Mobby Trump tried to torpedo the Investigation as early as March 2017, when he tried strong arm Sessions.
Cohen is fuqqed 8 ways to Sunday: SM releases 1 M items to gov’t.🍿
Australia, Germany, Estonia & Poland all had SIGINT on TeamTrump conspiring w/ RU.🤗
Was DonJr also involved with Flynn’s Turkish cleric kidnapping plot?
Erik Prince = Merc deals all over the globe.
WSJ sat on story of the Stormy hush money scheme five days before the Elex.
Hurricane Maria killed more than 4,600 people in Puerto Rico.😱
GOP gonna try to rip out the guts of the ACA again.😱
AMA lobby fighting stricter controls on Opiods.
Clapper: RU = most urgent nat’l security threat & China = biggest long-term threat.
TeamTrump and China = EB-5 VISA shenanigans.
Naughty Greitens resigns.
Disney cancels Roseann, watch the R lose their minds.
RU Spetsnaz - Bikers for Trump. active in FL.😱
US warns of NK malicious malware:
Arkady Babchenko RU Journalist murdered.
WH plans 25% tariff on CH goods. Who shorted market?
AU tightens security laws.
Sessions refused.……
Jones, the special master reviewing the material, said in letter to the judge, about 1 million items taken from the 3 phones haven’t been designated privileged or highly personal & subject to a final verification will be released to the gov’t…
“... in the first half of 2016, as Trump’s presidential bid gained unexpected steam, Australia, Germany, Estonia, and Poland all had SIGINT hits that indicated a troubling relationship between Trump and Moscow.
From DC to the DRC, Erik Prince keeps pitching new ideas , from proposals for privatized wars and spy agencies, to Frontier Services Group’s Belt & Road plans, to a new company
"There was only one thing to do here, and that was the right thing," Iger tweeted. Disney owns ABC…
Missouri Governor Eric Greitens announced he will resign over the scandals that have dominated his tenure.
The Republican governor has been embroiled in controversy after facing accusations of sexual misconduct and misusing a charity donor list.…
Mueller Investigation
Summary of Legal Documents Filed So Far (with links)
Was DonJr also involved with Flynn’s kidnapping plot?
Keith Davidson (Stormy’s former lawyer)
🌶We lurve our SpicyFiles🌶…
Manafort Request for seven unredacted search warrant affidavits denied by Judge:
“But my main point is that an existential crisis is no longer a figure of speech but the harsh reality. Europe needs to do something drastic to escape it. It needs to reinvent itself.” George Soros
Arkady Babchenko, killed on Tuesday, was a veteran of the Russian military turned critical reporter.
Critics of the Russian state are being murdered worldwide, including on US soil.”
What could go wrong?…
The alert provided a list of 87 IP addresses, four malicious files and two email addresses it said were associated with "Hidden Cobra." Malicious malware used to infect computers known as Joanhap to control and steal data…
Russia meets DC meets FARA meets LDA series 1 of 3
🌶We lurve our SpicyFiles🌶…
Update & reboot your routers
It is critical for everyone to
understand how Social Engineering psyops are promoted by bad actors/RU moles pretending to be DEMs operate via Social Media (SOCMED).
Goal = direct + control the narrative + divide
If outraged by X = propaganda disinfo/distraction
#/WhereAreTheChildren was a RIS Active Measure to outrage the left and make everyone fall for the disinfo spread by bots
Played right into Trump’s hands🤮
‼️Be Smart‼️
AgitProp = inflames outrage re hot button issues = propaganda = distraction

📌Unless you personally know the creator of the hashtag don’t amplify it, especially if it the hash tag promotes a hot button issue or the outrage du Jour.
📌They are Social Engineered psyops designed to outrage & divide DEMs distract us from the Mid Terms.
📌Beware of the proliferation of hashtags amplifying hair on fire distractions.
📌Outrage = distraction.
📌Designed to change the narrative away from the bombshells revealing the corruption & the treasonous acts committed by #TeamTreason.
United we stand strong, resolute and invincible.
Indict the #TeamTraitors now, pretty please.
Rest well #TeamPatriot