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Dec 10th 2022
I have been noticing more issues with low iron amongst my obstetrics and gynaecology patients lately so thought we should do a thread on iron...

Why is iron important?
Why can iron be low?
How can you get more iron?

#iron #anemia #pregnancy #periods #ObGynTwitter #MedTwitter
Iron (Fe) is a super important mineral for us.

Iron the centre of the heme group, which sits in the centre of each subunit of the hemoglobin protein structure.

Hemoglobin proteins pack the inside of our red blood cells.
Iron at the core of each hemoglobin molecule binds oxygen.

There are ~260 million hemoglobin molecules in each red blood cell and we each have ~25 trillion red blood cells in circulation!

This is our transport system for oxygen to get from our lungs to our cells and organs.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 28th 2022
19,622 ppl tracking #periods, of whom 14,936 receive #CovidVaccine

👉🏻 Dose 1 associated with a 0.7d delay to the next period

👉🏻 Dose 2: 0.6d delay

👉🏻 2x doses in one cycle: 3.91d delay

👉🏻 Back to normal next cycle

👉🏻No change to period length

We see these effects with all types of COVID vaccine (mRNA, adenovirus, inactivated virus), suggesting this is likely to be a result of the innate immune response – akin to side effects such as sore arm and fatigue – rather than an effect of any particular vaccine component. 2/
This is in line with previous reports on COVID vaccines, as well as some old reports from other types of vaccine. 3/…
Read 10 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
#pwME #LongCovid who menstruate (or used to):

*BEFORE* getting ill with #MECFS or long covid, did you have particularly painful #periods?

See notes below for some clarification

#menstruation #WomensHealth
1. Post vax long covid included as long covid

2. Realise theres overlap between ME and LC, please pick what you identify with

3. If you took meds which stopped the pain but without meds your periods were particularly painful, please select "yes"
4. Because i often get DMs telling me the problems with my polls (which is why I turn comments off): its a twitter poll with max 4 options, its not perfect, you dont have to answer, and i realise this doesnt capture the full picture, etc. Im just curious is all! 😊
Read 4 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
@katystoll Here are recent studies focused on menstrual cycle changes after Covid vaccination....won't fit in one tweet so I'll make a thread...🧵

I haven't read all of these yet.

#menstruation #menstrualhealth #menstrual #women #health #womenshealth #WomenEmpowerment #periods #period
@katystoll "Do the COVID-19 Vaccines Cause Menstrual
@katystoll "Web and social media searches highlight menstrual irregularities as a global concern in COVID-19 vaccinations"…
Read 31 tweets
Mar 17th 2022
OK, it's time to talk about #periods. #menstruation. #flow. What it is, what's normal, and what's NOT. Buckle up, friends! 1/
A period is the disposal or shedding of the endometrial lining, or the tissue of the inside of the uterus that grows approximately every month in anticipation of a pregnancy. 2/
A normal period occurs every 21 to 35 days and lasts 2 to 7 days in length. How much blood a person loses varies day to day, but it should not be heavy enough to cause someone to soak through a pad or tampon every hour. 3/
Read 16 tweets
Jan 7th 2022
Does #CovidVaccination cause changes to #periods?

I know ppl have been wondering about this! But up to now the data we had was pretty preliminary. However, with a large, prospectively collected dataset out yesterday, I think it’s time to start putting it all together.... 🧵
Here’s some more on that new study. In short, people who received both doses of the vaccine in a single menstrual cycle found their period came a couple of days late. But it was back to normal a couple of cycles later, so the change was temporary. 2/

This might explain why our UK-based study couldn’t find clear patterns to suggest that Covid vaccination is associated with changes to periods. In the UK, our interdose interval is 8 weeks, so it’s not possible to have both doses in the same cycle. 3/

Read 18 tweets
Jan 6th 2022
Does #CovidVaccination cause changes to #periods? Biggest and best study so far...

In summary: on average, periods are delayed by ~half day by dose 2 of the vaccine, and delayed by ~2 days if you get both doses in the same cycle. But it's temporary! 🧵…
3959 spontaneously cycling ppl logged at least 6 consecutive cycles with tracking app @NaturalCycles.

2403 were vaccinated. Taking them all together, the average period came 0.64d late after dose 1 and 0.79d late after dose 2. No difference in length of period. 2/
Most of us wouldn’t even notice this! But could the average be hiding some small fraction of people who experience a large change? We define any variation in cycle length of less than 8 days as “normal”. 3/…
Read 13 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
Y'all, I saw a post that said every hood girl has used a baby sock when they don't have a tampon. Clearly posted and shared by men. A THREAD
#makeitmakesense #periods #wtf #jokes #redflags #relatable
Baby socks aren't even big enough to stop a flow. Unless you're spotting, in which case you don't NEED a tampon, you just WANT one
If you have baby socks, it's reasonable to assume you have baby diapers which makes more sense to use than the kid's foot cover
Read 11 tweets
Nov 15th 2021
Wondering if #COVID19 #vaccination affects #periods? 💉🩸🤔

So was I!

Preliminary results from my study on this are out today in preprint... 🧵…
To answer this question, we recruited two cohorts.

Cohort 1 consists of 250 people recruited before they received their COVID vaccine, who are keeping a record of their periods before and after vaccination. 2/
This cohort will give us an idea of how common it is to experience a menstrual change after COVID vaccination.

But many of them are still tracking their cycles, so we still have to wait for all the data to come in! 3/
Read 16 tweets
Jun 30th 2021
Every day, I get emails from people who have noticed changes to their periods following the COVID vaccine. But we don't yet have enough information to know if this is really linked to the vaccine and, if so, how common it is. 2/
Since March, I have been saying "I'm sure someone is doing the kind of study that will find this out." I contacted some of the period tracking apps to see if they wanted to work with me on the kind of study that would find this out, but they weren't keen. 3/
Read 5 tweets
Apr 26th 2021
In view of the rising #misinformation campaign, I'll attempt to debunk some of the most common and widespread myths surrounding #COVID19India.

Educate others.


Wearing masks will reduce O2 and cause CO2 poisoning.

Masks DON'T affect the O2-CO2 gas exchange at all. Masks won't reduce the oxygen or increase CO2 in your blood.

A study was also done to prove it. -…

#Lemon juice through the nose will kill the virus.

Lemon juice is acidic. Taking undiluted lemon juice through the nose will damage the inner lining, cause irritation, and may cause bleeding as well. It will not kill the virus either. DON'T SNORT LEMON JUICE.

Read 31 tweets
Apr 21st 2021
I’m getting a lot of questions about #COVID19 vaccination and the menstrual cycle. Does the #vaccine affect your #period? And does that mean there will be an effect on #fertility? 💉🩸 🧵

(Short answer upfront: Maybe, and no.)
Does the #COVID19 #vaccine affect #periods? Well, a lot of people are reporting this and I like to start from a position of believing what people say about their own bodies. So I think it is likely that this is a side-effect in some people. 2/
But research is being done to find this out! I know at least 2 studies - the biggest is run by @KateClancy. You can read about her study, and participate if you want, here. Ppl who used to have periods but no longer do are also invited to participate! 3/

Read 18 tweets
May 23rd 2020
May 28th is #MenstrualHygieneDay & we have partnered with @my_hiccup to raise awareness on #Menstruation. Today, we will be tackling the misconceptions around periods!

Check out this #thread 👇🏽

@always @MHDay28May @WhisperIndia @ProcterGamble @Chavivohra @NCWIndia
* PMS is fake.

No, PMS (Premenstrual Syndrome) isn't a farce that womxn everywhere have collectively decided to participate in together. While not all of us are affected by PMS, it does affect about 75% (Source: @WomensHealthMag) of menstruators.

#Menstruation @my_hiccup
The symptoms include bloating, fatigue, breast tenderness. About 5% of us face a severe form of PMS called PMDD (Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder) which is characterised by severe mood swings, irritability and depression.

#MenstrualHygieneDay #Menstruation @my_hiccup
Read 8 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
I'm fed up because lots of people have done the #RSE consultation - sex ed experts, menstruation researchers, womb-related illness charities, fertility experts, PSHE teachers, student charities, school pupils, parents, you name it. 2/?
I am so cross I have not threaded my tweets properly. And even the consultation response document acknowledged loads of ppl mentioned periods, yet the guy who presumably wrote it does not understand menstruation enough, because he 'limited' teaching of it. 3/?
Like... does @DamianHinds understand that menarche and menopause bookend the menovulatory lifetime? Is he punking us and making a 'limits' 'end of menstruation' 'menopause' joke? Sorry - I need a cup of tea. 4/?
Read 27 tweets

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