Day 637 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 427 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546 and Congress has taken NO action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

Today we remember the tragic events of Dec. 2, 2015 when 14 people lost their lives and 22 others were wounded during a mass shooting at the Inland Regional Center in San Bernardino…
There have been more military suicides since 2003 than the number of troops killed in Iraq.…
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now more than 14,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"…
Southwest Key has collected $626M in government funds from housing migrant children this past year.
The nonprofit has stockpiled taxpayer dollars and possibly engaged in self-dealing with top executives.
Trump says next meeting with North Korea's Kim likely in early 2019
AP Fact Check: Trump said he was transparent about the Moscow project, but there's no record of him mentioning it in 2015 or 2016.
His denials of biz dealings with Moscow were cast in the present tense, gliding over any deals proposed in the past.…
It seems Mueller delayed Cohen's admission of guilt until after Trump had submitted his written answers. Mueller surely asked Trump about the Moscow project.
Trump's answers were likely locked in before he could factor in Cohen's admissions.…
"Trump hid from voters one of the most significant conflicts of interest in the modern history of U.S. political campaigns."…
"Imagine how all this looked to Putin ... Trump was willing to secretly engage with him for Trump's own personal benefit. That, no doubt, was the type of fellow Putin would prefer sitting in the White House."…
The House Financial Services Committee, which Dems will soon control, has the power to subpoena Deutsche Bank for records on its relationship with Trump, the Trump Org. and the Kushners. It seems almost certain the committee will deploy that power.…
Trump looks for people who share his disregard for the truth and are willing to parrot him, "even if it's a lie, even if they know it's a lie, and even if he said the opposite the day before," said Gwenda Blair, a Trump biographer.…
Jerry Nadler says the revelation that Cohen lied to Congress amounted to proof that Russia had "leverage" over Trump during the 2016 campaign.
"The fact that [Trump] was lying ... and the Kremlin knew he was lying gave the Kremlin a hold over him."…
Adam Schiff on Michael Cohen's plea deal: "There is now a witness who confirms that, in the same way Michael Flynn as compromised, that the president and his business are compromised." (via ABC)
Adam Schiff on the charge that Paul Manafort lied in his testimony to Mueller: "[Trump] continues to dangle a pardon for Paul Manafort, which only adds to the growing body of evidence that the president is engaged in obstructing justice." (via ABC)
Trump labeled as a 'major subject of interest' in a federal investigation.…
Matthew Whitaker needs to recuse from investigations into Trump.…
Jamal Khashoggi's private WhatsApp messages may offer new clues to killing. And Saudi royals using military grade spyware from an Israeli company .... @CNN
Republicans and Democrats in deeply divided Washington are coming together in outrage over the White House coverup of Jamal Khashoggi's murder:
No Collusion.
We Expected Collusion.
We think Collusion is Awesome.
We'd Like To Thank Trump for Colluding.… via @TPM
"[Trump] is an international businessman. I'm not surprised he was doing international business," @SenJohnBarrasso says of the president's business negotiations with Russia during the 2016 campaign.…
Roger Stone on ABC, on his July 2016 emails to Corsi to ‘get to Assange’: “There was no response to that. I mean, If I send you an email saying, ‘George, let’s r—you should rob a bank,’ but you don’t rob a bank, neither one of us are guilty of robbery.”
Adam Schiff says Roger Stone is vulnerable to charges of lying to Congress.
"It looks like Mr. Stone was attempting to enlist Mr. Corsi's help in covering for false testimony."
Giuliani accuses Mueller team of "intimidating" Trump allies: "They think they are God"
Since when is providing a reduced sentence for admitting guilt considered "intimidating"?
Three days after the election, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov told Interfax "there were contacts" between the Russian government and Trump campaign. Dmitry Peskov said such contacts were "quite normal." (1/2)…
People sometimes quote Hope Hicks' response: "It never happened," she said. "There was no communication between the campaign and any foreign entity during the campaign." But Russians' remarks are often left out. They knew. They always knew. (2/2)…
Mattis at Reagan Library today on Russia: “There's no doubt the relationship has worsened. He (Putin) tried again to muck around in our elections last month and we are seeing a continued effort along those lines.”
I think the new house might want to investigate this.
Lawyer: Comey drops legal challenge to Republican congressional subpoena and will agree to closed-door deposition, but lawmakers agreed to release full transcript of his testimony within 24 hours, and he in turn is free to make all or part of it available to the public.
Trump’s statement on trade talks *differ* from Chinese statement…
Trump’s diminishing foreign travel reflects a scaling back of foreign ambition…
The Trump admin has approved companies to conduct seismic surveys off the Atlantic Coast.
One model prediction from 2014 found nearly 2.5 million dolphins would be harassed or possibly killed by acoustic sound blasts each year in the Atlantic.…
Nearly a month after their 40-seat loss, House Republicans have done little soul-searching. But now some rank-and-file are speaking out.
The biggest worry: The Trump Factor may be unfixable, spurring more retirements & hampering 2020 recruitment…
Number of uninsured children in America grows for the first time in nearly a decade.
"The reversal is unprecedented, particularly given a strong economy in which more people are landing jobs."
The Debt Collection Forum is an annual trade show put on for the debt-collection industry, the sort of event that hosts seminars on topics like “Trump and the CFPB.” In April, it will take place in Chicago—at the Trump International Hotel and Tower.…
The incoming House Homeland Security Chair says Dems will undertake wide-ranging scrutiny of the justifications behind the top items in Trump's immigration agenda, from family separations, to the Muslim ban, to the migrants at the border.…
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Trump wants Kim to know he likes him and will fulfill his wishes, South Korean leader says | Article [AMP] | Reuters…
Trump brags about fully funding the military -- but an audit showed they have no idea where the money went.…