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Jan 4th 2022
A quick snapshot of Rajratan Global Ltd:

A thread(🧵)....
2/n Detail Report:
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Feb 19th 2021
🐗🧵Este mes faleceu Ángel Izquierdo, un pioneiro da animación en España. Entre os seus moitos traballos, foi o codirector de #OsVixilantesDoCamiño, a serie do Xabarín. Hoxe non podiamos menos que homenaxealo neste #Xabafío. Así que comezamos 👇…
👁‍🗨 William Hanna dicía que Ángel Izquierdo fora o animador máis novo en traballar para os estudios Hanna-Barbera, porque Ángel con só quince anos xa estaba traballando nas súas series 👶
👵 Hanna-Barbera non era unha señora que facía debuxos, senón dous señores que tiñan un dos estudios de animación máis importantes dos anos 60. Os Picapedra, o oso Yogui, Os Supersónicos, Don Gato… Todas son series deles e Ángel traballou nelas 🤯
Read 36 tweets
Jun 6th 2020
I picked up this book at the Sophia Bookstore (مكتبة صوفية) in #Kuwait a few months ago - an excellent bookshop btw with knowledgable staff especially on #philosophy - short thread on #Foucault and #contemporary_philosophy 1/ Image
The author Zouaoui Beghoura (الزواوي بغوره) is an Algerian Professor of philosophy at Kuwait University where he has taught since 2002 and is a leading specialist on Michel #Foucault (1926-1984) having translated a number of his works 2/ ImageImageImageImage
Most of these works were published by #DaralTalia in #Beirut and this one was also first published there in 2005 3/
Read 16 tweets
Dec 18th 2019
#Germany #Russia #USA #Denmark #Bornholm

The #sanctions against the #BalticSea pipeline decided by the #US #Senate meet with resistance in #Moscow, criticism also came from #German Chancellor #Merkel. The #Kremlin still expects #NordStream2 to be completed.
Meanwhile, #Russia accuses the #UnitedStates of violating the law with pipeline sanctions.The punitive measures #violate international law and are an example of unfair competition, said Kremlin spokesman Dmitri Peskow. "Such actions do not please Moscow or the #European capitals;
they do not like #Berlin or #Paris," said Peskow. He accused the #US of violating #international law and "expanding its artificial dominance to the #European market". Chancellor Angela #Merkel has also criticized the #US Congress's sanction resolution.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
Read 180 tweets

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