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Jika anda struggle untuk jadi lebih baik atau kekalkan perubahan diri, baca ini:…
Firman Allah:

لِيَبْلُوَكُمْ أَيُّكُمْ أَحْسَنُ عَمَلاً

“… untuk menguji kamu siapakah yang lebih baik amalannya.” (Al-Mulk: 2)

Perhatikan dalam ayat ini Allah tak gunakan الأحسن عملا yang bermaksud "yang paling baik".

Tetapi أحسن عملا (yang lebih baik).

Ada beza antara best (paling baik) dan better (lebih baik).

Hanya ada seorang sahaja yang boleh jadi the best tapi ramai boleh jadi better.

Jadi Allah SWT nak kita jadi lebih baik.

Dia tak minta kita jadi sempurna kerana itu mustahil.
Read 5 tweets
This is what makes me mad at outlets like @TimcastNews for sticking their head in the sand. This story was out there, yall could have busted it wide open. Instead it was radio silence for a week and hostility for another week.
Now we have one of the WORST left wing papers who, to their credit, wrote a hell of an article on this. But their reputation makes them unreadable to A LOT of the strongest supporters of this cause.…
We can guess their motivation was to attack a right wing activist/ @elonmusk. This is obvious due to their very quick mentioning of the censorship and refusal to name the creators who were banned #FreeBrittanyVenti #FreeTheQuartering #FreeYellowFlash #FreeCamelot #FreeDefango
Read 8 tweets
Small #ttrpg thread about how to not address topics in a racist manner when you're writing them:

When I was writing one of the last adventures for #GreatWyrmsOfDrakha (Nixis's one,) I had great plans to make it a powerful statement about disparity & "age warfare."
My idea was to
to make a point of the dangerous practice of nativism as a way to counter elders from perpetuating themselves in position of responsibility (not 'power.')
One of the main "arguments" of those in power was the weakened nature of the young born outside the home world, reflected in
a series of very physical traits (which included a sickly reddish tone yo their skin... because of the Red Moon's pernicious nature & the lack of "vaala." (very esoteric concept to go into detail here.)
The product owner was very wary about it & adverse to the concept because it
Read 13 tweets
We've shared our open letter to @1199SEIU below. I think @USDOL @SEIU @DemSocialists @WorkingFamilies should also be aware of this. I know this is the labor fight that we don't talk about - when our unions fail us in representation. But we need to start.
@labornotes @dnunion @nycDSA @NYCCouncil @NYCComptroller We are building coalitions but we need your might on our side.
Read 6 tweets
"The two pharmaceutical firms were originally scheduled to deliver two million shots in the next seven days, but shipped 1.4 million of those doses last week instead in anticipation of the May long weekend." We got them EARLY. And CTV is trying to make it sound bad. WTAF?
Here is an example of how our news media (which are mostly owned by conservative interests in the US) spin the news to affect people's perceptions. 2/7
Most people only read headlines. CTV can't actually just make stuff up and pass it off as news, but they can present information in such a way as to control what a majority of people will take away from the article. 3/7
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Medtwitter acting like [picture]. #cringe

I can get behind positive body and selfie stuff, I'm all for it. "I love this selfie" amen brother/sister preach!!

But "thirst trap"?? C'mon peeps. #BeBetter

Let's not add "photos to increase your sexual desire" to our memes. Buff dude posting with his hand pushing down his belt asking
I'm old, so maybe this generational.

I'm sex positive and hold nothing against sexual pictures generally or my beautiful inside and out colleagues.

I'm sure this tweet is going to catch me hell, but whatever. My principles are what they are. Have a good weekend everybody.
I thought some people approach this meme very innocently, posted amazing selfies, probably not thinking out their paricipation and who it would exclude or make feel bad.

I don't begrudge the creator who is funny AF

But no, this is not a good look for medtwitter.
Read 5 tweets
Let’s see it, because the nation... hell the world needs to see the face of a leader who in 2021 would dare to repeat the evils of the past & block civil/equal rights for all Americans.

Jefferson said “all... are created equal” - I guess just not in the minds of some! #StromII
Continuing the tradition of Pitchfork Ben and Strom... Disgusting!
I love SC but I also know our historical pain- gateway to slavery, the birthplace of Jim Crow, home to some of the most racist leaders in the nation’s history. Learn from the past, but don’t repeat it! #BeBetter #DoBetter
Read 3 tweets
As a podcast listener this is insulting. Andy Mills had to give back the Peabody he helped win for y'all last week and force a huge retraction and you think we won't notice him hosting the @nytimes flagship pod the next Monday?!? You think we won't notice???
As a woman in the industry it's more insulting that someone so big, @mikiebarb, is so willing promote the career & work of someone so sexist and harassing to women in the industry. He takes our jobs and forces us out and you laude him.
No matter how many articles written about you making women so uncomfortable they leave the biz, you're given the #1 daily podcast as a playpen the first workday after huge disgrace? Such a fuck you to people who do researched newsgathering and work hard to get stories out there.
Read 7 tweets
I don’t have an enormous platform of followers to share this with, but I think speaking up is important even if I don’t have the “right” words, so here we go. I have never stood for any form of racism, and have stood up when I’ve witnessed overt acts of racism around me.
However, it’s not only the overt acts that are the problem. I have noticed who was sitting around the table on committees, etc & on a few occasions commented on the obvious lack of representation but mostly was met with
a bureaucratic answer that didn’t take any action to address the problem. After that becomes the pattern, it’s easy to start accepting that your voice isn’t going to change anything to avoid being seen as a “problem” (esp. to those that are more senior) and stop speaking up.
Read 10 tweets
A mini-autoethnography re: #LifeInTheTimeOfCovid
Started #selfisolating Mar16, d/t travel followed by respiratory symptoms; tested -ve for #Covid19 {WhooHoo!}
Now #workingfromhome, #physicaldistancing & #socialconnecting via Zoom, Hangouts, etc. Earworm:
Yst'day was rough. Mood swings, easily demoralized by small things: colleagues not getting a strategy; more wafer-thin slices from my autonomy in my work. Saved by a long walk. I could handle #PlankTheCurve if Ab's attack on universities wasn't co-occuring. #LifeInTheTimeOfCovid
Sunshine, a bike ride in wind so strong it pushed me up out of the river valley = good medicine; met 1.5 of today's 3 productivity goals. Calling it enough. #LifeInTheTimeOfCovid

#Earworm: @KateTempest's "Hold Your Own"…
Read 30 tweets
#Thread What type of bottom feeding media attacks educators during a pandemic? The same one that wished a #HurricaneKatrina on #CPS. I’m guessing their goal is to remain on brand? #Trash #Covid19…
#NewFlash : Educators are real ppl. We’re experiencing #Covid19 like the rest of the world. Some of our immune systems are compromised. Some hv contracted it. Some are awaiting results. Many are taking care of family who’ve contracted it. Some have died. #InRealLife #Covid_19
3/ We are watching the body count increase daily. Some of us are making masks for 1st responders. Others hv cleared out their teacher cabinets & given sanitizer & soap to 1st responders. #Service #Covid_19 #InRealLife
Read 14 tweets
29% of immigrants have a college degree, similar to American-born counterparts at 30%.
48% of #immigrants who have entered the U.S. after 2010 have a degree.
#DACA #ImmigrantHeritageMonth
#Resist @GOP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
#Immigrants make up 5% of the U.S. prison population while representing only 7% of the total U.S. population.
Contrary to @FoxNews @WhiteHouse #AlternativeFacts & #FakeNews, immigrants are NOT more likely to commit a crime than the native-born population.
#Resist @Trump
#Immigrants participate in the U.S. labor force at a higher (slightly) rate than native-born Americans & earn consistently less than native-born workers. 25M+ immigrants are workforce members.
#Resist @GOP @POTUS @realDonaldTrump
Read 19 tweets

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