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Sillä, kuinka aikaisin intensiivinen testaaminen aloitetaan, näyttäisi olevan vaikutusta siihen, kuinka paljon ihmisiä kuolee. Eri maiden välillä on merkittäviä eroja.

#Koronavirusfi #koronafi #covid19fi #covid19finland #COVID2019 Image
Kaikki viivat lähtevät samasta kohtaa: se päivä, jolloin kuolleiden määrä ylitti 10. Poikkeuksena Islanti, jossa aloituspiste on 1. kuolema).

#Koronavirusfi #koronafi #covid19fi #covid19finland #COVID2019 Image
Kun verrataan Suomea muihin maihin, jossa on testattu tähän mennessä yhtä paljon asukkaita suhteessa väestömäärään, niin Suomessa on nyt 6x niin paljon kuolleita kun Norjassa oli samassa vaiheessa.

#Koronavirusfi #koronafi #covid19fi #covid19finland #COVID2019 Image
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Analisi casi #COVID2019 per zone geografiche Nord/Centro/Sud
Ho ordinato i dati (ufficiali, che sappiamo essere ampiamente sottostimati..) per latitudine e regione. Questo è l'andamento del totale dei contagiati e dei contagi giornalieri
Questo è l'andamento del totale dei contagiati e dei contagi giornalieri del Nord (lat>43.8°)
Read 10 tweets
(Mi sono appena iscritto su Twitter per scrivere questo messaggio):

Spiegazione e riflessione sullo studio del 2015 riportato sul TG Leonardo di cui si sta parlando nelle ultime ore:

#COVID2019 #covid19italy #tgleonardo #coronavirus
In quello studio [1] alcuni ricercatori dell'Università del North Carolina e dell'Istituto di Virologia di Wuhan hanno dimostrato che il virus SHC014-CoV (un coronavirus che infetta i pipistrelli).... (2/12)
poteva essere ingegnerizzato in modo da poter infettare una linea cellulare umana (HeLa), attraverso la creazione di un virus chimerico formato da un tipo di proteina di superficie di SHC014 espressa sul backbone di un SARS-CoV (coronavirus) adattato al topo. (3/12)
Read 12 tweets
Finora non mi sono espresso molto sulla questione #Coronavirus, ma dopo l'evoluzione dei fatti negli ultimi giorni, ho deciso di dire la mia. 1/25 #Covid19 #Covid19ch #Covid19Italia #Covid19Italy #FlattenTheCurve #Covid19Switzerland
So già che mi farò odiare da molti, perché i miei pareri sono piuttosto controversi, ma per fortuna siamo ancora in una democrazia diretta con libertà di pensiero. 2/25
Voglio iniziare esprimendo la mia più grande solidarietà a tutti quelli che stanno soffrendo, nonché ai loro amici e familiari. La situazione è gravissima, prima in Cina, poi in Italia, in Ticino, nel resto della Svizzera ma anche altrove. 3/25
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Düm yaşamını kaybedenler de eklendiğinde 4000'den fazla kişinin yaşamını yitirdiği İtalya'da @Dr_FarrisD, yaşamını kaybeden 3200 hasta ile ilgili verileri paylaştı

#COVID19 #covid19italy 👇
3200 kişinin açık ara en yoğun olduğu bölge; 2175 kişinin yaşamını yitirdiği Lombardiya bölgesi (%68; #Milano ve çevresi bu bölge). Bunu Emilia-Romagna takip ediyor %16.4. Hemen hemen tüm bölgelerde yaşamını yitiren olgu olmuş.
Yaşamını kaybedenlerin ortalama yaşı 78.5 (31-103 arasında değişiyır, IQR 73-85 yıl). Kadınlarda ortalama yaş 82, erkeklerde 79 gibi.

#COVID19 tanısı alanların ortalama yaşı 63 yaş civarında.
Read 22 tweets
1️⃣ Follow the thread #Qanons and connect the dots! #POTUS says Italy took their medicine!
2️⃣ Pope lifts lid on colossal property empire in London $15 B
3️⃣ Pope wears white hat during Mass 🐸 Top Kek 🐸
Read 22 tweets
THREAD 03/10 Letter to outlets owners: “[…] Only by closing all stores, bars and restaurants can we hope to defeat the virus and start again as soon as possible by limiting the damage to our businesses, as well as protecting ourselves, our employees and our families. . .
. . .We are, however, wasting too much time and this drastic measure, which is now being insistently requested by the experts, is slow in coming from the authorities. . .
. . . By not making this decision, we prolong the duration of the epidemic, more and more every day. We have a duty to put our health and our community first. We must decide to close our stores, bars and restaurants. . .
Read 8 tweets
Why Italy? #COVID19
I take the liberty of sharing some personal insights (sorry, not in the best format, but I don’t write blogs...)

I am Italian (Milan), virologist, w/ experience of outbreaks, Lecturer in Global Health.
I do not know everything & sometimes I get it wrong
Why Italy? #COVID19
Why Northern Italy? #Covid19
Read 6 tweets
1) Why does #COVID19 appear to be so lethal in #Italy (CFR close to 4)? Pre-existing conditions are likely to make things worse and I often read comments like "many smokers". Can data back this up? Below are peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurements of people aged 60-80 by country:
2) Source: Wave 6 of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) (@SHARE_MEA). A lower PEF suggests a diminished lung functionality of the sample. Italy is not looking good. This could be driven by many characteristics:
3) When I run a regression (N=38,295) and control for age, self-reported health, gender, weight, and height, the PEFs in Italy are still much worse than in Germany (and other countries). The "Italy" magnitude is about the same as moving from "excellent" to "poor" health in DE.
Read 7 tweets
#COVID19 Italy, SitRep, 4 Mar, ~18:00, @PDCgov

Tot 2703 +ve #SarsCoV2
1064 self-isolating at home
1344 in hospital with symptoms
295 in intensive care

Regional breakdown:
1497 in Lombardia (55%)
516 in Emilia Romagna (19%)
345 in Veneto (12%)
Rest of Italy (14%)
Recovered 116 (276 tot)

Deaths 28:
17 Lombardia
5 Emilia Romagna
3 Veneto
2 Marche
1 Puglia

DrBorrelli thanks the 2160 personnel:
345 @DPCgov
656 Armed Forces @Esercito @poliziadistato
946 volunteers

355 triage points have been set up outside hospitals and so far no need to activate the next level of response because the Regions are coping.
Read 10 tweets
#Covid19Italy SitRep, 2 Mar, 18:00, @DPCgov
TOT positive cases: 1835,
incl, since yesterday, +258:
50% asymptomatic and self-isolating at home
40% in hospital with symptoms
10 % in intensive care

18 deaths: 15 Lombardia + 3 Emilia Romagna (Tot 52)

Tot tests: >23,300
@DPCgov Tot samples tested: >23,300

National lab @MinisteroSalute has re-tested and confirmed 668 positive samples #SarsCoV2 (still processing the rest)
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute Regional breakdown of total positive cases in Italy:
1077 Lombardia
324 Emilia Romagna
271 Veneto
Data for the other regions will be shared on @DPCgov website
Read 9 tweets
#COVID19Italy SitRep, 1 March, 18:00, @DPCgov

1577 positive:
798 (51%) self-quarantine at home, asymptomatic or very mild symptoms
639 (41%) recovered in hospital, with symptoms
140 (9%) in intensive care (106 in Lombardia)

34 deaths

TOT: 21127 tests

#COVID19 #SarsCoV2
@DPCgov Data above is provided by the individual regions.All positive samples are re-tested by National lab @MinisteroSalute, then data shared w @WHO.

So far, national lab has confirmed 488 samples
(of 1577 from regions; processing the rest)

#COVID19Italy #COVID19 #SarsCoV2
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute @WHO Capacity&facilities: @DPCgov working w/ @MinisteroSalute >1800 personnel involved, of which >1000 are volunteers

283 triage facilities set up & manned outside hospitals to handle the cases in safety

Efforts targeted to Lodi and Cremona, hit by highest num of patients
Read 13 tweets
MSC Meraviglia cruise ship cleared of #COVID19 after MS allowed to dock in Cozumel.

1 crew member & 1 female passenger have "seasonal flu".

Ship will dock in Miami, FL Sunday. Passengers will receive 100% refund.

Santo Domingo DR refused cruise ship to dock after 14 day tour. #COVID19 #Braemer
1128 passengers
384 crews

Captain of Braemar reported:
4 Filipinos
2 Brits
3 U.S.
medical observation w/ COVID-19 symptoms: fever, coughing, or breathing difficulty…
Read 29 tweets
#COVID19Italy Important take-home points from todays SitRep press Brief @DPCgov @MinisteroSalute

1. Italy has acknowledged that there is confusion due to "Regions vs Nation" data/test collection/analysis. @MinisteroSalute will take the lead and standardise reports
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute 2. Reports will be available to regional & international partners, incl @WHO

3. Because all deaths of +ve patients had pre-existing medical conditions, the cause of death (virus?other?) must be investigated by @MinisteroSalute in the context of clinical picture

@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute @WHO For this last point, no details were given as to how the investigations will be conducted, what tests/analysis will be performed.

Stress has been put on collecting and sharing not just #SarsCoV2 test results, but also the bigger clinical picture of the patients

Read 3 tweets
#COVID19Italy SitRep 28Feb 18:00
Q from audience about data: DrBorrelli states @DPCgov has been reporting the data as generated by the Regions. Now reporting also the confirmatory data from national labs @MinisteroSalute, which have confirmed 383 cases out of 383 tests performed
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute DrBorrelli @DPCgov stresses that the regional labs are correctly performing what's needed to determine presence of #SarsCoV2 in patients.

The data @WHO need is that of the confirmed cases by @MinisteroSalute not the data from the Regions
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute @WHO Q from audience about capacity in Lodi: DrBorrelli confirms in city of Lodi last night >100 people were waiting to be seen by healthcare workers. @RegioneLombdardi (of which Lodi is part) was aware, so strengthen A&E. This morning the situation was under control
Read 7 tweets
#COVID19Italy SitRep 28Feb 18:00

821 patients (plus 46 recovered)

21 deaths
Today 3 deaths: 2 >80 years old, 1 >77 yo.

However, DrBorrelli cannot say if the cause of death is #SarsCoV2 #COVID19 @MinisteroSalute will investigate and establish/confirm CoD (no details as to how)
@MinisteroSalute DrBorrelli @DPCgov highlights that 412 positives are asymptomatic or with very mild symptoms so that do not require hospital care, and are self-isolating at home.

#COVID19Italy #COVID19 @MinisteroSalute
@MinisteroSalute @DPCgov DrBorrelli @DPCgov: 345 patients in hospital with symptoms and 64(+8 since yesterday) are in intensive care. There are no reports form any regions of reaching critical levels of capacity.

Life carries on in the Red Zones.

#COVID19Italy #COVID19
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#COVID19 Special advisor @MinisteroSalute @WRicciardi words add complexity to the situation in Italy:

only the samples that have been re-tested centrally by national lab can be considered positives: 190

#COVID19Italy from newspaper @Corriere…
@MinisteroSalute @WRicciardi @Corriere @WRicciardi : today in the world there are tests that are not perfect form the sensitive point of view because they have been put together quickly and need improving. So, there's a big chance to overestimate the number of positive cases

Note: In Italian, my translation
@MinisteroSalute @WRicciardi @Corriere @WRicciardi : those who told health care professionals to take samples from asymptomatic people were wrong. Veneto's strategy is not correct because goes against scientific evidence. @WHO guidelines were not applied.

Note: In Italian,my translation
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#COVID19Italy SitRep 27 Feb, 18:00 ita, @DPCgov

650 positive cases

Lombardy reports 3 deaths: 2 patients of 88 years old and one 82, all with complex clinical picture (Dr Borrelli, @DPCgov)

#Covid19 #SarsCoV2
@DPCgov Dr Borrelli @DPCgov thanks citizens in the Red Zone who are respecting the containment measures; he thanks the volunteers, who do many varied things, from helping bringing groceries to setting up facilities in front of hospitals to provide pre-triage space
@DPCgov Dr Borrelli @DPCgov says coordination of efforts with authorities and suppliers has meant that 35,000 masks (PPE) are now being sent to Lombardia, Emilia Romana, Piemonte and Veneto.
Read 11 tweets
Today's SitRep highlights the complexity of Italy as a state and the consequences for outbreak response & communications outside Italy.

Italy isn't a federal state, but Regions (ie Lombardia, Veneto,etc) have vast powers: health care is handled at Regional level
Regions collect samples, test, quarantine, delineate Red Zones, lock downs, school closures, etc.

The national body for health care is the @MinisteroSalute that is based in Rome: it is now re-testing all positive samples and sharing data with @WHO
@MinisteroSalute @WHO The "Dipartimento di Protezione civile" @DPCgov is yet another agency, one that responds to national threats (think earthquakes, flooding). They are a fantastic high-readiness force that works alongside armed forces, regional and national government.
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#COVID19Italy SitRep 27Feb, 12:00
@DPCgov Dr Borrelli

Lombardy confirms that 37 patients have recovered.
So, 305 positive cases remaining.
Excellent news that confirm that patients do recover.
@DPCgov Italy @MinisteroSalute reports as of midnight last night, 282 tests awaiting. This morning they were completed.

528 positive cases of which:
278 are self-isolating at home (no need for hospital care)
159 recovered with symptoms in hospital
37 in intensive care
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute Breakdown per region:
305 Lombardia
98 Veneto
97 Emilia Romagna
11 Liguria
3 Lazio
3 Sicilia (of which 2 recovered)
2 Toscana
2 Campania*
2 Piemonte
1 Trentino
1 Abruzzo*

*(New since last night?)
(?Region of Marche yesterday reported 1?)
Read 12 tweets
#COVID19 Flight attendant for Korean Air dx'd in Korea. She flew flights in/out of LAX/Seoul as well as Tel Aviv/ Seoul.

Also believed she walked Los Angeles Koreatown prior to return flight to Seoul.

Source Korean news &South Korea's Center for Disease Control.
This also on the heels of US military confirmed case in Seoul yesterday.

coronavirus #COVID19 #COVID2019 #COVIDKorea

@aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @chiIIum @turnbolt11 @RMachArts @RedPill_1984
@aHEMandias @RadChick4Cast @chiIIum @turnbolt11 @RMachArts @RedPill_1984 RT'ing this here in today's thread on the earlier released but non-peer reviewed Los Alamos paper tweeted a week or so ago. Peer reviews take a long time.

Good explainer on R0 and how perception changed based upon reality of early patients.

Read 38 tweets
#COVID19Italy SitRep:
@DPCgov 26Feb ~18:00:

3 patients have recovered in Lazio

400 confirmed cases (+26):
258 Lombardia
71 Veneto
47 Emilia Romagna
11 Liguria
3 Piemonte
3 Lazio
3 Sicilia
2 Toscana
1 Trentino

@DPCgov Dr Borrelli, @DPCgov: data of tests vs positives confirms @WHO data and that 4 of 5 people do not require hospital care.

No particular critical issues, not even in the Red Zone.

> 2,800,000 have been checked at ports and airports (no details as to how)
@DPCgov @WHO Questions from audience about number of tests: Dr Borrelli @DPCgov cannot provide right now the number as of today 18:00, Italian time.
Read 7 tweets
#COVID19 SitRep Italy, 26 Feb, 12:00 Ita.

374 positive cases (+52 since yesterday)

12 deaths.
The most recent deceased patient was in Emilia Romagna, but came from Lombardy (Lodi). Male, 69 yo, with pre-existing respiratory pathologies

#COVID19italy #SarsCoV2
@DPCgov Dr Borrelli, @DPCgov stresses that @MinisteroSalute investigates deaths to pin point their cause, i.e. coronavirus vs pre-existing conditions (no details as how this investigation is performed)
@DPCgov @MinisteroSalute Geographical breakdown, per region:

258 Lombardia (+18)
71 Veneto (+28)
30 Emilia Romagna (+4)
3 Piemonte (=)
3 Lazio (=)
3 Sicilia (=)
2 Toscana (=)
2 Liguria (=)
1 Trentino (Bolzano)(=)
1 Marche (+1)

Read 8 tweets
Le iene parlano di CoVid-19 e lo fanno col solito stile, pensare che milioni di italiani si informano seguendo programmi così è davvero deprimente...
Ci sono centinaia di video da Wuhan molti fatti da expat che ci lavorano, ma le iene chi seguono? il classico soggetto che ha girato solo video allarmistici e complottari...
Non spiegare che la situazione è così perché in Cina, come in Italia, non ci sono sufficienti letti da terapia intensiva per un numero cosi elevato di crisi respiratorie è vergognoso. I cinesi stanno a casa per evitare il più possibile di far collassare il sistema sanitario.
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