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Jun 14th 2023
New pics from tonight. Mark Niemczyk sign is visible in @Walgreens #lasvegas. It was there from the time I got to 4th St @11:30pm. In its usual spot facing the front door so all can see as they enter.
Video will clearly show Manager (left) and security (right) know it's there.
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About 2 minutes later, all hell broke loose. Mike Niemczyk (son in previous video) received a misdemeanor assault charge @LVMPD
@11:59pm this video starts. Niemczyk tells a man leaning over him smth. Points at me. Other man looks directly at me. I stand with sign #stolenvalor
Needless to say (IF you know anything about Mark Niemczyk) this is a criminal outfit centered around Niemczyk and his older Stolen Valor-9/11 charity fraud, but with other crimes. They remind me of the gang in "American Honey" but more desperate & sloppy in their scamming.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 14th 2023
Mark Niemczyk's routine: enter @Walgreens and place his large scam sign directly in front of the entrance, so that customers are greeted by obscene language and partisan political attacks while he shops.
Management allows (loves) this. Want to know why? Call them 702-703-8788
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After his 2013 9/11 charity fraud conviction in NJ, Mark Niemczyk laid low in PA. Probably moved to Las Vegas 2016. I don't know if his plan was to do the exact same scam again, but that's what he ended up doing. He was on felony probation 2014 (sentencing) to 2019.
Mark Niemczyk has been committing a version of that very same criminal scam, mostly on #fremontstreet in #LasVegas, that he was already VERY PUBLICLY convicted of in NJ.
It is considered one of the disgusting and lucrative 9/11 charity frauds in US history (Google his name!),
Read 7 tweets
Jan 31st 2023
1 in 4 flippers sold their homes for LESS $$$ than expected in our 4Q22 survey. Elevated rates and falling home prices are scaring buyers wary of buying on the way down, but investors are clearly looking to acquire now and refinance later. 🧵Flipper comments to follow ->
#Austin flipper: “Austin has an overinflated housing market that is compounded by elevated interest rates. This has resulted in a downward spiral in qualified buyers. The fix and flip market is pretty much gone. Prices in most areas are down about -30% or more in recent months.”
#Baltimore flipper: “We’re looking forward to a big 2023. I hate to say it, but a lot of it’s going to be on the backs of consumers with hardships, or circumstances where they have no other options. But that’s our bread and butter.”
Read 25 tweets
Nov 15th 2022
NEW: "The greatest long-term threat to out nation's ideas, innovation & economic security, our national security, is that from #China" @FBI Dir Christopher Wray tells House Homeland Security Committee
"The Chinese gvt aspires to equal or surpass the US as a global superpower & influence the world w/a value system shaped by undemocratic authoritarian ideals" per @FBI's Wray "We are confronting that threat head-on"
"The @FBI has scores of investigations open into the #China in all 56 of our field offices" per Wray
Read 17 tweets
Nov 3rd 2022
Big takeaways from our survey of fix-and-flippers last week: 1) Rates have massively slowed transactions and prices are falling broadly. 2) Lots of talk about flippers changing strategies, holding-and-renting instead of flipping, or exiting the space entirely.

#Atlanta flipper: “Many highly-leveraged flippers will need to go out of pocket to sell or will default on no-recourse loans. We will not see improvement until the 2nd half of 2024. Many will not make it to that point and there will be some bargains for cash-flush investors.”
#Baltimore flipper: “Sellers are still not reacting to market shifts. Sellers need to lower prices.”
Read 27 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
🟥👇 You know why they want our legislatures? Republicans are trying to get enough states to have a CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION

Then they get to REWRITE the CONSTITUTION.

They need 34
They have 29
And 9 are in play



#nvvotes22 #Nevada #LasVegas
BTW Do you think that's going to be good for anyone but white straight Evangelical right wing men?

Pay attention to your state legislatures and vote blue.

This is a very real threat to the entire country.…

#Nevada #nvvotes22 #LasVegas
The plan 🟥👇

"By taking over state legislatures, Republicans hope to pass conservative amendments that cannot be electorally challenged"…

#LasVegas #Nevada #nvvotes22 #Reno #voteblue
Read 4 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
🟥👇 #Nevada
This is #AdamLaxalt
Notice the expression on his face.

Is that the expression you would have when looking into a refrigerator truck of dead immigrants? Ones you flew across the country to see?

Smirk? Smile?
Either way it's wrong.

#nvvotes22 #LasVegas #Reno Image
🟥👇 Maybe that's because he posed in front of his real feelings about them.

Maybe we don't vote for someone like this #Nevada

None of the people I know here would feel he represents their values.

#LasVegas #nvvotes22 #Reno #HendersonNV #DACA Image
Read 3 tweets
Oct 27th 2022
Let's talk #Nevada Elections
& #AdamLaxalt


The 3 TIMES he's run they told Nevadan's not to vote for him AND this time they EVEN endorsed his opponent @SenCortezMasto

So why would you vote for a man whose own family won't?

#NVvotes22 #LasVegas

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Laxalt's family tells Nevadans not to vote for him.


October this year.…

#VoteBlue #LasVegas #Reno
#nv #nvvotes22 #hendersonnv #DACA

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This is #AdamLaxalt standing in front of a refrigerator truck of dead immigrants that he flew from DC to Texas to see.

Immigrants just coming here for a better life.

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Read 21 tweets
Aug 15th 2022
Home price trends across 20 top housing markets. Pace of price increases moderating (left chart), which you can see in our underlying home price index flattening out or actually falling in a few markets (right chart). Start it off with #Atlanta.
#Austin home prices
#Boise home prices
Read 20 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
"You can't be serious."
You can't say I didn't tell you...…

Chapter 20, page 365, The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking

@NEOM #NEOM #SaudiArabia #MirrorLine
@NEOM Get up-to-date commentaries on how the cycle is turning, visit:
@NEOM More sign:…

Thanks @PorcoRoss1 for the link you sent.
Read 15 tweets
May 28th 2022
They should still be here. #Buffalo 🕊 Each of the victims of buffalo
They should still be here. #Uvalde 🕊
They should still be here. #Orlando #Pulse 🕊🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Read 20 tweets
May 12th 2022
An icon of the far right has died. According to his daughter, Sarah Weaver, Randy Weaver passed on Wednesday. He was a key player in a deadly standoff at #RubyRidge in #Idaho
"Love you always Dad....
"See ya next time I see ya"
January 3, 1948 - May 11, 2022"
The standoff, covered by reporting legend (and friend) Bill Morlin, gave the radical, anti-government right a rallying cry after U.S. Marshals killed Weaver's wife, Vicki, and son, Sam, during the standoff. A Marshal, William Degan, also died.
The standoff between Weaver and the Marshals also is thought to have inspired other anti-government radicals, including #LasVegas shooter Stephen Craig Paddock
Read 7 tweets
Mar 25th 2022
Il faut ABSOLUMENT que le #McKinseyGate revienne au centre du débat politique de cette campagne... La nouvelle équipe de campagne lrem est déjà noyautée par TOUT les cabinets de consulting
#BCG #McKinsey #Deloitte #rolandberger...
Du coup compil' thread des threads 👇 1/beaucoup
Déjà petit historique du plus cité ds les médias ( enfin très récemment...) ⤵️
Mais il faut bien comprendre que ce recours systématique au cabinets de conseil privé ds les Ministères et quasiment ds toutes les strates (régionales,locales, municipales comme à Paris) de la société n'est pas nouveau ⤵️
Read 28 tweets
Mar 3rd 2022
We @JBREC just surveyed 400+ flippers about #fixandflip conditions in partnership with Flatiron Realty Capital and @SundaeHQ.
Key takeaway: There is a TON of competition for deals right now.
#LasVegas flipper: “Market is oversaturated with inexperienced investors due to an increase of “gurus.” Supply is low, demand is high, and prices are inflated 20%+ over ARV. Not sustainable.”
#Phoenix flipper: “Phoenix is a very active market with home prices on the rise. The competition is aggressive.”
Read 21 tweets
Feb 11th 2022
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 02/11/2022…
Misinformation Is Everywhere, Especially About Past Information - Bloomberg…
#misinformation, #history
Why Smuggled Fossils Are Hurting Paleontology | Science | Smithsonian Magazine…
#SmuggledFossils, #paleontology, #ParachuteScience, #HeritageLaws
Read 20 tweets
Jan 31st 2022
Later that same month, the bone fide heavyweight Caesar’s Entertainment began a suspended campaign of removing table games from its multiple #casinos in #LasVegas.

From Harrah’s to the Flamingo to Cromwell, table games have been ripped out of the casino floor… and replaced by slots, video poker, and other electronic offerings. It’s a major change taking place at multiple locations at the same time. So where and why does such a trend come about? So why are so many table games being removed and replaced with machines? And why now?

The cold fact of it is machines don’t require an hourly wage. They don’t take vacations, or sick days, or breaks for a cigarette or a meal. They don’t unionize.
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Jan 25th 2022
A company from #LasVegas called Fortune Coin manufactured the first video slot in 1976 – a predecessor to modern-day online slots widely popular today. Popularity, however, was not the word to use when talking about the very first of the #videoslot machines. Fitted inside a full-size cabinet, the father of slots came with a 19 inch Sony Trinitron TV. The usual slot machine functions and control options were operated on a series of ‘logic boards’ connected to the whopping display.… Such a contraption was a far cry from the ordinary mechanical slot machines and not everyone was a fan. General casino-loving public welcomed the new invention with a fair share of scepticism.
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Jan 11th 2022
Home builder survey results are in for full month of December. Top themes: 1) Still a ton of demand for new homes. 2) Rampant construction material & labor shortages. 3) Bit of chatter on possible margin compression several quarters ahead. Market commentary to follow…
#Atlanta builder: “Have virtually no available inventory & huge backlog of 1,000+ units going in to 2022. Still metering sales in most communities, where the demand of waiting buyers still outnumbers our supply.”
#LasVegas builder: “Busiest orders for December I can remember in a long time.”
Read 27 tweets
Nov 12th 2021
@GovSisolak @AaronDFordNV @ClarkCountyNV Why do we allow Hotels/Casinos or any business, to charge their employees to park in garages, they own, for work? That should be illegal. They are taking pay out of their workers mouths so they do not have to pay full wages

And while we are at it we need laws limiting parking garage fees. I went to visit friends on Downtown this weekend and nowhere was it displayed they raised it to $50! $50 for 3 hours of parking. I spent $32 for 4 hours on two Caesar's properties the day before.

It's obscene.
Does not even cover what locals are being charged for event parking at Allegiant - I have seen receipts from friends of $100-$150 to park! That only hurts locals.

Why should someone with a car be penalized $150 to see a show? This is not acceptable.

Read 4 tweets
Oct 24th 2021
Management of post-op Crohn disease with @MRegueiroMD at @AmCollegeGastro #ACG2021

#GITwitter #IBD
The natural course of postoperative Crohn disease: it keeps progressing
Rutgeert score
Read 19 tweets
Oct 7th 2021
Just published September home builder survey results (sales, prices, costs, communities, etc.). Big themes: 1) Supply chain, supply chain, supply chain. 2) Monthly price hikes no longer the norm. 3) Some of the hottest markets sounding toppy. Market commentary to follow…
#Austin builder: “No end in sight for labor & material issues. Told by logistics guy last week that his company believes it will take at least a year to get the supply chain back to working.”
#Austin builder: “Availability of windows has limited closings this year & availability of appliances has caused closings to slide to a later month. Availability of paint is stressing Q4 closings & causing even more bunching toward late in the year.”
Read 36 tweets
Sep 18th 2021
THREAD: Vigils across America demanding action against #Pakistan for its inhuman treatment of Hindus & other minorities. The @chingariproject calls on all communities to join this movement to bring an end to abduction, forced conversion to Islam & rape of young girls in Pakistan.
Every day, in #Pakistan, 3 girls from the minority communities are kidnapped, forcibly converted and "married" off, often as 2nd and 3rd wives of Muslim men.
Many of these girls are as young as 12 and the men they are married off to, in their 30s and 40s. 2/n
Vigil participants in #Tampa #Florida, shared details of the atrocities committed on #Hindu, #Sikh and other minorities in #Pakistan. Many onlookers said that while they aware of Pakistan's toxic role in Afghanistan, few had heard about the crimes being committed within Pakistan.
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Sep 16th 2021
Tomorrow I’m opening my first grocery store in a Title One school. I doubt I sleep tonight - imagine a parent between checks who can order dinner and breakfast for their family thru our app and their child bring it home. I’m changing lives man, no one does it like me. Just wait!
Before Picture!
FYI this is in #Atlanta my hope is that we bring this to rural communities. Also I hope to bring one to #Memphis #Birmingham #LittleRock #JacksonMS #Nashville #Jacksonville #Tampa #Houston #CharlotteNC #Dallas #Newark #Camden #LasVegas #Chicago #StLouis #Detroit and so many more!
Read 7 tweets

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