Ex Al Qaeda leader Nabeel Naim: "Baghdadi is a US agent. It's known that US released him from prison and he spent $20 to $30 million to establish these ISIS groups. The first ISIS camps were in Jordan supervised by US Marines
1. ISIS commander, Gulmurod Khalimov, former US-trained special forces commander from Tajikistan
2. ISIS commander, Abu Omar al-Shishani, trained by US special-forces in Georgia seattletimes.com/nation-world/t…

Operation Cyclone (1979-1989): US spent billions of dollars arming and training extremists from all over the Arab world to fight the Soviets in Afghanistan
2 abcnews.go.com/International/…
US intelligence knew from the outset that their proxies in Syria were radical extremist terrorists but they armed and trained them anyway
August 2013
The "moderate" not-so-Syrian "rebels" US supported in Syria