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NEW: Dead #ISIS leader was taking "extreme measures" for security prior to his death

Just released @UN report says one intel agency concluded Amir Muhammad Sa’id Abdal-Rahman al-#Mawla (aka Au Ibrahim al-Hashimi al #Qurashi) banned electronics from being carried in his vicinity
.@UN report also says the now dead #ISIS leader was "believed to move regularly between #Iraq & the #Syria|n Arab Republic"

US officials said they had tracked al-#Mawla to his hideout in #Idlib, that he never left & that op had been planned for months
Per @UN intel report, compiled prior to the #ISIS leader's death, "The #Idlib de-escalation zone remains important for [#ISIS] as a strategic location providing limited safe haven; some ISIL activity is noted near the Turkish border"
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Something big is going down in NW #Syria -- (a) U.S. helicopter gunships firing on a target in the #Jinderes area of #Afrin & (b) a possible SOF raid targeting Tauqir Sharif, a [former] #UK citizen in the Atmeh area of #Idlib.

Personally, I'd be amazed if such an operation was launched at Tauqir Sharif (Abu Hossam al-Britani) -- while his #UK citizenship was revoked, the cause for doing so never seemed more than tenuous.
The house in the #Atmeh area has reportedly been surrounded by [alleged U.S.] SOF -- a loudspeaker just ordered the building to be emptied.

My guess: it's a senior #AlQaeda (Huras al-Din) figure -- HaD seniors are known to hide in the Atmeh area.
Read 41 tweets
NEW: Just released @UN report warns of "heightened threats emerging" from #ISIS #alQaida affiliated groups worldwide

"This is especially true in parts of West and East #Africa" per the report, based on member state intelligence
In West/East #Africa, affiliates of #ISIS #alQaida "can boast gains in supporters and territory under threat, as well as growing capabilities in fundraising & weapons, for example, in the use of drones" per the @UN report
#ISIS in #Syria "has evolved into an entrenched insurgency, exploiting weaknesses in local security to find safe havens & targeting forces engaged in counter-ISIL operations" per the @UN report
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1. Last night, #IS published a new statement from its spokesman Abu Hamza al-Qurashi in which, among other things, he lauded the recent exploits of #ISWAP#IS’s West Africa Province—in #Nigeria, alluding to Abubakar #Shekau's group, #JAS, as "khawarij."
2. #Qurashi said #IS was “pleased to hear the news of the bay’a” of former #Shekau followers.

This wasn't rhetoric. In the last two weeks, #ISWAP has been claiming attacks in parts of Borno in which it was previously inactive, places in which #JAS had previously been dominant.
3. After its victory over #JAS in May, many #JAS fighters joined #ISWAP, which consolidated these gains and began launching attacks in former #JAS areas quicker than many had anticipated it would.

The first such attack took place on 13 June southeast of #Maiduguri, near #Bama.
Read 7 tweets
NEW: 41yo #Brooklyn, New York man pleads guilty to charges he shared #ISIS propaganda, including "specific instructions for how to conduct attacks in New York City" per @TheJusticeDept Asst AG John Demers

Zachary Clark faces up to 20 years in prison. Sentencing set for Feb 2021
"Clark pledged allegiance to #ISIS & posted calls for attacks on the public & institutions in #NewYork on encrypted pro-ISIS chatrooms" per US Attorney Audrey Strauss
Per @TheJusticeDept, Clark pledged allegiance to #ISIS leader Abu Bakr al #Baghdadi in July 2019 & to ISIS' Abu Ibrahim al-Hashimi al #Qurashi in Oct 2019

Per officials, he began sharing ISIS propaganda in March 2019, also shared instructions for how to carry out attacks
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NEW: @UN report on #Taliban casts doubt on ability of US-Taliban agreement to succeed

"There are divisions within the group [Taliban], which make compromise with its adversaries difficult, and its messaging remains hard-line" per UN Sanctions Monitoring Team
#Taliban "also appears well prepared for the 2020 fighting season and raising the tempo of its attacks on #Afghan government targets" per the @UN report
New @UN report sees problems due to #Taliban drug trafficking

"The scale of the problem remains huge and has been further complicated by a boom in methamphetamine production and trafficking" per report
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US facing expanding radicalization problem - National Counterterrorism Center acting Director Russell Travers warns during talk at @WashInstitute the number of people in the #NCTC datat base has "grown by a factor of almost 20"
@WashInstitute NEW: "We have no indication that foreign terrorists have tried to exploit" the US refugee system, per #NCTC acting Dir Russell Travers
@WashInstitute Goal should be for US to have "near real time biographic & biometric screening" to keep terrorists out of the country, per #NCTC's Travers
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