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Most recents (21)

1. The Russians surprised again. The first was grills on tank turrets to protect against #Javelins and #NLAW.
Now this "miracle" isn't analogous: the ship's anti-aircraft guns were welded to the hull of the infantry fighting vehicles... I'm laughing to the point of tears...⬇️ Image
2. What, they find the remains in the graveyard of vehicles, and then do this?
#stupidRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal #PutinWarCriminal #StopRussia #stopputin
3. The ship's anti-aircraft automatic installation 2M-3M with KPVT machine guns is welded to the MTLB.

R2-D2, is that you, admit it?🤣🤣🤣
#StupidRussia #StopRussia
#StopPutin #RussiaIsATerroristState #PutinIsaWarCriminal
Read 4 tweets
A huge military equipment and hardware package for #Ukraine from #Sweden
In short:
- #Archer SPH incl Excalibur👍
- #NLAW (Rb 57), CG RR, AT4
- 50 #CV90💪
- Mine clearing eq
- Automatic weapons
- Procurement collab (ex🇺🇦 can use 🇸🇪 DMA/FMV procurement resources and agreements)
New military equipment and hardware package for #Ukraine from #USA
Interesting is that US and Swedish packages include the mine and obstacle clearing equipment.
More military equipment and hardware for #Ukraine from Baltic States.
1- #Lithuania🇱🇹
"dozens" of Bofors 40mm AA guns and ammunition
2- #Latvia🇱🇻
Machine Guns
3- #Estonia🇪🇪
ALL of their FH-70 155mm howitzers
122mm D-30 howitzers
Other materiel
Read 8 tweets
Key points from @RUSI_org report regarding Russian invasion of Ukraine, period Feb - Jul 2022.
1/x. Russia planned to invade Ukraine over a 10-day period and thereafter occupy the country to enable annexation by August 2022.…
3/x The plan was to murder #Ukraine executive branch (president Zelenskyi and the government) and imprison the parliament. Pro-#Russia parliamentarians would form a "Movement for #Peace".
4/x #Nuclear power plants were planned to function as secure bases, depots and command centres, to control #energy in #Ukraine and to threaten #Europe countries with pollution.
Read 104 tweets
FSO officers during the May 9 Parade in #Moscow Image
Lets continue
🇷🇺⚡️The issuance of Russian passports to residents of the liberated Kherson region will begin before the end of 2022.

As in the People's Republics of Donbass, the process will be purely voluntary.
⚡️The #Kherson civil administration has announced that the region will fall under full Russian legislation before the end of 2022
Read 129 tweets
The previously mentioned Mikhail Podolyak was quick to use the #Bucha "massacre" to ask for more weapons
It's worth noting that the Rus Army left the town on Mar 30,,,,4 days ago but footage appeared only today
#UAV footage of a strike on a Ukr target during the battle for #Izum at the end of March
#LPR Artillery....some awards given to distinguished crews
Read 450 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – Comenzamos nuestro #hilo 🧵 diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con el momento en el que los sanitarios logran contener las hemorragias de un checheno en #Mariupol previo traslado al hospital de campaña.

Gracias por vuestro #RETWEEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – Seguimos el #hilo con una colección de mapas. Por orden, los autores son:

➡️ @AlJazeera (Izq. Arriba)
➡️ @JominiW (Dcha. Arriba)
➡️ @Nrg8000 (Izq. Abajo)
➡️ @War_Mapper (Dcha. Abajo)
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – #Putin dijo ayer por teléfono a #Macron que "no se dan las condiciones" para una operación internacional que permita evacuar civiles de #Mariupol.

🟥 La imagen es de @Nrg8000 y muestra los efectos de los bombardeos y los ejes de avance rusos.
Read 60 tweets
#Rusya, #Kiev taarruzundan vazgeçip çekiliyor mu? '1. Rus - Çeçen Savaşı' kendini tekrar mı etti? THREAD, Dr. Can Kasapoglu;
1)#Ukrayna'nın hızla düşeceğini öngören hatalı değerlendirmeler gibi, Rusya'nın tamamen kaybettiğini vurgulayan yorumlara da ihtiyatla yaklaşılmalı.+
2) Şurası kesin, #Rusya'nın, kuzey sektöründe verdiği kayıplara karşın ilerlemesi son derece sınırlı oldu. Başkent #Kiev, bir ay geçmesine karşın hala tam olarak kuşatılamadı. #Ukrayna'ya silah sevkıyatının önüne geçilemedi. Ukrayna Silahlı Kuvvetleri ve halkı direndi.+
3) Gelinen durumun birkaç nedeni var. a) Güdümlü anti-tank sistemlerinin (#Javelin & #NLAW) taktik birliklerle oynak savunma yapan ve rezervleri seferber eden #Ukrayna için, Rus manevra birlikleri karşısında sağladığı asimetrik avantaj önemli idi+
Read 14 tweets
Also see the video and think that tank wasn’t destroyed?
It’s not true. Tank is no longer operational. I will explain what happened.

Thread (1/8)
#Ukraine #War #NLAW #ATGM #Mariupol
In the picture you can see a flying ATGM. It’s certainly Swedish NLAW. (2/8) Image
The moment before an explosion. (3/8) Image
Read 8 tweets
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
The deputy commander of the Ukr 503rd Independent Marine Infantry Btn has been captured in #Mariupol. He say the remnants of the unit have broken up in small groups to try to make it through the blockade
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
Georgian Dato Gobedzhishvili & Belorussian Dmitry Apanasovich from the "Georgian Legion" have reportedly been killed at #Irpen near #Kiev ImageImage
@vovka3232 #RussiaUkraine
First footage of combat use of the new #ISDM Remote Mining System in the #Kharkov area
More info in link…
Read 215 tweets
Tytułem strat na #Ukraina w #WarInUkraine, SZU tracą spore ilości broni ciężkiej. Na ogół tego nie widzimy (poza może @oryxspioenkop który śledzi materiały foto i wideo), ale te straty są. Nie tak ciężkie zapewne, jak chce 🇷🇺 agresor, ale mimo wszystko SZU nie mają bezdennych 1/X
zapasów. Czym je uzupełnić? W innych warunkach mogliby pewnie kontynuować remonty własnych czołgów, pewne zapasy mieli. Ile tych zapasów ewakuowano na Zachód i ilu nie zniszczyli 🇷🇺? Nie wiadomo. Nie ma natomiast za bardzo gdzie ich remontować: Charków zrównany z ziemią, 2/X
Żytomierz ostrzelany, jak Lwów-nie wiem, ale ryzyko zniszczenia jest duże. Poza #Ukraina nie ma komu obsługiwać lokalnie podstawowych T-64, więc za granicą najwyżej T-72. Trochę pomaga zapewne zdobycz wojenna, bo Ukraińcy zdobywają sporo (lecz nie setki) T-72B3, T-80BWM 3/X
Read 9 tweets
#LPR troops during the night conducted successful battles against Ukrainian nationalists from several directions inside Severodonetsk and Rubezhnoye, - the Russian Defense Ministry
This is in the same general area as the attached post
#RussiaUkraine #Su25
#RuAF Su-25 in Ukr ...night footage
(Repost...better quality video)
The Russian Defense Ministry will soon provide new information about the work of American biological laboratories in Ukraine and developments in the field of biological weapons.
Read 133 tweets
#UkraineWar #US #UK


'Meanwhile, Western countries continue to pump Ukraine with weapons.
The head of the British Ministry of Defence said today that arms supplies to #Ukraine will continue.
2/4 However, whatever is being supplied to the Ukrainian neo-Nazis by their Western handlers will sooner or later be confiscated by the Russian Armed Forces.
3/4 The Russian Ministry of Defence today showed how western trophy arms are being handed over to the troops of the #Donetsk and #Luhansk Republics (#DPR #LPR). The arsenal of #DPR and #LPR units is being replenished with #Javelin and #NLAW anti-tank systems.
Read 4 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 21) - Una jornada más de #GuerraRusiaUcrania y un nuevo #hilo en el que iremos subiendo las informaciones más importantes relativas a la #guerra.

Gracias por vuestros #RETWEEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 21) - La noche ha sido especialmente dura en la capital ucraniana, #Kiev, en donde han sido atacados hasta cuatro barrios de la ciudad y donde al parecer se ha derrumbado un edificio de 12 plantas.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 21) - Nuevo vídeo del Ministerio de Defensa ruso, empleando el drone Orion-E, publicado por Ria Novosti.
Read 56 tweets
Update #Ukraine .
Im Überblick:
- heftige Kämpfe nördlich von #Donezk ;
- #Odessa rüstet sich für die Verteidigung;
- neue Videos von Kämpfern aus #Jaworiw ;
- Moskau baut Verwaltungsstrukturen in besetzten Gebieten auf;
- Russen erbeuten die deutsche Panzerfaust.
Seit gestern Nacht gibt es nördlich von #Donezk schwere Gefechte und Luftangriffe.
Alles weist daraufhin, dass die russ. Truppen einen Durchbruch der Verteidigungslinien bei #Horliwka Richtung Pokrowsk versuchen, um einen Keil in die ukr. Armeegruppierung hineinzutreiben.
Gleichzeitig dazu fliegt die russische Luftwaffe umfangreiche Luftangriffe nahe #Kramatorsk .
Dort liegen nicht nur die Befehlsstäbe der ost-ukr.Einheiten, sondern es liegt auch im Rücken der Armeegruppierungen.
Hier einige Screenshots.
Alle Videos sind wie gehabt auf Telegram
Read 24 tweets

1. Estamos en el 13º día de la invasión de #Ucrania por parte de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación de #Rusia y aliados. Los corredores humanitarios abren paso a los civiles mientras las fuerzas 🇷🇺se posicionan alrededor de Kyiv.

2. Toda la información que puede reunir el día de ayer, la tienen en este otro hilo. 👇
3. Mapa general de los frentes de la guerra. Los frentes siguen manteniendo sus posiciones generales de los días pasados, eso no quiere decir que no haya duros combates, ciertos avances rusos y muchos golpes de mano de las fuerzas ucranianas a la logística rusa. (ISW)
Read 50 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 13) - Nueva jornada de #guerra y nueva crónica. Un día más recogemos en este #hilo 🧵 todas las #Novedades y todo lo #IMPORTANTE relativo a la guerra de Ucrania.
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 13) - #IMPORTANTE - La #UE presentará hoy un plan para reducir en un 80% la dependencia energética respecto a Rusia este mismo año.…
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia Vs #Ucrania (día 13) - Esta noche se ha producido un gran incendio en los depósitos de combustible de #Zhytomyr, al parecer a causa de un ataque aéreo ruso.

Read 38 tweets
Local media reports that the UAF troops from the territory of Ukraine launched a rocket at #Belgorod, which is a Russian city near the border with Ukr. It was reportedly shot down
Captured UAF Manpad and #NLAW in the #Kiev area ImageImageImageImage
The Rus Army captured a large UAF field camp in the #Kherson region with large quantities of supplies and equipment
Read 573 tweets

Continuamos en este hilo con la extensa cobertura minuto a minuto de la guerra entre Ucrania y Rusia en este séptimo día de conflictos.

⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️⬇️ Image
🇺🇦🇷🇺I Se reportan explosiones en los almacenes de una fábrica de tanques en Kharkov
🇺🇦🇷🇺I Según fuentes rusas, no hay negociaciones previstas para hoy entre Ucrania y Rusia. Las negociaciones se reanudarán cuando Ucrania lo solicite.
Read 92 tweets
Rus Mi-8 helicopters in Ukraine
#UkraineRussia #Donbas
#DPR Militia on the frontline...don't have exact location
Rus. column reportedly approaching #Zaporozhye
Read 224 tweets
Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv".
Map if the Russian attacks!!!
#russia404 Image
Announced about landing operation in Azov sea. Purpose to open the corridor to Odessa and Pridnestria.
Read 305 tweets
1. Volgens Russische media is een artilleriegranaat vanuit #Oekraïne op Russisch grondgebied neergekomen in de regio #Rostov op 1 kilometer van de grens en op 300 meter van een bewoond gebouw in het dorp Mityakinskaya.
2. De Volksrepublieken #Donetsk & #Luhansk gaan over tot algemene mobilisatie van alle strijdbare mannen.
Een Oekraïense soldaat is gesneuveld door artillerievuur van de pro-Russische milities.
3. Volgens de Donetsk Volksrepubliek gaat #Oekraïne de komende dagen volgens dit plan de #Donbass binnenvallen en zullen er etnische zuiveringen plaatsvinden. 31.000 burgers zouden volgens @sputnik_fr al geëvacueerd zijn uit #Lugansk en #Donetsk naar #Rusland. Image
Read 165 tweets

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