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This is a threaded version of Chapter 4, titled,

“The Doors of Perception:

“Each of Us Is Potentially Mind At Large... When Perception Is Cleansed, All Kinds of Nonordinary Things Happen”

READ BOOK>… #psychology #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge

ED 4/1
of the book, *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

by Michael Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK... #psyche #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge #perinatal #shamanic #consciousness #prenatal #metaphysics #pantheism #paradigm

ED 4/2
Chapter 4 is the beginning of “SECTION TWO: TRANSCENDING WORLDS”

& it explains: “Why Everything Appears Infinite when the Doors of Perception Are Cleansed: “Mind at Large” & The Awakening”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psyche #psychedelic #science #MindAtLarge

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Excerpt: "As you transform into more of a leader, you have managed to provoke and anger some of the people around you. Sometimes your pride gets in the way of your humility.
You are leaning a bit too much on your intellect and not taking into consideration the feelings of others as much as you should.
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This thread is

Chapter 3, titled,

“The Farther Reaches of Human Experience:

“The Prenatal Matrix, the Wombular & Cellular Veils, & Unsullied Experience—Experience Is Divinity”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

THREAD… #psyche

D7V1 3/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series

THREAD #psychology #Adzema #prenatal

D7V1 3/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “In looking at these matrices embedded in us through our cellular & womb & birth experiences, it will be possible to have our best chance to get a look at existence outside of these matrices—the No-Form State.” []


D7V1 3/3
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This thread is

Chapter 2, titled,

“The Primal Ground of Being:

“Prenatal & Perinatal Psychology & the Mythological Matrix of World”

of “Dance of the Seven Veils I”

by Michael Adzema

READ BOOK…… #psychology #prenatal #consciousness #birth

D7V1 2/1
“Dance of the Seven Veils I” by Michael Adzema

is subtitled,

“Primal/Identity Psychology, Mythology, & Your Real Self

“Adult to Toddler, Veils One-Three”

Which is Volume 2 in The Path of Ecstasy Series
THREAD #psyche #prenatal #consciousness

D7V1 2/2
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “…describing the problems of ‘normality’ as rooted in a deprivational & deformational series of traumas from our earliest biological history...holds out the vision of a new person & new society…”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psyche

D7V1 2/3
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“We Are What We’ve Experienced & The Perinatal Paradigm:

“Our Conception, Gestation, & Birth Create Our Windows to the World

is Chapter 3

of *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

by M Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK link for free BOOK...…

ED 3/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Going Beyond Jung...Our Prenatal & Perinatal Experiences Predispose the Nature of Our Mind” []

THREAD… #psychology #perinatal #consciousness #prenatal #quantum #templates #anthropocentrism #paradigm #knowledge #spiritual

ED 3/2
[] “You cannot convince a fish it lives in water. You can only give the fish the experience of being in air; then it will understand.” []

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #perinatal #consciousness #prenatal #quantum #templates #anthropocentrism #paradigm

ED 3/3
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“We Can’t Know What We Can’t Know but We Cannot Unknow What We Are:

“Our Reality Is Species Determined & the Relativity of Science”

Ch 2

of *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

M. Adzema

READ CH THREAD or CLICK a link for free BOOK...…

ED 2/1
[*Quotes/highlights:*] “Ultimately our going to demonstrate that essentially there is no such thing as matter. All there is, is mind & motion.” —Armand Labbe []

READ BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception

ED 2/2
[*Chapter 2 text begins:*] *Relativity of Science*

“But what of our science, one might ask, which can reputedly extend the range of our senses?”

READ/DWL BOOK…… #psyche #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception #physics #anthropocentrism

ED 2/3
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This thread begins the book,

*Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*

By Michael Adzema

Starting with PART 1.





READ BOOK…… #psychology #anthro

ED 1/1
Chapter 1 is titled,

“Creating Worlds:

“Our Science, Too, Is Built on a Judeo-Christian Assumption of Humans Being “God’s Chosen Species””

READ &/or dwnld entire BOOK free AT SITE... #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception

ED 1/2
“*The Probabilities Are Enormous That There Are Unperceivable Beings, Unimaginable Realities, Unknown Ways of Infinite Number of Worlds*”

READ/DWL BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #quantum #holographic #perception #physics #mystical

ED 1/3
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Table of Contents for



Return to Grace, Volume 10


*Experience Is Divinity* is now available to all on my blog & can be downloaded as a pdf file, with my compliments. Click links.…

Dedication, *Experience Is Divinity: Matter As Metaphor*:

“To all my sisters and brothers from all species of other mothers.”

READ BOOK… #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic #psyche #tao

*Experience Is Divinity* CONTENTS



THREAD…… #psychology #consciousness #spiritual #mystic #primal #transpersonal #psychedelic #shamanic

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My #TheoryOfEverything:
Alchemy describes the elements of metaphysics.
Chemistry describes the elements of physics.
The Philosopher's Stone is a rational formula for the philosophical archetypes of existence.(1/6)
PDF English:
Philosophy, Archetypes, Geometry, Evolution, Religion
Examples of use: #PhilosophersStone
1. Structures & Orders | Elements, Temperature, States of matter
2. Mathematics of the Philosopher's Stone
3. Emotional evaluations | Handling of information
4. Evolutionary inheritance(2/6)
5. Time | Predictability of static, organic & chaotic realities | Elementary forces of physics
6. Categorizing & Differentiating | Laminar/turbulent flow (static/chaotic structure)
7. Active/passive behaviour | Psychological states of mind
8. Morality & legal understanding (3/6)
Read 6 tweets
The influence of Immanuel Kant on modern philosophy cannot be underestimated - a thread on #Kant in #Iran
Often in academic departments of philosophy (#analytic but also beyond) #Kant is the key figure if the modern period 2/
He represents a systematic approach to philosophy, to metaphysics, ethics, and much beyond covering theoretical and practical philosophy displacing #Aristotle 3/
Read 21 tweets
NEW #DTAT paper: What Were They Thinking? Pharmacologic priors implicit in a choice of 3+3 dose-escalation design

“The unexamined trial is not worth conducting.”

— Socrates 1/

This latest #DTAT paper @arxiv sets out to reverse-engineer the unstated (∴ unexamined!) pharmacologic intuitions that underlie the #trialsafety claim implicit in the decision to conduct a dose-escalation trial. 2/ Image
Prior elicitation from doctors has never been easy, especially about #pharmacology or the future of the #Daleks: 3/

Read 39 tweets
#manuscripts Ms Majlis-e Shura-ye Islamic 1783 is a collection that includes the famous commentary on Fusus al-Hikam of #IbnArabi by Da’ud al-Qaysari (d. 1350) as well as various epistles #Sufism 1/ ImageImageImage
Those rasa’il are mainly by the famous #Nimatullahi #Sufi Muhammad Ja’far Kabudarahangi Majdhub ‘Ali Shah (d. 1823) who was a prominent scholar - I’ve mentioned him in threads on #Sufism in #ShiiIran before 2/
His interests ranged across #philosophy #mysticism, and #literature and he also wrote refutations of #ChristianPolemics 3/
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René Guénon (1886-1951) was as I mentioned recently perhaps the most prominent #traditionalist of the 20thC - a thread on him 1/ ImageImage
Starting from his interests in #traditionalist Catholic circles, #Freemasonry, #occultism he studied mathematics and philosophy and later #Indology at the #EPHE in #Paris 2/
He got a BA in philosophy 1915 from #EPHE but failed his aggrégation 1919 though he still managed to get a job at Catholic schools, his doctorate was also rejected 1921 #EPHE 3/
Read 14 tweets
#Intisharat_e_mawla published the works of Muhammad Husayn Fazil-e Tuni (1880-1960), a famous teacher of Arabic literature and philosophy in #Tehran whose students include Javadi Amoli, Hasanzadeh Amoli as well as the historian of Persian literature Zabihollah Safa (1911-1999)1/ ImageImageImageImage
After studies in Arabic literature, grammar and rhetoric at Madrasa-ye Navvab #Mashhad, he moved #Isfahan where he studied with Jahangir Khan Qashqai (1827-1910), Shaykh 'Abdullah Gulpayigani & Mirza Muhammad Husayn Fisharaki (d. 1932) the latter students of Akhund Khurasani 2/ ImageImage
with Qashqai for 6 years, he studied the #Manzume of #Sabzavari (d. 1879), the #Shifa' of #Avicenna (d. 1037), and the #Tamhidalqawaid of #IbnTurka (d. 1432), a text that was emerging in the later #Qajar period as a tool for teaching philosophical mysticism #Irfan 3/ ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
There were a number of attempts by the #hawza to respond to the challenges of #materialism all the way from #naturalism to #Marxist #dialectical materialism including this work of #MuhammadTaqiAmuli (d. 1971 #ShiiTheology #kalam_jadid 1/ Image
Earlier there was the poem of #MuhammadHusayn Isfahani in Najaf entitled #Tuhfat_al_hakim published in the late 90s with the glosses of #MehdiHaeriYazdi (d. 1999) #ShiiTheology #kalam_jadid 2/
#AllamaTabatabai (d. 1981) works #Usul_e_falsafeh #BidayatalHikma and #NihayatalHikma are similar responses to materialism and working out the scope for #metaphysics and the life of the mind #ShiiTheology #kalam_jadid 3/
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