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1. Was @LeaderMcConnell part of the scheme to put Judge Cannon in Ft Pierce? Did he know she would become his private judge? He may have just moved it to the front of the list in November 2020 because he was asked to do by the @WhiteHouse. We should find out.
2. With Trump having moved to disqualify one SDFL judge in his frivolous case against @HillaryClinton because the judge was appointed in the 1990s by @BillClinton, Trump is estopped from objecting to an amendment to Title 28 USC 455 that removes jurisdiction from any judge to
3. conduct a criminal case involving the POTUS who appointed them within the past 5 years. @SenSchumer needs to put it on the floor ASAP and if we can't get 60 because McConnel blocks it then end the filibuster.
Read 4 tweets
What comes after #ThisIsNotADrill?

Because that’s where we are now.

You’ve seen the footage: Women corralled like livestock while TRAs surround them with noise and violence. The police forming an outer ring - facing outwards to ward off observers. They don’t see any violence
from the men in masks.

How did we get to the point where a police force riddled with misogynist abusers is acting as lookout for a mob of enraged anti-women activists intent on stopping women speaking?

How did we get to the point where one woman is vilified for the political
beliefs of unrelated men (beliefs she’s condemned) to the point where she is put in mortal danger by a celebratory, self righteous(and murderous) mob?

What comes after #ThisIsNotADrill?

What comes after rapists in women’s prisons, men masturbating in women’s toilets, women made
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In scenes reminiscent of the January 6 Capitol attack in the US, supporters of the defeated President #Bolsonaro, have marched on #Brazil’s Presidential Palace & Congress building, invading the floor of the Federal Senate & the Supreme Court👇#BREAKING
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So, people are assigned a sex at birth. Why are some people assigned male while others are assigned female? On what basis would a medical professional assume the sex of the child?

#women #WomensRightsAreHumanRights #whatisawoman #WomanFace #transman #transwoman Image
The reason is that certain biological characteristics are given the name male, while certain other biological characteristics are given the name female. A person who objectively has the given characteristics is called either male or female.

Males and females go through a
process of aging and development. Young females are referred to using the word "girl" while adult female persons are referred to using the word "woman".

People "assigned female at birth" have the biological characteristics of a female and are girls who will grow up to be women. ImageImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
🧵1. Early voting started today in Ga.
2. People will say this election is about inflation, it’s about gas prices, etc.

It is not about any of those things.

This election is about our Democracy…
3. The GOP has already told us what they will do if they get the Majority. They will pass a national abortion ban, they will encourage SCOTUS to continue their extremist rulings that strip us of established Rights and what the GOP has already done on the State level…
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🧵1. A post on FB…

“I am 14 and I’m struggling in algebra class. When I ask for help, the male teacher says, ‘I’m not surprised girls aren’t that good at algebra’.

I am 18 and go to my first fraternity party with girlfriends…
2. … we don’t ever say it out loud but it’s understood that we need to stick together at these parties and not get separated, for our own safety.

I’m 20 and I’m working as a hostess at the Red Lion Inn in San Jose, near the airport. …
3. Men in suits come in to eat after their meetings during the day and I see them takeoff their wedding rings before heading into the bar next to the restaurant. Every girl who works there learns quickly not to bend too far over because of the short skirts of our uniforms.
Read 16 tweets
1. For people who are new to the Russian war of aggression in Ukraine, you may not know that the Russian Black Sea Fleet had a long term lease to use Sevastopol. Russia's invasion and de facto annexation have now resulted in the Russian fleet facing the loss of Sevastopol.
2. I can't imagine what is going on in the Russian Navy command that has seen their flag ship sunk and now their entire Black Sea Fleet at risk of being destroyed at anchor and cut off from the Russian mainland when the Kerch bridge is destroyed.
3. I believe Putin is dying. He has created a dictatorship that has none of the checks that the old Soviet system had with the Politburo able to remove a leader who became a threat to the state's survival. The Russian military is simply going to watch itself be destroyed
Read 5 tweets
18/. Wow!

#Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data…
19/. They’re not MAGA

They’re not QAnon

Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics

How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill…
20/. Be afraid. Be very afraid!

“A pandemic & war in Europe have now conspired to shatter our collective illusions of stability & perpetual peace. #Palantir have spent nearly two decades preparing for this moment. This is our time & we intend to seize it”…
Read 37 tweets
17/. Last August, #Palantir purchased $50 million of physical gold

If any other tech company did this, it would be notable, but it’s especially notable for a data analytics company

Was the #RussianUkrainianWar predicted?

Does it fit with #PalantirPlan?…
18/. Wow!

#Palantir has hired former Head of AI at NHSX & member of SAGE Indra Joshi (who left in March) as it bids for £360 million NHS Federated Data Platform

Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalytica how to scrape data & have interest in genomic data…
19/. They’re not MAGA

They’re not QAnon

Curtis Yarvin & the rising right are crafting a different strain of conservative politics

How does billionaire #Palantir founder, Peter Thiel, fit into the plot? #PalantirPlan #DataGrab #Genomics #ThisIsNotADrill…
Read 26 tweets
1 - The What?
This is not a drill. Stay home. BC public health policies have failed us. We need a government-organized lockdown. #ThisIsNotADrill #StayHomeRightNowForNow 🧵
2. Why are we calling for this?
It is with great sadness and frustration that we recommend a lockdown. This is what PoP BC has been working tirelessly to avoid. On our current trajectory, seen in this image, our healthcare system will collapse by early January.
We are looking at unprecedented case numbers and hospitalizations. So far, the data shows that Omicron is as severe as Delta. It is airborne, and it is far more transmissible. Our testing and tracing capacity will soon not be able to cope with the surge in case numbers.
Read 16 tweets
1/. “We want to make the UK fully autonomous, from a regulatory and geopolitical point of view”

Palantir, the shadowy data, surveillance & genomics, that run the NHS COVID data store, plans to shift its entire UK data processing operation from the US!…
2/. “Are you aware that #Palantir & #FacultyAI have links to the discredited #CambridgeAnalytica?”

“ don't think I'm aware of that, no”

@DawnButlerBrent tells @MattHancock that Palantir rptdly taught #CambridgeAnalyica to scrape data!👇
3/. Whistleblower @chrisinsilico says that Palantir showed #CambridgeAnalytica how to harvest data from Facebook users ahead of #Brexit vote

Palantir run the NHS’s #COVID19 data store with #FacultyAI (linked to Vote Leave & rprtdly to Cambridge Analytica)

Read 159 tweets
“A big step towards authoritarianism” @GeorgeMonbiot

The govt are excluding debate on new anti-protest laws

The entire Lords committee stage debate on new clauses was crammed into one late night

The Commons have been excluded & the Lords marginalised
“This is proper police state stuff”

Priti Patel shoved 18 extra pages into the #PolicingBill after it had passed through the Commons & the Lords in a ploy to avoid effective parliamentary scrutiny

@GeorgeMonbiot decries the lack of media & public outcry.…
The deeply-authoritarian #PolicingBill hands police vast new powers to fine, remove or arrest ordinary people who simply wish to peacefully protest

@Femi_Sorry explains👇

@pritipatel’s new amendments contain new powers to ban named people from protesting
Read 46 tweets
It’s amazing what you can find if you look closely!
(Video & artwork by @rokubunnnoichi)
It’s amazing what you can see if you look close enough (artwork by @Coldwar_Steve)
#NigelFarage #DonaldTrump #ThisIsNotADrill #NeoNazis #Fascism
It’s amazing what you can see when you look closely

The NHS = the most trusted brand in the UK

Cambridge Analytica = the least trusted

And yet #Palantir & #FacultyAI who run our #COVID19 data store, rprtdly have links with #CambridgeAnalytica

#GenomeUK #PalantirPlan #Genomics
Read 8 tweets
Perhaps it says more about the state of my mind than it does about the state of the country, but watching the #ENGSCO game in the pub, I thought I saw a British Union of Fascists flag

They were at the anti-lockdown demo last year

Look out for them at the ‘Freedom March’ today. ImageImage
The anti-lockdown movement has brought together an strange confluence of groups

But the involvement of the far-right is disturbing

Their spores of hate travel wide on the winds of social media, even parasitically hijack the language of human rights: “freedoms”, “liberties” etc. ImageImageImageImage
Language has always been a battleground, but the “Culture War” is intensifying very rapidly

Even before the #COVID19 pandemic,
the forces of progress had been in retreat as the narrative was increasing framed not just by conservatives but by the far-right.
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#BREAKING: #Switzerland votes YES in referendum to giving the police far-reaching & dangerous new powers that could to target legitimate political protest & subject children as young as 12 to coercive measures
@AmnestySvizzera @Amnesty_Suisse #BreakingNews…
#BREAKING: In Switzerland police will now be permitted to use foot shackles, no-contact orders, zone bans & preventive house arrest against people who have not committed a crime or not suspected of preparing to commit a crime” #BreakingNews @amnesty @LibyaLiberty #ThisIsNotADrill
Last month, @amnesty warned that #Switzerland’s new anti-terror laws - which grants sweeping new powers to police purportedly to prevent terrorist attacks - are a real threat to human rights

This roll-back of rights is happening across Europe & the world…
Read 6 tweets
1. Deal of the century: Allow senior normal solid red district @HouseGOP members in districts that are not likely to turn blue, caucus with us as independents and we agree to put our resources in other districts essentially ceding the field to them to deal with the Cucoo Caucus.
2. Allow the senior ones to share chair status with our members. Don't make them have to buy whole-hog all Dem policies especially social issues. Leave them electable. They can vote with us on bread & butter issues that are clearly @POTUS @Joebiden's focus. @SpeakerPelosi
3. They're Republicans. You make a deal deal.

Kelly's Heroes (1970) - Crapgame Wants to Make a Deal via @YouTube
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#IStandWithMaya ❤️

We hope @WEP_UK @WEP_Scot @WEP_Wales @ManduReid are following Maya Forstarter's appeal today

An appeal that gets to the very crux of women's rights in the UK today- women's right to say #sexmatters

Case details 👇🏿

It is vital that @WEP_UK get to grips with the issues at the crux of this appeal

It is also key that the @EHRC is intervening on behalf of Maya & indicates how far we have come despite the silence of our feminist leaders at WEP

#IStandWithMaya #SexMatters
WEP bursts at the seams with radical, women centred policies ❤️ & our leader @ManduReid is smart, compassionate & down to earth ❤️

However we have left the heavy lifting of defending #womensrights to those without the protection & weight that we have as a party.

Read 21 tweets
1. I'm pretty sure the evidence that the @HouseDemocrats will not have is what Trump's team at @ODNI & @DeptofDefense were in place to intercept. That's the Kremlin role in the attack. It's why he needed Ellis at @NSAGov. And it's why @LindseyGrahamSC blocked Merrick Garland.
2. First, who thinks in the most intercepted city on earth no foreign intelligence services picked up Trump's plan to attack the US Capitol? Every phone call in DC that is not on a capable encrypted device and line is subject to intercept. Russia, China and many others
3. operate intercept stations in the DC area. If you think you have private phone calls on a DC cell phone you're a sap. If you think you can call a foreign country on any phone & avoid interception, you're a sap. So SVR knew it was coming and they would be talking about
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1. FACT: Donald Trump is the leader of a violent terrorist organization committed to the destruction of the US Constitution and Government. @GOP under McConnel and McCarthy is simply an affiliate of a terrorist organization. Shun all GOP. They are all complicit.
2. The few decent GOP in Congress like @MittRomney @lisamurkowski @RepLizCheney @SenatorCollins must leave the party to become independents or admit they're complicit terrorist affiliates. Nobody gets a pass. The net is about to drop and many GOP in Congress are about to be
3. indicted.

Because branding is everything, they might consider forming the #RealGOP and take back control of their own brand.

Trump will soon be indicted for sedition, inciting insurrection, advocating overthrow, fraud, obstruction, election crimes and the Mann Act.
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1. List domestic terrorist groups and then establish who are members and ban them from all firearms possession. Charge anyone selling or giving them guns or ammo and a lifetime ban from NFA licensing. List QAnon, Proud Boys, Boogaloos and all violent group. Disarm them. @NRA
2. We have this statute on the book: 18 U.S. Code § 2386 - "Registration of certain organizations." Give every group 30 days to be in full compliance or then start charging the leaders. Amend the statute to get the member list not just contributors.
3. Make a law to post the members so employers can weed them out of their organizations. They have no right to a job. Any law enforcement or military members should be terminated. #ThisIsNotADrill. You can all thank @mtgreenee and @laurenboebert when your gun lives are destroyed.
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1. @MSNC just reported McConnell opened session in Senate with a foreboding comment about Trump and his enablers. Here is part:

"The last time the senate convened, we had just reclaimed the capitol from violent criminal who tried to stop congress from doing our duty. The mob
2. was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people. And they tried to use fear and violence to stop a specific proceeding of the first branch of the federal government which they did not like. But we pressed on. We stood together and said an angry mob
3. would not get veto power over the rule of law in our nation, not even for one night. We certified the people's choice for their 46th president. Tomorrow president-elect Biden and vice president-elect Harris will be sworn in."

@SenSchumer in the well now.
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1. If you’re making plans for DC on Jan 21, I predict its chances of being sacked by then are about 50-50. #Orcs @maddow @Lawrence @FrankFigliuzzi1 @BeschlossDC
2. Trump's pardoning of monsters was not random. He is building an army of Orcs. Evil, willing to do his bidding. We must prepare to meet them and defend the Capitol. But be assured if you don't remove him, he'll burn DC. @DCPoliceDept @SpeakerPelosi @SenSchumer
3. You have no idea how outgunned the DC National Guard unit is in the face of Trump's Orc army. We need an airborne division. Nothing short. And that won't happen with Trump in power. Remove him or DC is already lost. @VP @senatemajldr
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1/ Judith Butler once again demonstrating that a minority of women are capable of being woman-hating, penis pandering, vicious zealots. All the while imagining that they’re being deliciously transgressive.

Woman-hatred is not new. It’s not radical. It’s just disgraceful.
2/ Feminism & recognising females as distinct from males, safe spaces, safeguarding & enforceable, legal protections from men, were not based on the belief that “ALL men are rapists or that the penis wields this nefarious power”, just that there exists a profound statistical risk
3/ Butler accuses JKR & therefore all survivors of having “fostered hatred & misunderstanding & perhaps capitalised on a history of sexual trauma”.

It‘s a special kind of woman that would say such a thing, of another named woman, who has been bombarded with threats & abuse.
Read 4 tweets

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