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Only 22% of the top editors across 240 major outlets in 12 markets are women, according to a new factsheet by @kirstenaeddy @amyross87 @MitaliLive @rasmus_kleis

Markets covered: 🇯🇵🇰🇷🇲🇽🇺🇸🇬🇧🇧🇷🇩🇪🇫🇮 🇭🇰🇿🇦🇪🇸🇰🇪

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🧶 Key findings in thread #IWD2022 A card featuring our new fa...
In 🇫🇮🇺🇸 1/2 of the new top editors appointed in the last year are women. In many others few are. No market in our sample has a majority of women top editors in 2023. The figures:


Evolution 2020-23 in chart A chart showing the evoluti...
Among the 38 new top editors appointed, only 26% are women

👉 While 1/2 markets have seen a growing share of women among top editors, many others have seen declines, particularly in 🇿🇦South Africa: 40%>20%
#InternationalWomensDay #HappyWomensDay2023…
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“Women and especially Indigenous women are my heroes. In the Sahel and in many other places, women are the first to get up and the last to sleep. Without going to school, they are teachers, doctors, advisors, cooks, housewives, mothers, daughters.” ~ @hindououmar #IWD2022 Photo of Hindou Ousman smiling at the camera.
Originating from the traditionally nomadic Mbororo community in Chad, Hindou Oumarou is the founder of the Association for Indigenous Women and Peoples of Chad which uses 3D mapping tools to show the benefits of using Indigenous peoples’ knowledge to solve climate problems. Quote from Hindou on a green background "Women and espe
Read more on these African women shaping the climate conversation…
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🧵1. #IPERN officially launched on #StPatricksDay 2021 so it's our 1st birthday today!🎂🚑☘ It's been quite a year - we've hosted 10 events featuring 49 speakers (31% International 🌍 65% Female 🚺). Presented at 3 conferences, secured 3 grants and launched 5 SIG! #IrishEMS
2. How it all began… we announced ourselves to the Twitter world on Feb 1st '21. In Ireland this is traditionally the start of Spring (#Imbolc) so a time for new beginnings. It’s also St. Brigid‘s Day our matron saint who Is renowned as a healer #IrishEMS
3. Our official #IPERN launch on #StPatricksDay 2021 featured a fantastic array of Irish researchers presenting "elevator pitches" of their work and also included best wishes from international friends & colleagues! #IrishEMS
Read 34 tweets
"I saw this course advertised on my friend's WhatsApp story. And I thought it would enable me to work with my husband in our garage." Rutuja, a student from our two-wheeler automotive program, shared her story. Theirs is the only garage in Kogil, #Kolhapur. #Breakthebias #IWD2022
Rutuja is happy to learn about vehicles and their parts from this course. In the beginning, she attended online lectures introducing her to the field and followed it by practical training at her garage. "I always wanted to work after my studies, and now is the opportunity!"
She adapted to the garage so well that her husband could open another garage in the city and spend half a day there while Rutuja attends to the customers here. "I can do a battery & horn check-up, change the break-line, and I am continuously learning new things", she says.
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"I remember the first day of my job. A group of 15 people came to our restaurant. I served them & earned their appreciation. I have learned many languages too. Apart from Marathi, I know Gujarati, Hindi, English & Nepali. This is the beauty of working in this industry. #IWD2022 Image
Nandini's professional journey began from Bhavnagar in #Gujarat & after working in #Nagpur & #Rajkot, she is currently working as Food and Beverage Manager at #Ahmedabad. Originally from #Yavatmal, #Maharashtra, she oversees operations at two properties in the city. #Breakthebias
She chose Pratham's #hospitality course at Ralegaon as a career option against her parents' wishes. "My parents were not ready. But I wanted to gain experience, work in different cities and see the outside world. And I am happy where I am", she says. #InternationalWomensDay2022
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Indomitable @joannaccherry: "Women are particularly vulnerable in war because of their sex. This is because women are particularly vulnerable to sexual violence at the hands of men. That violence is sex-based and directed at women because of our biology. Sex matters." #IWD2022
"What you cannot define you cannot protect, and what you cannot name cannot be properly discussed and debated. That is why the stealthy erasure of sex-based language from our statute book and public and private policy making should be resisted."
"It is also why politicians and policy makers should be precise in their language, and should not conflate sex and gender."
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It's been #IWD2022 this week.

A fairly muted response in football but there's been other stuff going on in the world.

I've run this club for 6 years. Has anything really changed? @WomeninFootball @HerGameToo

I've a right to speak out - whether you listen is up to you 1/
Recently, I was mentoring young coaches in an u18 game.

One lad told me after the game that the ref had said to the players 'stop acting like girls'.

One of the lads said 'that's sexist'.

Yes. It is.

Not sure?

Replace it with a racial description.

It needs to STOP. 2/
I'm a woman running a club, coaching, with a predominantly female committee.

I get invited by the FA to attend a 'female friendly club' workshop.

What does 'female friendly' even mean?

It's not a choice.

WE are not optional.

Has the FA ever asked women like me?


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Thank you @UNFPAPakistan for the honour of asking me to moderate the #WDD @SindhGovt1 seminar on the occasion of #IWD2022 titled
'Gender Equality Today for a Sustainable Tomorrow' @SyedaShehlaRaza @bayramgul_unfpa
It allowed me to point out some important work at policy level to mainstream #Gender issues, like #ccGap document by #IUCN Pakistan & @MoCC with @theGCF readiness support to work in tandem with National #ClimateChangePolicy by highlighting interventions in 6 priority sectors
Progress was narrated by #WDD rep. on #genderfriendly new laws, & amend. in existing laws is heartening. Look forward to their wide implementation. Also about measures about safety of women & safe houses like DarulAman @SyedaShehlaRaza @UNFPAPakistan @bayramgul_unfpa @SCSWPK
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🧵For #IWD2022, Emmanuela Gakidou, @luisaflorr, @JosephRFriedman expand on their new @TheLancet study about the #COVID19 pandemic worsening gender gaps in 📚education, 💼employment, and ‼️ gender-based violence. More in @ThinkGlobalHlth…
📚In recent years, girls have overtaken boys in educational attainment. But during the #COVID19 pandemic (and previous crises), girls were more likely to drop out of school
With school closures disrupting education the past 2 years, urgent #GenderEquity-focused measures are needed to help girls remain and return to school, including economic incentives, safe bathrooms & facilities, and effective communication of education’s benefits with families
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To acknowledge and honour the outstanding contribution, achievements, and dedication of some Australian & Afghan individuals in support of Afghan women & girls in different sectors, a recognition & award ceremony was also part of this year’s #IWD2022 celebration.
The Embassy of the Islamic
Republic of Afghanistan in Canberra is honoured to select and present the recognition and awards on behalf of the people of Afghanistan 🇦🇫.
Ms Yalda Hakim - in recognition of her courageous service to the people of Afghanistan by amplifying the voice of the supressed and using journalism to shine a spotlight on #Afghanistan. @BBCYaldaHakim
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To mark International Women's Day, I'd like to share just a few of the many women in public health who inspire me. Their leadership has saved lives around the world. #IWD2022
Dr. Matshidiso Moeti (@MoetiTshidi) is the first woman elected as Regional Director for @WHOAFRO and has done terrific work improving detection of and response to a range of infectious diseases, including Ebola. Africa and the world are safer because of her leadership.
The hundreds of millions of us globally who received mRNA vaccines have remarkable protection from Covid thanks in large part to one woman who for 30 years didn’t give up: Katalin Karikó (@kkariko).
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Media has the power to shape people's thoughts.

I've been one of those little girls looking to see myself in leadership roles. Over time, you start to believe that there's something wrong with you.

That's why I started WTFintech? Here's the (very personal) story behind it👇🏾
There is an incredible and often overlooked impact when seeing someone who looks like you in the news cycle whether that be via a video, newsletter, or podcast.

Women's creative input has historically not made it into our nation's storytelling.
In fintech, most of the products and stories told are made up of men making stuff for other men. That's a problem.

We have to give women opportunities to feel inspired by female leaders.
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2/ Naturally, everyone on this list I think is worth reading/following. They make twitter a more educated, welcoming and/or funnier place.

I also want to ask people add pronouns to your bio, b/c I left some people off who didn’t have ‘em & that’s the LAST thing I wanna do today
3/ First, a special thanks to the mutuals who I followed because I was learning so much from and then were gracious to follow:

All very much worth reading.
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OK I said I wasn't going to do this but I guess I am, so here goes and if I left you off, I'm sorry, please know I love you and it was just an omission. Some amazing women doing amazing things that I want to recognize on #IWD2022. A 🧵
@DeweyRitten my partner, pushing me to learn and grow, and conquer
@LilMzMuffinCup amazing woman who inspires me
@virulentvalor proving every day what force she is
@invertedgeek an honor to watch your career launch
@gabsmashh the most intelligent human I know
@CISAJen overcoming BS to make CISA great
@BentleyAudrey beautiful woman whose always got my back
@aprilwright another amazingly talented and intelligent friend
@shehackspurple my appsec buddy doing amazing work to help others
@ki_twyce_ a constant source of inspiration
Read 9 tweets
از روزی که فهمیدم دیگه نمی‌خوام دختر محجبه‌ی چادری مامان و بابام باشم تا روزی که هزاران کیلومتر اون‌طرف‌تر توی یه قاره‌ي دیگه پای اسکایپ بهشون نشون دادم که بیرون تو خیابونم و روسری سرم نیست ۱۵ سال طول کشید.
این ۱۵ سال هر دقیقه‌اش یه جنگ دائمی بود. شروعش از همه سخت‌تر. این‌که دیگه نمی‌خواستم اون دختر خوبه باشم که تو سر خواهرم می‌زدنش خیلی براشون گرون تموم شد. سه سال طول کشید قبول کنن چادر سر نکنم. چقدر محیط بی‌رحم بود. چقدر اتحاد خانواده، فامیل، محله، و نظام کثافت آخوندی بی‌رحم بود.
در عوض من دو تا خواهرام رو داشتم که هر روز این مبارزه رو باهاشون شریک بودم. با هم شوریدیم. با هم درد کشیدیم، حسرت خوردیم، بزرگ شدیم. من یکم کله‌خرتر بودم. اونا صبورتر ولی همچنان پیگیر. هر روز به مادرم می‌گفتم که اگه اختیار لباس پوشیدنم دست خودم بود خوشحال‌تر می‌بودم.
Read 15 tweets
On #IWD2022, we hope leaders will address how the pandemic has threatened to reverse progress in #GenderEquality by widening gender gaps that already exist in employment, education & gender-based violence, according to our new study in @TheLancet

🔗… IHME celebrates Internation...
According to our study, political and social leaders can address the gender gap by implementing programs that focus on supporting girls & women returning to school, ensuring women’s growth and empowerment in years to come #InternationalWomensDay2022
For #IWD2022, Emmanuela Gakidou, @luisaflorr, @JosephRFriedman expand on the aforementioned @TheLancet study about the #COVID19 pandemic worsening gender gaps in:

📚 education
💼 employment
‼️ gender-based violence.

Read more in @ThinkGlobalHlth ⤵️…
Read 8 tweets
Today is International Women’s Day.

Throughout history, women have broken barriers, inspired movements, and changed the world.

These are eight women whose stories you should know.

A 🧵.

Claudette Colvin grew up in the South at a time when racism was the law.

At fifteen, she became the first person to challenge Alabama’s segregation laws when she refused to give up her bus seat for a white passenger.

Her courage led to segregation being ruled unconstitutional. Claudette Colvin, wearing a...
Katherine Johnson started university at fifteen.

She became a mathematician at NASA, where she was the only woman on an all-male flight research team.

Her work influenced every major space program, including Project Mercury and Apollo 11.

She did all her calculations by hand. Katherine Johnson, writing ...
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The @bcndp campaigned on #FreeContraception as part of their 2020 election platform.

2 years later & the promise remains unfulfilled. Meanwhile women, trans-men, & gender-diverse people must shell out hundreds of dollars a year for this basic care. 1/ #bcpoli #IWD2022 @AccessBC
This gov't has shown its willingness to use its power in extraordinary ways, such as rebuilding the Coquihalla in record time, or pushing through problematic FOI legislation. There is no excuse for prescription contraception to remain behind a paywall. 2/ #bcpoli @AccessBC
With the rising costs of living, providing free contraception is a concrete measure that the @bcndp can put in place that will provide immediate and ongoing financial relief for people. 3/ #bcpoli #IWD2022
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To these 2 brilliant & bold women I saw this #IWD2022 The irrepressible @mariaressa fighting for truth against an authoritarian’s lies & the amazing @_EmmaGH just back from Ukraine & returning soon. A shout-out to all the women journalists whose work illuminates this darkness 💕 ImageImage
Adding some other women whose work I’ve been grateful to read from Ukraine. This is @olgatokariuk, a Ukrainian independent journalist & disinfo researcher based in Ukraine (Kyiv I think)
This is @ngumenyuk A Ukrainian journalist who’s on the ground there & has an international security background.
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Happy #IWD2022! Let's play a game... Can you spot what's wrong with this list of "intellectual giants" by @farnamstreet? 👀

Men don't hold a monopoly over impacting the world with their brilliant thinking. Here are 10 women that changed the world & their thinking strategies 👇 Image
01. Let's start with the obvious... Marie Curie, the first person to win two Nobel Prizes!

It’s an understatement to say that she profoundly impacted the world with her ideas, and there is a lot to learn from her approach to problem-solving 🧠
02. Next is Ada Lovelace, who was wildly imaginative, but also valued her relationships in the scientific community and frequently connected science and literature.

She inspired Alan Turing’s work on the first modern computers in the 1940s 🖥️✨
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Charting changing female representation among police officers in England and Wales from 2007 to 2021.

Up from 23% to 32% nationally. #IWD2022 #policeworkforce

The same data indexed to 2007.

Derbyshire have made the biggest gains in female representation (up from 22% to 36%), CoLP the lowest (up from 20% to 24%).

Source: Home Office Police Workforce Open Data Tables, 31 March 2021… via…

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🧵Mariyum Bosu Sahiba asked what expectations Huzoor (aa) had from @PAAMA_UK Lajna members.

Huzoor said:“The same expectations as they are for men and boys. Lajna should also make their plan and programme, they should also spread the message of true Islam...

#IWD2022 ⬇️
they should also try to increase their religious knowledge, general knowledge, they should also try to be good – even better than the men – in morals and even sometimes you guide the men. Your responsibility is to raise your children in the best way, in the best manner...
so that they grow up as good Ahmadi Muslims. “This is the duty of each and every Muslim woman and being the member of Lajna PAAMA – you are living here in the Western world where religious activities are not taken seriously...
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Je souhaiterais exprimer tout mon soutien et ma solidarité vis-à-vis du peuple ukrainien et tout particulièrement, en ce #8mars, vis-à-vis des femmes et des filles ukrainiennes qui subissent déjà de plein fouet les conséquences de cette guerre.

En #Afghanistan, depuis leur prise de pouvoir par la force, les Taliban multiplient les exactions, ainsi que les violations inacceptables des droits des femmes.

La France condamne l’éviction des femmes de la vie socio-économique et apporte son soutien à toutes les Afghanes
Le respect des droits demeure la pierre angulaire de l’agenda Femmes, Paix et Sécurité.

La France continuera de promouvoir une diplomatie féministe ambitieuse et résolue, et de placer la participation et l’inclusion des femmes au cœur de ses projets de coopération.

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Women have been working to study and understand our home planet from @NASA's very beginning. On #InternationalWomensDay2022 and all #WomensHistoryMonth, we’ll celebrate some of the women who help us see Earth more clearly. Group photo of the Ladies o...
Dr. Kate Calvin is @NASA’s Chief Scientist and Senior Climate Advisor. She connects climate science across the agency so we can better understand how our planet is changing. #IWD2022 #InternationalWomensDay Dr. Kate Calvin headshot
Sascha Burton helped lead mechanical integration and test operations for the upcoming SWOT mission that will take @NASA’s first global survey of Earth’s surface water. She is now ramping up to support the NISAR mission with radar antenna deployment test campaigns. #IWD2022 Sascha Burton headshot
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