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Vamos a salir de este twit del amigo @Arr3ch0 para comenzar un #hilo q puede tener datos muyyy interesantes.
El 16 de abril un vuelo q trasladaba la Canciller ruso Serguei Lavrov, comenzaba su periplo:
Con escala en #CasaBanca, sorteando Europa x sanciones, ponía rumbo a #Brasilia:
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#Brazil’s president Lula will be travelling to #China this week and meeting Xi Jinping on Friday.

Why does Lula’s Brazil matter to China? And what are Chinese experts recommending Beijing do in order to strengthen its ties with Brasilia?


▫️ 7 researchers from the Institute of Latin American Studies, which is part of the prestigious Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS).

▫️ Lead auhtor: Zhou Zhiwei (周志伟) – Director of the Centre for Brazilian Studies, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS). Image

1⃣ Lula’s Brazil is seen as having fundamental political differences with the #UnitedStates.

2⃣ Under Lula, Brazil's diplomatic focus is expected to be reoriented towards the #GlobalSouth and, most importantly, away from the US.
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🇧🇷🔥 Very tense situation in #Brasilia, capital of #Brazil, on one side the police, wanting to arrest protesters and on the other the army, guaranteeing a peaceful manifestation within the military area.
🇧🇷 This is the most important situation to keep an eye on right now. Did external interference in the country's sovereignty and total humiliation of the forces bother the generals? What do you think? Have the powers gone on a collision course? 🔥
🇧🇷🔥 #Brasília HQ, army puts the Police on the run.
Read 17 tweets
I'm not an expert on Brazilian Pentecostalism & defer to those who are, but I know that the recent election there had many similar features to what I discuss in Charismatic Revival Fury & #Jan6: spirit. warfare invocations, Manichean declarations by Evang/ Pentecostal leaders 1/3
against left-wing opponents, & conscious stoking of these forces by #Bolsonaro and his family.… I also know that the apostolic network model discussed in our series (whether you call it #NAR or not) has really taken hold among Evangs/Pentecostals there. 2/3
As we are watching events unfold with rioting and storming of govt buildings in #Brasilia, one of the crucial analytical questions going forward is: what role did relig leaders play in instigating this and what were the theologies they used in doing so? #ChristianNationalism 3/3
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#BFMTV @jsferjou en train de prôner la compréhension des milices fascistes
#BFMTV "c'est une idéologie fasciste qui a pénétrée la base j'ai des amis qui sont policiers au Brésil ils sont tous bolsonaristes"

"vous voulez dire que les policiers ils étaient du coté des contestataires?"
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Recherche #Brasilien: Im Juli 2021 reiste Beatrix von Storch zusammen mit ihrem Mann nach Brasilien, um sich mit dem rechtsextremen Präsidenten Jair Bolsonaro und seinem Sohn Eduardo Bolsonaro (PSL) zu treffen. #brasilia Beatrix von Storch bei einem Treffen mit brasilianischen Ari
Eduardo Bolsonaro schrieb auf Twitter, seine Partei teile mit der AfD die Ideale der "Verteidigung der Familie, des Grenzschutzes und der nationalen Kultur". #NoAfD #AfD #Brasilien #Brasilia From left to right: Gil Diniz, Beatrix von Storch, Eduardo B
Von Storch schrieb, ihre Partei wolle sich "stärker vernetzen und auf internationaler Ebene für unsere christlich-konservativen Werte eintreten". #brasilia #Brasilien #NoAfD #AfD From left to right: Beatrix von Storch, Jair Bolsonaro, and
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BREAKING: pro-#Bolsonaro rioters breach Congress, Supreme Court & Presidential Palace in 🇧🇷#Brazil.

Ex president promotes a stolen election lie & has been close to Trump.

He skipped inauguration of his predecessor & flew to Florida.

By: @peterbmillard…
2/ What does this remind you of?

🇧🇷#Brazil is yet more proof that the "stolen election" lie is poison for Democracy.

3/ Appalling footage is surfacing of pro-#Bolsonaro rioters dragging and beating the police protecting 🇧🇷#Brazil's capitol.

This is very, very bad.

And looks extremely orchestrated.
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In scenes reminiscent of the January 6 Capitol attack in the US, supporters of the defeated President #Bolsonaro, have marched on #Brazil’s Presidential Palace & Congress building, invading the floor of the Federal Senate & the Supreme Court👇#BREAKING
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#Breaking: Just in - Reports that Jair #Bolsonaro supporters in sao paulo have forced and broken their way into the National Congress building in #Brazil.
#Update: Just in - Other video footage's showing you police national in Sao Paulo, #Brazil, throwing tear gas at Jair #Bolsonaro supporters, who reportedly are forcing their way smashing into the National Congress building.
#Update: Just in - More video footage's of Jair #Bolsonaro supporters in sao paulo, smashing vandalizing objects and furniture inside the National Congress building, after they forced their way into the building.
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🚨🇧🇷 #Brasile nel caos. Sostenitori dell'ex presidente #Bolsonaro hanno fatto irruzione nel Parlamento. Scontri in atto con la polizia.

Dispiegata la Forza Nazionale davanti al Palazzo di Giustizia. I media verdeoro parlano dei manifestanti definendoli apertamente come "golpisti".

🚨I sostenitori di #Bolsonaro hanno fatto irruzione nei locali della Corte Suprema del #Brasile.
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🇧🇷 In #Brazil, pro-#Bolsonaro protesters invaded the congress and terrace of ministries in #Brasilia 🔥…
🇧🇷🔥 The #Brazilian people take over the Planalto Palace.…
🇧🇷⚡️ — Building of the Federal Supreme Court (STF) was taken over in #Brasília. No new information at the moment.
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URGENTE!! MUITA ATENÇÃO!! Sintetizar uma análise dos fatos para estas mídias porcas e comprometidas com a corrupção é perda de tempo, mas devo mostrar as análises para os verdadeiros cidadãos de bem aqui no meu perfil a respeito dos fatos em #Brasília . Segue a thread 👇
1- antes da diplomação do Lula, em 12 de dezembro, no TSE, havia um conglomerado de indivíduos descaracterizados e outros com vestimentas do MST e organizações agrárias sob os perímetros de dois pontos importantes, na região da Asa Sul e Asa Norte.
2- muitas testemunhas dentro dos acampamentos e das áreas de concentração de manifestantes patriotas disseram que havia aumentado o número de pessoas desconhecidas usando trajes não comuns entre os manifestantes, e com isso a insatisfação dos patriotas com estes indivíduos.
Read 15 tweets

🕗Comienza la jornada electoral en #Brasil.

Te invitamos a revisar el material con los datos más relevantes del proceso y a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #ObservatorioReformas.


➡️La apertura de los centros de votación comienza a las 8:00 y la jornada terminará a las 17:00 [hora de Brasilia] (5:00 a 14:00 CDMX) 🕐


➡️El #SistemaElectoral para el Poder Ejecutivo brasileño es de mayoría absoluta. Si una candidatura logra el 50%+1 de los votos válidos en la primera vuelta automáticamente será la ganadora.

Read 128 tweets

🕗Comienza la jornada electoral en #Brasil.

Te invitamos a revisar el material con los datos más relevantes del proceso y a seguir todos los detalles en este hilo del #ObservatorioReformas.


Hoy se elegirán los cargos federales de presidencia y vicepresidencia; 27 escaños del @SenadoFederal y 513 escaños de la @camaradeputados.


En el nivel subnacional, también se elegirán 27 gubernaturas y 1,059 diputaciones estaduales y distritales.

Read 115 tweets
😎🎸 Ícone do #rock indie, os norte-americanos @thekillers desembarcam em #Brasília para supershow em 14 de novembro

Segue o 🧶 para saber mais! Image
🎸 Os norte-americanos The Killers farão um supershow em 14 de novembro – véspera do #feriado da Proclamação da República –, na Arena BRB Mané Garrincha @thekillers Image
😃 Além de recolocar a cidade na rota das apresentações internacionais e celebrar a primeira vez da banda na cidade, o evento marca a estreia do Metrópoles Music, braço de entretenimento do grupo Image
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O tweet com id 1125866421316214784 de 2019-05-07 20:54:07 que falava sobre:
🇧🇷✌️ O Deputado Federal Nereu Crispim recebeu nesta segunda-feira (06), em seu escritório de Porto Alegre, a visita do Vice-prefeito de Guaporé, Adalberto João Bastian

#NereuCrispim #Guaporé #Prefeiu...
O bot tentou arquivar o tweet nesse link:
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Coronavirus

According to the Ministry of Health, Brazil saw a record high number of new COVID-19 cases per day on Friday, with 90,570 tests coming back positive.
COVID-19 claimed the lives of 2,815 people in the last 24 hours, the second highest number of single-day deaths since the outbreak began in the nation.
The death toll from COVID-19 in the South American country is 290,314 people, with a total of 11,871,390 people being infected, the world's second highest after the United States.
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@blogdojosias @UOLNoticias @UOL #Bolsonaro é um #CRIMINOSO #confesso.
Só não é impichado porque comprou #parlamentares com vantagens que somente o #chefe do #Executivo #federal poderia oferecer.
Além disso controla parte do #Judiciário e do #MinistérioPúblico acenando com a #vaga que se abrirá no #STF
@blogdojosias @UOLNoticias @UOL Não faltam provas de que os #Bolsonaros estão muito à vontade em relação aos demais #Poderes da #República.
Tanto que, enquanto eu, você, nós tivemos nossas #vidas profundamente #modificadas pela #pandemia do #CORONAVIRUS, o 01 continuou comprando #imóveis, seu #hobby #favorito.
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Coronavirus

Another cabinet member, the Brazilian Environment Minister Ricardo Salles, tested positive for the corona virus. This was reported by the Brazilian media, citing the Ministry of the Environment in Brasília.
Salles has a high fever and will remain in isolation, but is fine. Salles is reportedly the 15th member of the first tier of government to contract the coronavirus. This includes President Jair Bolsonaro (in July) and Vice-President Hamilton Mourão (in December).
Bolsonaro initially played down the corona virus and is now questioning the point of vaccinations. So far, more than 9.9 million people in the largest country in Latin America have been shown to have been infected with the coronavirus -
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Amazonas #Bushfire

The number of forest fires in Brazil reached a new ten-year high in 2020. In the past year, there were over 222,000 forest fires, as the Brazilian space agency Inpe announced after evaluating satellite images.
This corresponds to an increase of 12.7 percent compared to the previous year. The agency counted more than 103,000 fires in the Amazon rainforest, an increase of 16 percent from 2019. Under President Jair Bolsonaro,
who has been in office since January 2019 and is considered a notorious climate skeptic, the destruction of the rainforest in Brazil has increased dramatically. Environmental requirements were weakened under Bolsonaro.
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Coronavirus

Brazil wants to vaccinate a good quarter of the population against Covid-19 in the first half of 2021. A document sent to the country's Supreme Court shows that 108 million doses of vaccine will initially be available.
Around 70 percent of the population - 148 of the 212 million Brazilians - would have to be immunized to stop the virus from spreading. Experts criticize the statements as hastily put together with errors in the details of possible vaccines.
The Supreme Court had given the government a deadline to make arrangements for the vaccinations. The Brazilian Ministry of Health reports 43,900 new infections and a further 686 deaths in the last 24 hours.
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Coronavirus #Bolsonaro

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro on Thursday visited Health Minister General Eduardo Pazuello, who has COVID-19, and made his point that the disease is easy to recover quickly from with the help of the controversial drug chloroquine.
The two men chatted and joked without wearing masks in Pazuello's hotel room, seen in a video posted on social media by the president, who recovered from a bout of COVID-19 in July.
"This is another concrete case of someone who took chloroquine and it worked," Bolsonaro said. "This is an alternative, when doctors prescribe it."
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#Brazil #Brasilia #Coronavirus

A test person died during a study on the Oxford vaccine by the pharmaceutical company AstraZeneca in Brazil.
The Brazilian health surveillance authority, Anvisa, confirmed this to the German press agency on Wednesday. Brazilian media had previously reported on it. According to its own information, the surveillance authority had already been informed of this on Monday.
The recommendation is to continue testing. According to the television channel "CNN Brasil", the dead is a 28-year-old man from Rio de Janeiro who died of complications related to Covid-19.
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