When the Steele dossier came out, Cohen denied its allegation that he traveled there and even sued Buzzfeed over it—only to drop the case right around the time McClatchy reported he may have gone there after all. (5/8) politico.com/story/2018/04/…
Cohen recently claimed Trump knew about it in advance, and that he was present when Trump found out about the Russian offer of dirt on Hillary Clinton. (6/8) cnn.com/2018/07/26/pol…
There are lots of outstanding questions, from when he and Felix Sater stopped pursuing it to why Sater said they could “engineer” Trump's election by completing it. (7/8) themoscowproject.org/dispatch/four-…
Cohen’s work with Trump, including in the former Soviety Union, means he knows more about the Trump Organization than almost anybody. His answers in that realm would almost certainly be useful to Mueller. (8/8) newyorker.com/news/news-desk…