FB Page: facebook.com/stephanebertra…

FB page: facebook.com/ericsuntrip/

His last #Video camping near a river in order to cool down. facebook.com/leptitvelo/vid…
Unbelievably, he rode over 300km for a few days in a row.
Fb page: facebook.com/leptitvelo/

📦They received a care package with even more tires (!!!) in #Kyzylorda and want you to guess how many they now have with them 😂😂
His last #vlog was in #Kiev
He was stopped by the police for emergency selfies, but also by the same fans who met with Raf and other participants thanks to our tracking system.

Videos on his FB Page: facebook.com/Jmerecycle/pos…

Was slowed down by a visa situation that stopped him ad the #Russia Kazakhstan border. He took advantage of the forced time off to make a pit stop and wait for his fellow adventurers.
FB Page: facebook.com/Team.O2feel.Ro…
Insta: instagram.com/roman.suntrip/

FB Page: facebook.com/Ecosunriders/

Dirk's FB: facebook.com/dirk.huyghe.9

FB: facebook.com/tscheni

#Video of his trip facebook.com/SerraSunTrip/v…
His FB: facebook.com/SerraSunTrip/

His FB: facebook.com/gregorylewyllie
And his site in #Dutch

#video #Russian 46tv.ru/pro/other/0004…
FB page: facebook.com/pozzofamillysu…
Blog: didierpozzobon.wixsite.com/pozzofamilysun…

Medalle's FB: facebook.com/francois.medal…
Blog: solar-occitan.fr

Her FB: facebook.com/francoise.dela…

Blog: petitprinceandcocycletour.blog

His FB: facebook.com/Un-Aventhuliez…

You may vote every day for the best blogger/communicator on #thesuntrip2018

Mohamed Said's in #Arabic facebook.com/canarias.said