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May 4th 2023
@vonderleyen The #Qatargate #Scandal: Could It Signal The #End Of The ‘#BrusselsEU’? | Apr 21
- A vice #president of the #EuropeanParliament and other EU #lawmakers have been #bribed by the governments of #Qatar, #Morocco, #Mauritania, and possibly other countries…
@vonderleyen Inquiry Launched Into Secret Talks Between #Pfizer And #EUCommission Chief For Sale Of #Vaccines | Sep 18
- Pfizer has been holding sovereign governments to #ransom making bizarre demands asking for #bankreserves, #embassy buildings and #military bases.
@vonderleyen The #EuropeanCommission's #refusal of public access to text messages #SMS exchanged between
@vonderleyen and the CEO of a #pharmaceutical company on the purchase of a #Covid19Vaccines
- CASE 1316/2021/MIG - OPENED ON Thursday | 16 Sep 2021
Read 20 tweets
May 2nd 2023
@Europarl_EN #Merkel and #Hollande admit the west didn't want to achieve #peace in the #Donbas through the #MinskAgreements (2014 and 2015).
- They wanted to give the coup regime in #Kiev TIME to #prepare for #war - to help #CRUSH #ETHNIC #Russians Dec 28, 2022
@Europarl_EN cc: @ TaranQ
German '#Merkel' (#Hitler's daughter) in an interview with the German newspaper #DieZeit:
- "The 2014 #MinskAgreement was an attempt to give Ukraine #time. They used that time to get stronger, which you can see today.
Read 16 tweets
May 20th 2022
#Thread #Health #Elders #SeniorCitizens

By Arnaldo Liechtenstein, physician: "Whenever, I teach #clinical #Medicine to students in the fourth year of medicine, I ask the following question:

"What are the causes of mental confusion in the elderly?"

Some answer: "Tumors in the head".

I answer: No!

Others suggest: "Early symptoms of Alzheimer's".

I answer again: No!

With each rejection of their answers, their responses dry up.

And they are even more open-mouthed, when I list the three most common causes:

- uncontrolled diabetes
- urinary infection
- dehydration

It may sound like a joke; but it isn't.

People over 60 generally stop feeling thirsty and consequently, stop drinking fluids.
When no one is around to remind them to drink fluids, they quickly dehydrate.

Read 9 tweets
Aug 18th 2021
۱ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
۲ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
۳ - وہ تمام مسلمان خواتین و حضرات بالخصوص پاکستانی جو امریکہ و یورپ میں رہ رہے ہیں اور #طالبان کی حمایت کررہے ہیں انہیں چاہئیے کہ #اسلامی #افغانستان چلے جائیں | کافر ملکوں میں مسلمان کا رہنا حرام ہے

سلسلہ احادیث صحیحہ جلد اوّل ص ۲۰۰ تا ۲۰۹ |

#Afghanistan #Talibans
Read 47 tweets
Aug 14th 2021
۱ - نائن الیون ۹۱۱ سے پہلے مارچ ۲۰۰۱ میں امریکہ میں #طالبان کے ترجمان سید رحمت اللہ ہاشمی نے #اسامہ_بن_لادن کے لیئے کیا فرمایا خود سن لیں مجھ میں بتانے کی تاب نہیں

حوالہ :

#Afghanistan #Taliban #TTP #AlQaeda #Daish #ETIM #USA #PakistanZindabad #FATF
۲ - نائن الیون ۹۱۱ سے پہلے مارچ ۲۰۰۱ میں امریکہ میں #طالبان کے ترجمان سید رحمت اللہ ہاشمی نے #افغانستان میں #عورتوں #خواتین کو مکمل آزاد بتایا حقوق سے لبریز

#Afghanistan #Taliban #TTP #AlQaeda #Daish #ETIM #USA #PakistanZindabad #FATF #Women #MeToo
To #Afghans with nowhere to go Doha talks as “selling us out ... that was ‘let us go out, let the elite and the posh people get out, let us sell the people of #Afghanistan the civilians of Afghanistan’ … for us there is no way out”. ( by @abbasnasir59 )
Read 25 tweets
Mar 26th 2020
My experience as a #VolunteersAgainstCovid19 4 #Elders in #Bhubaneswar
@ajmahapatra started a #Facebook page inviting local non-contact volunteers 2 assist Elders namely- Covid19 Support 4 elders

Cc: @meeramohanty @SarangiSudhansu @cpbbsrctc @HFWOdisha
A core team was formed with few senior volunteers 2 plan out Non-contact based volunteering guideline
to create awareness, overcome loneliness, co-ordinate online support & facilitation of essentials deliveries.
IT volunteer prepared google doc 2 get volunteers on board.
A WhatsApp group brought all volunteers under one roof for ensuring that the guidelines laid are strictly adhered to & there is no legal complications or issues at a later date. It was 2 be non contact program, mere comfort calling, coordinating, no financial transaction .
Read 20 tweets
Jul 24th 2019
Before I begin, first things first…
S/O to the #ancestors whose sacrifice is not lost on me. Blood. Sweat. Tears. Prayers. We do this work to honor them because we know it’s upon their shoulders that we stand…
One in particular is Dr. Bill Jenkins who transitioned in February. His work exposing the atrocities of the U.S. Public Health Service’s Tuskegee Syphilis Study is an example of how we should all speak truth to power.
Read 7 tweets

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