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Most recents (24)

Mar 13th 2021
The deaths of #SarahEverard #BlessingOlusegun are triggering because frankly EVERY woman is either a survivor or knows at least one woman/girl who is. But remember violence against women isn’t inevitable. PREVENTION IS POSSIBLE & there’s amazing work being done to show how.Thread
First let’s acknowledge feminists were right-violence against women exists at a pandemic scale (1 in 3) because its a primary tool for defining women and girls in patriarchy-i.e as objects not subjects, who must comply with patriarchal norms or be punished. Violence is normative.
So if we are going to end VAW we can’t just address it after the fact- though we *definately* need high quality holistic feminist response services for survivors. Prevention means redefining the premise of how we relate & structure society= changing gendered power & social norms.
Read 13 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
2020 truly is the year of weird: good or bad, everything feels strange. I'm grateful for the sense of normalcy #EyalaReads brings on the Sundays I'm able to curate it, and for you for reading with me. Enjoy this week's roundup of my fav reads on #Africa #WomensRights & #Feminism!
If you read only one thing this week, this is the one. Jesmyn Ward wrote her heart out in @VanityFair and I felt everything: the grief, the fatigue, the anger, the hope. Read this, it is magnificent. #EyalaReads
Ta-Nehisi Coates did a spectacular job as a guest-editor of The Great Fire, @VanityFair's September issue, about race relations and #racism in the US. I loved the interview Angela Davis gave @ava. Great insights for us African feminists, too. #EyalaReads
Read 11 tweets
Aug 16th 2020
It's #EyalaReads time! Hope you're ready for your weekly recommendations of inspiring (and sometimes infuriating) pieces of writing about #Feminism, #WomensRights & #Africa. Definitely my favorite way of ending the week!
Combating the misuse of tradition to justify gender-based violence was my entry point into #feminist work. Reading this @dwnews piece on womxn who are called witches & persecuted for it reminded me of why this will always be a priority of mine. #EyalaReads
Has Rama Salla Dieng's "Talking back" series really come to an end? I loved every interview. This last one with @YaraSallam, a #feminist from #Egypt, is shorter but packed with great insights (and some awesome reading recommendations). Read it!
Read 6 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Two weeks ago, @EyalaBlog & @Oxfam's #SayEnough celebrated #AfricanWomensDay by amplifying the voices of African #feminist who #FlipTheScript on harmful social norms. I wrote about what I learned from these conversations 👇🏾
Summarizing the brilliance of #Afrifem powerhouses @nas009 @rachaelmwiks @SouadDouibi @BintouMariamT @drtlaleng @Emmaonekekou @muthonie & Cleo Kambugu is no easy feat! I'm glad I recorded all #FlipTheScript conversations, especially this amazing webinar:
#FlipTheScript was a perfect celebration of Eyala's 2nd birthday, too! The year ahead will bring many changes, but Eyala's #feminist vision remains the same: proudly African, intentionally inclusive, bravely personal, boldly political, and rooted in kindness, love, & sisterhood.
Read 3 tweets
Aug 9th 2020
Hello Eyala family! It's been a week of near-silence on social media because July brought more engagement than what my little introvert heart can handle. But I'm back with #EyalaReads, your weekly reading recommendations about #feminism #Africa #WomensRights.
Images of the #BeirutBlast have been haunting me all week. I can't stop thinking about the thousands of womxn from across Africa working in #Beirut as domestic workers. This @CNN piece about what they're experiencing is a painful read.
For African migrant workers in #Beirut trauma is adding to trauma. @CNN had previously reported on abuse by #Kenya consulate staff. An infuriating read. If you know #Afrifem / orgs supporting our sisters in #Lebanon please let me know. #EyalaReads
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Jul 30th 2020
And we’re live! Welcome to this #FlipTheScript Q&A with one of my #Afrifem fav @nas009, whose blog @adventuresfrom has helped my and many other African womxn embrace their sexualities. Image
#FlipTheScript is an @EyalaBlog x @Oxfam #SayEnough collab that’s all about celebrating the African womxn and #Afrifem who disrupt the narratives and social norms that perpetuate gender-based violence ahead of #AfricanWomensDay Image
And @nas009 does exactly that. Hi sis, are you here and ready to go?
Read 7 tweets
Jul 27th 2020
Today is the day! I'm excited to kick-off #FlipTheScript campaign to celebrate African womxn for who they are, not what they're expected to be, ahead of #AfricanWomensDay. We're doing this Eyala-style, so one conversation at a time. For more: 👇🏿
On Tuesday 28/07 at 2pm GMT, join me on IG live (@EyalaBlog) for a chat with #Afrifem extraordinaire @rachaelmwiks, who works w/ women in informal settlements in #Kenya. Can’t wait to hear the lessons she’s learned from grassroots #feminist organizing. #FlipTheScript #SayEnough Image
On Wed 29/07, I'll speak w/ Francophone West African feminist powerhouses: #LBTQ rights advocate @Emmaonekekou, founder of LBTQ platform @Emmalinfos1 & @BintouMariamT who made waves w/ a satirical feminist campaign in March.Join Eyala's FB Live @ 2pm GMT #FlipTheScript #SayEnough ImageImage
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Jul 26th 2020
Hello Friends! Somehow Sunday has come again to close one of these feel-long-but-go-in-a-flash weeks 2020 has specialized in. So here I am with my list of #recommendedreads about #Africa #WomensRights & #Feminism, and an exciting announcement!
#EyalaReads #SundayReads
If you know (or just follow) me you will know that #feminist sisterhood is the core of what I am about. So of course @TheJamaJack's ode to the sisters who nurture her is at the top of this reading list. Thank you sis for sharing! #EyalaReads
@TheJamaJack piece reminded me of what Dr. Celeste Henery wrote in @HistoryWO about radical friendships: "a type of friendship, driven by an uncertain but no less wondrous attempt to become more of ourselves. I would call it sacred." On point. #EyalaReads
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Jul 12th 2020
Good morning Eyala family ☀️ and welcome back to #EyalaReads, your Sunday selection of recommended reads about #Feminism #WomensRights and #Africa.

As #Afrifem we often say that "we stand on the shoulders of giants". How much do we actually know about our #feminist foremothers? The question came as I read @EverjoiceWin's moving obituary for Mabel Moyo. May she rest in power. @jass4justice
To be young, gifted, Black and #feminist in #Russia... Whew. Read about Maria Magdalena Tunkara, a 22-year-old Russian-Malian woman who wont't apologize for telling the truth about #racism in her country. A powerhouse.

Profile by @mkpetkova in @AJEnglish
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Jun 27th 2020
Enjoying this @WOWisGlobal panel where #Afrifem discuss their #Feminist vision for #Africa. Brilliantly moderated by @stillSHErises (proving yellow was made for Black women) & with sis @LeylaHussein, fellow book lover @kinnareads & @awdf01 founder Bisi Adeleye-Fayemi
#WowGlobal24 Image
@stillSHErises opened by sharing the words Zimbabwean freedom fighter, who beautifully chose to name herself Freedom: "Liberation is a man but freedom is a woman."

Yes oh!
#WowGlobal24 @WOWisGlobal #Afrifem
@kinnareads didn't came to play oh. She reminded us that "Every Sunday or Sunday, African women are giving money to institutions that are busy stripping us of our rights." Our purchasing power should be used to finance our #feminist movement. Me: 👇🏾

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Jun 21st 2020
My plan with the Sunday #EyalaReads was always to spread joy, but this week, I can't do it. This Black woman is carrying too much hurt around, and my selection of #recommendedreads shows it. Sharing them anyway after a long debate with myself though. #SundayReads
Being sad and angry and afraid to put all of it in words, I am in awe of the Black women who have done so. That's what today's #EyalaReads is all about.

So thank you @_TARYNitUP for your homage to Oluwatoyin Salau. She deserved so much better indeed.…
If I had the courage to write about why everything feels so heavy these days, it would read a lot like what @LadyGodiva83 wrote in @TheCut (only less beautifully crafted). Grateful for the hopeful offering she ends with👇🏾
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Jun 14th 2020
It's been a long, exhausting week, with more painful conversations than most of us had the bandwith to deal with. But we made it to another Sunday, so it's time for #EyalaReads! I'm recommending some articles I read this week about #WomensRights #Feminism & #Africa.
I'm fascinated by blindspots, so I've been wondering: who are we (not) talking about when we chant #BlackLivesMatter? Iconic transgender activist @immissmajor told @blkwomenradical why we need to be inclusive of the Black trans community. #EyalaReads
The impact of the #COVID19 pandemic is getting more worrying every day. This @TheAtlantic report shows that the supplies of sexual health products are running low and my brain hurts as I imagine the consequences for #WomensRights... #EyalaReads
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Jun 7th 2020
Hello fam! Time for me to lift myself from a few weeks of hurt, anger and heartbreak, and follow the advice a brilliant #Afrifem gave me: "Don't let them pull you in their hole." So I'm back with recommended reads about #Africa, #WomensRights & #Feminism

#EyalaReads #SundayReads
First let me flag a few important news stories that may have missed due to the global context:

#WeAreTired. Tired of being raped and killed. I stand in solidarity with Nigerian feminists demanding #JusticeForUwa and #JusticeForTina. Enough

Don't ignore this: in #Cameroon journalist Samuel Wazizi was arbitrarily arrested last year and for 300 DAYS his family & lawyers did not hear from him. Now we find out he was murdered in prison. We demand #JusticeForWazizi. Follow @KahWalla for more info.
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May 24th 2020
Time feels so strange in lockdown: each day is painfully slow, yet every Sunday I find myself asking where the week went. Anyway, here we are again: it's time for #EyalaReads, your weekly list of recommended reads about #Feminism #WomensRights & #Africa.
Don't be like me: don't hurl your phone across the room when reading this @thelilynews piece. Mothers in heterosexual relationships are quitting jobs they love because their partners can't handle their own kids during the lockdown.

Speaking of #lockdown: I know we're all tired of reading about "Sex in the age of #COVID19" but this one is a gem. I mean, of course it is: it's on @adventurefrom. Read it!
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May 13th 2020
Challenge accepted. My life in pictures 1/7. Rules: no people, no words. Challenge a new person each day. I was challenged by @kaviemakau and today I challenge @Asmaaouu Image
Challenge accepted. My life in pictures 2/7. Rules: no people, no words. Challenge a new person each day. I was challenged by @kaviemakau and today I challenge @Lusukalanga, the first person who comes to mind whenever I'm asked picture Eyala's audience 😍 Image
#mylifeinpictures 2/7. Rules: no people, no words. Challenge a new person each day. I was challenged by @kaviemakau & @nas009. Today I challenge @MariamBagayoko, #Afrifem translator extraordinaire.

(Don't come at me for abusing @monaeltahawy's book ok? That's how I process.) Image
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May 10th 2020
It's time for #EyalaReads, the weekly ritual that gives you #RecommendedRead articles about #Feminism, #WomensRights & #Africa (and that gives me a reason to remember and care what day of the week it is).

Grab a drink, grab a seat, it's reading time!
My favorite: I fangirled, learned and laughed a lot while reading this interview of @tiffmugo, is a co-founder of @HOLAAfrica (one of the best #Afrifem platforms out there).

Part of @SaalaJeng's excellent "Talking back" series on @africasacountry.
If you work/ are interested in the international development sector, read @ThatBoyKhalifax's critique of the (nonexistent) role of NGOs in the #COVID19 response in #Tanzania. We must do better. - @africasacountry
#EyalaReads #SundayReads
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May 5th 2020
Avis aux féministes africaines francophones: citez les soeurs dont vous vous inspirez dans vos tweets et écrit!

C'est le message de Jessica Horn (@stillSHErises) dans ce thread que je me suis permis de traduire (avec sa permission) car je partage son constat. Déroulez svp:
"Il est temps pour les féministes africaines (#Afrifem) d'avoir une conversation honnête sur comment nous citons nos sources et nos références. Trop de publications reprennent les idées, et parfois les mots exacts d’autres #Afrifem sans jamais les citer."

"Citer ses sources est un acte *profondément* politique. On ne peut pas prétendre donner de la visibilité aux voix féministes et ensuite reprendre les pensées et analyses d'une sœur sans les lui attribuer."

@stillSHErises #afrifem
Read 12 tweets
Apr 26th 2020
Happy Sunday beautiful souls! I hope you're all keeping safe and sane. I'm back with #EyalaReads, your weekly list of recommended articles about #WomensRights #feminism & #Africa.

Being in #lockdown with 2 small children has me facing my conflicted relation with parenting. I guess that's why I was so drawn to this piece @SaalaJeng that weaves the personal & the political. Merci Rama! - @TimesCorona
#EyalaReads #SundayReads #COVID19
Speaking of #ParentingInLockdown, the voices of American single mothers in this @NewYorker article stirred my soul in ways I don't yet have the words to describe. Read it.
#EyalaReads #SundayReads #COVID19Pandemic
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Mar 24th 2020
I wrote about how I've managed to find some hope despite my #COVIDー19 related anguish: by putting my fears on paper and looking up to African #feminist activists who are organizing online.
A thread 👇🏾

#TuesdayThoughts #COVID19
Nigerien feminist @FatiHassane is inviting Africans to record #SafeHandsChallenge videos in their local languages and share them through Whatsapp to family members who don't speak the @WHO official languages. Join the challenge!
@ChantalNare, a #feminist and communications specialist from Burkina Faso, is sharing simple infographics she created to debunk #COVID19 myths, always using WHO-verified information. (People really think eating garlic will prevent Coronavirus infections?) #Team226
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Feb 24th 2020
"The only thing that separates women of color from anyone else is opportunity." I often think about this quote by Viola Davis and how true it is for #feminist activists across #Africa.

This is a thread of funding opportunities to #Afrifem sisters. Share + add if you can! Image
Most urgent: It's the last week to apply for @MoremiAfrica's 2020 #MILEADFellows program. Deadline: 28 February

@awdf01 is currently accepting applications from #feminist organizations for one-year grants on:
- economic security & justice
- body & health rights
- leadership, participation & peace
Deadline 9 March
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Feb 20th 2020
ENFIN LIBRE! Stella Nyanzi (@drstellanyanzi), #féministe ougandaise qui lutte pour la fin de la dictature dans son pays a gagné son appel. Elle avait passé 18 mois en prison pour un post FB jugé insultant envers le Président et sa mère.
(Image: @BoldLikeNyanzi) Image
En tant qu'#Afrifem nous avons tant à apprendre de détermination de @drstellanyanzi de compromettre avec la dictature et de sa à se libérer des injonctions à la respectabilité. Elle incarne la notion de "radical rudeness" (vulgarité radicale). Quelle femme!

#FreeStellaNyanzi Image
En prison, @drstellanyanzi a écrit 'No Roses From My Mouth'- un recueil de poèmes à couper le souffle, publié en cachette par @SharingUbuntu. À lire absolument.

Elle a eu le soutien indéfectible de féministes comme @RosebellK. Une perle.

#FreeStellaNyanzi Image
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Feb 19th 2020
Excited to kick off Eyala's #AfrifemsInAction interview series!

I ask 10 questions to an African #feminist about an initiative they've been involved in: how it came about, how it's helped her grow as a feminist, & how the Eyala community can support it.
To start, @_Nanzunga_ tells me all
about #TakeItToTheStreetsMalawi: the great leadership of @ulemuhannah & @YFN265, how it felt like to protest against #VAWG, and how we can all support the initiative going forward.

Read, comment and share widely!
Eyala family: if you are involved in/know of an #Afrifem-led initiative that's not getting enough attention...
These DMs are open!
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Feb 16th 2020
Roses are red
Violets are blue
I read on Sundays and so should you.

Here are some #SundayRead recommendations on #feminism, #WomensRights & #Africa, with an unapologetic bias for pieces by #Afrifem writers.

(Now using #EyalaReads hashtag 'coz I can't find my own damn tweets!)
My favorite: @Afrowomanist's tribute to Toni Morrison moved me to tears. I could explain why, but I'm still ugly-crying so you just go read for yourself okay? It's on @AfriFeminists.
#SundayRead #EyalaReads
Every African #feminist who's shared their journey with me has spoken of their relationship with their mother. Is that why @NanaYBrantuo's beautiful piece stole my heart? Or is it because I too have been called "too much" so often?
#SundayRead #EyalaReads
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Feb 2nd 2020
First Sunday of February and I still can't decide between "The year will go in flash" and "Farewell January, you sure took your time". I'd better stick to my Sunday routine and share the reads about #Africa, #Feminism, & #WomensRights that stuck with me.

#SundayRead #amreading
This one is my favorite. @OhTimehin ushers us into the so-called 'month of love' in the most powerful way. I stan a fierce #Afrifem with a sharp mind and superb writing skills.

Via @The_Corres
#SundayRead #amreading #love
The capacity patriarchy has of reinventing itself is the scariest thing.

Exhibit 45212348 (sorry for any inaccuracies, I'm being conservative here): Men in parts of East Africa are coercing women into breastfeeding them. Trash 🚮.
#SundayRead #amreading
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