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May 23rd 2023
Google has just unveiled an AI-powered device for realistic conversations.

Let's dive into the details! ⤵️

1️⃣ @Google's new #AI-Powered Conversational Device is set to transform the way we interact and have conversations. Image
@Google 2️⃣ This groundbreaking technology utilizes advanced #AI algorithms to create lifelike and engaging conversations, making interactions feel more natural than ever before. 🗣️💬
@Google 3️⃣ With applications across industries like customer support, virtual assistants, and interactive entertainment, this device has the potential to revolutionize communication and user experiences. 💡
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Aug 9th 2021
This weekend, we mark #IndependenceDay2021 with an online film festival.

#Conversations on art, dissent, democracy with @meenakandasamy, @AamirAzizJmi, @TheBoltiAurat, @varungrover ...and many more

Join us on 13, 14, 15 August…

Come for nimbu-paani with Raavan, visit the Shaheen Bagh library, draw energy from the farmers' protest.
Stay for @meenakandasamy, @s_kanth, @suroorm, #NatashaNarwal

DAY 1 #IndependenceDay2021 docufest
13 Aug, Fri 6pm

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The full schedule of the #IndependenceDay2021 docu film fest : Reimagining Citizenship
Aug 13 | 06:00 PM India
Aug 14 | 3pm and 06:00 PM India
Aug 15 | 06:00 PM India

@yorkcitizenship @UniOfYork @CEStudies
@karwanemohabbat ImageImageImageImage
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May 21st 2021
1/7 Eye contact is one of the most underrated #communication tools in general conversations, but it’s importance is amplified by several magnitudes when trying to facilitate group #conversations during #debriefing.
2/7 Making and holding eye contact is a great way to invite #engagement in the conversation. Giving them the opportunity to opt in or out without placing them psychologically unsafe position created by verbally trying to engage them.
3/7 They may initially signal that they are not ready by closing their #bodylanguage Move on and engage others in group. Periodically check back (with eye contact). When they are ready they will signal that through opening their body language ready for you to invite their input
Read 8 tweets
Apr 22nd 2021
"The post resonated at a time when weary people across the world are experiencing #ennui, 3dread & more work-related #stress during the coronavirus pandemic."… #socrates #soul #zombies
1/ "Since he described his epiphany a week ago, his post has been liked over 200,000 times. It has received more than 10,000 comments from readrs describing how their own brushes w death had led them to step back from work & take stock of the way they had been livng their lives."
2/ "Even those who have been lucky enough to keep their jobs have questioned their #purpose in life as they spend long hours on #Zoom calls and answer #emails into the night."
Read 10 tweets
Sep 8th 2020
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 09/08/2020…
Opinion | We Socialize Bailouts. We Should Socialize Successes, Too. - The New York Times…

#socialism #bailouts #success
Coronavirus reinfections: three questions scientists are asking…

#reinfect #questions #COVID19
Read 7 tweets
Sep 2nd 2020
To make fundamental changes in the behavior of a #SocialSystem requires its #agents adopt an alternative #purpose and #OrganizingPrinciples to those currently in place. If successful, this shift will create a new social system with significantly different #rules and #boundaries.
Any social system change process begins with a set of conversations among agents in the system about how to better apply its purpose and organizing principles. This leads to experimentation with alternatives, then modification of the rules and boundaries to adopt those that work.
Important topics for #conversation at the outset of an intentional #SocialSystem #ChangeProcess are those that bring #agents in the system together to recall and / or clarify the system’s #purpose and #OrganizingPrinciples then to either confirm them or challenge their relevance.
Read 10 tweets
Aug 12th 2020
Intentional #LargeSystemChange begins with #Conversations That Matter (CTM) among all #agents in the system. Then they experiment with Ways That Work (WTW) and apply what they learn to make Changes That Sustain (CTS) ongoing #adaptation of the overall large system change process.
To improve the performance of a large system, honor its purpose and organizing principles then modify its rules and boundaries. To form an entirely different system, establish a new purpose and organizing principles then write the rules and set the boundaries to align with them.
For a #LargeSystem to improve performance, #ChangeAgents must influence those with the authority to modify its rules and boundaries to encourage all agents to honor the spirit of the system’s original purpose and organizing principles yet bend the rules and extend its boundaries.
Read 5 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Conversations. #90.
"Language Arts"
Back in 2011, while visiting India, I met a friend. A Feminist, an environmentalist, a Communist, Bruce Springsteen fan... I was impressed. He seemed so idealistic.
Until one day he said that Sanskrit should be "scrapped." +
"No one speaks it. Why do we need it?" he asked.

I wondered. Back in Cal State, while doing my 2nd UG, I had history professor who could speak Latin. Once she caught me translating an old Japanese poem into Hindi - I was writing in the margins of the book.
Intrigued she
asked: "Which language?"
We spent the next 15 minutes discussing Devanagri lipi, Hindi & then languages in general & the class ended.

I told my friend: "You don't understand! Some of us love languages. Why do you care if we continue the usage of these languages. No
Read 4 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
There is sometimes a reason behind some of the #hate, And it's not always those Who are Far right, Some are caught up with a genuine concern after reading stories like this over the years and the only people listening are those on the Far right. #TalkDontLabel #DebateNotHate
If some on the left want to break the vicious circle of hate Then you must realise theres no bogeyman! Stop being lazy & refrain from using #labels, #TickBoxes & #Pigeonholing People who think differently to you. Accept responsibility that maybe YOU could be part of the #problem
I made bad choices in #MyFormerLife & will not excuse my behaviour, but the lack of meaningful #engagement with me or my #beliefs was a factor in being more involved in Echo Chambers
Read 8 tweets
Jul 9th 2020
1/n #Thread on excerpts from an #essay "A #group is its own worst enemy" by Clay #Shirky ( #Social #software)

Original article can be found here -…

2/ hardly anybody really studies how to #design #software for human-to-human interaction.

so many of them just throw things together and allow themselves to be surprised by the social interactions that develop around their software.
3/ As soon as the Internet happened, s/w stopped being solely about computer-to-human interaction and started being about human-to-human interaction. We had new applications like the Web, email, IM and forums, all of which were abt humans communicating with 1 another through s/w.
Read 17 tweets
Jun 24th 2020
"Liberal" Conversations. Exhibit #5.

Abrahamic "Liberal": what's the summary of the Vedas?
Hindu: umm..
A"L": 🤣🤣🤣you people are so clueless! Don't even know your own texts. You don't READ ANYTHING.
H: 🥺

Next day.
A"L": you guys believe in caste-based discrimination.
H: actually in India this cuts across religions. Even churc...
A"L": 🤬you are such a Bhakt!
H: 😯but...
A"L": it's all there in Manusmriti! You guys follow it CHAPTER & VERSE!
H: but I have not even read it!
You only said we don't read our texts.
A"L": 😤
H: 🤔🙄🙏

NOTE: Abrahamic "Liberal" is not an oxymoron though Abrahamic Liberal is.

Read 3 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
I started my podcast 3 weeks ago & this is the 2nd episode that got 1k views, ORGANICALLY.
Here are my learnings from starting a podcast from scratch & scaling it.

*a thread*
1/n START. It’s intimidating. You will have many fears. Your idea will sound stupid to you in your head. You will doubt your skills. But start anyway.
2/n Don’t chase perfection. You will never have the perfect mic, the perfect laptop, the perfect background, the perfect social media, the perfect editor.
Don’t chase it either.
Nobody loves perfect people either.
Read 12 tweets
Apr 23rd 2020
@villi @balajis @rabois 1/ My son died last Friday, three days before his 13th birthday from COViD, but not how you think.
@villi @balajis @rabois 2/ First let me say I’m containing any ill-will towards anyone and the situation as best I can.

I am one perspective I’m sure among many. I also recognize the butterfly effect of opportunity for my son to be sitting here now, full of life in my lap, is infinite
@villi @balajis @rabois 3/ I also believe there was no easy answer, very difficult decisions for leaders in the world, and naturally as humans we struggle to understand complex network effects. It is always much easier to solve the suffering in front of you, especially when as bad and terrible as COViD
Read 26 tweets
Mar 1st 2020
A quick recap of what we tweeted about this week #ICYMI. #PolicyBrief: Associates, @IsalyneGe, and @harshita_a94 analysed the #bmcbudget2020 and made recommendations for unlocking #Mumbai’s land revenues ( (1/3)
#Conversations: check out this conversation on how much of India is actually #urban? ( Another interesting one was on how India will navigate the challenges of a #digital economy ( (2/3)
#ThoughtThreads: Why we need to care about #Air pollution (, What’re the problems with GDP estimates ( and Why we need to be careful about algorithms? ( (3/3)
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