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I offer this piece as a service to to them that it might help raise awareness and someday put an end to the reign of satanism and pedophilia on earth.

1. The owner of comet ping pong [James Alefantis] on faux news portraying the victim after an angry actor showed up with an AR-15 and fired a few rounds. The gunman said he had seen the Wikileaks material and screen grabs on instagram and said “he had to do something” ImageImage
2/ The man could have gone in bought a slice of pizza and had a look around. This was another red flag that he was apart of the incident to support the fake news narrative so people wouldn’t want to look at the actual evidence for the fear of being labeled a conspiracy theorist. Image
Read 27 tweets
Comme le dit notre ami @55Bellechasse dans son excellente dernière capsule sur la censure et la corruption, voici un des exemples flagrands de la censure d'Etata exercée à l'encontre de #JulianAssange .

#AssangeFree est détenu depuis près de 14 ans dans la prison de haute sécurité de Belmarsh en Angleterre (le Guantanamo britannique). Il y croupit, au détriment de sa santé (il y a souffert 2 crises cardiaques).…
Assange, un citoyen australien, est recherché par les États-Unis pour 18 accusations criminelles d'infraction à une loi sur l'espionnage et de complot en vue de pirater des ordinateurs du gouvernement après que WikiLeaks a publié une vidéo militaire
Read 26 tweets
95% de mes proches sont d'extrême gauche, même moi pendant longtemps.
Ils ne peuvent plus avoir d'autres arguments pour justifier leur grande faillite en ayant abandonné nos anciens au rivotril, nos enfants sous des masques, imposé des thérapies géniques expérimentales...
, biens qu'anti OGM le reste du temps, leur soutient inconditionnel des confinements, couvre feux et les suicides de nos ados.
Ils ne peuvent assumer non plus leur position hyper impérialiste pro OTAN , ni leur soutient indéfectible des multinationales de l'ONU et de DAVOS sur
leur politique de la fausse écologie du climat.
Pas plus l'absence de soutient total des syndicats aux #suspendus

Bref, du coup, ils accusent l'autre de la rage pour éviter la panique que leur procurerait de se voir réellement comme ils sont et tout ce qu'ils ont fait...
Read 4 tweets
VIDEO THREAD: Supporters of @wikileaks publisher Julian Assange commemorated World Press Freedom Day this afternoon by holding a funeral procession march for press freedom in DC.

"What do we want? Free Assange!" chanted the activists, some of whom carried caskets. "When do we……
The funeral procession for press freedom protest began outside the Department of Justice with @JenChangeFL.

She says Julian Assange's prosecution is "death of part of our First Amendment."

She calls out Biden for saying "journalism is not a crime" at the White House……
Organizer @SmurphySuzanne with @AssangeActionDC spoke out in front of the DOJ and offered welcome to @RobertKennedyJr for his recent support for Julian Assange and other journalists and whistleblowers.

She read his tweets and said they are "hitting it out of the park for me."
Read 15 tweets
#ClintonMurders #ClintonSuicides

5 fundraisers, 5 doctors, 8 journalists, 11 staffers, 13 lawyers, 22 bodyguards, 23 witnesses, 40 acquaintances to name a few. They grow each year.

A thread 🧵 for awareness 👇

Remember when #HillaryClinton introduced her friend #GeorgeSoros and his interest to get involved in US elections…

America would’ve been much better without George Soros rigging campaign financing

Read 40 tweets
#QAnon (This is not an endorsement, on the contrary.) #SGTReport is/was a YouTube channel and a blog dedicated to spreading pro-Q propaganda. This video is from early 2018. The title of the video is "Qanon- This is Either Fantasy or a Dream Come True." We can observe several……
This is Robert David Steele (RDS) and the video corresponds to the same time period. Here we see the seeding of the idea of #JulianAssange being transported to the US, RDS talks about his friend #BillBinney (remember that Binney talked directly to #pompeio about the leaked……
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1/20 We open this thread with a poll on a real poll from 3 Apr 2003 that asked the US public if they’d say the war in Iraq was “successful if it removed Saddam… and fewer than [N] Iraqi civilians were killed”.

Guess the number above which the majority judged “not successful”
2/20 It is 20 years later, and today IBC updated its documented violent civilian death toll to 186,797–210,166. Which stands in desperately sad and bitter contrast to the result of the 2003 L.A.Times poll: 500, an answer that may astound many people today.…
3/ So a majority of the US public of 2003 felt that if more than 500 Iraqi civilians were killed in the war, it would not be worth it. Very different from the US Ambassador to the UN who could justify 500,000 Iraqi (child) deaths in the 1990s, when presented with that estimate.
Read 20 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱@MxPlusTV | ⏯️… 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ informó que "se va reduciendo la incidencia delictiva en el país", gracias a la estrategia de "atender las causas" y no permitir la corrupción y la impunidad. Nunca más la asociación entre autoridades y delincuencia, sentenció.
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ explicó que la función del "conservadurismo" y de algunos medios de comunicación es "manipular", por lo que "hay que estar constantemente informando", además, dijo que a pesar de la desinformación, la gente está politizada.
Read 58 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱@MxPlusTV | ⏯️… 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ informó que 5 mil personas trabajan en la construcción de la planta coquizadora de Salina Cruz y la rehabilitación de esa que refinería, además, dijo se invierten 60 mil mdp en la construcción de la planta coquizadora.
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ adelantó que en julio de 2023 se inaugurará la carretera de #Oaxaca a Puerto Escondido, además, dijo que la carretera de Oaxaca al Istmo se inaugurará a final de 2023.
Read 34 tweets
1/7 Il 20 marzo di venti anni fa aveva inizio la criminale e illegale aggressione e #occupazionemilitare, guidata da #USA e #GranBretagna, dell'#Iraq, "fondata" sulla #menzogna delle inesistenti #armididistruzionedimassa del regime irakeno. >
2/7 Nonostante la contrarietà del #movimentopacifista internazionale che ne ha denunciato per tempo la #follia (dichiarato "l'altra superpotenza mondiale" per la sua estensione dal #NYT); >
3/7 nonostante abbia provocato oltre un milione di #morti (come ha rilevato l'organizzazione indipendente International phisicians for the prevention of the nuclear war); >
Read 8 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱@MxPlusTV | ⏯️… 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | El presidente @lopezobrador_ felicitó a la selección nacional de #Beisbol por haber vencido a la selección de #Inglaterra, además, informó que hoy, a las 12:00 hrs, la selección mexicana jugará contra #Canadá. Image
#ConferenciaPresidente | #QuiénEsQuiénEnLasMentiras

❌Falso que militares de #Venezuela vengan a México a reprimir

✔️Integrantes de las Fuerzas Armadas de Venezuela vinieron a #México para participar en la competencia internacional #Chimaltlalli2023 donde participaron 9 países ImageImage
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The first question for the @davidagraeber's Pirate Enlightenment panelists @piercepenniless, @ayca_cu, @OwenJones84 was great:
"Why do we need all these half-baked stories? We need the truth."
1/ Image
The questioner more or less said: we need to fight for justice right now, not waste time on entertaining literary tales and speculation.
For me, the best answer to this is the screen adaptation of Dangerous Liaisons (1988).
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This film may seem to be about sex, blood, and perhaps about the French Revolution, but Dangerous Liaisons is really about literature and the human capacity to tell stories to one another.
3/ Image
Read 23 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ adelantó que hoy se presentará un informe sobre el juicio de #GarcíaLuna que comenzó el lunes 23 de enero, y dijo que es "muy vergonzoso" que el ex secretario de Seguridad Pública presuntamente protegiera a un cártel y recibiera dinero
#ConferenciaPresidente | @lopezobrador_ explicó que los abogados de #GarcíaLuna alegan que la Fiscalía no cuenta con pruebas, "que se están valiendo de testigos protegidos que tienen también antecedentes penales", y destacó que "hasta ahora no ha habido pruebas fehacientes"
Read 36 tweets
Salimos con el #Hilo prometido #Massa y #Wikileaks. Doc filtrados por #Assange donde el Ambassador E. Anthony Wayne de #EEUU, se refiere a #CFK, a Alberto y sobre todo a #Massa .
Cable “confidencial” firmado por la embajadora de #EEUU, Vilma Socorro Martínez, fechado el 20 de noviembre del 2009 titulado “Argentina: los primeros dos jefes de gabinete de #CFK ( Massa y Alberto) dicen que la vida útil de los #Kirchners expira en el 2011”.
Vamos a dedicarnos a los q detallan las conversaciones que la por entonces embajadora de EEUU Vilma Socorro Martínez (2009-2013) y su segundo tuvieron en varias ocasiones, con los entonces dos ex jefe de gabinete del primer gobierno de #CFK (2008-2012): Alberto y #Massa.
Read 19 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | @HLGatell informó que la pandemia de #COVID19 en México acumula 12 semanas continuas de aumento de casos.

👉Ocupación de camas generales: 8%
👉Ocupación de camas con ventilador: 3%
#ConferenciaPresidente | @zoerobledo dijo que en #México hay 65.6 millones de personas sin seguridad social, de las cuales @IMSSBIENESTAR atiende a 11,678,723. La meta es que #IMSSBienestar atienda a las 31,555,355 personas que aún no son atendidas en ninguna institución
Read 49 tweets
When you understand the facts of the #Assange case and the lies and deception; the daily dose of hypocrisy and finger-pointing becomes insufferable. The injustice keeps you up at night. The atrocities turn into nightmares.


A thread. 🧵

#ItsTime to #FreeAssange 11 April 2019 | A SHAMEFUL DAY and photo of Julian Assange a
The terror and terrible treatment of others, stays with you.

The truth is a burden.

It is hard then to imagine what it must be like for #JulianAssange with all that he knows and no voice or ability to right the wrongs or to defend himself. To be silenced—

— and punished by those committing the crimes. This must already bear heavily upon him.

Assange has had no internet access since it was taken from him (along with other 'privileges') in March 2018, while in the Ecuadorian Embassy. This happened—


Read 9 tweets
#WorldWar2 ended 77 years ago, why do we see endless #WarFilms & #War #Documentaries from that time?

Could it be because this was the last war #Britain & the #USA    fought, where we were the #GoodGuys.

We've fought plenty of wars since then. #JulianAssange's fate shows ...
... just how much we want people to look at and examine our role in them!
@threadreaderapp unroll please
Read 3 tweets
Sigue, #EnVivo, la Conferencia Matutina Presidencial, a través de la multiplataforma de #CanalCatorce: 📺 14.1 | 📱#MxplayTV|⏯️ 💻…
#ConferenciaPresidente | #CeroImpunidad

@RicardoMeb informó que del 1 al 7 de diciembre se detuvieron a 7,614 personas, de las cuales 6,981 fueron presentadas ante el Ministerio Público

👉Se extraditaron a 4 personas a #EUA por delitos de asociación delictuosa y contra la salud
#ConferenciaPresidente | #CeroImpunidad

La Fiscalía de #Oaxaca informó que se logró el fallo condenatorio en contra de Lizbth "N", ex alcaldesa de Asunción Nochixtlán, y de 3 personas más, por el delito de desaparición forzada de la ciudadana inglesa Claudia Uruchurtu
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In a new book written by Bulgarian investigative journalist Anna Zarkova, Assen Yordanov, founder of the website Bivol, describes how #JulianAssange selected him to work on the WikiLeaks documents about Bulgaria, Serbia and (North) Macedonia. Image
While Yordanov humourously refers to the important role that a bottle of rakia played, he is adamant:

"Assange won't let you access the WikiLeaks database without first checking to make sure that you are a serious investigative journalist. He had studied my investigations..."
Yordanov says that Assange was "the first person to lift the curtain on how decisions are made about the fates of entire nations and states."

Also: "Assange's files were very influential in Bulgaria. They revealed what [former PM] Boyko Borissov is about."
Read 8 tweets
#einordnungskompetenz am limit (so?)

#CancelCulture an der @ETH: Ein Professor erhält #Morddrohungen wegen einer Vorlesungsfolie… via @NZZ @jonasmroth | @DirkHelbing thread 1/n
die ausgangslage für den professor ist unangenehm. morddrohungen zu erhalten ist nur in liebesaffären attraktiv:

killing me softly

genügz, studierende anzuklagen, #shitstorm #CancelCulture kreischen, wenn kommunikationsabteilung @ETH überfordert ist?…
dass engagierte jungjournalistende ihrem vorauseilend gehorsamen mittelbau zeigen wollen, dass sie @marcwalder's ruf zu #solidarität mit der inszenierung von HASS IM INTERNETZ @s_sommaruga @bakomCH inbrünstig internalisiert habe: wohlan.…
Read 20 tweets
was es alles gibt:

und selbstverständlichst unte qualitäts-#schurnalism abgehandelt wird... (so?) #JourTag22
und auch @nato-#schurnalism prall am #JourTag22 vertreten:

wie geht es eigentlich #JulianAssange?

@wikileaks hat damals daten zur verfügung gestellt, wie deutschland die @nato am hindukusch verteidigt habt... erinnert ihr euch daran?
@NATO @wikileaks der nächste punkt ist ja auch heiss: Wahrheit #wahrhaftigkeit und co.

wenn #JourTag22 wüsste, was @snf_ch unter diesen begriffen versteht
Read 6 tweets
كمصري أناشد الحكومة المصرية وكل حكومات العالم الحر الضغط على حكومة المملكة المتحدة للافراج الفوري عن جوليان أسانج وعدم تسليمه للولايات المتحدة، صحة السيد أسانج في تدهور واستمرار اعتقاله مناف لكل القيم الانسانية والأعراف الدولية,
كذلك أناشد كل المهتمين بحرية الصحافة وحقوق الانسان التوقيع على التماس أفروجوا عن أسانج هنا,
سنوحي المصري
#COP27 #cop27egypt
I urge all of you to stress the release of #JulianAssange and to show your support for freedom of press. Don't extradite Mr. Assange to The US.
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1. La colpa di #JulianAssange? Aver raccontato la #guerra di occupazione dal punto di vista delle #vittime, come da mesi fanno le testate giornalistiche del pianeta in Ucraina raccontando l'occupazione russa. Eppure, per questo sta per essere condannato a 175 anni di carcere >
2. Perché nel suo caso il paese occupante erano gli #StatiUniti e quelli occupati l'#Afghanistan e l'#Iraq. E quelle #vittime non andavano mostrate.
Per questo aderisco alle 24 ore planetarie per la libertà di #JulianAssange >
3. E ripropongo la mia recensione del libro Il potere segreto di @SMaurizi, che spiega perfettamente quale sia la posta in gioco per l'#informazione e per la #democrazia:…
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Human chain formed around UK parliament in support of Julian Assange

Protesters formed a human chain around the #UK parliament in London on Saturday to call for the release of persecuted #WikiLeaks founder #JulianAssange.
The chain spanned from the front of the Houses of Parliament to the River Thames, over Westminster Bridge before looping to the river at the other side of the historic building.
The Australian-born publisher has been in prison since he was removed from the Ecuadorian Embassy in London in 2019 and arrested by British police.
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