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Looks like @EricHolder is gonna wish he had shut the hell up after going at reporter @paulsperry_ for calling out former disgraced FBI DD #AndrewMcCabe. A shoe is dropping next week about @PeterStrotz @fbi #McCabe & @nytimes colluding!…
The roosters are coming home to roost! I’m sure disgraced former #FBI agent Lisa Paige is somewhere CLOSE to @peterstrotz. @NatSecLisa
Apology & Correction! The Pete Strzok intended in my original tweet is @PeteStrzok, not the one listed in my original post. But as you can see, the REAL Peter Strzok can’t handle the truth from me.
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Disgraced former FBI Agent @petestrzok had the damn nerve to say, “Absolutely the American public should trust what the FBI is doing. It’s not that the FBI is targeting any one side or the other.” @Morning_Joe @morningmika @HillaryClinton #HunterBiden @carterwpage @GeorgePapa19
.@petestrzok who called us smelly Walmart Trumpers to his disgraced lover former FBI agent @NatSecLisa (Lisa Page) were the lead dogs that investigated & lied on TRUMP in the Russia Hoax. Read their back and forward text messages.
The FBI isn’t trying to stop TRUMP. That’s absurd!
#SpiedOnTrump #TwoImpeachments #RaidedMaraLago
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FBI Thread:

I spent a lot of time over the last couple weeks discussing my #corruption book and rehashing recent FBI leadership missteps. Specifically those that set in motion a series of events that could only end with a reckoning of the #FBI.
2/19 It’s a frustrating conversation because I loved my time at the FBI and respect so many who continue to do great work there on behalf of the American people. But these leadership mistakes were obvious and avoidable. What decisions were glaringly obvious mistakes?
1. #AndrewMcCabe, whose wife ran for elected office, being selected DD of FBI;

2. Counterintell program being selected to work high profile investigations that could result in criminal charges against high profile elected officials;

3. The #JamesComey press conference.
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#FBI @FBI #ChristopherWray suggests ‘serious charges’ coming in probe of #Capitol attack #Jan6th #DomesticTerrorism #Terrorism #WashingtonDC
@RepJerryNadler #Judiciary
What does #AndrewMcCabe Recall May9-Aug2,2017?#July302015- #Jan292018…
Fmr #CIADirectorBrennan @JohnBrennan
What are the #Names of people who were #UnMasked by FMR #CIAChief & #SecretaryOfState #MikePompeo @mikepompeo during his rip off the mask blitz in
late 2019, early 2020
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News Analysis🔎The post-#Election push to pressure President Trump to concede, despite numerous credible allegations of #VoterFraud and ongoing legal challenges, is the culmination of a 4-year-long campaign against him. (Thread👇)…
This campaign started in 2016 when the #FBI launched a politically motivated investigation of his campaign. During his subsequent 4 years in office, there have been consistent efforts to remove him from office.
#Infographic: an overview of some of the main efforts made against the sitting @POTUS.

This is an issue that transcends party lines, as it is not only an assault on Trump, but an assault on the office of the presidency, and with it, an assault on the foundation of America.
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News Analysis🔎The @EpochTimes has so far counted 85 “Unusual” instances for the case of Lt. @GenFlynn, which has been filled with contradictions, falsehoods, apparent blunders, extraordinary moves, and strange coincidences. (Thread👇)…
The case of @GenFlynn is inevitably heading toward its conclusion.

While District Judge Emmet Sullivan is trying to keep it going, there’s only so much he can do since there’s nobody left to prosecute the case after the #DOJ dropped it last month.…
In the latest developments, the #WashingtonDC appeals court set a hearing in the case on June 12, while the #DOJ’s solicitor general himself, as well as 5 of his deputies, urged the court to order the lower-court judge to accept the case dismissal.
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NEW: Newly declassified intel document noted #Steele dossier claims had 'limited corroboration'…
NEW: DNI Ratcliffe declassified "Annex A," a footnote in the 2017 ICA which detailed reporting by Christopher #Steele.
The footnote makes clear the internal concerns officials had over that document, however.
NEW: The annex states that the Intel Community had "only limited corroboration of the source’s[Steele's] reporting in this case and did not use it to reach the analytic conclusions of the CIA/FBI/NSA assessment."
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News Analysis🔎The belief that Lt. @GenFlynn was set up by the @FBI has been backed up by a string of evidence in documents released by the #DOJ. (Thread👇)…
#Flynn pleaded guilty in 2017 to one count of lying to the @FBI.

On May 7, however, the #DOJ dropped the case against him, saying that when #FBI interviewed #GeneralFlynn on Jan. 24, 2017, the investigation into him was “no longer justifiably predicated.”…
—The @FBI opened a case on #Flynn on Aug. 16, 2016.…

The stated reason was that @GenFlynn had “ties” to some entities “affiliated” with #Russia, and visited Russia the year before.
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#DOJ internal investigation reveals that an #FBI special agent—who interviewed @GenFlynn and was supervisor of #CrossfireHurricane—played key role in problematic #FISA application.

Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (Thread👇)…
One of the special @FBI agents who interviewed Lt. @GenFlynn at the @WhiteHouse in Jan 2017 played a much bigger role in the #FBI’s #CrossfireHurricane counterintelligence investigation than previously assumed, the #HorowitzReport reveals.…
@FBI @GenFlynn @WhiteHouse The agent was first introduced into the public in a May 11, 2018 letter from Sen. @ChuckGrassley, who was inquiring about the @FBI’s interview with @GenFlynn.

“Make Special Agent Joe Pientka available for a transcribed interview with Committee staff,” Grassley said.
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Year in Review📅20 Notable Spygate Developments of 2019

by @IvanPentchoukov (Thread👇)…
In the saga of “#Spygate,” 2019 has shaped up to be the year the tables turned.

In the first days of January 2019, a federal judge extended the term of the #GrandJury in the #SpecialCounsel investigation by #RobertMueller.
Later that month, the @FBI raided the home of veteran Republican strategist #RogerStone in front of @CNN cameras.

The raid and indictment of Stone were symbolic of the spectacle that was the #RussiaInvestigation.
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2 top @FBI officials in spring 2016 informed AG #LorettaLynch of intelligence they received linking the #Russian gov to @CarterWPage months before an investigation into the Trump campaign was formally launched, according to the #IGReport.

Lynch told DOJ #IGHorowitz that in the spring of 2016, @FBI Director @Comey and Deputy Director #AndrewMcCabe pulled her aside and shared info about Page that Lynch believed they learned from a member of the intelligence community.
@FBI @Comey The timing of the encounter between #Lynch, @Comey, and #McCabe raises questions about what actions the agencies took in connection to the Trump campaign before formally opening a counterintelligence investigation—codenamed #CrossfireHurricane—on July 31, 2016.
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“There is such a range of conduct here that is inexplicable… Our final recommendation was to refer the entire chain of command,” #IGHorowitz said. (Thread👇)

News Analysis🔎by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
The newly released #IGReport noted the material failures of the @FBI—“not only the operational team, but also of the managers and supervisors, including senior officials, in the chain of command”—with regard to the #FISA warrant application on Trump campaign aide @CarterWPage.
#IGHorowitz’s findings were so significant that he recommended the @FBI’s “entire chain of command” outlined in his report to the #DOJ for “consideration of how to assess and address their performance failures.”…
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The @FBI’s #FISA warrant to #Spy on Trump campaign adviser @CarterWPage—a key part of the agency’s investigation of the Trump campaign—has been fraught with irregularities.

By Jeff Carlson @themarketswork (Thread 👇)…
Ahead of the release of the #DOJ Inspector General's #FISAReport, we provide an overview of what exactly the known irregularities are.

The initiation of the investigation by @JusticeOIG was originally announced on March 28, 2018.
However, the #IGReport has been repeatedly pushed back and delayed.

IG #Horowitz declared his area of original focus within his initiation announcement:
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Thread: Exactly what I have been saying since beginning. To those of you who say Comey is "scared", "embarrassed". He confirmed today that he has never been either. He's taking victory lap and no one on the left will think he's done anything wrong.
Horowitz did a great job. I appreciate that so much. But exposure just isn't enough. Andy McCarthy just finished saying that indictments aren't the point. Let's just change laws.
I've got news for all you swampy lawyers and commentators. Unless these people are punished, nothing will change. I know we've got other IG reports coming but Comey's reaction to this tells the story.
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#RobertMueller will be testifying before the House Judiciary and Intelligence committees on July 17.

Here are some crucial questions that should be asked when he testifies (Thread 👇). | Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
1) Did #AttorneyGeneral Barr in any way misrepresent your 448-page report?

#Mueller failed to identify the grand jury info in the #MuellerReport. Barr noted that “it immediately meant that you know it was going to be a period of weeks before we could get the report out.”
2) Who actually wrote Volume I and Volume II of the #MuellerReport?

At this point, it isn’t known with certainty if #Mueller had any hand in writing the report directly, or if he simply served in an oversight capacity.
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News Analysis 🔎 | Over the past month, there has been an inversion of people’s opinions of #RodRosenstein.

Those who praised him are now claiming he has been running interference for President Trump, while his critics have begun to reassess his actions.…
#Rosenstein submitted his resignation letter to the president on April 29, with an effective date of May 11.

Rosenstein had previously discussed his intent to resign from his post when a new #AttorneyGeneral was confirmed, following the resignation of @JeffSessions
…After the appointment of #WilliamBarr as #AttorneyGeneral in February, however, #Rosenstein stayed on to assist #Barr in guiding him through the #MuellerReport.

Rosenstein had knowledge of the more intimate details of the case and its underlying focus.
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The release of 3 congressional transcripts over the past week by ranking member of the House Judiciary Committee, @RepDougCollins, confirms a series of exclusive reports by @EpochTimes.

Article by Editor-in-Chief @JasperFakkert:…
.@RepDougCollins' office released transcripts of the interviews congressional investigators conducted with:
@TheJusticeDept official #BruceOhr
• Former @FBI lawyer #LisaPage
• Former @FBI agent #PeterStrzok

@EpochTimes broke the details of #Page’s transcript on Jan. 11.
#LisaPage testified that #DOJ effectively prevented #FBI from pursuing “gross-negligence” charges against #HillaryClinton when investigating her use of a private email server to send classified information. Read the article:…
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Closed-door testimony: @TheJusticeDept prevented the FBI from pursuing certain charges against HIllary Clinton.

The @FBI would need to find a smoking gun to satisfy the unusually high threshold for prosecution set by @AGLynch's DOJ. @themarketswork…
“…the truth of the matter is…there was not a single investigative step that we did not do in consultation with or at the direction of the Justice Department”

#LisaPage (served as #SpecialCounsel to #AndrewMcCabe) noted DOJ was intimately involved in the #Clinton investigation
The word “intent” drove the @FBI’s investigation into the Clinton email server.

There were differing understandings, however, of the word “intent” within the FBI. #TrishaAnderson viewed intent as “I set up this server for the purpose of sending unclassified information for…
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News Analysis 🔎 | Former @FBI Deputy Director #AndrewMcCabe’s interview with @60Minutes aired Feb 15.

Notably missing from the interview was mention of McCabe’s involvement in the #Russia #Collusion investigation. Article by Jeff Carlson @themarketswork…
Specifically, there were no questions asked regarding the following:
#McCabe’s ongoing criminal investigation before a grand jury.
• The role of #FBI agent #PeterStrzok and FBI attorney and special counsel to McCabe, #LisaPage.
• Use of the so-called #SteeleDossier as the…
…primary piece of evidence in the Page #FISA application, despite the fact that the information was paid for by the #ClintonCampaign.
• The infamous “insurance policy” text, which references a meeting held in McCabe’s office between #McCabe, #Strzok, and Page.
• The role of…
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Deputy AG #RodRosenstein removed then-Acting @FBI Director #AndrewMcCabe from the #Russia investigation in May 2017 upon appointing #SpecialCounsel #RobertMueller to take over the probe, according to a statement by @TheJusticeDept. (Read thread ⤵️)…
“[Rosenstein] in fact appointed…Robert Mueller, and directed that Mr. McCabe be removed from any participation in that investigation,” a DOJ spokesperson said.

The revelation is significant because, days before being removed, #McCabe opened an obstruction of justice…
…investigation into President Trump following the firing of then-FBI Director James @Comey. Just 5 days prior to this, he told the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence that he was not aware of any effort by the Trump administration to impede the @FBI’s #Russia probe.
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EXCLUSIVE from Jeff Carlson @themarketswork

James Baker Testimony: #MichaelSussmann gave former top FBI attorney James Baker information alleging a #Russian bank was communicating with a server in Trump Tower—an allegation later proven false.…
#PerkinsCoie was also the law firm who had hired #FusionGPS—on behalf of the #ClintonCampaign and the DNC—which in turn hired former British MI6 agent #ChristopherSteele to produce the dossier that has become known as the #SteeleDossier.
Baker’s testimonies before the House judiciary and oversight committees were conducted on Oct 3 & Oct 18 in an unclassified setting with legal counsel present. The transcripts have not been publicly released, but were obtained for this article.
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* #CarterPage worked with Russians since 2013 (3 years before Trump ran) - adopted by Trump as an advisor (Charged and under GOP-exposed FISA warrant)
* #PaulManafort worked for Russians for Ukraine 15 years - hired by Trump as Campaign Manager (Guilty/2nd case/plea deal) /1
* #MichaelFlynn: worked with Russians and foreign governments - hired by Trump as National Security Advisor (Guilty/co-operating)
* #georgepapadopoulos: meets with Russians contradicting oaths given - hired by Trump as campaign Foreign Policy Advisor (Guilty/ co-operating) /2
* #FelixSater: quote "I will get Putin in on this, WE will get Donald elected" - hired by Trump as election liaison (money laundering/co-operating)
* #RickGates: w/Manafort 8 years, earned millions for Russia - hired by Trump as Sr. Deputy Campaign (guilty/ co-operating) /3
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BREAKING: CNN reporting that then acting FBI Dir Andrew McCabe opened an Obstruction Investigation (probe) into Trump after he fired Comey. More to come...Swalwell had some good stuff to say @ this. #ThursdayThoughts
2-CNN sources saying that Rod Rosenstein & top FBI officials felt that Trump needed to be 'reined in', and that a DOJ official 'strongly disputed' Rosenstein as he sought to curb Trump's behavior. This is a BIG story..speaks to a lot of firings that eventually happened.
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