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Jun 10th 2023
🧵 Exciting Apps You Can Build with @LangChainAI by @hwchase17

Have you ever thought about the possibilities offered by LangChain?
Let's dive into five amazing app ideas you can bring to life using this versatile tool and get access to code!
#AI #ChatGPT Image
First up, a context-aware Chatbot! 🤖

Harness the power of natural language processing to create a chatbot that delivers contextual and relevant answers to user queries. The integration of additional data sources can make your bot!
Ever drowned in lengthy documents? Here's a solution - A SummarizationApp! 📃

LangChain can help you condense long articles or documents while preserving their core meaning, making it easier to absorb information. #AI…
Read 7 tweets
Apr 4th 2023
🧵1/8 Here is how to build a pipeline that automates the process of creating, researching, improving & finalizing an article on any topic. I used #langchain & @OpenAI, Google Search and Google News API! Let's dive in!👇 Image
🧵2/8 The pipeline starts by loading news articles on a chosen topic. In our example it is "Canada budget". It then creates a summary of these articles, which will be used as the basis for our first draft. Image
🧵3/8 The first draft is generated by using custom author and question chains in a sequential manner. The author chain creates a coherent narrative, while the question chain generates relevant questions to research further. #langchain #OpenAI
Read 10 tweets
Feb 14th 2023

As a large language model, CHATGPT can be an incredibly useful work tool in a variety of settings. Here are 10 different ways CHATGPT can be put to work:
1/ #CustomerService: CHATGPT can help businesses handle customer inquiries and support requests quickly and efficiently. With its natural language processing capabilities, it can understand customer needs and respond in a conversational and human-like manner.
2/ #ContentCreation: CHATGPT can help content creators come up with ideas for blog posts, articles, social media posts, and more. With its vast knowledge base and ability to generate text, CHATGPT can be a great resource for brainstorming and generating fresh ideas.
Read 13 tweets
Jan 23rd 2023
Finally wrote my 200th blog post. Sure it may seem small but it's been a battle and perseverance has been my only soldier. Here's my blogging story:
In 2016, I took up blogging, back then it was simply a "make money through affiliate marketing" scheme. I struggled to write and wrote anything that came to mind, I was an avid researcher and my niche was wide. I was doing fashion, health, tech, and more.
As time went by I switched a lot, there was a time my sole focus was tech then another on fashion. Eventually, I started to lose steam.

I had written 30 articles and wondered why I wasn't making money. I spent a whole year not writing anything until I got paid.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 19th 2022
Creating Notion templates is messy

I created over 25+ templates with 1500+ sales avg 📈

Here's how I create a template and every tool I use 🧵👇
1. Researching & Brainstorming Ideas

@Notionery - Look for best @NoitonHQ templates and collect ideas

@YouTube - Look for Notion workflows that others have build.

✓ Content Creation Hub template: Understand and collect ideas (

#ideas #notion
2. Planing out templates / Wireframe

@milanoteapp - Create a structure

@NotionHQ - Form that structure into a basic template

#notion #plan #structure
Read 9 tweets
Aug 11th 2022
What if you could write a shoetrt paragraph and immediately know how to turn it into 6 or more pieces of content?

Well you can. Let me explain
Every great content idea has the same underlying structure, no matter what medium.

Use this structure, and any engaging idea you have will be very easy to adapt and remake, so you can get more mileage from a single good idea.
There are 6 sentences that make up an idea for a universal piece of content:

1. Premise
2. Statement
3. Hook
4. Detail 1
5. Detail 2
6. Detail 3

Keep reading for a breakdown.
Read 16 tweets
Aug 3rd 2022
Are you a celebrity in your industry?

Fame is the best seller
If you are famous, you will be able to sell
Here are 7 steps on how you can be the online authority in your industry 🧵
1\ Excel in your skill

- Be the master of your domain
- Be the go to person
- Be the expert
2\ Know your audience

Everyone is not your audience
- Do they know you
- Do they like you
- Do they trust you

Your audience is your biggest cheerleader.
Respect them.
Read 12 tweets
Jul 20th 2022
Content writing is not as difficult as you think...

Still finding it hard to avoid grammatical errors?

Thinking of the best head line to use?

Searching for the right keywords?

Trying to avoid plagiarism?

Here are 10 best tools you can use as a content writer👇🏽
1. Grammarly
@Grammarly is one of the best content writing tools for error-free writing. It checks your article for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. You can use this fantastic tool to proofread and self-edit your work entirely on your own.
2. YoastSEO
If you use WordPress, YoastSEO is a must-have SEO plugin. It can aid in the creation of SEO titles and meta descriptions. Not only that, but it also assists you in evaluating the quality of your content and making changes to it.
Read 12 tweets
Mar 1st 2022
$HPNN will be expounding on this thread throughout the day but the note on the Doty acquisition/compensation is very relevant. There was much criticism when this relationship was started/announced about how he was being paid, where was the money coming from, etc. While this 1/x
doesn't show day-to-day comp-it gives a rather clear pic of the motivation/potential Doty had with $HPNN & success. 75MM shares & 0.001% of ad REVENUE generated thru Vertuoso. While this has not been further explained how ad rev will be generated-it 2/x
does show the LT potential reward Doty is getting w/ involvement. #contentcreation & #Influencer on will have ability to gen ad rev for themselves thru their content which some will pass thru to $HPNN. This is materially diff than the site relying on 3/x
Read 17 tweets
Jan 8th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 01/08/2022…
Airborne DNA From Plants Could Reveal Invasive Species, Impact Of Climate Change - WorldNewsEra…

#AirborneDNA, #PlantDNA, #InvasiveSpecies, #ClimateChange, #impact
The Mainstream Media Is Losing The Fight Of Its Life...All Thanks To Joe Rogan…

#MainStreamMedia, #JoeRogan, #ContentCreation, #FreePress, #IndependentJournalism
Read 17 tweets
Dec 21st 2021
How often do you check if your content is performing?

Some say, "We are able to see it impacts the keyword ranks."

Is that the only thing you should look at? 🤔

Here are a few KPIs you must set for your content,

[A thread]

#contentcreation #contentstrategy
1. Visibility of the content week over week

Check impressions for the targeted keywords in GSC
2. Average time people spend on your content on a monthly basis

Check Avg. Session Duration in Google Analytics.
Read 9 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Do you still write "Conclusion," "Wrapping Up," "Final Thoughts," and more while writing the end of your blog?

Here is what you should put instead,

[A Thread]

1. Give your readers an action item

For example: Go, get your featured snippets now!

Blog source via @missivedigital:…
2. Ask a question to your audience to invoke thinking-process

For example: Why should you migrate to cloud-native?

Blog Source via @TechBlocks:…
Read 7 tweets
Aug 1st 2021
::: Writing about covered topics :::
::: Promoting older Content :::

I'll caveat these.
1) Only if you are adding something additional and valuable
2) Put dates on it, and reference the date when sharing

Via @AndyDavies
#SEO #DigitalMarketing #ContentCreation

: Writing about covered topics :
Chances are, you've clicked on a link to a piece ... and been disappointed.
It's either nigh identical to 1+ other pieces you've read,
or it's just fluff wrapping keywords.

Do Not produce that sort of content.


If the topic is already covered, you need to make yours "better".
Add more recent information/data.
Add insights from experience.
Take a different perspective.
Cover aspects the rest miss, or go deeper than they do.

Do Not just paraphrase/spin!

Read 8 tweets
Jul 19th 2021
This one tool increased my Productivity by 10 Folds

A Thread on how I remain a month in advance when it comes to content creation.👇

#contentcreation #Creator
When I started @learnwithravana, I used to create posts daily and used to upload them manually on @instagram and @Facebook because I didn't know about this tool back then.
One day, when I was exploring the Facebook Creator Studio (as I m a content creator, so I have the access), I came across this thing called Facebook Business Suite and my life changed afterward. Facebook Business Suite
Read 12 tweets
Nov 23rd 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 11/23/2020…
Balancing Epistemic Humility and Prior Knowledge - Insight…

#humility #balancing #knowledge #coronavirus #prior
Maybe There is No Technological Slowdown - New Things Under the Sun…

#growth #technology #decline
Read 8 tweets

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