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May 23rd 2023
0/8 🌐 Blast from the Past:

the birth of #esports: #DreamHack2000

💥"Internet Culture Rewind" series: unpacking iconic moments that shaped our digital world.

Buckle up for a nostalgic ride through gaming history.
#InternetCulture 🎮👇 Image
1/8 🎮 Ah, #DreamHack2000... when LAN parties were the rage & you lugged your beast of a computer to game with friends. Good times! #gaming #esports Image
2/8 🕹️ We played multiplayer classics: #CounterStrike, #Quake, #Warcraft III, #StarCraft... the kind of games that forged friendships and rivalries alike. #nostalgia #gaming Image
Read 9 tweets
Jan 13th 2023
A confluence of unprecedented events in 2022 weakened asset prices across all markets. (1/n)

#assetallocation #investing #personalfinance #throwback #thread
The Fed’s pivot to a less aggressive monetary policy is likely to set the tone for the markets in 2023. (2/n)

#FED #FederalReserve #monetarypolicy
It is expected that global inflation will continue to be higher in this decade, in combination with a significant slowdown of the U.S. economy. (3/n)

#inflation #interestrates #globalmarket
Read 13 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
Smart move: Having Dan Kastner give the last talk of the #ACR22 #ReviewCourse

I look forward to exciting onomatopoeia
Remind yourself of the features of the innate immune system #ACR22 #ReviewCourse
FMF 101, all on one slide

🧬Mutation: MEFV which encodes the protein pyrin
(#ACRKnowledgeBowl stuff!)

💊colchicine or 💉canakinumab if intolerant/refractory

#ACR22 #ReviewCourse
Read 13 tweets
Oct 23rd 2022
Georgia Southern 🦅 has struggled this season, having an overall record of 1-11-1. The Eagles lone win on the year came against North Florida September 13th.
Marshall comes into todays match boasting a record of 7-2-3. The Herds most recent game against Georgia State on Wednesday Oct. 19 resulted in a 1-1 tie on the road.
The game is now underway here in Huntington on a beautiful October day☀️ here at Hoops Family Field.
Read 35 tweets
Oct 16th 2022
Heute gibt es mit knapp einem Monat Verspätung nochmals ein #Throwback auf #InterrailNorway 🇳🇴 nochmals mit #Bergensbanen sowie #Göteborg 🇸🇪 & #Dänemark 🇩🇰

Die letzte Episode ging bis Bergen am 15.9. Am 16. September stand ein langer Reisetag am Programm. Image
Um 8:15 Uhr bestieg ich wieder die #Bergensbanen. Sie war deutlich voller als bei der Hinfahrt, ich kam jedoch wieder in den Genuss eines reservierten Fensterplatzes. So bestaunte ich die herbstlichen Landschaft und hatte in den 7 Stunden genügend Zeit zum Lesen. ImageImageImageImage
In Oslo angekommen musste ich drei Stunden auf meinen Anschlusszug warten. Nachdem ich gerne Postkarten schreibe, jedoch sehr wählerisch bin, habe ich die Zeit genutzt und am Handy selbst welche erstellt, ausdrucken lassen und geschrieben.

Schöne Grüße auch an euch auf Twitter🙂 ImageImageImageImage
Read 16 tweets
Aug 16th 2022
May l please have some water? Can someone please help me drill a borehole for my family? My hands hurts and my back aches as hell from digging up our old well for more water. @263Chat @fortunechasi @terrymap1 @youthinafcfta #transformationtuesday
We can barely get half bucket for the past week and i have no choice than to act like the leader of the house and try to do something about it. Guys I'm so scared because this goddammit old well is so shaky and slippery. #MotivationalQuotes #Throwback #chooseday
We need a professional borehole drilling assistance but I don't have money for that and yes I don't have money you heard that right.
@TendaiDara @TendaiNheta3 @mutendesi
Read 13 tweets
Apr 18th 2022
Ini thread yg panjang. Saya baca satu kisah, ceritanya begini, ada seorang pelancong Mat salleh masuk ke sebuah kampung di daerah Toliara, Madagascar. Dia bawa bakul buah-buahan dan bertemu dgn budak-budak kecil yang tidak memakai baju dan seluar yang elok.
Mat salleh tu letak bakul buah-buah dibawah sepohon pokok dan dia bawa budak-budak kecil tu sedikit jauh dari bakul tersebut.
Dia kata, " antara kamu yang paling cepat menghampiri bakul buah itu, maka milik dia lah semua buah-buah ...". Dia suruh budak-budak kecil itu berlumba dapatkan bakul.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 7th 2022
Throwback to 2018 Edition of Electronic Payments International News Release:

Cover story on @Ripple

--Quick Thread of the Ripplenet / $XRP mentions--

#Ripple #DLT #Blockchain #XRP #XRPCommunity
#DigitalAssets #NotASecurity #fintech #news #Throwback #ripplenet #payments #2018
2. This document talks about $XRP and @ashgoblue states PNC hasn't adopted #XRP.

@ashgoblue do they still just use X Current?

If anyone found anything that shows they adopted XRP post in the comments.

#fintech #discussions #news #oldschool
Read 5 tweets
Jan 30th 2022
PEOPLE OF SPACE! I’m super excited to be hosting this week! We’ll be covering a bunch of topics that are near and dear to me including #space (obviously), astronomy, supernovae, radio astronomy, science communication, and MORE
#science #scicomm #spacetwitter #intro #Thread
But who is this random dude yelling at us about space?
Well the short version is that I’m a physicist who finished high school with every intention of becoming a lawyer - pictured is 19yo me not caring about science
#accidentalscientist #accidentalphysicist #throwback #SPACE 10 years ago before I had considered a career in science - I
For a slightly longer version you can check out this #thread I did on my @funfactscience account recently to reintroduce myself to #spacefam and any newcomers to my page
#introductions #spacetwitter #space
Read 7 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
#Throwback to when 🇻🇪 Venezuela showcased it's first light trainer aircrafts: the Simón Bolívar 100 and 200 (SIBO 100/200), which are locally built 🇮🇷 Iranian Fajr F.3-B and Fajr F.20. #avgeeks Image
The Fajr F.3-A/B is an all-composite 4-seater single-engine piston aircraft intended for pilot training and light transport. It is powered by a 🇺🇸 Lycoming AEIO-540-L1B5 6-cylinder piston engine (300 hp/220 kW) with a 3-blade 🇩🇪 Hoffmann propeller. The -A has a fixed landing... ImageImageImage
...gear while the -B has a retractable one. The flap system is of Fowler-type and the use of composites for the Fajr F.3 structure has increased the overall strength while reducing weight. An emergency gear extension system has been installed in addition to the main extension.
Read 9 tweets
Jun 22nd 2021
Overall .. despite today's 195 cases in #Penang .. we are still seeing a Downward Trend in #COVID19 cases.. Data presented is for period of 4th Jun till 21st Jun 2021.. 1/n…
First a #throwback for comparison, especially the Sporadic or Unlinked #COVID19 cases in #Penang which hit a high of 68% from 10th May till 3rd Jun 2021.. 2/n…
Then, it was a rising trend of not only total #COVID19 cases in #Penang but also percentage of sporadic cases.. from 55.4% between 19th Mac till 9th May 2021 till the 68.5% for 10/5 till 3/6.. 3/n…
Read 12 tweets
Jun 4th 2021
It's out !! Nearly 7/10 in #Penang are sporadic #COVID19 cases !! .. 68% to be exact !!…
#throwback .. 11th May 2021.. then the #Penang sporadic or unlinked #COVID19 cases were at 55%..…
#throwback .. also on 11th May 2021.. DG mentions the 80% of #COVID19 cases that are sporadic, unlinked & thus within the community .. #Malaysia…
Read 6 tweets
May 20th 2021
The free #COVID19 #vaccine story offered to #Penang has taken a new twist .. Mr Yong is real !!!…
Xintai Enterprise Development Limited is also a REAL COMPANY !!
Incorporated, 18th Nov 2013…
And just in case anyone thinks this Company Search website is also bogus.. Just type "Shaw Brothers".. and it yields 98 companies, not just in Hong Kong but all round the world !! Including Malaysia !!…
Read 18 tweets
May 15th 2021
🎧 Thread on @Music_Santhosh @pradeep_1123 tracks 💜 !!


#throwback #Kabali #SanthoshNarayanan #SaNa #Dcuts🍽️


#enakkuloruvan #Siddarth


#kaala #rajini #kannama #PradeepKumar
Read 10 tweets
May 5th 2021
Weil es hier gleich ab 10 Uhr #News zum Parkpickerl gibt, noch ein Blick zurück auf die Geschichte der Parkraumbewirtschaftung (offizieller Name): #Throwback *Thread*
1959 wurden in Wien erstmals Kurzparkzonen im 1. Bezirk eingerichtet. Danach folgten schrittweise Kurzparkzonenfür andere Bezirke, begrenzt auf einzelne Straßenabschnitte oder kleinere Bereiche
#Juli #1993: Das Parkpickerl für den 1. Bezirk wird eingeführt
#August #1995: Ausdehnung der Parkraumbewirtschaftung flächendeckend auf die Bezirke 6 bis 9
#Juni #1997: Weitere Ausdehnung der Parkraumbewirtschaftung auf den 4. und 5. Bezirk
Read 8 tweets
Mar 7th 2021
Martabak telor lu, minta dispesialin?…
Mahasiswa dalneg aja masuk komplek kampus masih suseh, harus ada surat endeskray endeskrey endebray endebrey, situ minta jalur cepat.

Alemong lu kalo kata Iis Dahlia.
"....kebutuhan menjaga kesehatan mahasiswa Indonesia di seluruh dunia yang merupakan aset masa depan bangsa, terutama dalam menghadapi
Indonesia Emas 2045."

Iye, iye. Shombong amat aset bangsa.
Poto-poto keliling Yurop diposting sekarang aja, biar #throwback nya kerasa.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 25th 2021
Our third #AldabraResearchStation50 post focuses on some of the #Aldabraresearchstation’s critical infrastructure which has made major discoveries possible and enables ongoing ecosystem monitoring & scientific #research. 1/10

#throwback #ThrowbackThursday #Seychelles #Aldabra
First up is the #research block, the station’s heart. Originally constructed by @theroyalsociety and officially inaugurated on the 30th June 1971 it has experienced various visible changes while welcoming many #Seychellois & international researchers. 2/10
Another major change to #Aldabra’s infrastructure, also visible in these photos, is the #lighthouse. At 17M tall the solar-powered lighthouse, erected in 2013, helps vessels stay clear of Aldabra&its reefs. 3/10
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Nov 21st 2020
1/ Heavy rains & flash floods - a thread on SG and the climate crisis Image
2/ there was a heavy rain warning today & I don’t think there are any flash floods today (tbh idk how to read @PUBsingapore ‘s flood risk tweet). But I wanted to talk bout flash floods today.
3/ heres a recap of flash floods this year: a June, Nov highlight reel. ImageImageImageImage
Read 44 tweets
Sep 21st 2020
#Soundarya recounts the most Memorable Incident with Her Appa #Thalaivar @rajinikanth

#Throwback 👇🏻👌🏻😍
There’s one memorable outing I’ll never forget It was in 2002,
Appa suddenly wanted to take me and a friend out for a drive Image
Appa has a trick while going to public places he goes into crowds and heads out before anyone realises it’s him So that evening, he wore a muffler and we went to Marina Beach We were just walking on the sand
when we came across a stall that had cut-outs of movie stars and you could pose for a photograph with them
Read 4 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
Heute geht es beim #autor_innensonntag von @JustinePust um: #miteinanderstattgegeneinander 🤝

Ich habe meine alten Messefotos durchwühlt und diesen #Throwback von der #FrankfurterBuchmesse2019 gefunden: Meine Kollegin @carina_schnell und ich beim Stand vom @KnaurVerlag.

1/8 Carina schnell und ich grin...Carina schnell und ich grin...
Irgendwie hat mich das Bild angelacht, weil es voll positiver Energie ist. Man sieht uns den Spaß an.

Carina und ich sind einen langen, teils ähnlichen Weg gegangen, anfangs #Indie, übers @Nornennetzwerk, nun veröffentlichen wir beide bei Knaur. Wir standen uns nie im Weg,

im Gegenteil, haben uns über jeden Schritt der anderen gefreut.

Ich bin als Schreiberin aktiv, seit ich 17 war, also acht Jahre. In dieser Zeit habe ich viele Menschen getroffen, die mich weitergebracht, herausgefordert, aufgefangen haben.

Da waren die Leute des

Read 8 tweets
Sep 20th 2020
#YolandaLegaspi from #Cyprus
She's a Fan of Our #Superstar @rajinikanth ❤️😍
She Shares a lil story about How and when she became a fan of #Thalaivar #Rajinikanth Image
my name is Yolanda Legaspi working as restaurant manager in Cyprus
I am a visitor to Ireland for holiday and I met a new friend from India and stay at her apartment
She is a fan of #Superstar and she always tells about an eagerly waiting film’s release in Dublin
When she was starting for the film, I wished to join her as I wanted to saw an Indian film
She took me to the screen (UCI CINEMAS, Tallaght, Dublin ) with her where the movie is playing Kuselan
Read 6 tweets
Sep 18th 2020
Agnes Sandanam from Singapore
huge fan of #SuperStarRajinikanth
Agnes who suffered end-stage heart failure
she was diagnosed in 2007
Her illness causes her to tire easily, suffer from dizzy spells and have breathing difficulties
Apart from being in & out of the hospital often, She has to take 15 pills a day for her heart diabetes & a pain in her leg
She has watched all movies starring #SuperStarRajinikanth
but is unable to do so on the big screen since her diagnosis as the loud volume affects her heart
Read 11 tweets
Aug 30th 2020
#WorldTourWithMUBI | Filmmaker @alankrita601's MUBI recommendation is Pablo Larrain directed 'EMA' which holds her attention for its beauty, choreography and soundtrack.

To watch 24 hand-picked movies for free on @mubiindia, visit:…
#WorldTourWithMUBI | '#EMA', directed by #PabloLarrain, is a powerful depiction of grief and fascinating layers of human relationships.

Watch this and 24 hand-picked movies from across the globe for free on @mubiindia, visit: Image
@alankrita601 @mubiindia #WorldTourWithMUBI | #Throwback to Filmmaker @alankrita601's MUBI recommendation -- a beautiful Chilean drama 'EMA'.

In case you missed that episode, watch it now! Also, check out our interactive map to watch these movies for free on MUBI:… Image
Read 3 tweets

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