This is a thread showing how those who told the truth about Syria were targeted and are still being targeted today
In June 2012 gunmen attacked pro-Syrian government TV station al-Ikhbariya. They killed 7 employees and kidnapped others.…
In Aug 2012 US/UK backed "rebels" kidnapped a al-Ikhbariya TV crew while they were filming near Damascus. "Rebels" later executed the driver. The rest of the crew were rescued by the Syrian Army one week later
Al-Akhbariya journalist Yarah Saleh and her crew are welcomed back after having being been rescued by the Syrian Army from the US/UK-backed "rebels" of the Free Syrian Army (FSA) who kidnapped them
Yara Saleh: "They treated us so badly ... one of them wanted to rape me"…
"Rebels" executed the assistant cameraman Hatem Abu Yehya not the driver…
Hosein Mortada was injured
Their crime: They were reporting the truth about what was really happening in Syria
Naser was assassinated five days later by a "rebel" sniper.
Maya Naser: "No matter how many Al Qaeda fighters are sent to my country, we'll continue enjoying our life and I'll keep holding my girlfriend’s hand in the streets.
I will not be anyone but this Syrian Man"

She was killed the next day.