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Oct 28th 2019
1) probably shouldn't oversimplify, but I'm going to anyway

If @UKLabour don't want an election, they need to *all* get behind a Final Say 2nd ref

If they can't, they have to get behind a GE

But they have to all get behind *something* on #Brexit, and the problem is they cant
@UKLabour 2) and the reason why @UKLabour can't get behind any given position is they have a leadership out of step with most members & MPs, which *does* want #Brexit but then hopes to come into power in the chaos that follows

The membership know this really,but won't do anything about it
@UKLabour 3) *IF* Labour got fully behind a #PeoplesVote or a #FinalSayForAll it would invigorate the movement, make the public see it as a possibility and help us put an end to #Brexit

But Labour never will, because Corbyn never will

So fatigue sets in, and Johnson wins by default
Read 6 tweets
Oct 19th 2019
Today we joined other groups from Berkshire & the rest of Britain (as well as some from further afield) for the #FinalSayForAll march.
It was brilliant - the weather was good, the atmosphere was amazing, the speeches at the end were memorable.
#StopBrexitMarch #PeoplesVoteMarch
Assembling at the start of the march.
A lot of time must have gone into making this pub sign placard.
#borisjohnson #PeoplesVoteMarch #lyingcock #stopbrexit
Read 34 tweets
Sep 29th 2019
“When are you going back to Barcelona?” asked one of Aranza's work colleagues on a number of occasions after the referendum.

An all too familiar story for EU citizens who chose to make their home in what used to be a welcoming country. /1
#BrexitIsPersonal @InLimboBrexit
You’ll find Aranza’s story on our YouTube channel, along with >150 #BrexitIsPersonal stories filmed up & down the country.

Please take a look & help us to share them with those who can influence events. Make their rights matter. /2
It’s never been more important for all of us to stand up when our rights are threatened. So come and join us on the 12th October at the @Rally4OurRights in London. Let's #R4OR together!
For details, visit our website & sign up using the RSVP link. /3
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Sep 5th 2019
Mark @ItRecks joined us at the #FSFABeehive in Hereford with @HerefordshireEU. He may be more familiar to you as the 8ft dinosaur, T-Rexit.
In this clip he talks about the severe impacts of a no-deal Brexit: “We’ve been lied to all the way through this.” #BrexitIsPersonal /1
Watch the rest of Mark's film to hear why #BrexitIsPersonal for him.
If you’re just as angry & frustrated at all the lies people have been sold, then stand up with millions of us to demand a #FinalSayForAll or better still, #RevokeA50. /2
There’s a chance to do just that at the @Rally4OurRights in London on the 12th October. Join us to demand that the rights of ALL are defended. Let's continue to #R4OR!
For details of the event, visit the website below & sign up using the RSVP link. /3
Read 5 tweets
Aug 29th 2019
Eddie was far too young to vote in the 2016 referendum. He’s still too young to vote now, but he knows how damaging #Brexit will be for others. That’s why he’s joined the protest against Brexit because “other people will suffer if I don’t do anything.” #BrexitIsPersonal /1
Watch the rest of Eddie’s short film. If you feel proud of him for standing up for his generation’s future, stand up with him and millions of others in demanding a #FinalSayForAll, or better still #RevokeA50.
#BrexitIsPersonal /2
We’ve filmed more than 150 stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. Please visit our YouTube channel for more #BrexitIsPersonal stories from our many #FSFABeehive's. /3…
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Aug 27th 2019
Julia suffers from epilepsy and it’s taken 10 years for her to get the right medication to enable her to work and have a life. Now she’s terrified that Brexit will put her medication at risk and she’ll be back to square one. #BrexitIsPersonal 1/
Watch Julia’s full film to hear more about why #BrexitIsPersonal for her.
Why should people’s lives be needlessly put at risk for Brexit? If you are angry too, stand with us & millions of others to demand a #FinalSayForAll, or better still #RevokeA50. /2
We’ve filmed more than 150 stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. Please visit our YouTube channel for more #BrexitIsPersonal stories from our many #FSFABeehive's. /3…
Read 5 tweets
Jul 19th 2019
@AdamRamsay I was going to Tweet out your Johnson article but saw a link to a 38 degree petition

Could I suggest you use a different site for your petition?

Many many of us no longer trust them since they set up lobbying letters to MPs, without spelling out they supported LEXIT
2/. The pro forma lobbying letter was long and complicated.

Nothing in the comms spelt out that it did not contain requests to support remain or a final say. Nothing to spell out that it was a LEXIT position. NOT transparent

I protested as did many others. No response.
3/. In fact they doubled down.

A while after they sent out a survey for how they should direct their Brexit attention next...omitting choices for Remain or a #FinalSayForAll

Not even an option.

We know when previously surveyed more openly most responded with a request for both
Read 4 tweets
Mar 24th 2019
My thoughts on #PutitothePeopleMarch
Thread #fbpe
Sincerity? Why did so many people go to London yesterday to stand and shuffle a couple of short miles over a period of 5 hours? Sincerity drove us there in coaches and cars and trains and planes.
Only a sincerely held belief can draw over a million, probably 2 million ordinary citizens from across the UK and make the statement they made to political leaders and self serving political gamers and operators.
Read 17 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
I get that Quitters don't like us. I get that the rest of the world doesn't like the Quitters. But for goodness' sake, rest of the world, please don't take it out on us Stayers.

You may be convinced that UK is leaving the EU on 29th March but we are still fighting to #Remain /1
So when we Stayers say that we are hoping for a long extension to Article 50 that will enable us to vote in the EU elections, please don't cut us off with contempt and say you don't want us. What we want most of all is to #RevokeArticle50 but realistically our best hope is a /2
long extension of Article 50 that will enable us to have a #FinalSayForAll - a vote put to the people including @the3million and ALL @BritishInEurope . Please don't tell us that we are wasting our time and it's too late. /3
Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2019
Thread on today’s events. #fbpe
Despite a cold day. We had a strong turnout for a big campaigning day in locations around Chester. It took a while to get things warmed up as people were reluctant to stop. But soon it got busier and we had a steady stream of people to the stall.
We had some musical and historical accompaniment whilst we chatted to people around the town. There is often a Roman or two around the place giving historical context to the city of Chester. Help us be able to instruct the town crier that brexit is dead soon. #StopBrexit
The streets got busy as there were stalls celebrating #InternationalWomansDay and here are just 3 of our lovely key members of Chester for Europe enjoying the atmosphere.
Read 13 tweets
Feb 6th 2019
"Since the referendum, Giulia @GiuliaSavini1 has felt scared when walking through the town she's made her home. She's even been called a ""another f***ing immigrant"". #BrexitIsPersonal /1"
If that is not the sort of country you'd like the UK to be, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll Watch Giulia's full film and see why, for her, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
At @FinalSayForAll, we fight for the rights of #The5Million disenfranchised citizens. We’ve filmed and collected many moving stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. /3
Read 4 tweets
Feb 5th 2019
Howard talks about his Dutch brother-in-law who’s lived & worked in the UK for 35 yrs and feels the referendum has removed his identity. Howard has seen the huge emotional impact this has had on him, and also on a friend who’s lived here for over 40 yrs. #BrexitIsPersonal /1
If you agree with Howard that this is wrong, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll Watch Howard's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
At @FinalSayForAll, we fight for the rights of #The5Million disenfranchised citizens. We’ve filmed and collected many moving stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. /3
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Jan 12th 2019
John @john196201 explains how Brexit's already had an impact on his dental practice. Working ethically, along with the fall in the pound, means he's already taken a huge financial hit. He fears far worse is to come, as vital medical supplies become scarcer. #BrexitIsPersonal /1
If this worries you too, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll
Watch John's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
At @FinalSayForAll, we fight for the rights of #The5Million disenfranchised citizens. We’ve filmed and collected many moving stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. /3
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Jan 9th 2019
David voted to leave the EU but now regrets it. #BrexitIsPersonal for him because he's had to reassess his beliefs. He’s always felt politics should be about looking after individuals, but feels that the whole Brexit process has not done that. He now wants a #FinalSayForAll /1
If you agree with David, it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalsayForAll
Watch David's full film and see why, for him, #BrexitIsPersonal /2
At @FinalSayForAll, we fight for the rights of #The5Million disenfranchised citizens. We’ve filmed and collected many moving stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change. /3
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Dec 4th 2018
Please take the time to watch Stephanie's @Dukespoint film. It's heartbreaking to hear her speak of her life in limbo. She's supported her UK military husband throughout his career and now may not be eligible for settled status. Is this what anyone voted for? #BrexitIsPersonal /1
It's wrong to treat people like Stephanie this way, but it's not too late to change course. Stand up with us and millions of others in demanding a #PeoplesVote with a #FinalSayForAll
Please watch Stephanie's film and see why, for her #BrexitIsPersonal /2
At @FinalSayForAll, we fight for the rights of #The5Million disenfranchised citizens. We’ve filmed and collected many moving stories about the personal impacts of Brexit. Our aim is to disseminate them, especially to those who can bring about change.  /3
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Nov 7th 2018
Paphos has some continuing benefits from being capital of culture last year. Money became available for renovation particularly the old town. Visitor numbers are up. -
The city held some amazing cultural events and was really put in on the European map. The Berlin Philharmonic played to sell out crowds in Paphos harbour but there were exhibitions of art and history and all kinds of music and theatre…
Perhaps it drew people who had never visited before to enjoy the wealth of history under the sun here. It’s also the epitome of the joys of Freedom of Movement. -
Read 7 tweets
Nov 4th 2018
One of my friends just went to a workshop about EU citizens rights. Am appalled. She has come away quite despondent. EU27 citizens, our families friends and neighbours a vital part of our communities, are about to be marked down as the B team and they have done nothing wrong.
Before that she went to speak to her mp who asked her to trust him. It’s a very difficult thing to trust MPs who are unwilling or unable to be very clear and openly support #PeoplesVote with #remainoption even if in private they are supportive
At the end of the day MPs will not actually suffer or be made second class citizens. VPrivate support will not make #peoplesvote happen and this applies to voters. If you are as appalled at the effect of brexit on all in our communities you must speak out.
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Nov 2nd 2018
So #VoteLeave chair @GiselaStuart (who I note quit as an MP in 2017 rather than try and make brexit work) apparently said on @talkRADIO this morning that she believed there were no leave voters on the #PeoplesVoteMarch a couple of weeks ago.

Let's examine that.


So @GiselaStuart maybe you do not believe that #RemainerNow @Will_DryOFOC was at the #PeoplesVoteMarch. In fact he now works full time fighting #brexit with @OFOCBrexit & was one of the thousands of young people leading the march. Here he explains why

Or @GiselaStuart do you not 'believe' this little collage of evidence of leave voters @damidude @CharlesGallahe2, his brother, @hughnorris, @damidude @snoozette1 @MrsEmmaJK @andrewhardie3 all of whom are #RemainerNow &were at the #PeoplesVoteMarch on 20th Oct?


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Oct 19th 2018
Former chief of Secret Intelligence Service MI6 Sir John Sawers backs #FinalSayForAll

In a speech he expresses doubts about whether the Europe question will truly be settled through a tiny majority in parliament endorsing the 52-48 referendum result.…
“I believe that all of us, the advocates of Britain leaving the EU as well as those arguing we should still remain a member, should support a second referendum,” he says.
“A national decision by referendum would at least be final and would allow us to start healing the divisions that have opened up over the Brexit question. Only a second referendum will put the issue to rest.”
Read 8 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
I get up every day, I worry about what Brexit will mean for me and my friends. I make a coffe thinking will I be able to visit the UK? I go into the garden wondering if my healthcare will be paid for. I prepare lunch not knowing how much less my pension will be.
I go to the shops thinking if anything happens to my husband can I still go and live near my sister in Spain. I pack to visit the UK in our French reg car hoping this time I won't be verbally abused. Friends visit, my heart aches, I say nothing. My Twitter friends are my family.
My home is in France. I'm not French, I'm British, European. My life is here. It's the life I chose, given my rights. Rights I've had most of my life. I won't let anybody take away my rights.
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Sep 3rd 2018
I don’t know how you reconcile the country from here.... how do you forgive all the losses, particularly when they were so thoughtlessly incurred and the gains remain so dubious and distant?
@Conservatives @UKLabour

#FinalSayForAll #PeoplesVote
Seriously. How can this end well? How can Brexit ever unify a nation when it takes away far more than it gives and turns people against each other?

How can a vote that leads to this kind of selfish pig-headedness be unifying or respected? Where we all pay heavily for the blinkered resentment of a few.
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Aug 27th 2018
1. I'll try once again.
@SkyNews @SkyNewsPolitics @Channel4News @BBCNews @BBCr4today etc etc...



Citizens affected disenfranchised

It's not all about the Economy.

#PeoplesVote 4 a #FinalSay & a #Remain option
2. UK citizens at Home & Abroad will lose Rights....…
3. Other EU country citizens in the UK will Lose Rights…
Read 5 tweets
Aug 24th 2018
This is a bloody disgrace..bad enough a proportion of UK cits are zenophobes & want out of the EU to break up neighbours families, lovers & partners & dis millions of EU cits who came here but these are UK cits...shame on you! So much for we're all in it together.
Of course I meant's all Greek to me...
I also meant #FinalSayForAll & have noticed a fake hashtag FlnalSayForAll set as out for that...
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Aug 14th 2018
For those denied a vote in the EU referendum, #BrexitIsPersonal. We will continue to give a voice to those denied a say in their futures, and already affected by Brexit. Any future votes must include a #FinalSayForAll, and an #OptionToStay. Here’s how we hope to achieve this.
FinalSayForAll was founded by Bloke From Barnsley @Nickynoo007, John Ling @grrrahh and Michael Moss @MintyTeaboy, three British citizens who were concerned about the 5 million citizens both in the UK and the EU who were denied a vote in the EU referendum of 2016.
They met many people across social media who had very personal stories to tell, who felt that their voices were being drowned out by rallying cries of British independence and taking back control. Their lives have been turned upside down against their will.
Read 9 tweets

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