"Why does Strzok have FBI lawyers"
Why were these FBI lawyers dictating what Strzok could say?
The easy answer is to protect the FBI.
This is wrong.
The correct answer is to protect the Ongoing Investigations.
Aitan Goelman zuckerman.com/people/aitan-d…
"We did not have confidence that Strzok’s decision to prioritize the Russia investigation over following up on the Midyear-related investigative lead discovered on the Weiner laptop was free from bias."
Why were Dems were so desperate to stop Rosenstein Hearing.
Why were Dems demanding release of Strzok testimony.
They were literally frightened.
Interruptions and objections by Dems were frequent and intense.
I encourage you to watch the entirety.
...I can tell you that the information that’s public about that doesn’t match with my understanding of the one that I signed.
I don’t do the investigations. I’m not the affiant.
Consider the ramifications if the FISA documents were falsified…
Another possibility: The LEAKS regarding what’s in the FISA Application are false.
Either way this was a big reveal.
Not by a long shot.
But some of it - like the FISA Revelation - did.
17 names.
Not everyone we want - but a good start.
Note the political hierarchy cutoff - by intent.
Recall: Strzok was escorted out of the FBI Building on Friday June 15, 2018.
Before his June 27, 2018 Congressional testimony.
But I do find it telling that Strzok has his own lawyer.
Yet FBI lawyers brought him to Congressional testimony.
But he was under OATH in a VERY public setting.
My own take echoes the one put forth by @_ImperatorRex_
One in which all the players are NOT equally privy to information.
I admire and like Jordan & Gaetz.
But I don't think they know everything that Nunes, Goodlatte & Grassley do.
Information that was supposed to come out did.
So why didn't Gowdy ask questions.
Why did he simply encourage everyone to hurry the hell up?
There is at least one more IG Report - the FISA Abuse Report.
There are probably several more beyond that.
But this hearing cracked the door. themarketswork.com/2018/06/28/ros…
This is Washington DC - at best we are dealing in shades of grey.
As someone else noted, this is about leverage.