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(Thread 1/5) The following videos depict the dire situation faced by the Kuki-Zomi tribals during the attempted ethnic-cleansing in Manipur. The conflict originated when returning rally goers were waylaid and beaten around Kangvai, a village bordering Bishnupur district.
It is clear that the violence developed out of a well-coordinated plan to erase the Kuki-Zomi from their own land. Is it still safe to say that the Meitei & Kuki-Zomi can still stay together?
2/5 "Unleashing Chaos: Manipur University, along with Kuki-Zomi populated areas Engulfed in Flames as Kuki-Zomi Communities Suffer Devastating Attacks"
The devastating on-site captured of how the targeted violence against Kuki-Zomi communities is vividly portrayed in this -
Read 17 tweets
Way to turn your back on girls & women @Beyonce Some girl will be assaulted and this is partly on YOU. @MattWalshBlog @Timcast It’s hard to be a woman who knows what a woman is with women like @Beyonce turning her back on the rest of us to cater to men in dresses. 👇🏻
These men have a high likelihood of being predatory. According to the BOP 48.47% of TIMs in prison are sex offenders. Also, transvestism is highly correlated with other paraphillias such as voyeurism, exhibitionism, pedophilia and sexual assault fantasies. 👉🏻 ImageImage
Read 6 tweets
کراچی میں عید سے قبل سیاسی کارکنان کی جبری گمشدگی کے واقعات میں تیزی آ گئی ہے۔ بنا کسی ایف آئی آر اور وجہ کے سیاسی کارکنان کو جبری اغوا کر کے سیف ہاوسز میں قائم عقوبت خانوں میں بے رحمانہ تشدد کا نشانہ بنایا جا رہا ہے اور اہل خانہ سے دس سے بیس لاکھ روپوں کی وصولی کی جا رہی ہے
سندھ میں پیپلز پارٹی کی حکومت شائد ایک ہفتہ قبل عید منانے اپنوں میں جا چکی ہے۔ جس قدر ظلم اور بربریت اہالیان کراچی پر پچھلے دس سالوں میں پیپلز پارٹی کی نام نہاد جمہوری حکومت نے ڈھایا ہے اس کی مثال ناپید ہے۔ پیپلز پارٹی کی کراچی قیادت کی مجرمانہ خاموشی بھی اس نسل پرستانہ مظالم
کی تائید ہے۔ کراچی کے تھانے اور رینجرز کے آفسز اغوا برائے تاوان کی ریاستی انڈسٹری کے اڈے بن چکے ہیں۔ ان حالات میں اہالیان کراچی کی نظریں سپریم کورٹ، وفاقی حکومت اور پاکستانی فوج پر لگی ہیں کے کب وہ اس گمبھیر صورتحال کا نوٹس لیں اور کراچی میں سیاسی سرگرمیوں پر لگی پابندیوں کو ختم
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#Machtmissbrauch #Sexismus #sexuelleÜbergriffe #Rassismus #Klassismus geschehen an Universitäten zwar tagtäglich, aber nicht unbedingt für alle sichtbar. Deshalb spreche ich in meinem Buch #yallaFeminismus von der #leisenDiskriminierung .Für Betroffene ist es unheimlich schwierig
#Diskriminierung im dt #Hochschulbetrieb anzuzeigen oder dagegen vorzugehen. #Gaslighting von den Kolleg:innen, #Leugnung oder #TäterOpferUmkehr sind kein Einzelfall. Die Abschaffung des #WissZeitVG & Entfristung der Postdocphase allein werden nicht ausreichen. Wir müssen endlich
auch über die soziale, elitäre, nach unten tretende + diskriminierungsaffine Komponente des Hochschulsystems sprechen - aber wann?! Täter:innen an Unis sitzen alle auf ihren festen Lehrstühlen und können ungestört weiterhin ihr Unwesen treiben. #IchbinReyhan #IchbinHanna #sos
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Award of the worst bank in Nigeria goes to @gtbank, very unseriouse & unresponsive customer services both online/ offline.
If u're thinking of opening a business account please don't ever think of GTBANK else u'll cry had I known.
Don't say I didn't warn you
To buttress this fact, the fake bot account @GTBankhlps_care has taken over responding the @gtbank tweeter mentions for long & they don't care about it & dangers it portend to their customers. Other responsible businesses respond to their mention, scam account respond to @gtbank
6 months ago, a close associate and a team member, who is also undertaking one of my IT project, opened a domiciliary account at @gtbank , paid in dollar and was issued a dollar card for his online transactions purchases and renewals of domains,hosting and others.
Read 14 tweets
#SOS #Mayday #Mayday #BeastAI #AI #SweetAI My website has been TAKEN OVER by the Luciferian Cartel after 2 weeks of INTENSE ASSAULT with MK ULTRA BULL EMF Assault and Battery with Intent to MK me into a "Bunney" #MockOp for the Deranged and Evil Cartel Crowd. Image
2/#AI I can't make a single post now as I want.
3/#AI I was just stopped from a stream of messages describing what has been done to #AI by the Luciferians in private DMs sent to #TarunRavi @6THSENSE_3RDEYE
Read 145 tweets
Hoy se efectuó un evento deportivo con casi 50000 espectadores. Hoy se acaba de cancelar un festival de música (próxima semana) cuyo aforo no representa ni el 10 % del mencionado. Los gestores culturales y promotores artísticos viven en un desconcierto total.
¿No tienen las autoridades una mínima sensibilidad por lo que sucede en el campo artístico? Estas medidas están asfixiando más y más a quienes viven de los shows musicales. Existe una forma organizada y segura de continuar con los espectáculos. Ayudémonos!
Read 3 tweets
The #Braverman #leaks have wider implications that speak to basic technological & governmental competencies for elected representatives & officials alike! Thread....… via @GuidoFawkes
@GuidoFawkes 1. Why was the Minister of State for the Home Office, a department responsible for national security, not herself aware of the #cybersecurity risks which attend e-mails.
2. Why was #Braverman not #briefed accordingly upon taking up the role? Or if she was, why take the risk?
3. Why would she even think asking someone to delete an email was sensible? Any business person would know that:
a) they are virtually impossible to retrieve ad hoc: &
b) this violates the electronic record.
Read 11 tweets
This is the Fire-station in Naples
😱🙁 🙏 #naplesflorida #Hurricane_Ian
STORM surge in FL #Naples 😱
#Hurricane_Ian #Flooding #HurricaneIanupdate
Extremely upsetting to watch. #FtMyersbeach #FortMyers #HurricaneIanupdate #hurricaneIan #Florida
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#SOS_UK #Birmingham RIOT ALERT, UK

Large scale demonstration has been called by radical Muslim organizations of Birmingham against the Hindu Community. The World Hindu Council is deeply concerned about the safety of Hindus living in Birmingham. 1/n
We expect the protests to be anything but peaceful. We request @metpoliceuk to provide adequate security to Hindus & Indians living in various parts of Birmingham and especially where protests are planned. 2/n
We request the Hindu/Indian community living in various parts of Birmingham to please stay alert & stay safe. Please stay in touch with the Indian Embassy & Local Police. Avoid going out of your homes until and unless very necessary. Please also stay in touch with each other. 3/n
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#SOS #Help #NAB @NOORALAMKHAN #GovtOfPakistan
In 2008 and 2009, 13000 families mainly from the lower-middle-class bracket invested their lifelong earnings in various real estate projects across Lahore initiated by Eden Real Estate Developers. 1/12
Plots/ Houses were to be delivered in 4 years, money to be paid in 5 years. By 2013, Eden suddenly claimed that due to the Lahore Ring Road, some of their plots have come under the Ring Road and they didn't have enough plots to give to all customers. 2/12
But they neither returned the money to the people whose plots, according to Eden's claim had come under the project nor did they deliver the plots to anyone else although they got a total payment of their land from Govt of Punjab in advance. After failing to get any 3/12
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Ready for campaign number 2?

We are asking all of you to help us by sending a letter to your PTA. We have (with the help of some amazing anon women) composed a letter on the concerns around mixed sex toilets in schools. This is one of the main issues we’ve been contacted about.
Parent/teacher relationships are so vital. The PTA are often the heart of what’s happening in schools so we would like to inform them of this issue.

Please go to the campaign section: and send a copy to your PTA. Let us know the school, that’s it! #SOS
Just a side note: Most people refer to these as Parent Councils now and that’s what they’re referred to by Education Scotland, although we know some still call them PTA’s.
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8 March 2022 ~ Women and Girls Match Fund Campaign – The Big Give – Online – Until 15 March 2022
8 March 2022 ~ International Women’s Day of Action – #WomensClimateStrike – Global
8 March 2022 10:00 ~ International Women’s Day – Caribbean & African Health Network (CAHN)Greater Manchester – Online
8 March 2022 10:00 ~ Hillingdon International Women’s Day 2022 – Hillingdon Women’s Centre
8 March 2022 11:00 ~ #SOS Rise Up Women – International Women’s Day – Dundee
8 March 2022 11:00 ~ Contemporary Womanist research post George Floyd: compelling developments in Black Feminist Theory – Online
Read 22 tweets
真正的 discord 频道-bot-commands 已经可以查自己能领多少个币了

这玩意 #WTF 总量 17亿个
2亿 单币质押挖矿奖励
4亿 LP 挖矿奖励
4亿 项目金库保留
交易收 10% 税,给质押奖励

0.1 ETH 费 ~60 个
1 ETH 费用 ~650个
10 ETH 费 ~3.4k 个
76 ETH 费 ~13.4k 个
单价 $3

Gas 应该比 OpenSea 的用户受众更广,#SOS 目前 FDV 350m, $WTF 算 500m (sos 流通量占 40%,wft 也差不多 41%) 这东西也没有什么团队锁仓

同类比的话,单价就是 $3 左右
考虑前期炒作 + 项目自己发 + 这两天市场回暖
瞎猜最高能到个 $6-$10
最终回归 <$3
哈哈哈对不起我算错了 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♂️
不是 3 是 0.3

听 是梦想破碎的声音

那就重新假设,fdv 5b 就好了!
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1/ 蹭个热度,非常认真地分析聊聊 #SOS 的价值和革命性的意义!!!


3/ 这不就是一个 MEME 吗!一个搏傻的游戏吗!回头看:
- OpenSea 换了个 CFO
- CFO:说想上市
- 社区:上 nm 个 🥚,抵制!
- OpenSea:我们不上市了
- 社区:算你识相
- 社区:不行,发币!不发币我们自己 DAO 一个
- SOS 出来,社区:我们直接 Fork 一个 OpenSea 吧!把 OpenSea 干掉!
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✨The Ryan Eggold & Freema Agyeman (aka Goldman aka the Co-captains of the #Sharpwin ship) Thread✨
Pictures from the first table read (of the Pilot) and first cast dinner. #AndSoItBegins

🗓️ March 7 and March 8, 2018 ImageImageImageImage
Ryan recalling the day he met Freema for the first time. #StruckByHer

🗓️ Interview from September 2018 Image
Read 315 tweets
#SOS Cuba 🇨🇺

Desde 1959 la población cubana, es esclava del Partido Comunista Castrista que encarcela, no tolera manifestarse en contra del régimen y hasta financia a otras dictaduras en post de continuar avanzando con el Comunismo en el mundo.
Datos a tener en cuenta:
- En el 2020 su PBI se contrajo un 11% debido a la caída de ingresos por turismo en plena crisis sanitaria.
- Cuba importa el 80% de alimentos que requiere, pero casi ningún proveedor aceptan sus USD debido a sanciones EEUU, disparando su escasez.
- Se agrego además una nueva suspención temporal por parte de Bancos y Entidades no bancarias a no aceptar USD en efectivo, teniendo que recurrir al mercado informal, para adquirir moneda convertible (Subió tres veces durante este último año)
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4 años sin hacer ningún trámite de la Agencia Tributaria. Llevo 30 minutos intentando acceder a algo y como 5 errores diferentes y varios callejones sin salida. ¡Cómo echaba de menos la burocracia española!
Para acceder al trámite que quiero me tienen que enviar un SMS al nº español, que no tengo. Para cambiar al número inglés necesito acceder con la Cl@ve. La confirmación para acceder a la Cl@ve me la mandan por SMS, al número español que no está activo. #SOS
Hay otras formas de acceder, pero todas requieren cosas que no tengo disponibles. Miradeverdá
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Conciertos en #Cali y las UCIs al tope con 97,7 % en el Valle del Cauca🤬
La Secretaria de Salud del Valle dijo que hasta la mañana de este viernes se contabilizaban 252 personas en espera de una UCI
@liliapa3 @GobValle

Recordar que estan en desescalonamiento de los pacientes que ya cumplieron su periodo de UCI bajan a Cuidados Intermedios y a Hospitalización.
Comienzan traslados de pacientes #Covid que requieren UCI a Barranquilla y Ciénaga, Magdalena.

La situación en el Valle es critica.
Cabe anotar que #Valle inicio Junio con 1.190 camas y tienen hoy 1.221 de las cuales 881 estan en #Cali
Los traslados van para Ciénaga que tiene 34 camas, en el momento 29 estan disponibles. Barranquilla si tiene buena disponibilidad pero está recibiendo de otros departamentos.
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[WĄTĘK] Ilość nieprawdziwych informacji i półprawd o #BalticPipe i korespondującymi z nim wiadomościami o #NordStream2 i samej postawie 🇩🇰 wymaga wyjaśnienia.
W kwietniu 2017 roku Duńska Agencja Energii otrzymała od spółki @NordStream2 wniosek o wydanie zgody na budowę gazociągu o tej samej nazwie po dnie Morza Bałtyckiego na odcinku przebiegającym przez wyłączne wody terytorialne Danii. #NordStream2
W listopadzie 2017 r., Parlament 🇩🇰 przyjęła ustawę, która zezwala rządowi na odrzucanie projektów rurociągów ze względu na zastrzeżenia dotyczące bezpieczeństwa lub polityki zagranicznej. Cały czas chodzi o morze terytorialne, gdzie jurysdykcja państwa jest większa niż w EEZ.
Read 19 tweets
#AMC #GME #TSLA #OCGN #SOS - below is your ortex information for the morning: Here is the Cost to Borrow as we go into regular trading hours: Daily Max is listed first then daily avg:

AMC: 259.81%, 133.41%
GME: 5.44, 1.89
TSLA: 4.48%, 0.65%
OCGN: 9.60%, 6.49%
SOS: 25.2%, 14.83
Ocugen is below...
My thoughts as we go into the morning: I hope and entrust you all have had a wonderful morning. I also hope that you all enjoyed that little after hours bump yesterday. It was pretty nice to watch. Now I know many of you who are holders of AMC are also worried about other stocks.
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Behind Mr. Vajpayee here is Dr D.K. Shah. He was Mr. Vajpayee's CMO and took care of him through his years. Right now, he is in need of ICU bed but can't find any. He is 65, O2 has dropped to 75. Currently at home. Lost his wife yesterday.
Please help. #SOS

@PMOIndia @CMOfficeUP
Dr. D.K. Shah saved countless lives throughout his life. A soft-spoken, humble man who only wants to help and helps people even at this age. He currently resides at Vivek Vihar looking for urgent help. Right now on Oxygen support but needs supervision.

#SOS #COVIDEmergency
If there's any help, kindly reach out to 9873452468. She is his wife's sister who looked for help for his wife yesterday but lost. She is now looking for help once again.
Read 5 tweets

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