writing. Everyone applying writes. This tells us nothing. We want YOUR beautifully one of a kind life. The highs, the lows, the crazy. Give us You. 2/9
#2 Don't give your resume. They have it. This is about your unique voice.

#3 Take em on an Emotional Journey. You're a storyteller. Create an emotional arc that'll make them root for you. Connect with them. This is the clincher. Pitches, interviews, anything - emotion sells. 3/9
Read 10 tweets
This legislation would reform Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act and other aspects of surveillance under the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act #FISA in order to protect Americans’ civil liberties and rights to due process and to increase transparency and oversight. #ampFW
Given the long history of recent government surveillance abuses, Section 215 should under no circumstances be reauthorized without major reforms. #ampFW
Sec. 215/USA PATRIOT Act created major due process, privacy concerns.

Allowed intelligence agencies to demand groups of records on Americans at a legal standard FAR below #4A protections against unauthorized search/seizures, which ought to require probable cause warrant. #ampFW
Read 4 tweets
There is nothing wrong with a nation grappling with its legacy of slavery and reminding its populace every so often of that dark legacy. I have no problem with the #1619project in principle. I have read some of the articles, not all and I do have some reservations.
#1 the idea that America was created in 1619 reeks too much of an ‘Original Sin’ doctrine. It is ironic that those educating us on slavery would adopt a punitive doctrine that was used to perpetuate slavery in the first place. This should be unpacked.
#2 Even if one were okay with the ‘original sin’ paradigm, the fact that we know slavery is a sin is a feature of the West. This project could not have been taken up in Saudi Arabia or China. The very acknowledgment of the institution as a sin presupposes a pursuit of salvation.
Read 9 tweets
1.) #RedFlagLaws, yes they violate the Constitution, let me show you the ways.

#2A - It never ceases to amaze me how the phrase, “The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed”, simply cannot be understood by such a large swath of the American people.
2.) I understand there are folks who don’t like the #2A , but pretending it’s not there or that it says something it doesn’t is lazy, arrogant, and tyrannical.
3.) #4A - We all have a right to be secure, in both our homes and our property, and against unreasonable search and seizure. But how secure are you when someone can make an unfounded claim and your house is entered and your property seized?
Read 16 tweets

Digital Bill of Rights to protect our 4th Amendment rights to privacy in the digital age.

Original #4A Language:

The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated,
and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
The, the ONLY places personally identifiable details could be found were on their person, in their house, or among their papers and effects. Cloud storage, digital medical records, financial databases or stock exchanges, and certainly social media – did not exist.
Read 10 tweets
THREAD on new 9th Circuit decision in Rodriguez v. Swartz, our (@ACLUaz @sdACLU + @ACLU) cross-#border shooting case: On Oct. 10, 2012, a U.S. Border Patrol agent on duty in Nogales, AZ fired between 14 & 30 bullets across the #border.…
Approximately 10 of those bullets hit J.A. Rodriguez, a 16 year old boy peacefully walking down the street on the other side of the #border wall, in Nogales, Mexico.
The 9th Circuit opinion first *affirms* the AZ district court's decision denying Agent Swartz qualified immunity: 📢📢📢"It is inconceivable that any reasonable officer could have thought that he or she could kill J.A. for no reason." Slip Op. at 9.
Read 25 tweets
1/ Thread: Here are my 12 thoughts on #Brexit. We are at half-time in Art50 process. Departure UK from EU now exactly 12m away. Right moment to take stock and list a few backward- and forward-looking thoughts. (You can also read the full blog-post here:…)
#1: When the UK voted leave, many said the EU would be weakened. Today it is clear that the contrary is true: it’s the UK not the EU that has been weakened by Brexit.
#2a Whatever people say, it would have been possible for Britain to change its mind about Brexit. Many political decisions, even after referenda, have been reversed in many countries.
Read 18 tweets

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