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Most recents (24)

1/9 🔬 Today, we'll explore how @MultiversX's Adaptive State #Sharding is an advanced technique that enhances the scalability and efficiency of #blockchain networks.

Let's dive in! 🧵👇
2/9 Instead of simply dividing the information into smaller fragments, it uses a smarter approach 🤖 to distribute the information based on its relevance and accessibility.

#sharding #blockchainsharding
3/9 The Adaptive State #Sharding uses a 🌐 network of #nodes divided into domains, each with its own task and responsibility assignment.

These nodes are divided into two categories

✅central nodes
✅peripheral nodes.
Read 9 tweets
1/ To be honest, I'm having a hard time comprehending this one, but I came up with a simple example that could help. 🧵

@woj4ke Please correct me if I am incorrect.

I'll probably delete this later if it doesn't make sense.
2/ Assume I develop a #decentralized gaming app (L2-Smart Contract) with 10 nodes hosted all over the world to be redundant and reliable while processing #smartcontract data in the #network.

➡️ The purpose of this #game is to walk from the starting point to the finish line.
3/ On the players route to the finish line, there are rocks to leap over.

After successfully leaping over a rock, a #transaction on the #dApp gets crafted, granting the player 1 issued #Token labeled "JUMP".
Read 13 tweets
The Archaeologist Node Network Kickstart Proposal has passed on the DAO!

We are excited to work with the community building out the network of Node operators, starting now!

Steps to join the operator pool on testnet 🧵🧵🧵

1/5 ⚰️ Image
1. Join the Sarcophagus Discord with a profile that is active/not new. This will help us screen out bot profiles.

2. Navigate to the #nodes-and-technical-discussion channel and post the Goerli testnet address you are going to use for node bonds.

Once you have posted the address, we will send 200 gSARCO and .02 gETH in Goerli to the wallet for operating the testnet Node, and record your profile/address in the public Notion repo for tracking here:…

Read 5 tweets
Simple guide on how to get a FREE one year #VPS Subscription suitable to run most of the Nodes for airdrop from Amazon

…And how to to run the GAGANODE by @NetworkMeson

A thread 🧵
This guide covers running gaganodes by meson, you can run this node on Android, windows and Linux and VPS

But VPS has an edge because you don't have to worry about keeping your system on and connected to the internet everytime. With VPS your #Node will keep running 😎
To get access you need an email
Your phone number
And your credit card with minimum $1 balance for verification.

Once you have the above you are cool.

To get started go to:
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Crypto ⛏️ 🧵
Expensive ASIC miners are not good for cryptocurrency because they centralize the mining process and make it less accessible to a wider range of people.…
It is revolutionary for crypto that @Constellation's consensus can be run from any mobile device. This allows for a much broader and more decentralized distribution of nodes, as virtually anyone with a smartphone can participate in the network.
This is a significant advancement over traditional blockchain networks, which often require specialized hardware and a dedicated internet connection in order to run a node.
Read 6 tweets
Join us as we dive into the ultimate #Metaverse #Blockchain...


This project review as well as other reviews & free crypto guides can be read more clearly on my website: 🔽

1/ 🧵👇
2- @Klaytn_Official is a hybrid open-source blockchain that launched in 2019, with a mission to shake the #gamefi and #metaverse space. The creators of #Klaytn are behind South Korea's largest internet company, #Kakao!
3- The #Klaytn #blockchain works differently from other major networks like #BNBChain, #Polygon or #Ethereum as they generally use one main consensus mechanism such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS).
Read 16 tweets
[1/🧵] That is a genuine question, and while the answer may disappoint you, it isn't as important as one may believe.

Let's go back in time to find out what happened and thoroughly address the question. 🧵👇
[2/19] 🧐 First and foremost, let us establish some fundamentals and address the question:
❓ Is "block" the proper term to use ❓

Yes & no, as @JoelKatz puts it:
"The transactions are stored in a series of ledgers, but an #XRPLedger contains everything a block contains.
. . .
[3/19] . . .

So because it’s a chain of ledgers, it’s also a chain of blocks."

The primary distinction between #Bitcoin and #XRPL is that the #XRPLedger utilizes an account model rather than a #UTXO model, thus the term "Ledger".…
Read 22 tweets
[1/9] "Don't Trust, Verify"
–Ein Spruch, der derzeit die Runde macht, nachdem Unsummen von Milliarden durch #FTX und #SBF veruntreut wurden–

5 Begrifflichkeiten, die du jetzt unbedingt verstehen musst, um Exchanges besser einschätzen zu können!
[2/9] 👉 "#Merkle #Tree"

• Ist ein binärer #Hash-Baum, also eine Datenstruktur in der #Kryptografie, bei der jeder Blattknoten ein Hash-Wert eines Datenblocks darstellt
• Nachträgliche Änderungen wirken sich auf die "Wurzel" aus
• Effizientes Mittel der #Datenüberprüfung My User ID: Satoshi My BTC ...Merkle Root da8fc, Merkle B...
[3/9] 👉 "#Proof of #Reserves"

• Der Beweis durch einen unabhängigen Prüfer, dass der #Exchange tatsächlich ALLE #Assets (Einlagen und Salden) besitzt, die er vorgibt zu haben
• Während des #PoR wird der "anonymisierte #Snapshot" der Salden zu einem Merkle Baum zusammengesetzt Proof of Reserves Source: h...
Read 9 tweets
[1/9] Starker Post zum Thema @FlareNetworks #API-Portal! 💪

Die Schnittstelle schlechthin um z.B. über #HTTP-#GET (+#POST) Anfragen, Zustände (#States) der angefragten #Blockchains (+#DLTs) zu erhalten

Mein praktisches Beispiel für die Zukunft: Ein 🧵
[2/9] Für alle die meine Zusammenfassung zur #FlareNetworks x #GoogleCloudTech (#GCP) Partnerschaft verpasst hatten, hier der Deepdive:

[3/9] Ich pflege derzeit für ein Portfolio von Assets (#Cash, #Immobilien, #Aktien, #Edelmetalle und #Krypto) eine selbstgebastelte Excel, die mir per API, je nach Wunsch, aktualisierte Zahlen liefert 💪 Types of Investments: Stock...
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The evaluation of Rahu and Ketu has been mired in confusion if not controversy. Opinions differ across many #Jyotish texts. Laghu Parashara gives the most logical direction to solve this puzzle.
A slow 🧵
#AskPanditKatti #VedicAstrology #nodes #Rahu #Ketu
#yoga #JyotishKatti
First the issue of Lordships. Some prefer #Aquaruis and #Scorpio as the sign lordships for Rahu and Ketu. All the Rasi's have lordships based on physical grahas. So the question is - Can nodes who aren't physical, but only mathematical points be lords?
Rahu in #Aquarius and Ketu in #Scorpio are better placed due to their matching tatwas with the rasi lordships. The famous dictum does mention this -
Shanivat Rahu & Kujavat Ketu. There are more secrets. Stay tuned. Sri Raama
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What is Proof of Work (PoW)?

Our last thread introduced the topic of #consensus mechanisms which determine how #data is added to the #blockchain

In this 🧵 we look at consensus mechanisms that use Proof of Work:
1/ A group of owls is called a Parliament.

And just as there are different ways to participate in a democracy (eg voting in a referendum vs electing a representative to decide on your behalf) - there are also different ways of participating in decision making on a #blockchain
2/ The first #blockchain developed for #bitcoin by Satoshi Nakamoto uses Nakamoto #consensus
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There is a Privacy problem in Web3.

@SecretNetwork which launched in 2020 is here to solve the issue! #secret

I will leave all the official links at the end.

Please like, retweet and follow if you enjoyed the thread!


@SecretNetwork is a decentralized network solving one of the largest problems in blockchain technology and that is Privacy.

Generally, blockchains expose user data to everyone. If you have the wallet address of a user, you can see all their assets, metadata and so on.
This is where #Secret comes in.

@SecretNetwork is the first Layer 1, Proof-of-Stake blockchain with "Privacy-Preserving Smart Contracts".

All #DeFi apps built on their network are cross-chain interoperable and private by default.
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What is #Tokenmint ?
Where to get #ZEN $ZEN
#Youtube #Zendoo #sidechains
timestamped here without intro: @horizenglobal $ZEN 🎬📽️🎞️🫡
What is $ZEN @horizenglobal @HorizenClips #ZEN #ZendooShorts #HODL attention👀

The only real $ZEN in #cryptocurrency
The mainnet currency and native asset of the #Horizen #blockchain
There is no token contracts for native main chain $ZEN
#Zendoo IT
Read 22 tweets
[THREAD 8] Les Noeuds (Nodes)
Les Noeuds (Nodes) sont des éléments clés de la blockchain et permettent de supporter le réseau P2P entre les utilisateurs

(Merci de saluer l'effort pour mon énième Oeuvre d'Art😏)

C'est parti pour le thread 🔽
#vabosser va bosser
Les Noeuds permettent de supporter le réseau, c'est à dire valider et relayer les transactions, elles font en même temps une copie de la #Blockchain .
Validant les transactions et les blocs , les #Nodes sont très utile au développement d'un réseau comme #Bitcoin 🔽
Les Mineurs peuvent être considéré comme Noeuds sur le Réseau Bitcoin, en effet ils permettent de mettre a profit leur puissance de calcul pour sécuriser et faire valider les transactions 🔽
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Weekly Summary - May 4th

Here's another weekly summary for all of my investments. Week-over-week has seem some nasty returns over the last few weeks with this market, but hopefully we'll see a turnaround and some pumps now that we're in May. Check it out!

2/ First is @tombfinance and the returns on $Tshare / $FTM LP. There's A LOT going on with the $Tomb. The LP APR and $Tshare price declined a lot last month, but there is a lot of utility being released this month. April's total however saw an increase from March, so good news! Image
3/ @HectorDAO_HEC continues to be boring, which worked quite well for them during the downtrend. Price is relatively stable. The team is really investing a LOT in the market downturn, which will pay dividends nicely in an upturn. I'm liking how the team is building and investing. Image
Read 17 tweets
What's the best long-term strategy for @DarkForestDeFi on #AVAX ?🤔

It's re-engineering the #DeFi space with a multi-protocol ecosystem where each element supports the next to generate #PassiveIncome to investors, sustainably.

Lets Break it Down... 🧵


$AVAX #Node
This isn't your average buy a node & compound/claim situation... its a vast ecosystem where all the elements inter-connect & support each other. Starting off on the right track is extremely important.

IMO a $1000 or more is the right amount to start.

#NodeLife #AVAX $AVAX #DeFi
Here's what you need to get started.

🌳 2 @DarkForestDeFi Nodes ($215 each)
🦌 2 Deer #NFTs ($210 each)
🍃 A bunch of $LEAF ($150)

Now that we got your investment allocated, let's talk strategy that is sustainable for you & the Forest.

$AVAX $NART #PassiveIncome #NFTCommunity
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Imagine earning $300/mo this year from a giveaway 👀

This may be the craziest giveaways I've ever done! 🔥

Read the thread to see how to enter... 🧵 Image
🍇 Grape finance is a DeFi protocol on $avax. They recently launched "#Nodes" on their platform paying out over 2% daily 😱

This means if I put $500 into this and the price and APR stay the same...

(they typically fluctuate)

That would be $10/day or $300/month until you 5x
🍇 But just wait... you could also take the rewards and stake those for another 1.64% in their "Winery".

Meaning after you max out the rewards you are putting (at today's price) $2500 into the winery to earn 1.64% daily or $41 a day...
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It’s getting very hard watching so many people get burned with all these rugs of late 😟

For us to grow #DeFi we need investors to be able to successfully distinguish between good and bad actors, otherwise the whole space suffers!

#nodes #passiveincome
I have never been rugged…. So far!

And although I understand there is a chance it could happen, im comfy in my positions because I put in a high level of DYOR before I jump into anything!

It’s not bulletproof, but it definitely works…
What makes me most angry is we have sooooo many “influencers” that shill these crap projects to their followers, just so they can profit!

Im not going to name any names here, but a few are meant to be nice guys. Im not so sure!
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Node investors have felt disheartened over the last few weeks, with many projects price dumping!

But not @HordeTweets! They've achieved insane price stability.

Could they be the first ones to crack sustainability?

Let's find out! 👇🏻

#nodes #passiveincome

Horde is a DaaS project operating on BSC! To join their ecosystem investors buy 10 $HORDE tokens, which they use to create a plot of land.

This rewards them with at least 1% per day. After they receive 300% of their ROI the land is burned(more to come on this later)
They are also building a Zombie P2E game that will be the basis of the platform.

You're probably thinking, "not another P2E game... original!" But I can assure you, what HORDE are doing is very original and very innovative.

You'll be glad you kept reading.👇🏻
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Hey there, Glitchers!

Thanks to everyone who attended today's #AMA session. Missed today's technical and marketing discussion with the Glitch team?

Here are the highlights. Let's recap. 👇

#MainnetLaunch #DeFi $GLCH
How is the development of Phase III progressing? Any plans for the end of the month or for May that we can look forward to?
The recent announcement mentioned when the testing with @KurtosisTech will be shared, but when will the testing begin?
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Follow this thread to find out why you NEED one if you are focussed on #passiveincome


#NFTProject #NFTCommunity #Nodes #NodeEvolution


The Ghost Trader NFT is transforming the humble NFT into a super-charged savings account (NFA)

No longer 'just art', the funds of your NFT are traded in traditional markets by The Ghost Trader Team

Each month the Trading profits are distributed to NFT and $GTR holders
The GENESIS NFT earns its share of 52.5% of the distributed profits

Subsequent NFTs will only earn their share of 50% of distributed profits

Grab a GENESIS #GTRNFT now from a community member on TG
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1/ 🚀 $500 TREE GIVEAWAY 🧵 🚀

Who said money doesn't grow on trees? Thanks to Bull Financial I can show you how!

🎁 x 1 TREE (worth $500)
🥇 x 1 Winner

How to Enter ⬇️
- Follow me + @bullnodes
- ❤, RT, Tag 3
- Join
- Comment #nodes

⏰ 5 Days ⏰

2/ TL;DR and Security

- "Nodes" called TREES
- Off Chain Investments
- Tons of utilities planned
- @0xPolygon Network
- USDC Trading Pair

✅ KYC (in progress)
✅ AUDIT (coinscope)
✅ Multisig
✅ Anti Whale and Sniper Bot protection
3/ Bull Financial is a DaaS and IaaS (Investment-as-a-service). They are building a high sustainable yield bearing project.

They want to create easy to access, safe, reliable, lucrative and sustainable passive income in the form of TREEs.
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1/ @MushroomNodes just dropped their WP and it's 🔥

I luckily got an OG role in this project and after seeing the WP I'm more bullish now.

This post is NFA, DYOR and investments in crypto carry risk so invest at YOUR own risk. Information post only.

🍄 ⬇️ Image
2/ TL;DR and Security

• 4 tiers of nodes
• Must start at Tier 1 and work to Tier 4
• Low ROI for sustainability
• $FUNGI is pegged to $USDC 👀
• Limited NFT boosters
• Polygon Network

✅ KYC (in process)
✅ AUDIT - Certik (future)
3/ Mushroom Nodes is looking to shake up NaaS with Nodes 2.0.
- Pegging native tokens to USDC to eliminate sell pressure.
- Launching on Polygon since #AVAX is becoming more congested with #nodes.
- Stable prices due to USDC peg.
- Low, realistic ROI.
Read 10 tweets

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