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Sep 7th 2022
Two weeks before the pandemic started, the government (NIAID) and MODERNA signed a confidential agreement regarding COVID VACCINES, how did they know!!??

Anthony Fauci has to answer some questions!
#vaccine #vaccineinjury #vaccinedeaths
This might have been done before….
#vaccine #plandemic
On behalf of the Rockefellers, dr Frederic Gates injected the army with, ‘A VACCINE MADE FROM, BACTERIAL HORSE PUSS’ in order to stop, ‘MENINGITIS’ so the army got sick and spread it around the world.

Give me a break.

Google it.
#vaccine #vaccineinjuries #VaccineDeath
Read 18 tweets
Jul 26th 2022
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #ClimateChange = a corrupt & dangerous political agenda.

It was quite easy to trace the history + figure out the hidden agendas.

#ClubOfRome #EcoFascist #Malthusian #DepopulationCabal

Not friends of humanity.…
@lladany @ClareCraigPath This is what these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Technocratic ideologists believe ::

The Earth can only support max one billion people under totalitarian control.

But their ‘modeling’ has also been proven wrong, over and over and over.

#ClubOfRome #ClimateChange
@lladany @ClareCraigPath #TedTurner is another one of these #EcoFascist #Malthusian #Globalist ideologists + part of #TheGoodClub = billionaires with bad intentions.

He’s repeatedly on-record wanting a global population of less than one billion people + #Monkeypox = #NTI.…
Read 10 tweets
Apr 17th 2022
Do you have the courage to know what became of Hindu Sikhs (of what is now pakistan) in 1947?

Women were raped in front of their fathers,husbands,brothers,sons & were then distributed among other muzlims, many were carried into tribal territories & could never be traced
Their breasts,noses, arms were chopped off, their bodies had teeth marks, were tattooed with islamic symbols & Pakistan zindabad, iron pieces & sticks were inserted in their genitals.. bellies of pregnant ones were torn open,they were undressed and paraded!
Children were thrown in fire, in boiling water/ oil, were tossed on swords & spears.
By March 7, 1947, suburbs as well as 128 villages of Rawalpindi were attacked, Hindu- Sikhs were massacred on a scale much larger than Noakhali, did any of you know this?
Read 28 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Thread of short conspiracy theorist videos.

Starting with Rockefeller (pt 1)

Rockefeller (pt 2)
Rockefeller’s Club of Rome - Limits to Growth Co-author - Dennis Meadows

H/t: @jjcouey
Read 37 tweets
Aug 25th 2021
How Bill Gates Monopolized Global Health | The Corbett Report (05/02/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates’ Plan to Vaccinate the World | The Corbett Report (05/09/2020) #documentary…
Bill Gates and the Population Control Grid | The Corbett Report (05/18/2020)  #documentary…
Read 11 tweets
Jul 28th 2021
1| #Ceasefire rages on as the #OnlyDemocracyInTheMiddleEast™ continues street #executions, and corpse abduction of #indigenous people under its military regime 👇 #NotTheOnion🍍… #Israel #ceaseapartheid
2| Israel's army shot and killed Shadi Salim (41), at #Beita junction, making him the 311th indigenous #Palestinian, to be killed by Israel's army since the beginning of 2021, and the 51st Palestinian to be killed from the #WestBank.
3| Israel's last #execution was carried out just 6 days ago, when soldiers invaded the town of #NabiSaleh, and shot 16 year-old Mohammad Tamimi in the back.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 9th 2021
Globalists are setting the stage for their #GreatReset to bring down the entire system.

Their #CyberPolygon online-attack simulation targets major financial institutions, affects major supply-chains, and causes a “cyberpandemic”:……
Read 8 tweets
Jan 16th 2021
Apr.2020 #Pandemic At Center of #Globalist & #Psychological
#Warfare Against #Freedom.

📽 #UN #WEF Globalist admit Coronavirus is at the centre of the wheel for #Global #Governance…

#ClimateTax > #ClimateHoax
#COVID > #Agenda2030 ImageImage
Apr.2020 #US #CoronavirusReliefBill had 'Digital Dollar' in it but was stripped out. On #DigitalDollar* website (Digital Dollar Project states it is partnering with Accenture) led by David Treat

* was going to create a federal reserve digital dollar

/1 #BiteSizeChunks
Digital Dollar: David Treat Snr MD & co-lead of blockchain / NY Fintech Innovation at Accenture, also serves on board for #ID2020 alliance, #WEF #4IR Global #Blockchain Council member, program advisor Chamber of digital commerce, & WEF digital ID

/2 #BiteSizeChunks
Read 25 tweets
Jul 7th 2020
Read 210 tweets

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