And where the power goes, there you'll find the pedophiles.
Where blind loyalty leverages a notion of 'us vs them',
That's the real identity politics.
And when identity trumps ideology, you're ripe pickings for a con man.
And it leads you to overlook any reports of bad behaviour from those who are most likely to report it - those who aren't members of your ingroup (because those who are suffer the same malady as you).
Second: provide an alternative frame by which they can understand past events. I'll address this in the days to come.
Provide meaningful opportunities for them to help right the wrongs they unintentionally promoted; provide a path to help them rebuild their sense of self through helping others.
Now, tbh, I'm trained as an anthropologist, not a psychologist: while this feels something like a discussion of psychology, it deals in cognitive processes on a larger cultural scale.
The stories I know of are very likely to dredge up past trauma; in some cases could lead to psychological stress so great that suicide might seem an option.
Suicide is NOT an option.