Discover and read the best of Twitter Threads about #OPENSEA

Most recents (24)

#Blend 是“Blur Lending”的简称,#Blur 旗下的借贷平台。由白皮书可知,该协议主打“无需预言机、无期限、可清算、支持任意抵押品(包括 #NFT)的点对点借贷”,用户可以将手中的NFT抵押换取加密货币,也可以低首付(BNPL)购买NFT。目前只支持三个系列: #Cryptopunks#Azuki#MiladiesImageImage
对于贷款人来说,在创建贷款报价时需要确定两件事:贷款量(“我想借出多少 ETH?”)和 APY 利率(“我想获得多少利率?”)。所有贷款都是无限期的,因此无需设置到期时间。
贷款人可以随时收回借出款项,借款人有 30 小时的时间直接偿还,或接受新贷款偿还第一笔贷款。如果借款人既不偿还贷款也不接受再融资,贷款人将在 30 小时期限结束后收到 #NFT,即便它的价值远高于贷款金额。当贷方触发再融资拍卖并且没有人愿意以任何利率接管债务时,NFT 可能会被清算。
Read 15 tweets
OpenSea #Airdrop

It cannot be ruled out that #OpenSea, which has currently reached a valuation of $13+ Billion, may do an Airdrop in the future.

Whether it is a $SEA token or an #NFT I recommend to do your best to receive the airdrop if there ever is one.

Follow the thread Image
1. Make maximum use of the platform, making purchases, bids, sales, mint, etc.

It is preferable to perform this operation on different chains.
2. Hold at least one Gemesis NFT:…
Read 4 tweets
Happy Friday! 🐉

We wanted you to be the first to know that we just kicked off our Dragon Degens NFT collection!

Dragon Degens are super high-quality 3D art #NFTs, which we spent 1.5 years creating and will serve as brand ambassadors for @GonnaMakeItNFTs! 🎉

🧵 1/5
We are giving a Dragon Blood #airdrop (used to mint Dragon Degens) to everyone who has used #Opensea (similar to what we did with the $GMI airdrop), as well as holders of the top 40 most active collections. 🤌🏽

🧵 2/5 Image
For anyone you refer to the Dragon Degens #airdrop, you will get 50% of what they claim! Hurry and share your referral link, as we are giving a 500% bonus to the people who are early to reserve! 🤝

🧵 3/5
Read 5 tweets
Facebook, Instagram and TikTok will be dead in 10 years

Influencers are gaining power, and they’re tired of unequal economics and the constant threat of censorship

They’ll soon lead a “great migration” to decentralized platforms like @LensProtocol

Here’s why and how


🧵 Image

#LensProtocol is a decentralized “social graph” that allows users to own their online relationships and content (we’ll explain what this means below)

It has not yet released a token, but over 100K lens #NFTs trade on OpenSea with an average floor price of $108

This thread we will cover:

• What’s a social graph?
• The problem with social media
• How #Lens solves this problem
• How it works
• The Lens ecosystem
• How big is the market for Lens?
• Key competitors
• What is Lens’ moat?
• What’s its long-term potential?
Read 46 tweets
今天是我入圈 #Web3 一周年。过去一年,我被rug过,也被很多前辈提点过。从一个年级第一保研北大的学院派“乖乖女”,到现在能接受裂痕,理解去中心化的本质,有自己的思想,我走了很多弯路,也学到了很多实战经验。今天试图分享话题「#普通人如何快速进入Web3」,欢迎大家补充!(持续更新中…)
首推北大肖臻老师 2018 年的《区块链技术与应用》,是中文领域看过最好的区块链教学之一,从底层的密码学原理讲到上层基于智能合约的应用,而且全程使用板书教学。 在 bilibili 和 youtube 上均有视频。
Read 23 tweets

Coinbase跟OP Stack合作开发自己的链上平台BASE,这是一个里程碑的发展。从Coinbase单点逻辑—Coinbase交易所,钱包,再到现在一个平台BASE,把各方L1,L2链接起来,串联成一个线一个面,创建起宏伟的目标——10亿人的开放金融系统。

1.贷款:加密货币当中,DEFI十分繁荣。而下一次1000倍的DEFI繁荣,需要一个强大的引擎——信用贷款。我们深知信贷是现代经济繁荣的基石,它打开了潘多拉宝盒,让世界经济在供需再平衡之间,创造了巨大需求。而目前加密货币的传统抵押贷款,以 $AAVE,$COMP为例,
Read 14 tweets
Royalties for Art for HODL’ng vs Royalties (or lack thereof) for more tradeable PFPs via aligned incentives.

Maybe it's not either:or?

Hear me out on why all this can still be a net positive as the space matures. An attempt at a 🧵🧵 on the subject...
Royalties for Art: I personally believe artists deserve to sell their art, and a perk of NFTs from the moment I joined the space was the tech’s ability to monetize ongoing income thanks to appreciation and/or their art changing hands. (2/13)
(R4A Cont'd) With lower supply collections and especially 1/1 art @SuperRare has shown its continued prowess. Can something similar remain? Via any/all marketplaces where its set up as such? I feel many agree as to where a collection or #NFT asset belongs categorically (3/13)
Read 13 tweets
¿Alguna vez has soñado construir un nuevo mundo?

Un lugar donde no existen barreras, ni límites

Una isla donde tú eres el protagonista y donde puedes vivir infinitas aventuras y monetizarlas

Hilo (1/6) 🧵
COCOBAY es donde tú propones experiencias y norma

Donde puedas ser quien quieras ser:
· Sin presión social
· Sin limitaciones
· Donde puedes fluir
· Donde soltar la imaginación

🥥🤝 Image
¿Qué pasaría si te dijera que esa posibilidad ya existe y es tan real como cualquier red social?

Estos mundos son posibles y estamos más cerca de lo que imaginas

Un lugar donde crear, COCOnstruir y compartir con gente como tú 🥥 Image
Read 6 tweets
n/1 一直玩NFT的朋友可能发现最近 #Blur 上又可以交易那些新发行的NFT了。包括之前无法交易的 #SewerPass 。之前无法交易是因为Opensea出台的新政策让项目方从合约层面把Blur限制了。但最近Blur想出了骚操作规避了这个限制。下面来看看Blur的鬼才操作。 Image
n/2 由于#Opensea的排他协议,导致大多数新发行的NFT项目方都ban掉了Blur,所以在之前的一段时间里Blur上只能交易那些老的NFT。但现在Blur通过骚操作,在平台上搭建了两套交易系统。老的NFT们在老系统上交易。新的限制了Blur的那些NFT在新系统上交易。
n/3 新系统的交易基于#Seaport,因为Blur自己的交易合约被限制了,所以Blur索性不用自己的交易合约,直接用Seaport的合约来进行交易。下面的图分别是Blur上#SewerPass和#Otherdeed的交易记录,但是你会发现SewerPass使用的是Seaport合约,而没有被限制的Otherdeed则沿用原本的 Image
Read 6 tweets


(1) DEFI
(3) NFTS


#Binance10M #BUSD #Airdrop $BTC
Read 36 tweets
Join us as we dive into the ultimate #Metaverse #Blockchain...


This project review as well as other reviews & free crypto guides can be read more clearly on my website: 🔽

1/ 🧵👇
2- @Klaytn_Official is a hybrid open-source blockchain that launched in 2019, with a mission to shake the #gamefi and #metaverse space. The creators of #Klaytn are behind South Korea's largest internet company, #Kakao!
3- The #Klaytn #blockchain works differently from other major networks like #BNBChain, #Polygon or #Ethereum as they generally use one main consensus mechanism such as Proof-of-Work (PoW) or Proof-of-Stake (PoS).
Read 16 tweets

25 jours pour apprendre à développer des Smart Contracts en #Solidity 🔥

Jour 13 / 25 :

Création #ERC721 : Comment gérer les métadonnées ? Est-ce que les métadonnées sont immuables ? Développons ça !

Dans le thread précédent, nous avons appréhendé le système d'Arbre de Merkle, c'est un gros sujet quand on parle de cryptomonnaie.

Le deuxième gros sujet, plus spécifique aux NFTs, ce sont les métadonnées... mais qu'est-ce que c'est ?
Read 24 tweets
1/ Daily Report:
Despite endless media appearances, #SBF unlikely to testify on 13th.
Over 15.4 million ETH is locked in #Ethereum's staking contract.
3. SBF Concedes Alameda Enjoyed Special Privileges With #FTX.
2/ Daily Report:
SBF: Alameda Has The Highest FTX Borrowing Limits.
Uzbekistan Approves Rules for Issuance and Circulation of #Crypto Assets.
#Uniswap's On-Chain Vote on Fee Switch Proposal to Go Live in 14 Days.
3/ Daily Report:
Return of the #CEX : Binance Trade Volume Market Share Surges.
#Opera Crypto Browser to unlock instant #NFT publishing with Alteon LaunchPad.
#ENS price surges due to this metric, however there was a decline in…
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(1/9) #NFTs have swept the market and consumers off their feet due to significant growth in their popularity. Let’s shine the spotlight on #NFTs once and for all! 🖼️✨🧵
Learn More 👇…
(2/9) ✨What are NFTs?✨
#NFTs are Non-fungible-tokens. These #tokens are unalterable, and cannot be replicated in any shape or form. They are a form of digital art that can be tokenized against real-time assets such as real estate. 🌐
(3/9) Exchanges that deal in #NFTs usually incorporate the use of #SOL, #Polygon and #ETH. #SOL is a blockchain platform that supports #dApps, and it has proved to be a fast-growing ecosystem. Let’s talk about trading #NFTs. 🟡💸
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Monday,November 7th

Uncovering Defi fundamentals: decentralized Exchanges — #binace-reseach

(1).Decentralized exchanges (“DEXes”) are a cornerstone of decentralized finance (“DeFi”) and are one of the most widely used decentralized applications (“dApps”) today.
DEXes facilitate trading of crypto assets without the need for an intermediary by employing smart contracts to settle transactions. Using Ethereum gas consumption as a gauge of transaction activity, DEXes account for the largest share of gas consumed on the Ethereum blockchain in
the first half of 2022.

(2)DEXes recorded slightly over US$714B in trading volume year-to-date as of end-July 2022. Monthly trading volume has generally been on a downtrend since the start of the year as crypto market activity fell.
Read 9 tweets
Flagowy projekt #NFT od @ZooEcosystem tj. #ZooGenes jest już dostępny na #opensea.

Stało się to możliwe, dzięki uruchomieniu pierwszego zdecentralizowanego mostu przeznaczonego do przenoszenia tokenów #NFT. Most ten został uruchomiony przez zespół @wanchain_org.

Bezpośredni link do kolekcji #ZooGenes na #Opensea znajdziecie tutaj:…
Read 4 tweets
Thread 1/15

Making this thread about @gigaswapfinance, to share my own thoughts and opinions about this sleeping giant.

There is a lot, so I’ve chosen a few of the many features, benefits and solutions that will come to $GIGA over time and why I think it’s so genius 🧠 Image

Bullet points

🤝0,3% trading fee to perform a trade

🤝90% goes to stakers and only 10% to the team.

🤝For the #NFT perspective of trading, it’s more lucrative on trading fees compared to #opensea that takes 2,5%, $LOOKS 2% and #Sudoswap 0,5% on trading fees.

🤝NFT fractional trading (F-NFT) this feature isn’t something you find on any of the big trading platforms for #NFTs. This function is really cool and will allow NFT holders to sell fractions of their NFT.

🤝fractional trades ( tokens ) 🤝…
Read 17 tweets
🔺 AVAX cheat sheet part 2 🧵

👀 I'll link part 1 at the bottom

👇We still have these to cover
🧑‍🤝‍🧑People to follow
🛠️ Technical docs

#AVAX #Avalanche #opensea #nft #cryptocurrency #Web3 #ETH
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 Notion document containing people you need to follow and brief descriptions of why I find them beneficial to the space 👍…
🛠️ Technical docs

Most important whitepapers regarding AVAX

Here you'll find
🔺 Aims and features of AVAX
🔺 How the consensus works behind the scenes
🔺 Tokenomics of AVAX
Read 9 tweets
🔺 AVAX cheat sheet 🧵

👀Essential resources included:

💰 Marketplaces
📊 Analytics sites
🖼️ NFT collections to check out
🧑‍🤝‍🧑People to follow
🛠️ Technical docs

@opensea is about to integrate AVAX so you better start reading

#AVAX #Avalanche #opensea #nft #cryptocurrency #Web3

⭐️ Joepegs - @joepegsnft

👉 My favourite marketplace due to ease of use, high quality projects on the launchpad and new features every month.
👉 Owned by @traderjoe_xyz - the biggest DEX on AVAX
👉 Engaging Twitter Spaces, great success rate with NFT projects
👍 Kalao - @GetKalao

▶️ Many similarities with joepegs, they've been around for longer so their overall volume traded is higher.

▶️ Native token staking for revenue share

▶️ V2 launched recently
Read 26 tweets
1/ March '21 will forever be remembered as the month that NFTs went mainstream when @beeple's 'Everydays' was sold for >$69M.

But to gain long-term cultural relevance, we need to enrich them with more context and relational value.

We need to give people the power to curate 👇🏼 Image
2/ While minting NFTs has become quite easy by now, the places to collect and display them are still far from being fun for artists, collectors, and institutions.

Users of today's platforms are drowning in an #opensea of GIFs and jpegs.

This is why we need curation.
3/ Curation per se is a pretty broad term.

It means filtering, synthesizing, framing, enabling, creating, and remembering.

As the curator @HUObrist said in a talk at @designindaba:
"Curation is a continuously articulated struggle between the past, the present, and the future." Image
Read 33 tweets
1/ : NFT交易市场数据分析,支持 #Etherum #PolygonMatic #Ronin #BSC #Solana 等公链
2/ :跟踪 #opensea 小时销售情况
1/ : 热门NFT地板价查询
2/ :另一个地板价查询
1/ :获取最新NFT项目
1/ : 最大的NFT数据分析平台
2/ :一站式NFT持仓分析工具
Read 3 tweets
☀️This is the #JustinSunNFT @justinsuntron that my brother and I have been creating for 1.5 years! 😱

I am a painter, I have been doing digital painting for about 3 years, and regular painting for more than 12 years, but then I was just starting my journey in digital art. [1/22]
My brother is into #crypto and in March 2021 he told me about the @trondao, #NFT and #cryptocurrencies in general. It got me hooked, I began to study the ecosystem of #TRON and its creator, who, frankly, seemed to me very cute and photogenic - ideal for a portrait. [2/22] Image
🔥And in order to draw Justin, I began to study the technique of realism. Thus began the #JustinSunNFT project. A few days later I showed the portrait to my brother @ambrazhevich3 and he offered ideas for improvement. [3/22] Image
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【📣8/31 12:30~ spaces開催📣】
NOT A HOTEL CEO @shinji_hamauzu
メルカリNFT @smcpglf
8月に販売された最初の販売分約3億円が約1時間で売り切れるなど、業界大注目のNOT A HOTEL NFTについてインタビューしていきます!…
【NOT A HOTELインタビュー①】
◆コロナ禍での起業からNOT A HOTELのミントまで
#notahotel #NFTmu #NFT
【NOT A HOTELインタビュー②】
◆起業からNOT A HOTELのミントまで
Read 9 tweets
With #x2y2 reducing royalty to 0%, what shall we do to support the #NFT creators? Well, blacklisting a specific platform/exchange doesn't seems like a scalable solution, which could be easily overturned. Thus, developer of #Azuki introduced a purely centralized solution, it...
2/ It basically says: "force the #NFT to be listed on @opensea only, and forbid all other exchanges". What an irony! If this is what #Web3 looks like in the future, I would rather go and work in Burger King (as you can tell from my pfp).
3/ I have been a #Bitcoin Maxi for almost my entire career, not because it makes me richer, but because it's fair. I hate authorities that censor content, forbid free speech, or rank people based on their birth. But sadly I've seen more and more centralizations in #Web3 nowadays,
Read 8 tweets

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