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Jun 20th 2023
.@realDonaldTrump accuses #Ericsson of bribing #HillaryClinton in August of 2016

"This is by far the most dangerous story I've ever reported on" - Lara Logan

Twitter Spaces TONIGHT w/ Lara covering: The Ericsson Report: A Matter of National Security 👇🏽……
The General on Thread covering Ericsson:
Read 5 tweets
Jun 16th 2023
Twitter Spaces with @laralogan covering...

The Ericsson Report: A Matter of National Security

This Tuesday - June 20th at 4:00:44 PM EST 🎯

Please read the Report & post Q's to be asked! 👇🏽… Image
@laralogan Will schedule the Space on the 19th... đź’Ż
To read the Report:

Also check out the Public DECLAS of FIVE EYES/9-1-1/9/11 in the threads linked within:
Read 17 tweets
Apr 15th 2023
All traffic is scanned


Whistleblower Edward Snowden's revelations about the NSA's network surveillance consist of 20,000 secret documents. Not all have become public yet.
#Ericsson Image
One of the most controversial NSA programs was the bulk collection of domestic telephone records (metadata) under authority of Section 215 of the USA PATRIOT Act.… Image
Since September 11th, 2001, the United States government has dramatically increased the ability of its intelligence agencies to collect and investigate information on both foreign subjects and US citizens.… Image
Read 14 tweets
Apr 13th 2023
International Telecommunication Union

Ericsson, ITU on Building a Sustainable, Connected Future

"Ericsson CEO Borje Ekholm stressed the need for interoperability and standardization to drive accessibility, and achieve true democratization of connectivity."
#Ericsson Image
This joint effort is part of the Giga initiative. Launched last year and led by UNICEF and the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Giga aims to connect every school to the internet. Ericsson.....… Image
One million schools mapped: UNICEF and ITU’s Giga initiative........ Image
Read 13 tweets
Mar 3rd 2023
#Ericsson fined $207m for concealing internal probe into bribes paid to #ISIS

The #Swedish company was involved in a large scale corruption scheme across several #Asian countries…
#Swedish telecom giant Ericsson has been fined $207 million for violating a deferred prosecution deal with US authorities by concealing evidence of serious misconduct in #Iraq, where the company reportedly bribed #ISIS to access a specific transport route between 2011 & 2019.
In a statement issued on 2 March, Ericsson said it had entered “a guilty plea regarding previously deferred charges relating to conduct prior to 2017” for not disclosing its inquiry to the US authorities.…
Read 11 tweets
Feb 21st 2023
Boris Hagelin studied at Lundsberg and after that at Royal institute of technology in Stockholm. Worked for ASEA and was an Investor AB asset.
The cryptograph was produced and financed by Ericsson. #Ericsson…
Hagelin amazingly succeeded in convincing the US military to adopt it. Tens of thousands of machines were sold, and Hagelin became a billionaire thanks to this. The connections between Wallenbergs Investor AB and Allen Dulles OSS/CIA) might have helped....
Crypto AG had a deal with NSA to provide backdoors for eavsdropping into communication. So with rigged equipment and the power of information to control both sides in a conflict, endless possibilities for profitable business arise.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 20th 2023
2023 will be the year of layoffs…
20/1/2023 - #Google's parent #Alphabet to lay off 12,000
18/1/2023 - #Microsoft is laying off 10,000 employees

#layoffs #layoffs2023
Read 64 tweets
Feb 26th 2022
Feb 23 2022: "#WHO facilitates 194 member states to introduce digital #vaccination certificates... WHO will make it easier for its member states to introduce digital vaccination certificates in the future... It is intended to serve as a standard procedure..." #DigitalID
"#WHO is therefore supporting member states in building national & regional trust networks & verification technology. The WHO's gateway service also serves as a bridge between regional systems. It can also be used as part of future #vaccination campaigns..."

"Digitization keeps the world running. Digital #vaccination certificates like the EU's are key to this...The gateway will interact w/ other parts of the system already developed by WHO...This will also give hints for regional & national setups to be followed by the implementers."
Read 15 tweets
Oct 18th 2021
#5G journey / timeline on upcoming releases reinforces that it's far from done.
. Don't "have a cow" that #6G is being discussed. #Brooklyn6GSummit

Separate current deployment to future research & thinking
. #Ericsson looking at 2024 in starting on #6G requirements. #Brooklyn6GSummit
Read 5 tweets
Apr 23rd 2021
There are 175 corps/institutions now overseeing your children's #education going forward. They will be shaping/molding your child's #ideologies &
#worldviews - all while harvesting their data.

Global Education Coalition Members (announced Mar 18 2020): Image
"Civil society & non-profit organizations" (those serving capital & elite institutions) include:

-Tony Blair Institute for Global Change
#ONE (Bono)
-Global Business Coalition for #Education
#Sesame Workshop

See image. #4IR Image
Read 14 tweets
Nov 18th 2020
Luego de que lĂ­deres del mundo reconocen victoria de @JoeBiden (no asĂ­ #Trump ni #Rusia o #MĂ©xico entre otros) el jefe de #Ericsson critica la prohibiciĂłn sueca de #5G en #Huawei, que antes no criticaron.
La tecnología se considera espía. Además #China ya desarrolla el #6G
Más antecedentes sobre la tecnología #5G de los teléfonos #Huawei
30 octubre 2020:
Read 9 tweets
Aug 17th 2020

Supreme Court to shortly begin hearing the case concerning payment of Adjusted Gross Revenue (AGR) dues by Telecom companies.

@VodafoneIN @airtelindia @reliancejio
In the previous hearing, the Supreme Court had posed the question as to why Reliance Jio, which is using RCom's spectrum under spectrum sharing agreement, should not be paying RCom's AGR dues.

This issue was raised when the Court was hearing ailing telecos on the question of whether Spectrum can be sold under IBC proceedings.

DOT had maintained, Spectrum is national property, cannot be sold by companies.

Read 27 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
(1/3) Desde hodie it ha devenit clar: li grand victor del guerre 5G inter #China e li West es...#Svedia. Li firmas de telecomunication #Telus e #Bell in #Canada anunciat que ili ne va usar #Huawei por lor equipament 5G ma #Ericsson (e anc #Nokia por

#Occidental #Interlingue Image
(2/3) #Telus). In li comense Telus intentet contractar #Huawei por li tache ma durant que it atendet li aprobation del guvernament li relationes inter li du landes apejorat e plu apejorat se, e in fine decidet que un tal usation vell esser riscosi, particularimen pro que li Unit
(3/3) States ha menaciat ne divider inteligentie militari (li tal-nominat Quin Ocules) con alliat landes queles intentet usar li equipament de #Huawei por lor retes de 5G. Interim, anc TelefĂłnica #Deutschland in #Germania ha selectet #Ericsson por su implementation del rete 5G.
Read 3 tweets
Feb 8th 2020
#Europe is the midst of its #5G decision, with all eyes currently set on Germany. But there is a second crucial theatre for 5G competition that regrettably gets very little attention: #SoutheastAsia. Thread:
Right at China’s doorstep #Huawei has a long history and market share dominance in the strategically important region. Of the ten @ASEAN countries only Singapore & Vietnam have so far opted for Huawei’s competitors. 1/7
For the less affluent #SEA states cost-benefit calculation is central & so far pretty clear: Huawei is cheap & offers leading technology. For them costs are less tangible: Some #SoutheastAsian states rely on #US security. But how will US react to UK decision? Will it at all? 2/7
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Jan 26th 2020

Debéis haber recibido el correo electrónico con la contraseña para acceder al artículo

ÂżEs el #coronavirus una nueva pandemia global desencadenante de bruscos cambios econĂłmicos y sociales?…
¡Muchas gracias!

Sí, muy extraño el suceso del destacado epidemiólogo australiano Dr. Peter Salama...

PodrĂ­a ser el desencadenante y la excusa, no son incompatibles entre sĂ­
Pero estoy de acuerdo en lo demás

Ya están apareciendo noticias al respecto

"Cómo el #coronavirus está comenzando a afectar la economía de China"

Read 156 tweets
May 16th 2019
Many still have not realized the significance of adding #Huawei to @CommerceGov entity list. Any company entering long term deals with Huawei should reconsider. (Cont)
U.S. firms will now need a license to export to Huawei & there is a presumption of denial.

Very soon Huawei will lose access to important components like chips, antennae & phone operating systems. (Cont)

Those who using #Huawei for 5G networks should also reconsider.

Just two U.S. firms make 98% of the programmable chips used in 5G networks. When they lose access to these chips Huawei won’t be able to offer an end-to-end option on the 5G network (cont)
Read 4 tweets

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