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Hi everybody🎙️

Welcome to ADA Digest, a mega thread where every day I deliver news from the #Cardano ecosystem - and beyond.

In case you missed something I am bringing highlights of the day 🧵👇🏼
@InputOutputHK published amazing news -
#EVM sidechain proof of concept is now available. This might bring in new dev from #EVM world, but if not new amazing teams in our community will take over

Do you know about working groups of the #Cardano?

@InputOutputHK is calling everyone to join in. There are four categories and a place for you

Read 34 tweets
* Oracles
* We have developed a script that runs at any frequency to associate a Datum to an address
* We have found some restrictions: A Datum can write only integer information, but prices are floating. A conversion formula is needed.
* Exploration of MLabs libraries for contract testing. This will help us for a type of internal audit.

* Rebalancing current portfolio of Cardano Index
* AGIX valuation increased considerably
* Selling half to get profits and rebalance with other tokens
Read 8 tweets
Hi everybody🎙️

Welcome to ADA Digest - a mega thread where every day I deliver news from the #Cardano ecosystem and beyond.

In case you missed something I am bringing highlights of the day (wknd today actually)🧵👇🏼

#CryptoNews #CardanoADA
1/ @TeddySwap confirmed they will have yield farming since day one. Although some are saying Cardano doesn't have room for another DEX this one is doing everything right

2/ You definitely remember @MutantNFTs had problems a few weeks ago and it was because franked address attack. They fixed the problem, but we get something good from it - learning about it from @ElRaulito_cnft

Read 28 tweets
Hi everybody📢

Welcome to ADA Digest - a mega thread where every day I deliver news from the #Cardano ecosystem and beyond.

In case you missed something I am bringing highlights of the day 🧵👇🏼

#CryptoNews #Crypto
1/ @DjedStablecoin had an amazing launch yesterday, but today there were some hiccups - the site went offline but now everything is working

#Djed #StableCoin
2/ I haven't read much about @COTInetwork, but it seems like they have a lot of development plans up their sleeves. I will look closely into this

Read 45 tweets
Πως φτιάχνω & σετάρω το #Cardano πορτοφόλι μου; Ένα thread για τους απανταχού #ADA lovers ή/και hodlers. ​👇

#cardano #CardanoSummit2022 #CardanoADA #CardanoCommunity

1// To wallet που προσωπικά χρησιμοποιώ και οδηγός θα αφορά ειναι το @eternlwallet. Φυσικά, υπάρχουν και άλλες επιλογές όπως το @YoroiWallet αλλά, αυτό που οι περισσότεροι προτιμούν και δικαίως είναι το eternl.
2// To Eternl είναι non-custodial wallet aka δεν κρατάει αντίγραφο ούτε του κωδικού που θα χρειαστείτε ούτε το seed phrase. Πρέπει να φυλάξετε/αποθηκεύσετε/κρατήσετε εσείς τους κωδικούς σας και ΔΕΝ υπάρχει τρόπος να ανακτήσετε πρόσβαση στο πορτοφόλι σας χωρίς αυτούς.
Read 19 tweets

En este hilo vamos a enseñar como se pueden enviar muchísimas transacciones PAGANDO SOLO la comisión de 1

📊Dificultad: Facil
🕚Tiempo de lectura: 1minuto y 11 segundos Image
Para ello, lo primero que vamos a utilizar será la billetera "Typhon Wallet" de #Cardano
La cual es super intuitiva y sencilla para cualquier usuario, y nos deja hacer muchísimas cosas, entre ellas, hacer TRANSACCIONES MULTIPLES Image
Desde el inicio podemos enviar ADA, pero como queremos hacer una multiple, le vamos a dar a donde pone "Add more recipients" Image
Read 14 tweets
As we continue looking back at Cardano’s milestones, today we focus on Shelley, Cardano’s second development phase. #CardanoADA

🧵 1/n
The Shelley phase

Shelley was a period of growth and development for the network, encompassing the critical early steps in Cardano’s journey to optimize #decentralization.

🧵 2/n
This phase saw the complete re-implementation of the Cardano node for improved reliability, assurance, and performance, and the ability to maintain and evolve the node over time.

🧵 3/n
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🚀 #Cardano de 0 a 100 🚀

📌 En este hilo 🧵 expondré todo lo que debes saber de #Cardano y porque aspira a ser la #blockchain definitiva 🔥

👉 $ADA mantiene la seguridad y robustez de #BTC con programabilidad #DeFi escalable sin centralizar ¿cómo? 👇

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🏛 Bases (1/2) 🏛

⚠ El trilemma es por todos conocidos, lo que la mayoría de redes hace hoy en día es elegir 2/3 entre el equilibrio de seguridad, descentralización y escalabilidad 🛠

🤔 #CardanoADA se idea como un proyecto para lograr la adopción masiva, matizo 👇

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🏛 Bases (2/2) 🏛

📈 Solo redes que garanticen escalabilidad y seguridad además de descentralización podrán tener un hueco en un sistema financiero global 🌐

💡 Las L1 deben tener el trilemma resuelto para poder construir el resto, y ese es el target de #Cardano 🔥

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📢Udite udite

Sono felicissimo di annunciare il nuovo portale di informazione incentrato sull'ecosistema #Cardano è sponsorizzato dalla Cardano EASY1 Stake Pool in collaborazione con @francinorbita @alby_rizzi e @LorenzoMarcolli
Scopri con noi come funziona #CardanoADA, la DeFi, lo staking e resta aggiornato su progetti NFT e dApp.

Su troverai video, articoli brevi o lunghi, interviste e chi più ne ha più ne metta!
Il pezzo forte di questa settimana è ... 🥁.. un articolo su HYDRA!

Scopri a che punto siamo con lo sviluppo e come @SundaeSwap sta lavorando per integrare Hydra sul proprio DEX!…
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🛡 #Cardano Conclave 🛡

💡 En este hilo presento como se va a lograr la descentralización total de la #blockchain PoS de $ADA ♻

🤔 ¿Te imaginas montar tú pool con unos pocos ADA y recibir recompensas por validar bloques sin tener que reunir millones de $ADA? 🚀

🧵 1/16 👇 Image
🏛 Proof of Stake (1/2) 🏛

✅ El PoS se basa a grandes rasgos en "bloquear" (en #Cardano no hay bloqueos 😉) grandes cantidades de un activo, en este caso $ADA para firmar bloques 📄

👉 A mayor capital, más oportunidades de firmar bloques, por ende más recompensas 💸

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🏛 Proof of Stake (2/2) 🏛

🤔 Uno de los grandes impedimentos es la barrera de entrada, ya que reunir el stake suficiente como para poder optar a firmar bloques supone tener mucho $$ en stake 💰

👉 Si sumas costes de mantenimiento, es difícil ser un pool rentable 📊

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Everyone SHOULD know how to consistently find #100x opportunities.


Most people don't have the right strategies.

I took my time to break EVERYTHING down for you 🧵
It’s no secret that being early to new crypto projects can be life-changing

Finding these new projects is a skill that can be mastered.

It will take time to develop your hunting skills.
I bet some of you are here in an attempt to make it big fast and build massive wealth.

Despite a lot of success stories, there are also a lot of bad stories where people lose big.

We have got to keep that in mind. Let's dive in ↓
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The entire crypto community has been waiting for the Vasil hard fork for #cardano

Originally planned to go live earlier this year, the hard fork was delayed for several reasons.

Here's everything you NEED to know 🧵
Recently, Input Output Global revealed many new developments through a tweet.

Suggesting the wait will be over soon.

Amidst the hype and excitement, $ADA’s chart indicated something more for the token in the coming days as it slowly recovers from last week’s plunge.
Cardano developers are committed to making the Vasil hard fork rollout as seamless as possible.

Therefore, the developers are ensuring that exchanges and Dapp developers have enough time to upgrade their nodes before the hard fork.
Read 11 tweets
99% of investors who HATE on #cardano don't really understand it.

The narrative NEEDS to change.

Here's what you NEED to know about the underrated BEAST 🧵

#Cardano #CardanoADA $Ada Image
What I'll be covering :

• What is cardano ?
• The team behind #cardano
• How the cardano blockchain
• Scalability
• How does $Ada differ from $Sol ?
• Closing thoughts

Without wasting anymore time lets dive in ↓

#Cardano is a proof-of-stake blockchain platform: the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods.

From games to #DeFi, cardano covers the whole gamut of blockchain-based versatility.
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Why Cardano isn't going to 0

[A Thread🧵]

#Cardano #CardanoADA $ADA #Cryptos
1/ Intro

At the time of writing, the crypto markets look worse than they have looked in a while. Crypto is likely, for the first time in its history, to experience an economic recession and increasing interest rates.

This has prompted critics to say that “crypto is dead!”
2/ The Apocalypse is happening

Now, I’m not gonna bullshit you, the markets are nuking and we’re in for a world of hurt. But the logical inference that because the price is lower it’s over for crypto, is a fundamental misunderstanding of the tech and its role in the economy.
Read 14 tweets
A beginner’s overview of Catalyst (Cardano’s Treasury and innovation lab)

[A Thread🧵]

#CardanoCommunity #CardanoADA #Cardano $ADA Image
1/ Intro

Catalyst is often jokingly referred to as Cardano’s VC, as it aims to collect a portion of fees generated from each transaction and use that money to fund projects that are beneficial to the community.

A funding round for Project Catalyst happens around every 6 weeks.
2/ Purpose

Catalyst is still in an experimental phase where its operating procedure is subject to change considerably

But it ultimately seeks to be a means by which to fund projects that help the Cardano ecosystem, irrespective of whether or not they’re necessarily profitable
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🛠 Herramientas imprescindibles 🛠

🔴 Seguro que te pasa, no sabes dónde narices encontrar esos indicadores, esas herramientas que marcan la diferencia a la hora de invertir en #Criptomonedas 🧠

🔥 En este hilo te presento esas herramientas fundamentales y gratuitas ✅

🕵️‍♂️ Buscando gemas (1/4) 🕵️‍♂️

@CoinMarketCap no solo sirve para ver precios, esta herramienta te sirve para filtrar y encontrar proyectos #blockchain emergentes 🔍

👀 Fíjate en la imagen adjunta, utiliza los filtros para buscar esa #Crypto💎filtrando por campos 🕵️‍♂️

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🕵️‍♂️ Buscando gemas (2/4) 🕵️‍♂️

🔥 Una vez filtres, vete revisando los proyectos que te parezcan interesantes, realiza una investigación propia y asegúrate que cumple tus criterios de valoración adecuada antes de invertir✅

🔍 Gasta tiempo en investigar esta herramienta 🔥

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1/ #Cardano is set to🚀w/ SCALING SOLUTIONS

4 Layer-2s are going to empower Cardano🤯

A Thread🧵

#CardanoADA #ADA $ADA #Cardanocommunity
2/ A quick overview, if you're new to Cardano:

• Founded by @IOHK_Charles, formerly co-founder of Ethereum

• Cardano blockchain is running w/o a single day off

• Always in the top 10 cryptos by MC

• 800+ projects on #Cardano

Scaling Solutions (Hydra, L2s) are coming
3/ "Cardano is slow"

First, Cardano is a super decentralized blockchain w/ 3000+ validators, outnumbering other blockchains, ex. Ethereum

The Cardano team prioritized decentralization before scaling up

➔ Cardano's been running for years without a single day off

Read 20 tweets
1/ All About Yield Farming on #Cardano🌾

Yield Farming (YF) has been around in crypto for years but it’s just now available on #CardanoADA w/ juicy APRs 🧑‍🌾

Let's explore how to play the game and avoid mistakes

A thread🧵

#CardanoCommunity #ADA $ADA #CNFT
2/ Before diving deep into the opportunities, in this thread, I will cover:

• YF for new entrants
• YF Risks
• 5 On-going YF programs (real alphas)
• How to play
• My farming strategy
3/ YF is an investment strategy

📍Its goal is to boost the liquidity of the protocol.

📍To participate, you will need to stake/lend your crypto assets to the protocol to get rewards in tokens.

📍The YF rewards often come from pre-allocated tokens, TX fees, interest, etc.
Read 25 tweets
Cardano 2022 Playbook
for those who want to make it in 2022 with and without $ADA

2022 is definitely a remarkable year for #CardanoADA

A long thread full of giga alpha plays⬇️🧵

#ADA #CNFT #CardanoCommunity #Cardano 1/n
At the moment, Cardano has 600+ crypto projects ranging from Infras, DeFi, NFT/Gaming to RealFi

Some others might say Cardano is a ghost chain or stablecoin, but they don't know there are tons of underlying opportunities

Don't want to miss those chances
Let’s dig in
#Cardano 2/
Delegate $ADA in stake pools to get ~5% APY

68-70% of the total ADA is being staked

1/ Store $ADA in Daedalus, @YoroiWallet, etc.
2/ Select staking pools (explorer @pool_pm @adapools_org)
3/ Stake $ADA
4/ Non-custodial and no locked-in period

Many upsides and no downsides 3/
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⚠️ Ayer se me olvido hablaros de otro aspecto único de #Cardano ⚠️

👉 Hardfork Combinator 🛠

¿Qué es un fork? ¿Por qué la tecnología de combinación de forks en #CardanoADA es tan disruptiva? 👀👇

1/4 🧵
Un fork es una copia de la #blockchain original, por ejemplo, el #Ethereum que conocemos hoy día es un fork de #EthereumClassic ocurrido tras el lanzamiento y hackeo de esta en sus inicios.

Para hacer como si no paso nada, se creo una copia de la red hackeada.

2/4 🧵
🔥Harfork Combinator🔥

👉 El combinador permite a los desarrolladores crear cadenas paralelas con nuevas reglas de código, que pese a ser diferentes, se integran y sincronizan con las antiguas (Fusión de Forks en el bloque génesis) ⚙️

3/4 🧵
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🔥Lo prometido es deuda🔥

⚠️Inicio mi primer hilo sobre proyectos en #Criptomonedas, con la #blockchain del gigante dormido, y el proyecto más infravalorado por los "cryptobros".

😉 Sin duda tenía que ser #Cardano con su token nativo $ADA.

Dentro 🧵 1/15 👇
#CardanoADA es una blockchain que utiliza la prueba de participación (PoS).

¿Qué la diferencia de las demás redes de este tipo, y la convierte en la #blockchain del futuro?

Soluciona el famoso "trilema" de las redes descentralizadas sin cabos sueltos ¿Cómo lo hace?

2/15 🧵
🔐 Seguridad (1/3) 👇

#Cardano está basado en un lenguaje de programación funcional llamado Haskell.

Este lenguaje requiere la comprobación matemática, es decir, permite comprobar que el código hace lo que tiene que hacer SIN ERRORES ni fallos (impenetrable).

3/15 🧵
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Until now, the #GSX has been a listing platform for big Bonds. But they have all the right licences that a Tier-1 European Exchange needs to create a Global exchange - just like the #LSE & #NYSE. But the OLD #GSX didn’t focus on using the full capacity of the licences they have.
The #GSX will be globally disruptive exchange in the not so distant future, being central to #Gibraltars global strategy not just for crypto, but importantly for normal global listed equity, debt and derivatives. Just watch this space. @keremkaradagcom @Exchange_Invest @Wolfiez
With @FrontierFinance Pioneer & Exchange Builder who brings the experience, skill and the vision. Alongside the business acumen of @RPoulden and @leashless, Founder & CEO of Mattereum. Leading figure in blockchain space, coordinated the release of the blockchain platform #ETH
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1/6 @CardanoStiftung TVL Records A New ATH.

Bullish activities have not slowed down in the #Cardano ecosystem with TVL on #CardanoADA DeFi protocols has reached a new ATH of over $134M.

Per data from @DefiLlama, the TVL of @Cardano DEXs has surpassed its previous high of $130M.
@CardanoStiftung @DefiLlama @Cardano 2/6 The @DefiLlama dashboard shows #Cardano TVL to be even higher when staked governance tokens are added to the TVL valuation. However, the live TVL of the proof-of-stake blockchain was around $133 at the time of writing.

#ADA #CardanoADA #CardanoCommunity $ADA @Cardano
@CardanoStiftung @DefiLlama @Cardano 3/6 Among the #Cardano DEXs Defillama tracks, @SundaeSwap has the largest TVL. #SundaeSwap maintains an 88.77% dominance, with over $116 million in TVL. The automatic market maker DEX has seen its TVL increase around 72.43% in the last month.

#ADA #CardanoADA #CardanoCommunity
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🔥#Cardano is catching fire!🔥

#WonderWoman @GalGadot has backed @adaswapapp - the next-gen #CardanoADA DEX.

The funding will further develop the protocol and provide more DeFi capabilities to the users.


#ADA #CardanoCommunity $ADA @Cardano
@GalGadot @adaswapapp @Cardano .@adaswapapp raised $2.6M from various investors: @shimacapital, @Pluto_Digital, @gbvofficial, @Stardust, Efficient Frontier, Finova, @bantercap, @COTInetwork $DJED & including #GalGadot.

#ADA #Cardano #CardanoADA #COTI $ADA
@GalGadot @adaswapapp @Cardano .@adaswapapp has been in a development rally for more than a year now. The protocol has been through seed rounds, #stablecoins partnerships, and more.

The next target is to release the ASW token to exchanges, introduce staking protocol, and launch the #ADA #NFT mktplace.
Read 7 tweets

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