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Jun 29th 2022
Dear Prospective or Current International Student,

You are grossly under-utilising your tuition fees if all you do is to attend classes and wait for exams

Here's how to get the most out of your tuition and

1. Training

Go to your library and find out which training are available for students to attend for free.

Most schools have free sessions.
I started learning #R and #Python at #UQ library

I landed jobs in AU because I could program in #R

Find out which software you need for your role(s), and check if your school run a free training
Read 16 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
Proud Moment!: Business Development Manager 25-year-old #VaidehiDongre from #Michigan crowned #MissIndia #USA 2021; "This One Is For My Aai", dedicates win to her mother; Says 'It #empower #women of #Indian origin':
Beauty pageant held over weekend.
#Thread @JoeBiden @POTUS
Represented #India immigrants living in #UnitedStates as new Miss India USA. India born #MichiganState University #graduate @UMich @michiganstateu. Arshi Lalani from Georgia declared first runner-up. Vaidehi shared, "I want to leave positive lasting impact on my community and...
Focus on women's financial independence and #literacy." Vaidehi graduated in International Studies. Described journey as “whirlwind”. Mira Kasari got third position. "I've always strived to be role model for young girls, celebrate my rich #SouthAsian #heritage and leave lasting
Read 10 tweets
Nov 16th 2020
Since I was a #graduate student, I’ve been struck by the variability in advisor-student relationships. While some are amazing, fruitful, and inspiring to watch, others are a downward spiral of awfulness and pain. 1/10 #gradschool #AcademicTwitter
Despite this, not only are #professors not taught how to be good mentors, but there is almost never any penalty or remediation for those with awful track records. 2/10 #mentorship
As a #stress and #socialsupport researcher, it was evident to me that advisor-advisee #relationships were likely having an effect on student stress, well-being and health. Surprisingly, no one had ever looked at this before. 3/10
Read 10 tweets
Aug 7th 2020
To all the new #graduate students starting their #PhD or the ones already in it. It's true that the #journey of a PhD is like #life packed into a few years. You must also understand that it is not your entire life either! Life goes on despite how this journey goes or ends! Thread
I made this #infographic to represent my journey in #gradschool at @UMassChemEng @UMassAmherst. When you're in the thick of things, It will be hard to see the light at the end. Everyone around you will keep telling you that but most of the times it will seem #impossible!
Year 3, 4, and 5, I went through multiple cycles of #depression. I cannot put a finger on anything specific of why that happened. What I realized though, is that every time I came out of that cycle, I found enormous amounts of hidden #energy and #strength.
Read 11 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Ok, I've read all 132 pages of the new #immigration policy document. I was hoping for real insight into how things are going to be different from 2021, don't feel like I have that... #CheckChangeGo [thread 1/6]
It's quite odd that most of the identifiable changes are actually relaxations of current rules, like potentially positive changes to in-country switching, and to the 'cooling off' period for some applicants, introduction of the #graduate #worker route, etc [2/6]
However, it's even odder to have no mention of the 'sole representative' route, or the Investor #visa. If these route are just being closed from January 2021, that really needs to be said now. It's not like there wasn't space in that massive document to be clear about this [3/6]
Read 6 tweets
Jun 12th 2020
14 #Graduate Scholarships currently open!

1. Schwarzman Scholars Program
2. Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarship
3. DAAD Helmut-Schmidt-Programme Scholarship
4. Nuffic OKP Scholarships
5. Jakes Gerwel Fellowship
6. Knight-Hennessy Scholars Program
7. Váradi Scholarships
8. Thailand Int'l Postgrad Programme Scholarship
9. Centre for Human Rights LLM/MPhil Scholarship
10. Yousef Jameel Doctoral Scholarship
11. TWAS-CSIR Postgrad Fellowship
12. Rhodes University Postdoc Fellowship
13. CGI-ASEAN Foundation Scholarship
14. KAS Int'l Scholarship
1. Schwarzman Scholars Program for Future Leaders to Study in China 2021-2022 (Fully-funded)

Designed to identify the most promising young leaders from around the world.


Deadline: September 22
Read 16 tweets

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