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En lo q se supone son las últimas horas de la @COP25CL les voy contando la tras bambalinas de lo que muchos han llamado "el papelón de Chile" en la cumbre climática de la @UN @UNFCCC

#COP25 #COP25FailedPeople #COP25Madrid
@thecliniccl @FESChile

Siga el hilo...
@COP25CL @UN @UNFCCC @thecliniccl @FESChile Llevan 24 horas de alargue y las críticas a la gestión de @CarolaSchmidtZ como presidenta de la COP25, hoy se largaron con todo!
Les dejo una foto de la transcripción de la conferencia que dieron una serie de organizaciones esta mañana.
Traduzco al instante!
@COP25CL @UN @UNFCCC @thecliniccl @FESChile @CarolaSchmidtZ "La presidencia chilena tenía un solo trabajo, proteger la integridad del Acuerdo de Paris, y no permitir que sea desgarrado x el cinismo y la codicia. El enfoque q la presidencia ha tomado muestra cómo ha escuchado a los contaminadores y no a la gente" Jennifer Morgan Greenpeace
Read 21 tweets
At #COP25Madrid rich countries are literally pouring oil on to the climate fire. They have known about the urgency to act, they know the science & that the clock is ticking on 1.5c with less than a decade to act. They refused to act in the previous decade & now they are demanding
thaf they can use discredited carbon markets to shift the burden to the global South. They are calling for solutions that will displace food production in the poorest countries so they can offset their failure to act.
Because they want to lock in even more fossil fuel extraction. Their target is an expansion of fossil fuels by 150% beyond what is compatible for 1.5c. The majority of that expansion is in rich countries like the USA & Canada.
Read 10 tweets
Na luta desde pirralha. #COP25 #COP25Madrid ImageImage
Acompanhei a coletiva de imprensa do movimento @Fridays4future sobre a #COP25. É muito comovente ver o compromisso desses jovens e adolescentes, fazendo aquilo que os adultos não estão fazendo.
A vitória ou a derrota só se mede na história. Mas quando a causa é justa e conectada com a necessidade do seu tempo, ela já é vitoriosa. #COP25 #FridaysForFuture
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Dernière journée de #COP25Madrid

AUCUNE MINISTRE Fr n'est présente, alors que les négociations sont enlisées sur

➡️politiques climatiques plus ambitieuses en 2020
➡️marchés carbone
➡️pertes et dommages

@Elisabeth_Borne @brunepoirson : où êtes-vous ? Image
@Elisabeth_Borne @brunepoirson @attac_fr @Alternatiba_ @AnvCop21 @bizimugi @Conv_Citoyenne @Youth4Climatefr @Min_Ecologie @lemonde_planete @20minutesplanet @Reporterre C'était déjà le cas pour la clôture de la #COP24

➡️@EmmanuelMacron : NON (ni à l'ouverture d'ailleurs)
➡️@FdeRugy : NON (à peine resté 24h) (il recevait le lobby de l'automobile ce jour-là)
➡️@brunepoirson : Non plus, elle avait déserté la clôture

Pourquoi faudrait-il un.e ministre en clôture des COP ?

➡️pour marquer l'importance qu'accorde le pays à l'urgence climatique et à la nécessité de faire avancer les négociations

➡️pour peser justement sur la clôture des négociations, là où se décident des arbitrages importants
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Please read all of it!
On Wednesday, December 11th, over 300 climate activists, including many young climate strikers from around the world, were kicked out of COP25 in Madrid after protesting for women’s and indigenous people’s rights and calling for ambitious actions from rich countries. /2
The voices of millions of people are silenced at the climate change conference in Madrid. While civil society was kicked out from the COP25, fossil fuel lobbyists remained inside. This cannot be tolerated! /3
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See our new #COP25Madrid update: little sign of government action in the face of the #climate crisis. Their policies still take us to 3˚C, twice the #ParisAgreement warming limit. briefing: Watch our pressconf here [re-thread] Image
The emissions gap in 2100 really has not decreased a great deal. #COP25Madrid. Noting this is not steady state warming, but simply warming in 2100 Image
Details of government action: there are more governments this year on the 2˚C compatible list. We have added #kenya to our assessment this year, a country dealing with two proposed #coal plants it doesn't need. #COP25Madrid #India could be 1.5˚C compatible Image
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It's time to #UniteBehindTheScience!

@GretaThunberg and @Luisamneubauer are hosting a panel at #COP25 to shine a spotlight on the latest #climate science.

So let's get scientific! Here's the latest from the world's top scientists 👉
“Mine and @Luisamneubauer’s voice have been heard many times, but we also need to listen to the scientists and the experts,” @GretaThunberg, kicking off a science panel at #COP25.
"The sad side of the story is that people seem to have forgotten that talking won't solve the problem: we need real action," @Luisamneubauer #COP25
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🌎The Week In Climate 2nd -8th Dec🌍

From #COP25Madrid to new climate forecasting models being analysed, as well as lots in the realm of politics, we have a lot of ground to cover.

Let's start with ...

1 - @GretaThunberg & other activists have had an overwhelming presence at #COP25Madrid. Also, African countries - lowest historical emissions, but most vulnerable to climate change - have sent 4 of the largest 10 delegations…
Read 32 tweets
Pretty much had it with the climatistas at #COP25 dogmatically insisting on sticking to a strategy that is plainly failing. For those of us who care about solving #climate within meaningful timescales we must be rigorously evidence-based and intellectually honest.
I have very little patience for renewables advocates telling me that nuclear energy is too slow and expensive when the evidence does not support that.
It’s a dismissive excuse for making aesthetic technology choices rather than engage in hard choices. This leaves me with the impression that they are not taking seriously the lack of progress to date, nor the major challenges ahead in decarbonising fuels & heat. #COP25Madrid
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#COP25 #COP25Madrid
As nations across the globe gathered for the 25th United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in Spain, Madrid with various expectations and agendas. #COP25 #COP25Madrid
The Honourable Minister of @FMEnvng @DrMuhdMahmood has tasked Nigeria delegates to the Convention to actively engage in International Climate Policy Negotiations that will facilitate the realisation of Nigeria Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
#COP25Madrid #COP25
Read 21 tweets

El otro día hice un hilo sobre algunos aspectos no técnicos sobre el Cambio Climático, puede servir como introducción.

Pero hoy quería hacer un homenaje a "los negacionistas", para defenderlos de la catarata de estupideces que les endosan.
Viniendo de un sector (ahora los llaman expertos) en el que físicos, geólogos, biólogos e ingenieros cooperábamos para hacer estudios marinos y medioambientales, el mismísimo concepto de cambio climático nos producía risa y/o aburrimiento. Otros tiempos (a caballo entre siglos).
Cuando dejé el campo y empecé a mirar el tema tropecé con tres personas únicas que sintonizaban con mi entonces holística visión, salvo que ellos ya llevaban años analizándolo en profundidad, eran Antón Uriarte (QEPD), @Luis_I_Gomez, y @loiscareaga.
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1/3 Another key topic at the #COP25 is the push for #NatureBasedSolutions. These are projects to protect or restore natural ecosystems, which in itself is good. The issue is that most often these projects are financed by offset mechanisms and foster natural capital approaches
2/3 = putting a price on some parts of nature and trading them. Even though it has been shown that it is not possible to comprehensively measure, let alone meaningfully value biodiversity and ecosystems.…
3/3 As long as #NatureBasedSolutions are financed by offset mechanisms and foster natural capital, they should not be considered part of the solution. #COP25Madrid #NatureNow #biodiversity2020
Read 4 tweets
Thread: For you that could not come to the #COP25Madrid #COP25Chile Night time images for CO2 Monitoring, biodiversity and light pollution control 👇
First, I'm Alejandro Sánchez de Miguel Researcher of the @UniofExeterNews, honorific member of the @unicomplutense and member of the board of directors of the @IDADarkSky. I'm leader of @cities4tnight suported by @Ibercivis, @FECYT_Ciencia and @SavestarsCo. Advisor of @iaa_csic
@UniofExeterNews @unicomplutense @IDADarkSky @cities4tnight @Ibercivis @FECYT_Ciencia @SavestarsCo @iaa_csic We are at the #COP25Madrid because the CO" emissions are growing without control.
Read 70 tweets
Pues @GretaThunberg ya está en Lisboa (o casi) y esta noche vendrá a la #COP25Madrid en el TrenHotel Lusitania. Y los Gretahaters ya han salido a crucificarla por usar un tren DIÉSEL.🚂

¿Cómo de contaminante será El Camino de Greta™️? Image
El TH Lusitania recorre algo más de 800 km, casi 200 más que el recorrido por autopista desde que dejó de circular por Cáceres.

Paradójicamente, este rodeo lo hace más sostenible, ya que solo resta por electrificar el tramo Vilar Formoso<>Salamanca.
Así, los primeros 400 km son bajo tracción eléctrica con locomotoras 5600 de CP, y los últimos 206 km de Medina a Madrid también eléctrica con la 252 de @Renfe

Si sois avispados, sabréis que es la misma locomotora Siemens con colores distintos.😏 ImageImage
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Catastrophes climatiques meurtrières, sécurité alimentaire précaire, hausse du niveau de la mer : "Nous devons mettre fin à notre guerre" contre la planète qui "rend coup pour coup", a plaidé Antonio Guterres, à la veille de l'ouverture de la #COP25Madrid #AFP
Le secrétaire général des Nations unies a dressé un tableau bien sombre de l'avenir, dénonçant des engagements "totalement insuffisants" contre le réchauffement #AFP #COP25Madrid
"Nous devons tout simplement arrêter de creuser et de forer", a insisté M. Guterres. "Depuis des décennies, l'espèce humaine est en guerre contre la planète et la planète rend coup pour coup. Nous devons mettre fin à notre guerre contre la nature" #AFP
Read 14 tweets
👇THREAD on @ScottMorrisonMP and #climate

no doubt the prime minister will have noticed the shift in the public mood, and the media, around climate change.

“climate and the environment” is literally top of mind.…
morrison can implore us not to discuss climate change while the country is on fire, but as the fire chiefs have tried to tell him, we have months of fires ahead of us — this is the new normal.

unless australia gets a lucky break, this fire season is morrison’s "port arthur".
if @ScottMorrisonMP seeks to be a great PM, he needs to rapidly pivot to real #climate leadership — meaningful words and meaningful deeds.

to be meaningful:
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