MC:”A source close to the situation tells @Acosta that the parameters of the reopened FBI background investigation into Kavanaugh will be determined by the FBI itself.”
E-mails Show That Republican Senate Staff Stymied a Kavanaugh Accuser’s Effort to Give Testimony

ABA: Delay Kavanaugh until FBI investigates assault allegations
Pelosi: Ryan & House GOP just passed #TaxScam2 — another handout to the already-rich & corporations shipping jobs overseas.
Oh, and they'll pay for it by gutting Medicare, Medicaid & Social Security.

Rosenstein to meet with lawmakers over report he sought to secretly record Trump
📌GOP Move to strong arm RR into resigning or else (McCabe)
📌Heavy RU Influence Op tracked re Kavanaugh: driving support for the nominee and attempting to discredit Dr. Blasey Ford
Trump tells GOP to "do what they think is right" on Kavanaugh
However, Trump said he has not considered a back-up nominee to replace Kavanuagh.
Rob Goldstone, The go-between in the Trump Tower meeting offers clue to 'golden shower' claim in dossier
"If the FBI or any LE agency requests Mr. Judge’s cooperation, he will answer any & all ??s posed to him."
Dr. Ford offers powerful testimony in the #MeToo era
Ford describes ‘civic duty’ to share her story, b/c slow progress decades after Anita Hill’s ordeal
📌Dean of Yale Law School - Heather Gerken called for an investigation prior to confirmation vote:
“Proceeding with the confirmation process without further investigation is not in the best interest of the Court or our profession”
#RuleOfLaw #Constitution

Voting Machine Used in Half of US Is Vulnerable to Attack, Report Finds
Atty Michael Bromwich is representing Dr. Ford accusing Kav of sexual assault, is doing so pro bono.
Remember Dr. Ford went to the FBI re the death threats.
📌@Gop operatives: be afraid
📌DEMs on the House HIC have requested an intel briefing on Trump's accusations that China has tried to interfere in the midterm elections.
A judge just ruled that congressional DEMs have standing to sue Trump for allegedly violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause
Trump signs spending bill avoiding Oct. 1 government shutdown, and increasing Pentagon spending by almost $20 billion
Facebook discovered a security issue allowing hackers to access information that could have let them take over around 50 million accounts.
Kavanaugh is something far more dangerous — a smart, hardworking, deeply ideological hack.
If he’s confirmed to the Supreme Court, expect him to be extraordinarily effective in pushing a severely conservative agenda detrimental to women’s rights & safety.
Zuck is taking control of Instagram & WhatsApp to protect the ‘prized child’
Dr. Ford welcomes FBI investigation, 'no artificial limits as to time or scope should be imposed'
📌How to handle sexual misconduct hearings, in Kav’s own words re Bill Clinton Hearings
@LindseyGrahamSC is now under investigation by @TheDemCoalition for campaign finance violations and his links to RU-tied interests.
We found some sketchy things in his filings and also uncovered Russian ties.
We will deliver a report on our findings this weekend.
JD: “Vitaly Milonov, an ultra-conservative lawmaker from Putin’s United Russia party, calls for feminists to be subjected to forced psychiatric treatment or imprisonment. On state television, Milonov argues that feminists are not people, but "monkeys" & "witches."……
E-mails Show That Republican Senate Staff Stymied a Kavanaugh Accuser’s Effort to Give Testimony…
The flaw in Election Systems & Software’s Model 650 high-speed ballot-counting machine was detailed in 2007…
“Kavanaugh was added to Trump’s SCOTUS list on November 17, 2017 AFTER the Manafort & Gates indictments. BUT Judicialnetwork bought confirmkavanaugh Feb 2017.”
cc: @Maddow @Lawrence @MaddowBlog @washingtonpost @nytpolitics @CNNPolitics @SenFeinstein @KamalaHarris
The conservative dirty tricks op behind Kavanaugh.…
cc: @LindseyGrahamSC @ChuckGrassley @SenFeinstein @KamalaHarris……
Facebook discovered a security issue that allowed hackers to access information that could have let them take over around 50 million accounts.
Senate GOP agrees to one-week delay on Kavanaugh confirmation to allow for FBI probe
👉🏼Kavanaugh is effectively trapped in his lies before the JSC..
“Court finds that plaintiffs have standing to sue the President for allegedly violating the Foreign Emoluments Clause”
📌GOP Move to strong arm RR into resigning or else (McCabe)…
Re: Kavanaugh’s ties to FL shenanigans:
Why the Petrobras conviction and agreement to pay $850M is a BFD.…
Ford describes ‘civic duty’ to share her story, highlighting slow progress decades after Anita Hill’s hearing
H/T @LincolnsBible……
@LindseyGrahamSC @ChuckGrassley @SenFeinstein @KamalaHarris @BenSasse @JeffFlake @amyklobuchar @SenBooker………
Mark Zuckerberg is taking control of Instagram and WhatsApp to protect the ‘prized child’. But are his team up to the challenges?………
🎥Here are some of the most powerful moments from Kavanaugh's testimony.……
Is July 1, 1982 the date of the Party in question re Kav’s alleged assault of Dr. Ford. GOP immediately shut down that line of questioning asap. 👇🏼👇🏼………
Everything you need to know:
And why Christine Blasey Ford was.…
Russian-US tycoon boasted of ‘active’ involvement in Trump election campaign
Exclusive: Simon Kukes was in contact with senior Kremlin official in 2016 while donating to Trump-supporting committee…
DonJr, Kush, Hope Hicks, Keith Schiller, Roger Stone, some former Obama administration officials.…
“What does he know? What did he do in life?” said Yossi Beilin, a former Israeli official who held secret talks that resulted in the Oslo Peace Accords.…………
“Vitaly Milonov, an ultra-conservative from Putin’s U RU party, calls for feminists to be subjected to forced psychiatric treatment or imprisonment.
On state television, Milonov argues that feminists are not people, but "monkeys" & "witches."
E.P.A. to Eliminate Office That Advises Agency Chief on Science…
Fox News fires contributor for calling Kavanaugh accusers "lying skanks”……
“Rove’s quest for a “permanent Republican majority” can’t happen without the courts. It has to be Kavanaugh.” 👇🏼👇🏼…
📌GOP believe more Kavanaugh allegations may surface in the coming days, according to Politico
📌GOP KNOW more Kav allegations WILL surface in the coming days (because they ALREADY know most of them).…
Over 50 Groups Call on @chuckGrassley to Resign as Judiciary Committee Chair…
Wow! The SJC hearing revealed the antipathy @Gop @senjudiciary have toward procedure/Rule of Law-Mavericks excepted.#Flake
Best wishes for a good night’s sleep More bombshells are incoming.
Stay buckled up as we ride another insane roller coaster tomorrow.
Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
September 28, 2018
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA