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Apr 17th 2023
[Allegations of corruption in allotment of #ShivSena party name and symbol]

#DelhiHighCourt is hearing Shiv Sena leader Rahul Ramesh Shewale's defamation suit against Uddhav Thackeray, Aaditya Thackeray and Sanjay Raut.

@OfficeofUT @AUThackeray @rautsanjay61 Image
Raut had alleged that there was a deal of ₹2,000 crore following which the Shiv Sena party name and bow and arrow symbol was allotted to the Eknath Shinde faction.
#defamation #ShivSena #UddhavThackeray #SanjayRaut #AadityaThackeray
In the last hearing, the High Court had refused to pass any ex parte orders and issues summons and notices to Thackerays and Raut.

Read the detailed story on the previous hearing here:…
Read 13 tweets
Mar 28th 2023

Delhi High Court issues summons to Sanjay Raut, Uddhav Thackeray and Aditya Thackeray in a defamation suit filed by Eknath Shinde faction leader Rahul Ramesh Shewale.

#Defamation #DelhiHighCourt #ShivSena #SanjayRaut
Shewale filed the defamation suit against Raut and others for certain statements alleging that the Eknath Shinde faction "bought the Shiv Sena symbol" for Rs. 2000 crores.

#DelhiHighcourt #EknathShinde #ShivSena #UddhavThackeray
Senior Advocate Rajiv Nayyar appearing for Shewale prayed the court to pass an injunction order to restrain Raut and others from making any further defamatory allegations. However, Justice Prateek Jalan said that an order will be passed only after having the response of parties.
Read 6 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Thread -
योगायोगाने मुंबईतील माझा एक पोलीसातला मित्र आज मला भेटला संजय राऊतला जामीन कसा मिळाला हा घटनाक्रम त्यांनी मला सांगितला तो अतिशय धक्कादायक आहे 👇
31 जुलैला जेव्हा संजय राऊत यांना ED ने अटक केले तेव्हा त्यांच्याकडे सर्व ठोस पुरावे होते. संजय राऊत ह्यांच्या अटकेचे आदेश थेट
केंद्रातून आले होते. संजय ह्यांचे केंद्रातील नेत्यांशी अगदी मोदी-शहांशी मैत्रीपूर्ण संबंध होते त्यामुळे त्यांनी राऊत ह्यांची अटक लांबवली होती पण जेव्हा संजय राऊत मोदींच्या संयमाचा अंत पाहू लागले व अतिशय घाणेरडी विधाने करू लागले तेव्हा राज्यातील एका मोठ्या नेत्याने
केंद्रीय नेत्यांना आधी न कळवता थेट व #ED कार्यालयात दबदबा असल्यामुळे अटक करण्याचे फर्मान सोडले. ज्यावेळी हा प्रकार केंद्रातील नेत्यांना समजला तेव्हा संजय यांना ed ने अटक करून झाली होती. मोदींना विश्वासात न घेता हा निर्णय झाला असला तरी त्यांना हे हवं होतं त्यामुळे तो नेता वाचला.
Read 11 tweets
Sep 8th 2022
Mumbai Court directs ED to file response to bail application filed by Shiv Sena MP Sanjay Raut in money laundering case.
Reply to be filed by Sept 16. Matter likely to be heard on same date.

Raut is in judicial custody till Sept 19.

@rautsanjay61 @dir_ed
The matter was mentioned by Adv Vikrant Sabne. He requested for hearing at the earliest in next week as there was a possibility of chargesheet being filed end of the month.

#SanjayRaut #ED
The Special PMLA judge stated that he had too many matters next week, and he may not be able to grant hearing in the next week.

Counsel for ED Kavita Patil stated the matter be listed on Sept 16 and till then the agency can file its reply. Further date may be fixed thereafter.
Read 4 tweets
Aug 1st 2022
In #LokSabha, the Central Universities (Amendment) Bill, 2022 is introduced amid protests.

After that House adjourns till 2pm with Presiding Officer announcing that discussion on price rise is decided & listed for today.

#MonsoonSession #Parliament #SansadWatch
In #RajyaSabha, Q hour is proceeding amid protests.
Leader of House, Piyush Goyal, speaks to protesting MPs, says that discussion on #pricerise will happen in RS tomorrow.
Also says that law enforcement agencies take their own course, Govt doesn't interfere! #SanjayRaut
Leader of Opp in #RajyaSabha, Mallikarjun Kharge says:
- price rise discussion still not listed
- have submitted notices on other issues also on what's happening in #Maharashtra, #Jharkhand, #Gujarat, those notices not even acknowledged.
Q Hour again proceeds amid protests!
Read 16 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
संजय राऊत यांना ज्या पत्राचाळ प्रकरणात गुंतवलं गेलं आहे ते प्रकरण मुळात काय आहे हे जाणून घेऊया

CAG ने 2014 साली पत्राचाळ प्रकरणात 1400 कोटी रु. घोटाळा झाल्याचा ठपका ठेवला. ED ने 18 साली तपास चालू केला तत्पूर्वी पहिली तक्रार आणि तपास खेरवाडी पोलीस स्टेशन इथे *HDIL* विरुद्ध झाला
पुढे हा तपास इकोनॉमिकल ऑफेन्स विंग मुंबई ने केला.
2008 साली पत्राचाळ ज्याची जागा 48 एकर होती त्यातील 13.8 एकर जागा यशस्वी बोली व ट्रायपार्टी अग्रीमेंट (बिल्डर+सोसायटी कार्यकारणी-19 लोक+म्हाडा)नंतर पुनर्विकासासाठी गुरुआशिष कंस्ट्रक्शनला देण्यात आली ज्याचे संचालक प्रविण राऊत होते
प्रविण राऊत ज्याचा संजय राऊत ह्यांच्याशी कुठलाही दुरान्वये नातेवाईक संबंध देखील नाही.पुढे कंस्ट्रक्शनने ट्रायपार्टी अग्रीमेंट HDIL ला दिले ज्यात प्रविण राऊत हे रेप्रेझेंटेटिव्ह म्हणून होते ह्या HDIL ने संजय राऊतांना 55 लाखांचे कर्ज वितरित केले ज्याचे त्यांनी पुनर्भरण सुद्धा केल
Read 6 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
फाइनली ईडी ने संजय राउत को गिरफ्तार कर लिया...संजय उसी दिन से उनकी आंखों में खटक रहे थे जब जब सदन में सीना ठोक कर कहा था कि जिस स्कूल में तुम पढ़ते हो उसके हम हेडमास्टर हैं..संजय राउत की गिरफ्तारी तो बीजेपी की साख का सवाल थी....वो तो होनी ही थी....

बाकी आज संजय राउत का स्टाइल
अच्छा लगा...ईडी छापेमारी के बीच शिवसेना नेता संजय राउत की तरफ से ट्वीट कर लिखा गया है कि झूठी कार्रवाई..झूठा सबूत, मैं शिवसेना नहीं छोड़ूंगा..मैं मर भी जाऊं तो समर्पण नहीं करूंगा..जय महाराष्ट्र.. महाराष्ट्र और शिवसेना की लड़ाई जारी रहेगी..

इन सबके बीच मेरा विश्लेषण ये है कि अब
गोदी मीडिया को चिंतित हो जाना चाहिए...चापलूसी में अपनी ईडी अब गोदी मीडिया को पछाड़ रही है.... अंजना,रुबिका,अमीश,अरनब के लिए ये स्थिति चिंताजनक है....

#ED #SanjayRaut #Maharashtra #Mumbai #Shivsena
@abhaShukla23 ✍️
Read 4 tweets
Jul 31st 2022
As the cops surround #ED's #Mumbai office, those shedding crocodile tears for #SanjayRaut must make a small attempt to understand the #PatraChawl scam. It is a classic case in which politicians and builders destroy the lives of poor residents to make millions. A thread
Siddharth Nagar, popularly known as Patra Chawl, is located in the northern Mumbai suburb of Goregaon. It had a total of 672 houses, spread over an area of 47 acres. In 2008, the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) took up the redevelopment project.
MHADA gave the contract to Guru Ashish Construction Private Limited (GACPL) to rehabilitate 672 tenants and to redevelop the locality. A tripartite agreement was signed between GACPL, the tenants’ society and MHADA for the redevelopment of #PatraChawl.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 21st 2022
शिवसेनेत एवढी मोठी फूट पडायला, एवढे आमदार खासदार पक्षासोबत बंडखोरी करायला @rautsanjay61 जबाबदार आहेत..? वाचा एकदा.

कोरोना काळात मुद्दाम साप सोडणे वगैरै चालू होते तेव्हा हे ५१ आमदार आणि १२ खासदार शेपटं घालून होते...तेव्हा एकटे संजय राऊत लढत होते...👇
सुशांत सिंग राजपूत प्रकरणात आदित्यजी ठाकरे, शिवसेना, मुंबई पोलीस आणि महाराष्ट्राची यथेच्छ बदनामीची मोहीम चालू होती,पोलीस तपास पण दळभद्री बिहारी पोलीसांकडे दिला गेला तेव्हा देखील हे गद्दार शेपटं घालून होते आणि एकटे संजय राऊत लढत होते..

अर्णव गोस्वामी सरळ सरळ "ए उद्धव ठाकरे...."👇
असं म्हणत एकेरी भाषेत गर्जना करत होता ,एका मुख्यमंत्र्याला अशी भाषा वापरत महाराष्ट्राची छी थू करत होता तेव्हा देखील हे बंडखोर शेपटं घालून होते आणि तेव्हा सुद्धा एकटे संजय राऊत सामना मधून किल्ला लढवत होते.

कंगना राणावत , सरळ सरळ मुंबईचा, महाराष्ट्राचा अपमान करत विविध स्टेटमेंट 👇
Read 10 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
Thread: One public peeve of the rebel #ShivSena legislators led by #EknathShinde is that it diluted it's commitment to Hindutva by allying with “secular” parties like Congress & NCP. However, the Sena has always allied with parties across the ideological divide #UddhavThackeray
The #ShivSena's tiger has changed its stripes almost incessantly since its birth in 1966. Its positions have been dictated more by political expediency and opportunism than any ideological commitment.
It began by breaking bread with parties like the Praja Socialist Party (PSP), the Republican Party of India (RPI) and the Congress. It also had a brief dalliance with the Muslim League.
Read 25 tweets
Jun 23rd 2022
#MaharashtraPoliticalTurmoil | Three more MLAs join Eknath Shinde camp in Guwahati hotel

A quick recap of the top developments from Tuesday on the #politicalcrisis in Maharashtra ⬇️
Maharashtra minister #EknathShinde is leading the group of rebel legislators who are demanding that the Shiv Sena snaps its alliance with the Congress and Nationalist Congress Party.

Follow more updates on #MaharashtraPoliticalTurmoil here:
#MaharashtraPoliticalTurmoil | Earlier on Wednesday, #UddhavThackeray said that he would resign even if one of his party MLAs demands so, but questioned whether the rebel MLAs could promise him that the next chief minister would be a Shiv Sena member.
Read 32 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
#BombayHC bench of Justices S S Shinde and N J Jamadar to shortly hear a plea filed by a woman, claiming to have been harassed at the behest of #ShivSena MP #SanjayRaut. She is booked in a bogus degree case but claims it to be a counterblast of her allegations.
Adv Abha Singh for the woman, a psychologist by profession, who has also sought to quash the bogus degree case.
Chief Public Prosecutor Aruna Pai, for state.

#BombayHC #ShivSena #SanjayRaut
Singh: Earlier orders were passed asking @CPMumbaiPolice to submit a report on my allegations. I am submitting a letter written by the @NCWIndia to @MumbaiPolice to file an FIR.

J Shinde: Have you filed an affidavit for these documents?

Singh: No.
Read 39 tweets
Jul 21st 2021
#Breaking | Don’t know who was worst -former Health Min who launched Baba Ramdev’s 'Coronil' or the current who has declared that 'no deaths due to #O2 shortage': #Congress' @JaiveerShergill hits out at the Union Govt over the latter's reply in the Parliament.
#PriyankaGandhi tweets over the #Central govt's reply in Parliament that no one died due to lack of oxygen.

'The deaths happened because, in the pandemic year, the government increased oxygen exports by 700%', says Priyanka Gandhi.
Health is a State subject. Reporting deaths and the reason for it is the job of State Govts and UTs. We have had #Maharashtra Govt tell the #HighCourt that no one died of oxygen shortage. This lack of empathy has been the case with others too: #BJP leader @amitmalviya.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 5th 2021
I reached out to @MumbaiPolice @pmo @cmo @AmitShah @PawarSpeaks @NCWIndia & every politician of every party on #sanjayraut harassment issue. Nobody helped me. I won’t die like #SSR I won’t give up.I will fight.Join my fight.This hashtag is my identity #myrightmyfight Please RT. ImageImageImage
#MaharashtraGovernment is now used to murders being documented as suicides. I have already made it clear in my letter. I’m very strong. If I’m dead, it can only be a murder. #SSR was killed. He did not get a chance to say this, so I have stated my point much before the event.
I filed a writ in #HighCourt hoping that the judicial system will help. But the court does not find this issue emergency so does not come on board. If I was an actress, It would be easy. The only way left now is to fight alone with the help of public of India #myrightmyfight
Read 78 tweets
Sep 28th 2020
Bombay High Court comes down heavily upon #BMC for demolishing @KanganaTeam 's house in undue haste. Asks why was so much police presence during the demolition? Why BMC didn't submit demolition pictures before the Court?
Bombay High Court further asked the #BMC about the date of demolition. Did you call the police at the spot? BMC officer present in the court denied having called the police. Question is: how did #MumbaiPolice deploy its personnel without being requested by the BMC?
Bombay High Court will hear the petition of @KanganaTeam on Tuesday again as the hearing was inconclusive today. Since 'Saamna' the mouthpiece of Shiv Sena had come out with a headline 'Ukhaad Diya', the next day, #SanjayRaut & Co can't hide behind alibis.
Read 3 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
Times when #ShivSena leaders ‘respected’ women. Dekho aur dikhao 💁🏻‍♀️

#UnitedForSSRJustice #AaThoo #SorryBabu Image
#Kerala bhi aap ke baap ki nahi hai, #ShivSena. Ilaaka kisi aur ka, dhamaaka inka 🤷🏻‍♀️ Image
Inke driver bhi gunde hai. Imagine what threats someone as known as SSR would have gotten? #ShivSena #UnitedForSSRJustice #SorryBabu Image
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Sep 6th 2020
Thread: Fools from #SSR case as #Bollywood movie names

#Chakraborty siblings: Image
Read 11 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
हिंदू शेरनी कंगना राणावतचा बाप काढणाऱ्या आणि कंगना राणावतला हरामखोर म्हणणाऱ्या संजय राऊतचा महाराष्ट्रात राहणारा एक मराठी भाषिक म्हणून मी तीव्र धिक्कार करतो..!!!

हा संजय राऊत शिवाजी महाराजांच्या गोष्टी करतो आणि स्वतः मात्र औरंगजेबासारखे वक्तव्य करतो.. शिवाजी महाराजांनी आणि त्यांच्या मावळ्यांनी शत्रूंच्या एकही स्त्रीला अजिबात क्षती पोहचवली नाही. आणि हा एका स्त्रीच्या विरोधात बेताल वक्तव्य करतोय. तिचा बाप काढतोय, तिला हरामखोर म्हणतोय.
हा शिवाजी महाराजांचे नाव तरी घेण्याच्या योग्यतेचा आहे काय? स्त्रीचा सन्मान ही महाराष्ट्राची ओळख आहे.

आणि... कंगनाने तिच्या इंडस्ट्रीतील दुष्कृत्यांचा लढा संजय राऊतने स्वतःच्या अंगावर का ओढून घेतलाय? आणि त्यात अख्ख्या महाराष्ट्राला का ओढतोय?
Read 4 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
सध्या #twitter वर कंगणा आणि संजय राऊत ह्या दोघांमुळं #PoK (pak occupied kashmir) वरून जोरदार टिव टिव चाललीय.तर काय आहे PoK,त्याची निर्मिती कधी झाली ह्याबद्दल खाली थोडीशी माहिती..हा थ्रेड नक्की वाचा आणि आवडल्यास Rt करा.🙏🙏👇 #म #मराठी #धागा #KanganaRanaut #SanjayRaut #आमची_मुंबई Image
1947 ला भारत स्वतंत्र झाला तेव्हा इंग्रजांनी भारतातले जे राजे महाराजे होते त्यांना सांगितले की,"तुम्ही एकतर भारतात किंवा पाकिस्तानात राहु शकता अथवा स्वतंत्र देश म्हणुन राहु शकता.तो सर्वस्वी तुमचा निर्णय आहे".त्यावेळी जम्मु काश्मीरचे राजा हरिसिंग यांनी आम्ही स्वतंत्र राहु असा Image
निर्णय घेतला.राजाने जम्मु काश्मिरच्या प्रदेशात शेतकर्यांवर दंडात्मक कर लावला होता ज्यामुळे तिथले शेतकरी राजावर नाराज होते.ह्याची परिनती म्हणजे 'पुंछ'क्षेत्रात राजा विरोधात बंड झाला.पाकिस्तानला काश्मीर हवा होता व हा बंड म्हणजे ती संधी.21ऑक्टोबर 1947 ला 'पश्तुन' आदिवास्यांनी
Read 11 tweets
Aug 10th 2020
The thing is everyone holds secrets about others. Right now Modi-Shah have the upper hand, but if #ShivSena falls, it will take a lot of people down with it. Decades of secrets buried under Mumbai will come out. So yes, it is possible that Shah will enter into an agreement.
Just imagine the number of scams that will be exposed if Thackeray’s Sena dismantles. Every politician in #Mumbai & #Maharashtra will roam around like headless chicken. #BJP was after all an ally of #ShivSena, so they too have been part of some such scams.
This is why it is possible that right now, #AmitShah is getting into an agreement with #SanjayRaut, after which we will see the unfolding of one of the biggest gaslighting dramas. #ArrestRheaNow
Read 3 tweets
Aug 3rd 2020
Mumbai Police deletes #DishaSaliyan File
Cooper Hospital refusal to share sushants post mortem reports
Mumbai cops not cooperating with Bihar pol n forcibly Quarantined Patna SP #VinayTiwari
Y did d Mumbai Pol hurriedly conclude it as suicide without preliminary investigation
This is greatest betrayal & negligence
Sushant’s father confirms ‘I alerted Mumbai cops on Feb 25 this year that my son's life is in danger.
Y did d mumbai pol not act on it.
If an well known personality cant b protected wher does that leave rest of us
#SushantSinghRajputCase ImageImage
Mumbai Police Com #ParamBirSingh appointed by HM Anil Deshmukh of NCP was the same man named by Col Purohit & Sadhvi Pragya for having brutally tortured them during Malegaon blast investigation under Hemant Karkare.
He also had given clean chit to Ajit Pawar
#SushantSinghRajput Image
Read 36 tweets
Aug 12th 2019
Read 423 tweets

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