Day 553 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 340 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injured 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Pat Tillman was exploited to attack Colin Kaepernick, biographer says.
The last White House press briefing was 2-and-a-half weeks ago on August 22.
There have only been 7 on-camera briefings in all of July and August (7/2, 7/18, 7/23, 8/2, 8/14, 8/15, 8/22).
Two Guatemalan families are suing 12 Trump admin officials, including Jeff Sessions, John Kelly, and Kirstjen Nielsen, for violating their due-process rights and discriminating against them during the separation of immigrant families.…
“I just want my kid back.”
Russian lawmaker: North Korea's leader confirmed readiness to visit Russia - RIA
Trump expecting 'positive' letter from North Korea's Kim Jong-un soon.
What's with all these letters between Putin, Kim and Trump?
What are the "certain circumstances?" Don't ask me if I've committed a crime?…
The allegations, criminal convictions, and apparent conflicts among Trump and his associates is truly staggering.…
DNC lawyers wrote in court filings that Joseph Mifsud, the London-based professor who told George Papadopoulos that Russia had 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton, "is missing and may be deceased," Bloomberg News reports. The lawyers did not elaborate.…
George Papadopoulos says that he "can't guarantee" that he didn't tell Trump campaign colleagues about the Russian 'dirt' on Hillary Clinton.…
The Trump admin held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, according officials who participated in the talks.…
Trump is at his golf course in Virginia. More than half the days over the past three months he's either visited a Trump property or held a rally.…
Remember when Trump said he'd never see his golf courses ... would be working all the time?
A reminder that Trump personally profits off of taxpayer money spent at his golf courses.…
One reminder on this: Many of Trump's own products are not made in the United States.
Trump’s threat of new tariffs that would cover all Chinese imports just happens to take place after his daughter shut down her fashion brand, which relied on Chinese imports.…
5 storylines to watch in the unfolding saga of Donald Trump and Bob Woodward
Public servants used to quit on principle. Now, they leak to Bob Woodward and write op-eds in The New York Times, @DickPolman1 writes:
✔️@DNC break-in under investigation.
✔️@POTUS weighing firing his attorney general, special prosecutor or both.
✔️John Dean testifying about a cancer on the presidency.
✔️@realBobWoodward driving @POTUS crazy.…
Hey Rudy, Woodward is not Mueller!
Trump believes he’s narrowing in on the writer of the NYT op-ed that blasted him: report
I still contend this was another distraction stunt by Trump.
NY Times writer: Jared Kushner told me to write flattering columns about Trump to be in his "good graces"
Trump has warned that the stock market would plummet if he were impeached. Barclays disagrees.
The S&P 500 tripled under President Obama.
BTW: annual deficit, job growth, real wage increases, gas prices, interest rates, trade deficit "aren't better off"
Ryan and McConnell used props and flattery to convince Trump against shutting down the government. Great story by @damianpaletta, @ericawerner & @jdawsey1…
Campaigning in California for 7 Democratic candidates, Obama says, "This is a government for everybody. It's not for sale. That's what we believe in." (via CBS)
Barack Obama: "We are bound not by bloodlines, not by what we look like, not by the way that we practice our faith, not by our last names ... We are bound by a set of ideals." (via Bloomberg)
Barack Obama: "Always tempting for politicians, for their own gain and for people in power, to try to see if they can divide people, scapegoat folks ... And that, unfortunately, has been a spiral that we've been on for the last couple of years."
Miss West Virginia said during her Miss America contestant interview, "Donald Trump is the biggest issue our country faces. Unfortunately he has caused a lot of division in our country."
Summer Zervos made progress in her defamation case against Trump. Attorneys have signed a stipulation agreement that both parties will provide written answers to interrogatories. Answers are under oath and could be exposed to perjury charges.…
The former chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee accuses Kavanaugh of perjuring himself.
A criminal complaint and judicial ethics complaint are being filed against Kavanaugh for perjury in Congressional testimony — and LOOK WHO’S REVIEWING IT!
Happy Saturday, everyone!

Top Trump adviser Mick Mulvaney says that Republicans could lose races where they've nominated candidates who aren't seen as "likable" enough, like Ted Cruz.…
Trump is apparently still "bewildered" at Roy Moore's defeat. Mick Mulvaney says that Trump asks him "all the time, 'Why did Roy Moore lose?'"…
Putting aside the content of Mulvaney's remarks... Why is the country's chief consumer financial watchdog speaking before a gathering of political donors in NYC that likely include people he regulates?…
House Democrats are calling for an investigation into the legality and political motivation behind the Trump admin's recent subpoenas demanding millions of North Carolina voter records.
Democratic AGs from key states say they haven't been invited by the DOJ to its upcoming review of tech companies and online filtering, prompting criticism that the Trump admin inquiry is politically charged.…
Why is Ryan Zinke trying so hard conceal who he’s meeting with on his public calendar?…
The Trump administration’s failure to properly vet a top FEMA nominee for ethics issues made the agency less able to effectively respond to natural disasters.…
Mike Pompeo traded down when he moved to DC from his 5,500 sq. ft. house in Wichita. Now he’s found a fix: move into a stately government-owned house usually reserved for admirals.…
A group of sheriffs gave Trump a troubling ovation after he called journalists ‘very, very dishonest’.
Here's a taste of local media scrutiny of 10 of them.…
Update: The unenthusiastic “plaid shirt guy” at the Montana Trump rally was detained and IDed by police and the Secret Service after being removed from the bleachers and then escorted out of the arena.…
59 Days until midterm elections.
We've got great candidates, great energy, and great issues. Take nothing for granted -- we can't let up.
To power a 🌊 this November, make SURE you're registered, help others register & vote early!
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
"If this book has a single point to drive home, it is that the president of the United States is a congenital liar."
Oh wow! Page Six reports that Rudy Giuliani's estranged wife, Judith, is planning to write a tell-all about him.…