Putin’s Attack on the U.S. Is Our Pearl Harbor
Make no mistake: Hacking the 2016 election was an act of war. It’s time we responded accordingly.
Former CIA Dir John Brennan called Trump’s performance in Helinski "nothing short of treasonous."
45 sold out his country to RU, then proudly affirmed it, live on camera.
A former intel agency chief just asked, "If the RUs didn't write 45’s talking points, how could you tell?"
Trump called the US inv’n of the interference “a disaster for our country.”
Comey: This was the day an US POTUS stood on foreign soil next to a murderous lying thug and refused to back his own country. Patriots need to stand up and reject the behavior of this president.
Trump sides with Putin & GRU over US interests, our CIA & DOJ
Trump’s summit in Helsinki with Putin went a long way toward achieving Putin’s most cherished goal, which is to return his vast and complicated nation to the exalted geopolitical status it long enjoyed as part of the Soviet Union. #TeamTrumpTreason
Brennan: Trump’s press conference performance in Helsinki rises to & exceeds the threshold of “high crimes & misdemeanors.” It was nothing short of treasonous. Not only were 45’s comments imbecilic, he is wholly in the pocket of Putin. @GOP Patriots ??
Patriot: A person who loves, supports, and defends his or her country and its interests with devotion.
Traitor: A person who commits treason by betraying his or her country.
Butina the Woman Who Sought Secret Meeting for 45 & Putin Is Charged as RU Agent
Trump takes the word of a hostile dictator who murders his political enemies over that of Americans intelligence agencies and the American Justice Department.
Bolton spent more than $1 million of his John Bolton Super PAC’s money on Cambridge Analytica.
Butina: US liberal (in the US sense of the word "liberal") media are attacking their president over & over again for his position on RU . This is the time when RU itself has to make a step towards [US] and show that we are ready to cooperate with Trump.
Plutonium went missing in San Antonio, but the government says nothing
More than a year later, state and federal officials don't know where the plutonium – one of the most valuable and dangerous substances on earth – is. Nor has the cesium been recovered.
DOJ announces the indictment & arrest of RU Nat’l Mariia Butina, for "infiltrating organizations having influence in American politics, for the purpose of advancing the interests of the Russian Federation."
#Butina was arrested yesterday.

One month after Trump announced his campaign for the WH he spoke to Maria Butina, in Las Vegas in July 2015, Butina asked Trump what he would do as president about “damaging” US sanctions. Trump suggested he would get rid of them.😈😈👿
NRA & CNP, YOU FUCKING TRAITORS Tambov gang (RU mafia) groomed Putin.
Mercury LLC a US firm tried to enlist ambs to help Oleg Deripraska’s Rusal currently under sanctions.
Putin’s Attack on the U.S. Is Our Pearl Harbor
Make no mistake: Hacking the 2016 election was an act of war. It’s time we responded accordingly.
H/T @markhertling
Donald Trump sold out his country to Russia, then proudly affirmed it, live on camera. A former intelligence agency chief just asked me, "If the Russians didn't write Trump's talking points, how could you tell?"
Former US intelligence chiefs expressed astonishment and condemnation Monday in response to Trump's comments at Monday's news conference with Putin, with former CIA Dir John Brennan calling the Trump’s performance "nothing short of treasonous."
Trump takes the word of a hostile dictator who murders his political enemies over that of Americans intelligence agencies and the American Justice Department.
Which begs the question what really went on between TeamTrump & Russia’s GRU.
Trump failed to pushback.
Trump called the US investigation of the interference “a disaster for our country.”
Trump’s summit in Helsinki with Putin went a long way toward achieving Putin’s most cherished goal, which is to return his vast and complicated nation to the exalted geopolitical status it long enjoyed as part of the Soviet Union.
It may take the election of a GOP to the WH in 2016 to improve relations between the RU Federation & the US. As improbable as it may sound, the RU bear shares more interests with the GOP elephant than the DEM donkey.
H/T @USseriously
One month after Trump announced his campaign for the WH he spoke to Maria Butina, in Las Vegas in July 2015, Butina asked Trump what he would do as president about “damaging” US sanctions. Trump suggested he would get rid of them.
John Kerry 👇🏼👇🏼
Patriot Sally Yates:
Patriot Senator Diane Feinstein
Patriot Senator Schumer
Patriot Sheldon Whitehouse
Rep Dana Traitorbacher on Bloomberg TV says ‘US meddles in Russian elections at "much higher rate" than Russia does in our elections’ 🙄🙄🙄
Patriot John Brennan
Patriot DNI Coats:
Patriot Mark Warner
Patriot Republican Sen. Ben Sasse: Trump should declare Russia an 'enemy of America'
Patriot Jeff Flake
Senator Burr
Patriot Tim Ryan
Patriot Susan Collins
Interesting remarks by Traitor Gowdy
Patriot Liz Cheney
Patriot Senator John McCain
Orin Hatch
Patriot(!) Michael Cohen
Patriot Jamie Raskin
PBO Admin & intel officials,said the rec’n that AdmRogers be removed was not related to Trump’s interest in hiring him. Instead, they argued, it was driven by breaches during Admiral Rogers’s tenure at the NSA & his leadership of the agency.
More than a year later, state and federal officials don't know where the plutonium – one of the most valuable and dangerous substances on earth – is. Nor has the cesium been recovered.
Brings the receipts:
NRA CPAC GOP, etc. you are toast. 🔥
@LouiseMensch 🎯
EXCLUSIVE: Sheriff Clarke ‘Attacked Black Lives Matter on Putin’s Orders’
Paul Ryan Taped With Russian Ambassador On @GOP Money Laundering
Maria Butina and......
#TeamPatriot 🇺🇸
July 16, 2018
Sleep well #TeamPatriot