A rough and useful metric is Reply/Retweet Ratio. If your tweet has higher replies than retweets, basically it moves against popular opinion/sucks.
A Reply/Retweet Ratio>1 , generally indicates a blah tweet (meaning not appreciated by followers)
An Exception @realDonaldTrump who through his tweets brought mojo back on twitter.
Lets plot his retweet/reply ratio over years.
(I Scraped his tweets and plotted Reply/RT ratio over years

Rahul gandhi as well has a low Reply/RT ratio ever since he started tweeting(a bit late)

@sagarikaghose consistently bad ratio , which worsened after her internet hindu coinage around 2011-12

His ratio has stayed constant<1. implying consistent messaging appreciated by followers

1. Splines were used to smooth trends, at extremes(limited data,wider confidence bands) these cross<0 ,which is theoretically impossible , but overall GAM is a good representation of trends
2. A minimum of 20 k tweets randomly sampled from these account wa ss used