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Russian MFA Spox Maria #Zakharova:

On October 21, 2022, Russia's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Vassily Nebenzia, sent a letter to the UN Secretary General regarding Kiev regime's plans to destroy the #Kakhovskaya hydroelectric dam.…
On December 2022 The Washington Post reported the plans of the Ukrainian high command to blow up the #Kahkovskaya dam with the intention of cutting all Russian supply lines.… and quoted article:… Washington Post screenshot....Screenshot text states: ◾On...
Above were posted on June 6.
June 7:
"A failed attempt by the New York Times to whitewash the Nazi problem in Ukraine."*
David Vance:
"Then Nordstream. Kakhovka Dam now. The NATO/Ukrainian violence continues.”…
*Link to NYT articke… Screenshot text: ❗️🇺🇸🇺🇦America...
Read 8 tweets
The nazis & their nato handlers continue whipping up false & dangerous stories against Russia, this one regarding #Zaporozhye NPP (nuclear power plant). Note that this region is now part of the RF since last year. Please see alt text or link for details:… 1 of 3: Screen shot shows t...2 of 3: "The fact: The...3 of 3: (...) Earlier, Rafa...
More fake news about a NPP intended to cause panic in Russia*.
"Fake news:
Ukrainian terrorists damaged a nuclear facility in the Belgorod region. This information is spreading in social networks."
This & above story were posted on May 23 by WoF.…
See alt text for full text: Screenshot text: 1 of 2: &q...2 of 2: (...) In addition, ...
Read 6 tweets
@ANTIFAscismNews @CanDCain @fluxus2 Watch:
Ukrainian Jewish Committee: Our government encourages the glorification of Nazi collaborators"
Edward Dolinsky on YT speech in 2020

and see Mr Dolinsky's twitter. He is Director of UJC.
#StandwithRussia against #naziukraine and #NATO
@ANTIFAscismNews @CanDCain @fluxus2 Russia proscribes nazism. ImageImageImageImage
@ANTIFAscismNews @CanDCain @fluxus2 Thanks to @FrankTrenton1 for 3 above memes.
Info re Russian ban on nazism available via

✔️ Russia Duma ban on public demonstration of nazi leaders:…
✔️And regarding art, literature and media:…
Read 11 tweets
Laurent Brayard-interview (Part 1)
LB, a French journalist living in DPR/ LPR has been persecuted by the French authorities for a long time -for telling the truth about #naziukraine since 2014. Rumble link to follow for those without Telegram…
It's only 10 minutes and important viewing. For those still unaware, DPR and LPR are in Donbass. They separated from Ukraine after the Maidan and nazi coup in 2014. Now part of Russian Federation since Sept last year.
(Part 2 of interview to follow)…
Part 2 interview with Laurent Brayard.
Summary of
"How Brayard first encountered Nazism in Ukraine. National Security Forces and their destructive influence on Ukrainian society and the army."
Rumble link to follow for those without Telegram.…
Read 7 tweets
Those who support #naziUkraine -with its gruesome WW2 history to the equally terrifying evil of the present day revivival ukronazis who have controlled Ukraine (except for Crimea,LPR, DPR) with the west pulling the strings since the 2014 nazi coup - are guilty of collaboration.
Russia is trying to denazify Ukraine just as in WW2 when it was the USSR which liberated Europe of the nazis. The tradition of anti fascism is strong in Russia. They are helping to liberate a nazi state which is not a legitimate regime since the 2014 coup.
The insistence on countries like the UK & US on supporting a nazi regime is because the west doesn't want Russia to continue its successful trajectory plus the west ultimately wants 🇷🇺 land/resources too. Nato uses the nazi regime as its proxy to fight anti fascist opposition.
Read 5 tweets
"The Ministry of Internal Affairs publishes video of the interrogation of #dariatrepova who is responsible for the murder of #VladlenTatarski.

- Do you understand what you're being detained for?
- I do.
- For what?
- I would say for being at the scene of Vladlen Tatarsky's murder.
- What did you do?
- I brought the statue that exploded.
- Who gave you the statue?
- Can I tell you a bit later?


#StandWithRussia against #naziukraine #US #UK #nato…
@threadreaderapp please unroll
Read 3 tweets
"The Ukrainian "patriot", one of those to whom Josep Borrell sends weapons and money, offers to take the rector of the Kyiv Lavra into the forest, put him on his knees there and shoot him in the head.
And the video will be sent all TV channels in Russia.'
Meanwhile, the Ukrainian presidential advisor Podolyak @Podolyak_M advises that the priests of the branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church loyal to Russia must be got rid of by "legal means". In #naziukraine this means "anything goes" as clip shows 💀 & ukronazi MO attests.
Naturally, the fascist loving BBC skews the truth in favour of #naziukraine in this piece.
By supporting #Nato, Ukraine and the collective west you are supporting religious persecution and genocides against Russians & pro Russians.…
Read 4 tweets
Right Sector nazi Ms Yulia Paevskaya was awarded the International Women of Courage Award at the White House recently by @SecBlinken.
Right Sector is an openly Ukrainian nazi party. The US not only votes for the glorification of nazism at the UN but openly awards nazis.
2. In 2014 during the Maidan nazi coup in 🇺🇦 @BBCWorld openly discussed the nazi group of which some info below.
Yarosh the cofounder is a Banderite nazi.
Belitsky another Banderite was the founder of the nazi Azov Regiment which also controls 🇺🇦 Police.…
3.Right Sector nazi Ms Paevskaya awarded by the @WhiteHouse has a good friend who is another RS nazi leader. She is a nazi youth camp commander, convicted murderer and Maidan veteran Diana Vinogradov.
Shame on the west for supporting & glorifying Nazism.…
Read 6 tweets
The article ⬇️ "How to report on Ukraine's History" in the form of an interview with Dr Durand of @UniofOxford is shocking. It's revisionist with omissions. Hardly anyone appeared to notice it on Feb 24th. Odd.I found it via an apparently unexpected twitter 'route'.
#naziukraine Image
I have attached screenshots jbecause the "advice" aka disinformation Dr D has given is so stunningly WRONG.
It's shocking that this woman is being treated as an expert by an academic institution but sadly, this lying & distorting of facts is common within the western narrative. ImageImageImage
To counter these lies please watch the following, first a short documentary by George Eliason:…

Then, a clip with Eduard Dolinsky of the UJC, speaking. He also has a Twitter account.

Read 7 tweets
10 years ago, Miroshnichenko, a Svoboda (nazi) parliamentarian called the police on a store worker speaking to purchasers in Russian. In the same period in parliament there were fights between Democrats/Communists & nazis for the nazis' refusal to listen to Russian. #naziukraine
That was a year before the CIA led fascist coup, a year before the massacre of anti fascist pro Russians at Odessa TU House & Mariupol, a year before the ukronazis unleashed 8 years of terror on the soon to be separatist regions of DPR/ LPR, & 9 years before Russia defended them.
The lead up to nazism in Ukraine took years due to the benign counter weight of international socialism but the last 9 years have seen nazism explode in west and central areas in particular, following the post perestroika unleashing of ukronazis from the west/US back to Ukraine
Read 5 tweets
BREAKING: 🇷🇺🇺🇸🇺🇳

Listen to RealLifeLore explain the threat NATO has brought to the borders of Russia.

This proxy war is not unprovoked. NATO wanted it to happen.

#Russian #Putin #China #Belarus #Moldova #Ukraine #Biden #Wagner #StandWithRussia #Bakhmut #America #Elonmusk
Clueless people say that "if Russia leaves Ukraine there will be peace"...well, if NATO leaves there will be peace.. 🤦🏽‍♂️
RealLifeLore is his YouTube channel:
Read 3 tweets
Vladimir Putin for President of the United States 🇺🇲🇷🇺
#StandWithRussia 🇷🇺
#StandWithPresidentPutin 🇷🇺
Read 4 tweets
🇷🇺 has to continually justify the 24/2/22 SMO. As much as the pro-ukronazi brigade will deny it, this video is yet more evidence that the SMO was started after 🇷🇺
received reliable intelligence that a big 🇺🇦 offensive on DPR & LPR was planned on 8/3…
This was also against the backdrop of the permanent war against Donbass (DPR & LPR) which, since the illegal Kiev nato/cia-funded 2014 coup in Ukraine, had been at war with/terrorised by the ukronazi regime. Many Donbass civilians had fled to Russia leading up to the 🇷🇺 SMO.
This is the link to YouTube for those without Telegram.
#StandWithRussia against #NaziUkraine and #NATO
#ProxyWar #Nazi #USA #EU #UK #UK
Read 6 tweets
📣The more it's denied, the more the truth is revealed by the @FCDOGovUK 📣
✅️Reminder: the four referendums results:
DPR 99.3%
LPR 98.42%
Kherson 87.05%
Zaporozhye 93.11%
All conducted in accordance with national law.
The above 4 areas of erstwhile Ukraine are now part of the Russian Federation.
DPR & LPR were sovereign States since 2014,now RF.
The people of these 2 states did not wish to align themselves with nazi Ukraine, after the Maidan fascist coup of 2014,which was organised by the CIA.
Ukraine with the help of its Western allies proceeded to unleash the ukronazis, Azov, Aidar, & other nazi Battalions on the people of DPR & LPR. 8 years of torture, murder, disappearances and bombing followed. 15,000 people were killed. Amnesty,UN et al documented the atrocities.
Read 9 tweets
"The city of #Soledar is already under the control of the #Donetsk People's Republic, said Denis Pushilin, acting head of the region."
"The grouping of the Armed Forces of Ukraine surrounded in Soledar has been given an ultimatum to surrender by 00.00 tonight"
"The situation on the fronts on the evening of 10 January

As the surrender of Soledar entered its active phase, the Ukrainian armed forces lost control over the town, suffering heavy losses"
See rest of post via
Read 5 tweets
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna #ValehtelevatMinisterit.
#WEF -regiimin sepustus sotarikollisjärjestö #NATO'on liittymisestä alkaa törkeällä valheella.
- "Venäjä käynnisti 24. helmikuuta 2022 hyökkäyksen Ukrainaan."
Valehtelu jatkuu ministeriaitiossa @Haavisto… ImageImage
@Juha_Korh2 @oikeusasiamies @RSF_fi @oikeuskansleri @Haavisto @anttikaikkonen @SuomenEduskunta @MarinSanna The conflict in #Ukraine was not opened by #Russia on Feb 24, but by Ukraine a week before.
- The #OSCE #France is a witness to this:
#BULLETINNo27 | MAR 2022
- Il pourrait s’agir de #mercenaires de la #CIA...
Read 48 tweets
Yesterday 29/10 at 4.20am
#naziUkraine, assisted by the fascist British colonial regime "carried out a terrorist attack on the ships of the Black Sea Fleet and civilian ships that were on the outer and inner roadsteads of the Sevastopol base."… Screenshot of post by Russian Ministry of Defence. The state2 of 2: "◽️It should be emphasised that the ships o
"The attack involved nine unmanned aerial vehicles and seven autonomous maritime drones.

The prompt measures taken by the forces of the #BlackSea Fleet destroyed all air targets."
"It should be emphasised that the ships of the #BlackSeaFleet that were subjected to the #terrorist attack are involved in ensuring the security of the ‘grain corridor’ as part of an international initiative to export agricultural products from Ukrainian ports."
Read 7 tweets
@guardian @thetimes
Shame on you for your treacherous support for #naziukraine as a proxy for expansionist,colonialist #Nato /US.
Shame on you Conservatives for the dirty bomb.
"Fake news:
#Ukraine is not preparing a 'dirty bomb' provocation. This is completely absurd. Mykhaylo Podolyak, advisor to the Ukrainian presidential office, stated this. Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba also denied these claims."
(....)… Screenshot of screenshots of various announcements about the2/ "The fact: Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu ha3/ "Earlier, RIA Novosti cited a source as saying that
"The fact:
Russian Defence Minister Sergey Shoygu has warned his counterparts from Turkey, France, Britain and the US about a planned provocation by Kyiv. Information about the ministers' phone calls was posted on foreign defence ministries' websites."
Read 7 tweets
Was nutzt #sozialeGerechtigkeit, wenn Putin-Russland die Menschen unterdrückt? Was nutzen #Bildung​seinrichtungen, wenn sie von #PutinHuilo's 2S19 zerstört werden? Was nützt #Rente, wenn Rentner ermordet werden #BorisRomantschenko?
Solange der (nach #UmbertoEco's #Urfaschismus) lupenreine Faschist #PutinHuilo die #Ukraine, Russland und Belarus angreift, muß Solidarität mit diesen Ländern und Völkern sein. #NieWieder #Faschismus! #StandWithUkraine #StandWithRussia against #PutinHuilo!…
Daher @dieLinke, verlassen Sie die Fünfte Kolonne gegen #Kyjiw!
Eine soziale Partei braucht Deutschland dringend. Eine Partei, die überwacht, daß #100Mrd #Sondervermögen zur Abschreckung Putin-Russland​s ϗ zum Kampf gegen den #Faschismus #PutinHuilo​s am Besten eingesetzt werden.
Read 5 tweets
Die Suche nach Oligarchenvermögen in Österreich geht nur schleppend voran (…) - ein Grund hierfür ist, dass z.B. das WiReg ("Register der wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer") nur einschränkt durchsuchbar ist. Unlösbar? Nein! Schauen wir uns dies an - ein Thread 🧵
Das WiReg wurde 2018 im Rahmen der Umsetzung von EU-Richtlinien für die Zwecke der Verhinderung von Geldwäscherei & Terrorismusfinanzierung eingerichtet & beinhaltet Daten über die wirtschaftlichen Eigentümer von Gesellschaften, Stiftungen & Trusts… 2/
Das zugrunde liegende Gesetz (…) sieht auch eine "öffentliche Einsicht" (…) vor - alllerdings zu einem hohen Preis von 3€/Abfrage & bspw. eingeschränkten Suchmöglichkeiten (nur Firmen-/keine Personensuche, keine Suchoperatoren etc) 3/
Read 15 tweets
1/32 Când a început invazia rusă în Ucraina, am început să colectăm tweet-uri pentru a putea identifica propaganda. Firul (foarte lung) de mai jos acoperă povestea #istandwithrussia și #istandwithputin. Inspirat de munca lui @marcowenjones.
2/ Mai întâi, câteva detalii despre date: am colectat ~210k tweet-uri pentru #istandwithputin, ~120k tweet-uri pentru #istandwithrussia, plus aproximativ 20k imagini atașate. Există o suprapunere semnificativă între cele două hashtag-uri, dar există și diferențe.
3/ Vom încerca să răspundem la „când, cine și ce” pentru aceste două hashtag-uri. Toate rezultatele sunt preliminare.
Read 32 tweets
Étant d'origine Russe, ayant de la famille sur place, j'en ai plus que marre du #RussianBashing des médias français, et des occidentaux moralisateurs en général. Que dirait les USA si la Russie allait installer des bases opérationnelle avancées au Mexique et à Cuba ? 1/2
De plus, n'oublions pas que les accords de Minsk ne concerne que les territoires de la Crimée et du Donbass. Les termes était l'arrêt de l'avancée des pro-russes au-delà de ces territoires. C'est ce qui a été fait. Poutine ne fait que reconnaître une république qui a déjà 8 ans.
Biden et les représentants de L'OTAN n'ont qu'à arrêter de prendre les gens pour des cons. N'avaient ils pas promis en 1989 de ne pas s'étendre en direction des frontières Russe ? Qui sème le vent, récolte la tempête.

#Ukraine #RussiaUkraineCrisis #Russia #UkraineCrisis #Donetsk
Read 90 tweets

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