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Oct 5th 2022
A šŸ§µon why #NoToSelfID is important right now. On 27 October @scotgov will vote to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA If the vote goes through this removes the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria & people can self declare the gender they wish to live as /1
@scotgov and @ShonaRobison have told us that no man would declare himself to be something he isn't to access vulnerable women & children. We know this is not true. There are numerous examples where this had happened.
The #GRA reform will require people to live as their acquired gender for 3 months before applying for a #GRA this means you must self identify as your preferred gender. A man can self identify as a woman or a woman can self identify as a man.
Read 11 tweets
May 9th 2022
A short threadšŸ§µ on why #NoToSelfID is important right now. @scotgov want to reform the Gender Recognition Act #GRA & remove the need for a medical diagnosis of gender dysphoria. To a process where people can self declare the gender they wish to live as This is Self ID /1
Self-ID allows individuals to declare themselves to be something they are not. They use the word ā€˜genderā€™, which is not adequately defined for individuals to declare whether they are a man or a woman and a boy or a girl /2
Implications for women & girls are:

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & be treated on a female hospital ward

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & play in women's sports

šŸ‘‰Self ID allows any man to say he's a woman & enter a rape crisis centre
Read 8 tweets
Jul 10th 2021
1] Essential blog Post from @ShonaghDillon of @AuroraNewDawn

An analysis of evidence submitted to the #GRA consultation by #VAWG services

A must read for @ManduReid @TabithaMortonWE & all women who have survived #MVAWG

A shame to see @WEP_UK missingā€¦
'Out of 837 submissions there are only six (that I can find and I did trawl through all of them but could well have missed one), from organisations that work within the male violence against women movement'

Here is the Caucus submissionā€¦
3] Women's Aid UK ā¤ļøSTOOD UP FOR WOMEN ā¤ļø

Women-only spaces provide a physically and emotionally safe environment that is vital to survivorsā€™ recovery and empowerment after experiencing domestic and sexual violence and other forms of violence against women and Girls

@womensaid Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
The government was very clear about the importance of hearing womenā€™s voices in the #GRA consultation. This is from the ministerial forwardā€¦
ā€œWe also want to be clear that this is an explorative consultation and we do not have all the answers. That is why, as we consult, we are mindful of the need to engage with all perspectives... #WomenAtWESC
ā€œWe particularly want to hear from womenā€™s groups who we know have expressed some concerns about the implications of our proposals... #WomenAtWESC
Read 6 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
Today at 2.30 we will be giving evidence to Women & Equalities Committee alongside @fairplayforwomen @filia_pix #womenatwesc Thank you for all your messages and long-standing support. Nothing about us without us.
Our portfolio of written consultation submissions relating to the rights of women including this #WESC consultation can be viewed here

We welcome our new followers watching #WomenatWESC

We are a left wing feminist organisation

To read our manifesto & our campaigns šŸ‘‡šŸæā€¦
Read 24 tweets
Dec 11th 2020
On Wednesday 3 cis women gave evidence to the @Commonswomequ select committee on #GRA reform. These panellists spent the majority of their allocated time arguing that proposed reform has the potential to harm cis women due to the presence of trans women in ā€˜womenā€™sā€™ spaces
Yet anyone who has knowledge about the issues at stake knows that changes proposed to the GRA would have absolutely no impact here. There is no connection as the Equality Act, by recognising trans women as women, ensures their right to womenā€™s spaces such as toilets
The arguments presented at @Commonswomequ by these panellists were thus completely irrelevant- they might as well have been arguing that changes to the GRA would lead to a rise in the price of bread - and should have been told so by the committee Chair.
Read 11 tweets
Nov 12th 2020
All eyes be on Raya !!!!
Attention Attention Attention !!!!

#TPLF completes preparations for genocide against #Raya people in #RAYA_ALAMATA front. It is expected to happen from tonight from November 13 to 15. A similar to the #Maikadera massacre is underway.
1) No Tigrayan national is currently in Raya Alamata.The last passengers were given 10,000 birr per person per day and left in big trucks to Tigray today.They were threatened to leave the city immediately & serious warnings given as to how to dismantle the city into barren land.
2) More than 600 Raya youths, investors and prominent elders were held prisoner at #Raya_Alamata Rural and Urban Woreda two police stations. It is said that there are many youths from Kidane, Garbe and 03 kebele among the prisoners. Other 50 militia men disarmed & imprisoned.
Read 8 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
Celebratory zoom drinks with some rather fabulous women (and one dude) because it been quite a week, hasnā€™t it? #GRA #WPUK2020
Party on! (On my own.)
Marc Riley and the Creepers - Babyā€™s on Fire
Read 3 tweets
Sep 25th 2020
It is deeply disappointing that @UKLabour (my party) has allowed this racist & utterly regressive #Tory government to present itself as the protector of women's rights & children's safety. The current #Labour stance is wrong in so many ways it is hard to know where to begin. /1
Firstly we must be clear that for the Tories this is a risk-free & cynical act of political expediency that fits with their petty nationalist narrative that presents the left as an aloof "metropolitan elite". The same Tories have impoverished & marginalised women over the... /2
...past decade of austerity and they have failed to act upon the growing tide of male violence & sexual exploitation faced by women & girls. Anyone drawing the conclusion that a vote for the Tories is a vote for women is sadly mistaken. /3
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Jul 9th 2020
The UK Government are planning an announcement before 21 July on their plans for the #GRA. The Scottish government remain committed to reform but have paused their work due to #Covid19ā€¦
Priority must be clarification of how the GRA interacts with Equality Act especially the single sex exemptions. See this recent blog by @K_IngalaSmith on some of the issues that need considerationā€¦ #sexmatters
Some LGBT lobby groups have campaigned to remove the SSEs from the Equality Actā€¦
Read 7 tweets
Jul 21st 2019
#OVHcloud EU-W (GRA,FR): GRA1 + GRA2, we have 100K physical servers and the place for 400K.

The European Cloud exists. Itā€™s time to use it ! ImageImageImageImage
Work in progress to build the additional capacities in EU-W (GRA,FR). ImageImageImage
Old gen VS Next Gen: more MVA of cooling per m2 ImageImage
Read 5 tweets
Jun 24th 2019
Can somebody remind the #EqualityNetwork that their Ā£275,000p/a they get from #ScotGov is for LGBT+not
TTTT+T,they already get full & separate funding for their*PROJECT*"Scottish Trans Alliance"(Ā£200,000)so WHY r they co-opting #Pride for their single issue? Lies!Not a T rally!
The Equality Network Funding received from the Scottish Government . What do they actually do for intersex people? They barely mention them.
Source :ā€¦
Scottish Transgender Alliance funding
Read 20 tweets
Mar 5th 2019
@charliekiss @Tara_Hewitt 1/ You are aware that NHS trust patient databases have, for some time now been required to have fields disclosing transition? Not the central one of all names, addresses, phone numbers, NHI number, & GP, fortunately though. I think I've avoided being so recorded, have you?
@charliekiss @Tara_Hewitt 2/ They did try to get it as required information in all electronic referrals, but we stopped that, but there's a national advisory committee run by all all the royal colleges pushing for it. It is likely the data from Equality Monitoring forms is used to fill gaps in the records
@charliekiss @Tara_Hewitt 3/ As you know, NHS records show current gender; they added a "Sex at Birth" field, which is labelled as "this will normally determine medical treatment". Yes, Really. They got that in without testing, consultation, or notice. I'd love to know what @UKTELI has done about it.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 13th 2018
For me, the real issue in the #trans #GRA reform is #maleviolence against #female & trans. I note #transmen seem to be absent from discussion. They obvs don't present as #women so don't use women's spaces. But they can't draw attention to themselves as trans because... (1/2)
(2/2) in a male space they would run the risk of attack by men who would see their bodies as still female. I can't find stats on transmen being violent, or female violence on transmen. I guess there will be some, but very small no's. The problem is male violence. #patriarchy...
So we need to be looking at #male #violence and how/why our society raises #boys to think violence is a way of dealing with the world. NB I know this is a generalisation and not all males are violent & not all females are peaceful!
Read 14 tweets
Jul 6th 2018
It seems lots of organisations have got all muddled about equality law. They need reminding that 'sex' is a protected characteristic. We have already helped lots of councils and others to get their guidance right. Let's make sure everyone is compliant.ā€¦
Here's a statement on the successes you have had so far and why it mattersā€¦ #sexnotgender #sexmatters
And here is our statement on the government's recent commitment to upholding single sex exemptions under Equality lawā€¦
Read 6 tweets

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