Am I doing it because I'm bored? nah.
Do I want to do something else? no.
Why then?
Totally afraid of fucking up.
So we'll sit here until the deadline waiting for me to not fuckup?
(telling on myself, to give myself a kick up the backside)
Step 2, draw something that looks like it follows the action on the previous page.
Step 3, write a bad line. (All it has to be is plausible, not finished)
Step 4, make the next panel to follow the first.
#edits can be done #later
#Fear of #blankpages is real
Or, if i like some panels and not others, i hold the page up to the light, trace the panel onto the back and do something else.
In this age of computers, you arent trapped.
No such thing as " #AllOrNothing "